• BREAKING: THE 155 MILLION DOLLAR PHOTO... Mitch McConnell got $89 million in kickbacks while Chuck Schumer had $66 million of our tax dollars to Ukraine laundered into his pocketbook, says top Ukrainian official
    🚨🚨 BREAKING: THE 155 MILLION DOLLAR PHOTO... Mitch McConnell got $89 million in kickbacks while Chuck Schumer had $66 million of our tax dollars to Ukraine laundered into his pocketbook, says top Ukrainian official
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 318 Ansichten

    The blonde clerk did an excellent job, props to her
    both clerks did good actually, they should be proud, both of them

    "#DWI Checkpoints" have been deemed unconstitutional as I understand it! But saving that.... This guy SAVES EVERY PERSON ARRESTED a tow fee!

    He asked them about towing vehicles......
    And they actually didn't tow any!

    These scumbags just like destroying your life and costing you money!
    Wrecker Drivers likely kick back these scumbags some cash.....
    As they destroy YOUR LIFE!

    COP GOES HANDS ON! DIRTY KICKBACKS, LYING LIEUTENANT... East Aurora PD The blonde clerk did an excellent job, props to her both clerks did good actually, they should be proud, both of them "#DWI Checkpoints" have been deemed unconstitutional as I understand it! But saving that.... This guy SAVES EVERY PERSON ARRESTED a tow fee! He asked them about towing vehicles...... And they actually didn't tow any! These scumbags just like destroying your life and costing you money! Wrecker Drivers likely kick back these scumbags some cash..... As they destroy YOUR LIFE! https://youtu.be/2DM8BaTSE34
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1435 Ansichten
  • P. DIDDY: Jeffrey Epstein of the Rap Industry

    This is a satanic POS scumbag and a #Rapist
    Until people allow their balls to drop, and go after these people...
    This BS will continue!

    If you don't want to be exposed for being a #Pedophile.....

    If you don't want to be exposed for being a #Pervert and a #Criminal.....

    This country is ruled over by a corrupt and #Evil #Corporation!
    They are NOT your "government"

    They are a CORPORATION guilty of #Fraud and deception!
    Every last one of them should be in PRISON for their crimes against Americans!

    These people KNOW they are part of a criminal organization!
    The #Judges KNOW, the prosecutors KNOW, the #Police KNOW!

    They get kickbacks from putting YOU in jail based on a "Legal Fiction"
    They CLAIM that you "consent" to representing this "Legal Fiction"
    But that is PURE BS! (and they KNOW IT IS!)

    While the "Godless Wanderer" is certainly spiritually LOST......
    He's right on target with his claim!

    Godless Wanderer

    They're not going to prison. They are going back home. They'll say they're going to prison and it will look like they're going to prison. Like Epstein, they're really just going to go back home,

    You think these demons are building bunkers for no reason?
    They'll come up with a story like "He went to prison" or "we executed him"
    But in reality he'll be hustled off to a deep underground military base, where their Nephilim buddies are

    He continues, claiming that they "came from where maps don't show" which is also very possible!

    YOU are a prisoner here!
    If you were not a prisoner YOU COULD GO TO #ANTARCTICA AND EXPLORE!
    But you CAN'T!

    Because YOU are a #Slave!
    You are a SLAVE in the prison of your own mind!

    The #Globe is an invisible PRISON
    And the controllers are just slave-masters!

    Unfortunately..... it seems people have no balls these days, and they are okay with being SLAVES who are ruled over by #Luciferian scumbags like Diddy

