I have seen no reaction to the contents of the socialist coup implied in  the Canadian throne speech delivered on 23 September.  As the article exclaims: "Canada is quietly going through a socialist coup.

If I had written these words just one year ago, it would have been deemed conspiratorial. But I have heard from too many Canadians over the past six months about what they have seen taking place. Ever since Justin Trudeau tried to grant himself king-like powers at the beginning of the COVID crisis, what we have been witnessing in Canada is a socialist coup that we, the taxpayers, are funding."

Mores to the point, "Under this socialist revolution, there is no need to confiscate your property — they can simply redistribute your wealth through a home equity tax, confiscate hunting firearms that were legally purchased and owned, increase a ubiquitous carbon tax, or even potentially confiscate a portion of your retirement savings through a new tax on the private sale of your home.

Many Canadians rightly fear the repercussions of Trudeau transforming Canada into a cashless society. They have told me that they are afraid the Liberals will impose a social credit score, similar to the one that exists in China where people’s behaviours are monitored through 5G cameras; for this reason, they also distrust the COVID Alert app."

Personally, that sounds like the call to take up arms as the de facto PM, a clear puppet of either HM's Garter boys of the Empire or the BEIC, or both, is leading a campaign that has not the best interests of Canada at its core, but the exploitative interest of the Empire that seeks just another genocidal victim of their mindless hegemony and colonial interests that are not legally supported in the corporation that is Canada.

Because Canada is only a corporation, what we may be viewing is a flim-flam based on the fact that 99% of Canada's residents have no bleeding idea that the country is not a country but merely a corporation and does not legally function like normal countries, so the de facto PM's wild eyed power grab is or may be just another useless attempt to destroy yet another location by the ever greedy and pernicious influences that own the stock thereof, generated by the de facto PM's purported father, the Marxist Pierre.
