• 60 Seconds to TRAGEDY During Traffic Stop

    Maritime Admiralty Law (Commercial TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT) goes from...
    "You ran that stop sign back there."
    Victim: "No I didn't"

    Which leads to some kind of hands down hia pants sexual misconduct...
    To him being thrown onto the ground and #Murdered!

    Is THIS what #Freedom looks like?
    If so... you can f*cking keep it!

    WHEN are people going to open their EYES and say we have had enough
    #Criminal behavior from POLICY ENFORCERS of a #Corporation who have
    NO AUTHORITY over MEN and WOMEN???

    60 Seconds to TRAGEDY During Traffic Stop Maritime Admiralty Law (Commercial TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT) goes from... "You ran that stop sign back there." Victim: "No I didn't" Which leads to some kind of hands down hia pants sexual misconduct... To him being thrown onto the ground and #Murdered! Is THIS what #Freedom looks like? If so... you can f*cking keep it! WHEN are people going to open their EYES and say we have had enough #Criminal behavior from POLICY ENFORCERS of a #Corporation who have NO AUTHORITY over MEN and WOMEN??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y5a5IYrDSQ
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 143 Views

    Washington DC is a #Corporation!
    Your STATE (The State of whatever) is a CORPORATION!
    Your city or town is also a CORPORATION!

    Your state exists seperately from the corporation which sits over the top of it! Just like your city does!

    But the people that you pay "taxes" to ARE THE CORPORATION!
    You do not have to pay taxes!

    "Taxes" are something that "Legal Fictions" (pieces of paper) have to pay
    YOU have been deceived into representing that piece of paper!

    Paying it's taxes, serving it's time in prison etc....

    YOU do not have to pay taxes!
    YOU are not ruled by a corporation!

    The legal fiction is!

    And YES, the #Police work for this CORPORATION!
    They enforce the rules of a CORPORATION!

    What Police enforce is not #Law!
    They simply try to force YOU to represent the "legal fiction"
    It is #Evil what they do!
    EXACTLY RIGHT! Washington DC is a #Corporation! Your STATE (The State of whatever) is a CORPORATION! Your city or town is also a CORPORATION! Your state exists seperately from the corporation which sits over the top of it! Just like your city does! But the people that you pay "taxes" to ARE THE CORPORATION! You do not have to pay taxes! "Taxes" are something that "Legal Fictions" (pieces of paper) have to pay YOU have been deceived into representing that piece of paper! Paying it's taxes, serving it's time in prison etc.... YOU ARE NOT A "LEGAL FICTION" YOU do not have to pay taxes! YOU are not ruled by a corporation! The legal fiction is! YOU SIMPLY MUSTY STOP REPRESENTING THE LEGAL FICTION! And YES, the #Police work for this CORPORATION! They enforce the rules of a CORPORATION! What Police enforce is not #Law! They simply try to force YOU to represent the "legal fiction" It is #Evil what they do!
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 177 Views

    People have been trying to fight the demon class
    for a long time now!

    The issue all of them have had is a simple one.... They are attempting to beat a demon PLAYING THE DEMON'S GAME! It won't ever happen playing their rules!

    What the masses MUST COMPREHEND is that the demons have us all strapped over the barrel using their MARITIME ADMIRALTY LAW SCAM!

    EVERY "Court" around the world is practicing maritime admiralty law
    Well folks, that is the "Law of the SEA" and if you have not noticed, MEN & WOMEN do not live at SEA! We live on the LAND, where COMMON LAW IS KING!

    The problem???
    Nobody seems to realize this! They have all been brainwashed and mentally raped by the demon class's forced indoctrination centers and their maritime admiralty law #Fraud based court system!

    EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD should have their system set up similar to America's and Britain... Where you CAN convene a GRAND JURY OF THE PEOPLE to put the illegitimate #Corporation known as "government" on trial!