    P. DIDDY: Jeffrey Epstein of the Rap Industry This is a satanic POS scumbag and a #Rapist Until people allow their balls to drop, and go after these people... This BS will continue! If you don't want to be exposed for being a #Pedophile..... DON'T BE A PEDOPHILE! If you don't want to be exposed for being a #Pervert and a #Criminal..... DON'T BE A PERVERT AND A CRIMINAL! This country is ruled over by a corrupt and #Evil #Corporation! They are NOT your "government" They are a CORPORATION guilty of #Fraud and deception! Every last one of them should be in PRISON for their crimes against Americans! These people KNOW they are part of a criminal organization! The #Judges KNOW, the prosecutors KNOW, the #Police KNOW! They get kickbacks from putting YOU in jail based on a "Legal Fiction" They CLAIM that you "consent" to representing this "Legal Fiction" But that is PURE BS! (and they KNOW IT IS!) While the "Godless Wanderer" is certainly spiritually LOST...... He's right on target with his claim! Godless Wanderer THAT'S HOW THEY ARE GOING TO GET "THEIR PEOPLE" OUT... They're not going to prison. They are going back home. They'll say they're going to prison and it will look like they're going to prison. Like Epstein, they're really just going to go back home, You think these demons are building bunkers for no reason? They'll come up with a story like "He went to prison" or "we executed him" But in reality he'll be hustled off to a deep underground military base, where their Nephilim buddies are He continues, claiming that they "came from where maps don't show" which is also very possible! YOU are a prisoner here! If you were not a prisoner YOU COULD GO TO #ANTARCTICA AND EXPLORE! But you CAN'T! Because YOU are a #Slave! You are a SLAVE in the prison of your own mind! The #Globe is an invisible PRISON And the controllers are just slave-masters! Unfortunately..... it seems people have no balls these days, and they are okay with being SLAVES who are ruled over by #Luciferian scumbags like Diddy https://www.bitchute.com/video/8a89UTjvtLi9/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2867 Ansichten
  • Putin, Tucker & Truth, Scotus Smashes Insurrection, Debt Surge - Greg Hunter


    Tucker Carlson interviewed Vladimir Putin, and the Deep State melted down. They called him a “Mouthpiece for Putin,” a “traitor” and threatened to sanction Carlson. Why? The truth is a powerful thing, and the Deep State wants you to think the lies they are telling you about the Ukraine war are true. This against a backdrop of the US Senate sending another $60 billion for a war that has already cost the lives of 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers. Putin says he is ready to stop the war and negotiate a peace deal. It is dangerous for you to hear that blasphemy when so much money and kickbacks are being made off a war that was lost long ago. Way to go, Tucker!

    The Left and RINO Republicans think that Trump can win in 2024; otherwise, they would not be trying everything they can to stop him. When the lawsuits looked like a bust, they started trying to take Trump off the ballot state by state for the so-called insurrection on January 6th. The case of the Colorado removal of Trump off their ballots in November was heard by the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) today. The lawyers for Colorado trying to keep Trump off the ballot were destroyed and so was the “insurrection” narrative. It looks like a win from SCOTUS is coming for Trump and “We the People.”

    If you think the Biden economy is good, you are in the tiny minority. According to the Federal Reserve, credit card debt hit a record $1.13 trillion, and delinquencies surged 50%. That is not the sign of a healthy economy, but a very sick consumer living paycheck to paycheck and stretching it all out by maxing out their credit cards. It is only going to get worse as layoffs surge, while the government labor statistics tell us that unemployment is going down when the opposite is true. Remember, this is an election year, and the lies are going to be big.
    Putin, Tucker & Truth, Scotus Smashes Insurrection, Debt Surge - Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v4cbtsi-putin-tucker-and-truth-scotus-smashes-insurrection-debt-surge.html Tucker Carlson interviewed Vladimir Putin, and the Deep State melted down. They called him a “Mouthpiece for Putin,” a “traitor” and threatened to sanction Carlson. Why? The truth is a powerful thing, and the Deep State wants you to think the lies they are telling you about the Ukraine war are true. This against a backdrop of the US Senate sending another $60 billion for a war that has already cost the lives of 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers. Putin says he is ready to stop the war and negotiate a peace deal. It is dangerous for you to hear that blasphemy when so much money and kickbacks are being made off a war that was lost long ago. Way to go, Tucker! The Left and RINO Republicans think that Trump can win in 2024; otherwise, they would not be trying everything they can to stop him. When the lawsuits looked like a bust, they started trying to take Trump off the ballot state by state for the so-called insurrection on January 6th. The case of the Colorado removal of Trump off their ballots in November was heard by the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) today. The lawyers for Colorado trying to keep Trump off the ballot were destroyed and so was the “insurrection” narrative. It looks like a win from SCOTUS is coming for Trump and “We the People.” If you think the Biden economy is good, you are in the tiny minority. According to the Federal Reserve, credit card debt hit a record $1.13 trillion, and delinquencies surged 50%. That is not the sign of a healthy economy, but a very sick consumer living paycheck to paycheck and stretching it all out by maxing out their credit cards. It is only going to get worse as layoffs surge, while the government labor statistics tell us that unemployment is going down when the opposite is true. Remember, this is an election year, and the lies are going to be big.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 3797 Ansichten
  • Shunning US Dollar, Ukraine Kickbacks, CV19 Vax Cancers - Greg Hunter

