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  • The irony of British leaders from Indian and Pakistani heritage --- Discussing the partition and separation of The UK .......... Is not lost on those who know history
    The irony of British leaders from Indian and Pakistani heritage --- Discussing the partition and separation of The UK .......... Is not lost on those who know history
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  • The YMCA allows another pervert and self identified trans person into female locker rooms to terrorise women --- And the judge dismissed the charges .......... Because his fat rolls cover his genitals
    The YMCA allows another pervert and self identified trans person into female locker rooms to terrorise women --- And the judge dismissed the charges .......... Because his fat rolls cover his genitals
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  • The pernicious gender ideology is dangerous and hateful --- As detransitioners become targets of their ire and violent rhetoric .......... A thoroughly anti womens movement to remove common sense from the discussion
    The pernicious gender ideology is dangerous and hateful --- As detransitioners become targets of their ire and violent rhetoric .......... A thoroughly anti womens movement to remove common sense from the discussion
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  • Does free speech include children having access to pornographic material in schools?
    Does free speech include children having access to pornographic material in schools?
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  • When young girls are scared to use the school bathrooms, and change clothes as quickly as possible in the locker rooms --- Not because the buildings are in a state of disrepair .......... But through the fear of boys entering, and leering at them in the name of transgender rights and dignity
    When young girls are scared to use the school bathrooms, and change clothes as quickly as possible in the locker rooms --- Not because the buildings are in a state of disrepair .......... But through the fear of boys entering, and leering at them in the name of transgender rights and dignity
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  • Children absolutely make their own decisions on whether they want to sterilise, castrate and mutilate themselves --- And anyone who disagrees is a bigot .......... The parents have no influence over these decisions
    Children absolutely make their own decisions on whether they want to sterilise, castrate and mutilate themselves --- And anyone who disagrees is a bigot .......... The parents have no influence over these decisions
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  • Mccarthy proves just what a sellout he is --- With full support for Ukraine .......... And the money coming from the military industrial complex
    Mccarthy proves just what a sellout he is --- With full support for Ukraine .......... And the money coming from the military industrial complex
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  • A credible whistleblower from The FBI has documented evidence of Joe Biden selling his influence as vice president --- To foreign nationals, thus influencing US policy .......... To suit them and the Biden purse strings
    A credible whistleblower from The FBI has documented evidence of Joe Biden selling his influence as vice president --- To foreign nationals, thus influencing US policy .......... To suit them and the Biden purse strings
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  • HOW DARE YOU DRESS YOUR 2 YEAR OLD GIRL IN PINK! What's the betting this woman has her self righteous opinions on how to raise children .......... And NOTHING else!
    HOW DARE YOU DRESS YOUR 2 YEAR OLD GIRL IN PINK! What's the betting this woman has her self righteous opinions on how to raise children .......... And NOTHING else!
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  • Truth, transparency and ethical science based medicine --- The over prescribing of statins is based more on the pharmaceutical companies making money .......... Than benefit to the patient
    Truth, transparency and ethical science based medicine --- The over prescribing of statins is based more on the pharmaceutical companies making money .......... Than benefit to the patient
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