    And that is exactly what MUST HAPPEN!
    Quit pissing and moaning and trying to beat a demon at his own game!

    Common Law stands above maritime admiralty law in every country in the world

    COMMON LAW applies to LIVING MEN and WOMEN
    Whereas "Maritime Admiralty Law" applies ONLY to "vessels at sea" and "Legal Fictions" (Pieces of paper) that these #Criminals claim that YOU "consent to represent and pay for their supposed theoretical crimes"

    It is ALL pie in the sky horsespit!
    The US "Government" is a CORPORATION! And it "Taxes" "Legal Fictions" which are also CORPORATIONS (Dead entities, pieces of paper)

    And they have deceived YOU into believing that these legal fictions ARE YOU!

    They are NOT! We can try fighting this one by one, and some will win and some will lose if they don't have the knowledge.....

    OR we can all say this is enough! And we can convene grand juries and try them ALL as the criminals they are and deal with them! The demons have ruled long enough!

    STOP paying taxes that you don't owe!
    STOP paying traffic tickets that you do not owe!

    Get yourself some knowledge, organize your communities,
    and let's start convening the grand juries and put an end to the demon reign

    RICK MIRACLE VIDEO LIBRARY #876, 2011 VIDEO, ALAN WATT, THE SOVEREIGN INDEPENDENT, MASTERPLAN People have been trying to fight the demon class for a long time now! The issue all of them have had is a simple one.... They are attempting to beat a demon PLAYING THE DEMON'S GAME! It won't ever happen playing their rules! What the masses MUST COMPREHEND is that the demons have us all strapped over the barrel using their MARITIME ADMIRALTY LAW SCAM! EVERY "Court" around the world is practicing maritime admiralty law Well folks, that is the "Law of the SEA" and if you have not noticed, MEN & WOMEN do not live at SEA! We live on the LAND, where COMMON LAW IS KING! The problem??? Nobody seems to realize this! They have all been brainwashed and mentally raped by the demon class's forced indoctrination centers and their maritime admiralty law #Fraud based court system! EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD should have their system set up similar to America's and Britain... Where you CAN convene a GRAND JURY OF THE PEOPLE to put the illegitimate #Corporation known as "government" on trial! And that is exactly what MUST HAPPEN! Quit pissing and moaning and trying to beat a demon at his own game! YOU GOTTA PLAY YOUR GAME! NOT THEIRS! Common Law stands above maritime admiralty law in every country in the world COMMON LAW applies to LIVING MEN and WOMEN Whereas "Maritime Admiralty Law" applies ONLY to "vessels at sea" and "Legal Fictions" (Pieces of paper) that these #Criminals claim that YOU "consent to represent and pay for their supposed theoretical crimes" It is ALL pie in the sky horsespit! The US "Government" is a CORPORATION! And it "Taxes" "Legal Fictions" which are also CORPORATIONS (Dead entities, pieces of paper) And they have deceived YOU into believing that these legal fictions ARE YOU! They are NOT! We can try fighting this one by one, and some will win and some will lose if they don't have the knowledge..... OR we can all say this is enough! And we can convene grand juries and try them ALL as the criminals they are and deal with them! The demons have ruled long enough! STOP paying taxes that you don't owe! STOP paying traffic tickets that you do not owe! Get yourself some knowledge, organize your communities, and let's start convening the grand juries and put an end to the demon reign https://old.bitchute.com/video/dJn4NHAffucH/
    RICK MIRACLE VIDEO LIBRARY #876, 2011 video, Alan Watt, The Sovereign Independent, Masterplan
    I search Alan Watt on archive.org and found this video. https://archive.org/details/alan-watt-understanding-the-development-2011 Finding the truth is easy, just start looking and asking questions. BUT, how many people don't even want to know the tr…
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 366 Views

    While I'm not real big on the racial BS.....
    The information is correct

    I once read story that spoke of #Jews being thrown out of yet another country...
    And after being tossed out once again due to their purely #Evil deeds, they formulated a plan.