    Another huge story of yet another country shunning the US dollar. This story is going totally underreported by the Lying Legacy Media (LLM): United Arab Emirates (UAE) has announced it is no longer using the dollar for oil trade. This is a monster shift that inches the US dollar to losing reserve currency status. The UAE recently joined the so-called BRICS economic alliance, and all the BRICS countries are either depending on the dollar less or doing away with it altogether in trade. If the trend continues, this could spell disaster for trillions of dollars in debt that need to be sold in the Treasury market to finance America.

    Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is reported to have threatened lawmakers in a classified briefing over more war funding for Ukraine. Austin allegedly said if they did not give more money to Ukraine, “We’ll send your uncles, cousins and sons to fight Russia.” Many European leaders say Ukraine has already lost the war, and nobody wants to admit it. Could this really be just more money going for kickbacks in one of the most fraudulent countries on earth? I’d say yes.

    The deaths and injuries are seemingly never ending with the CV19 bioweapon vax. New revelations are showing just how fraudulent and worthless the shots really are. Every week, new celebrities are coming down with weird cancers and sickness, but don’t you dare blame it on the CV19 vax. The Texas AG is currently suing Pfizer for fraud and lies. Pfizer had 63% of the CV19 vax market. The CV19 shots were touted as “safe and effective,” and that was just two of the many lies Pfizer sold to the public, according to AG Paxton. Could Pfizer be the first Big Pharma CV19 vax domino to fall? That is another resounding YES! It will surely fall hard with a possible $350 billion in fines.
    View Less
    Shunning US Dollar, Ukraine Kickbacks, CV19 Vax Cancers - Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v408lfg-shunning-us-dollar-ukraine-kickbacks-cv19-vax-cancers.html Another huge story of yet another country shunning the US dollar. This story is going totally underreported by the Lying Legacy Media (LLM): United Arab Emirates (UAE) has announced it is no longer using the dollar for oil trade. This is a monster shift that inches the US dollar to losing reserve currency status. The UAE recently joined the so-called BRICS economic alliance, and all the BRICS countries are either depending on the dollar less or doing away with it altogether in trade. If the trend continues, this could spell disaster for trillions of dollars in debt that need to be sold in the Treasury market to finance America. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is reported to have threatened lawmakers in a classified briefing over more war funding for Ukraine. Austin allegedly said if they did not give more money to Ukraine, “We’ll send your uncles, cousins and sons to fight Russia.” Many European leaders say Ukraine has already lost the war, and nobody wants to admit it. Could this really be just more money going for kickbacks in one of the most fraudulent countries on earth? I’d say yes. The deaths and injuries are seemingly never ending with the CV19 bioweapon vax. New revelations are showing just how fraudulent and worthless the shots really are. Every week, new celebrities are coming down with weird cancers and sickness, but don’t you dare blame it on the CV19 vax. The Texas AG is currently suing Pfizer for fraud and lies. Pfizer had 63% of the CV19 vax market. The CV19 shots were touted as “safe and effective,” and that was just two of the many lies Pfizer sold to the public, according to AG Paxton. Could Pfizer be the first Big Pharma CV19 vax domino to fall? That is another resounding YES! It will surely fall hard with a possible $350 billion in fines. View Less
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 10107 Ansichten
  • Biden Backlash, US Russia War, Economic Warning Signs - Greg Hunter

    This is the number that explains it all — 9.5% Biden approval rating. No, the Lying Legacy Media (LLM) will not tell you this, but the people at the top know the real approval rating and it’s 9.5%. My private sources that compute this number also are seeing a huge Biden backlash for everything from the Ukraine war, wide open borders, huge inflation, CV19 vax and being forced to think drag queens are really women. These are just a few of backlashes brewing and brewing big.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says, in no uncertain terms, that the “U.S. is waging war against Russia.” Let that sink in. When is the last time you heard this from a Russian Foreign Minister? NEVER. Lavrov is signaling there is a war coming if the U.S. does not stop funneling billions of dollars into Ukraine for unending war against Russia. (Probably a good chunk of that money is being returned to the swamp in kickbacks.) This week, Vice President Biden coughed up another $325 million for more war in Ukraine. Senators on both sides of the swamp have publicly stated this is “a good investment.” America is being run by corrupt, compromised morons, and the Ukraine war more than proves this.