    That plan was to use Medicine, Law, and "Education" to take control in their next endeavor, and to make the entire world pay once they controlled these things.

    I cannot vouch for the validity of the story...
    But all one must do is to LOOK AROUND, and you can clearly see this happened

    LAW around the world has been taken over by deception and lies, where they have replaced the COMMON LAW with maritime admiralty law CLAIMING that their victims "consent" to being ruled over as "Chattel Property"

    Now... I may not be a smart man, but I know damn well that NOBODY has consented to becoming the PROPERTY of a #Corporation!

    And I also KNOW that nobody has "consented" to living their life according to that CORPORATION'S "Policies" or being put into a cage or even EXECUTED should they violate the corporation's policies!

    #Police enforce CORPORATE POLICY and not law!
    EVERYTHING that the Police do, they do under maritime admiralty law
    (The law of the SEA)

    WHY are "doctors," pharmacists, and drug companies not in prison for murder???
    Because the fraud based system of maritime admiralty law (The #BAR Association)
    protects #Criminals like themselves, that is why!

    These systems are ALL ran by evil people who do evil things!
    YOU have been brainwashed since birth to accept it!

    It is time to WAKE UP and understand that NOBODY has consented to this SCAM!
    And it's time to burn it down

    THE ILLEGAL J.3.W-DICIAL SYSTEM (2) (LANGUAGE WARNING MIRROR) While I'm not real big on the racial BS..... The information is correct I once read story that spoke of #Jews being thrown out of yet another country... And after being tossed out once again due to their purely #Evil deeds, they formulated a plan. That plan was to use Medicine, Law, and "Education" to take control in their next endeavor, and to make the entire world pay once they controlled these things. I cannot vouch for the validity of the story... But all one must do is to LOOK AROUND, and you can clearly see this happened LAW around the world has been taken over by deception and lies, where they have replaced the COMMON LAW with maritime admiralty law CLAIMING that their victims "consent" to being ruled over as "Chattel Property" Now... I may not be a smart man, but I know damn well that NOBODY has consented to becoming the PROPERTY of a #Corporation! And I also KNOW that nobody has "consented" to living their life according to that CORPORATION'S "Policies" or being put into a cage or even EXECUTED should they violate the corporation's policies! #Police enforce CORPORATE POLICY and not law! EVERYTHING that the Police do, they do under maritime admiralty law (The law of the SEA) WHY are "doctors," pharmacists, and drug companies not in prison for murder??? Because the fraud based system of maritime admiralty law (The #BAR Association) protects #Criminals like themselves, that is why! These systems are ALL ran by evil people who do evil things! YOU have been brainwashed since birth to accept it! It is time to WAKE UP and understand that NOBODY has consented to this SCAM! And it's time to burn it down https://old.bitchute.com/video/HzgWVnSR2OLU/
    THE ILLEGAL J.3.W-DICIAL SYSTEM (2) (Language Warning Mirror)
    Language Warning! Don't get offended by the language, rather, listen to the message being sent. Truth is, some people need to be offended and awakened to who our real enemy is in the Western World. The United States, Canada, England, Scotland, Ir…
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 349 Views
  • I have only ONE QUESTION for everyone.....

    You can rationalize it any way you choose, but that is EXACTLY what you are! And if it pisses you off, I'd suggest that you

    COMMON LAW & THE CONSTITUTION are the highest form of law

    The "Maritime Admiralty Law" SCAM you have been enslaved by is beneath COMMON LAW, and common law wins the day
    EVERY TIME against it!

    Not to mention that the entire maritime law scam is based in #Fraud and deception!

    So either FREE YOURSELF by standing in COMMON LAW and staying out of the #Jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law....

    Or quit whining and be a good little SLAVE!
    Those are your choices!


    Treating YOU, a MAN or WOMAN, as "chattel property" of the corporation, claiming that you have "consented" to representing a "Legal Fiction" that exists ONLY ON A PIECE OF PAPER!