    Economic warning signs abound, and most Americans are sleepwalking into the Greatest Depression ever seen. The federal debt is unpayable, and it is now exploding at an exponential rate. America went another $1 trillion in the hole in the last three months alone. Congress cannot even debate the next budget, which is setting the country up for a government shutdown in 10 days. Meanwhile, Treasury income, according to the St. Louis Fed, is off by more than $100 billion in the last year alone. Something is very wrong with the finances of America. It’s not a question of if the wheels fall off but when. It could be sooner than many believe. This cannot go on forever.
    Biden Backlash, US Russia War, Economic Warning Signs - Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v3jqvlm-biden-backlash-us-russia-war-economic-warning-signs.html This is the number that explains it all — 9.5% Biden approval rating. No, the Lying Legacy Media (LLM) will not tell you this, but the people at the top know the real approval rating and it’s 9.5%. My private sources that compute this number also are seeing a huge Biden backlash for everything from the Ukraine war, wide open borders, huge inflation, CV19 vax and being forced to think drag queens are really women. These are just a few of backlashes brewing and brewing big. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says, in no uncertain terms, that the “U.S. is waging war against Russia.” Let that sink in. When is the last time you heard this from a Russian Foreign Minister? NEVER. Lavrov is signaling there is a war coming if the U.S. does not stop funneling billions of dollars into Ukraine for unending war against Russia. (Probably a good chunk of that money is being returned to the swamp in kickbacks.) This week, Vice President Biden coughed up another $325 million for more war in Ukraine. Senators on both sides of the swamp have publicly stated this is “a good investment.” America is being run by corrupt, compromised morons, and the Ukraine war more than proves this. Economic warning signs abound, and most Americans are sleepwalking into the Greatest Depression ever seen. The federal debt is unpayable, and it is now exploding at an exponential rate. America went another $1 trillion in the hole in the last three months alone. Congress cannot even debate the next budget, which is setting the country up for a government shutdown in 10 days. Meanwhile, Treasury income, according to the St. Louis Fed, is off by more than $100 billion in the last year alone. Something is very wrong with the finances of America. It’s not a question of if the wheels fall off but when. It could be sooner than many believe. This cannot go on forever.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 5193 Ansichten
  • So, it doesn't matter how corrupt The Bidens are or how many kickbacks they take --- It doesn't matter how many bodies make up The Clinton body count .......... They're arresting Trump for something he did before even running for president
    So, it doesn't matter how corrupt The Bidens are or how many kickbacks they take --- It doesn't matter how many bodies make up The Clinton body count .......... They're arresting Trump for something he did before even running for president https://rumble.com/v2dpiw4-trump-confirms-fox-news-report-he-will-be-arrested-by-woke-nyc-da-for-storm.html
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2377 Ansichten
  • #Taxes #Ukraine #ForeignAid #Corruption #Kickbacks #Meme #Memes
    #Taxes #Ukraine #ForeignAid #Corruption #Kickbacks #Meme #Memes
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2517 Ansichten
  • Doctors dropping like flies. Well maybe they should study instead of listening to the drug salesmen that give them kickbacks.
    Doctors dropping like flies. Well maybe they should study instead of listening to the drug salesmen that give them kickbacks. https://theduran.com/80-canadian-doctors-suddenly-and-suspiciously-passed-after-2021-explained-by-dr-william-makis/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2027 Ansichten
  • #RINOs after inauguration

    #RINO #RepublicanInNameOnly #BigGovernment #TaxAndSpend #Regulation #Kickbacks #InsiderTrading #Power #Betrayal #SmallGovernment #Freedom #Liberty #Responsibility #Constitution #DistractedBoyfriend

    #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT
    #RINOs after inauguration #RINO #RepublicanInNameOnly #BigGovernment #TaxAndSpend #Regulation #Kickbacks #InsiderTrading #Power #Betrayal #SmallGovernment #Freedom #Liberty #Responsibility #Constitution #DistractedBoyfriend #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT
    0 Kommentare 1 Anteile 3299 Ansichten

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