    It's the greatest FRAUD in the history of the world!
    So.... Are you just going to suck on it???
    Or do you plan to do something about it?

    If EVERYONE would stand together we could END THIS FRAUD IN A DAY!
    I have only ONE QUESTION for everyone..... HOW DO YOU LIKE BEING THE #SLAVE OF A #CORPORATION? You can rationalize it any way you choose, but that is EXACTLY what you are! And if it pisses you off, I'd suggest that you DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! COMMON LAW & THE CONSTITUTION are the highest form of law The "Maritime Admiralty Law" SCAM you have been enslaved by is beneath COMMON LAW, and common law wins the day EVERY TIME against it! Not to mention that the entire maritime law scam is based in #Fraud and deception! So either FREE YOURSELF by standing in COMMON LAW and staying out of the #Jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law.... Or quit whining and be a good little SLAVE! Those are your choices! EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD AND ALL "COURTS" & "POLICE" ARE PRACTICING MARITIME ADMIRALTY LAW... Treating YOU, a MAN or WOMAN, as "chattel property" of the corporation, claiming that you have "consented" to representing a "Legal Fiction" that exists ONLY ON A PIECE OF PAPER! It's the greatest FRAUD in the history of the world! So.... Are you just going to suck on it??? Or do you plan to do something about it? If EVERYONE would stand together we could END THIS FRAUD IN A DAY!
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 245 Views

    Corporate scumbags get away with "Traffic Law"
    because YOU DO NOT KNOW THE LAW!

    And because YOU allow them to trap you in their #Jurisdiction
    (Which is 100% Fraud anyway)

    These f*cking tyrant scumbags work for a #Corporation!

    They enforce POLICIES OF A CORPORATION, and they are claiming that YOU CONSENT to being ruled by this corporation!

    What you must do is

    Make it very CLEAR that you do NOT consent!
    That you do NOT want to contract with them!

    And beware, they are also NOT SPEAKING ENGLISH!
    They speak in the deceptive language of "legalese"
    (Which purposefully SOUNDS LIKE English, but isn't)

    It's a #Criminal #Fraud

    HE SHOULDA BEEN NICE TO THE COP ... OR Corporate scumbags get away with "Traffic Law" because YOU DO NOT KNOW THE LAW! And because YOU allow them to trap you in their #Jurisdiction (Which is 100% Fraud anyway) These f*cking tyrant scumbags work for a #Corporation! They are POLICY ENFORCERS! They enforce POLICIES OF A CORPORATION, and they are claiming that YOU CONSENT to being ruled by this corporation! What you must do is CORRECT THE RECORD & THEIR STATEMENTS! Make it very CLEAR that you do NOT consent! That you do NOT want to contract with them! And beware, they are also NOT SPEAKING ENGLISH! They speak in the deceptive language of "legalese" (Which purposefully SOUNDS LIKE English, but isn't) It's a #Criminal #Fraud https://old.bitchute.com/video/2PHpmTK97Fs/
    He Shoulda Been Nice to the COP ... or
    Unfortunately, for many, perception is EVERYTHING. We've lived in a profoundly sick society for so long, people think that, if you're not nice to road pirates YOU are the problem. The sad fact is, when plunder becomes a way of life for a group of …
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 231 Views
  • How Reality Has Been Altered Since 1951

    How the scumbags of this world control EVERYONE by manipulating their reality, telling lies, and suppressing technology!

    There are LAWS AGAINST creating "Free Energy" and any other type of energy! The #Criminals we call "government" have passed "Laws" (Statutes and Codes that apply to "Legal Fictions ONLY)
    that prevent YOU from marketing new tech without their approval!

    And if you create the better mousetrap (Or whatever) and they don't want it going public (Or they just want it) they can just TAKE IT!

    Understand... YOU have been at war your entire life!
    With the people claiming to "represent you"

    When in truth, all they do is DECEIVE and CONTROL and manipulate your reality! They Brainwash you in schools and on television, in movies, using billboards, social media, and radio!

    These people are worse than ANY genocidal maniac in world history! They are injecting POISONS into your children to keep the dumb, cooperative, docile #Slaves!

    They are poisoning your FOOD as well as your drinking water with #Fluoride! And let's NOT forget the FACT that our entire
    "System of Government" is a LIE! The #Courts are a LIE

    These people use the courts and #Police to maintain control over YOU, their SLAVE! And you won't invent anything that benefits man without first getting their permission! And they WILL refuse to give it, because they LIKE HAVING YOU AS A SLAVE!

    While this guy is off on a few things....
    He did some good research here on #Patents and the ciorruption of what we call "government" which is just a for-profit CORPORATION!

    How Reality Has Been Altered Since 1951 How the scumbags of this world control EVERYONE by manipulating their reality, telling lies, and suppressing technology! There are LAWS AGAINST creating "Free Energy" and any other type of energy! The #Criminals we call "government" have passed "Laws" (Statutes and Codes that apply to "Legal Fictions ONLY) that prevent YOU from marketing new tech without their approval! And if you create the better mousetrap (Or whatever) and they don't want it going public (Or they just want it) they can just TAKE IT! Understand... YOU have been at war your entire life! With the people claiming to "represent you" When in truth, all they do is DECEIVE and CONTROL and manipulate your reality! They Brainwash you in schools and on television, in movies, using billboards, social media, and radio! These people are worse than ANY genocidal maniac in world history! They are injecting POISONS into your children to keep the dumb, cooperative, docile #Slaves! They are poisoning your FOOD as well as your drinking water with #Fluoride! And let's NOT forget the FACT that our entire "System of Government" is a LIE! The #Courts are a LIE These people use the courts and #Police to maintain control over YOU, their SLAVE! And you won't invent anything that benefits man without first getting their permission! And they WILL refuse to give it, because they LIKE HAVING YOU AS A SLAVE! While this guy is off on a few things.... He did some good research here on #Patents and the ciorruption of what we call "government" which is just a for-profit CORPORATION! https://rumble.com/v584pmt-trump-shooting-military-insider-shares-latest-intel.html
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 453 Views
  • A Quote To Remember

    Edward Mandel House

    He said in a letter to President Woodrow Wilson [1913-1921]:

    "[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a charge-back for our fiat paper currency.

    Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans; and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.

    After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the regstrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud, which we will call "Social Insurance (SSI)".

    Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur, and in this manner every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption; and we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America."

    A Quote To Remember Edward Mandel House He said in a letter to President Woodrow Wilson [1913-1921]: "[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a charge-back for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans; and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the regstrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud, which we will call "Social Insurance (SSI)". Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur, and in this manner every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption; and we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America." MORE LAWNOTES
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 375 Views


    I've been shouting it from the rooftops for 3 years now......
    and a FEW people have woken up!

    And the rest of you are running around talking about "voting"
    for the next #CEO of the #Corporation of the United States!

    So I ask again.....

    Or is your mind gone forever lost to the brainwashing???
    It's just a question

    ...CONTRACTS DO YOU UNDERSTAND, COMMON LAW, COVID, VAX & CONSPIRATORS, UN AGENDA & HISTORY LIES? ARE YOU CAPABLE OF ACCEPTING THE #TRUTH? I've been shouting it from the rooftops for 3 years now...... and a FEW people have woken up! And the rest of you are running around talking about "voting" for the next #CEO of the #Corporation of the United States! So I ask again..... ARE YOU CAPABLE OF ACCEPTING THE TRUTH? Or is your mind gone forever lost to the brainwashing??? It's just a question https://old.bitchute.com/video/HPNv4ncbcBTd/
    ...contracts do you understand, common law, covid, vax & conspirators, un agenda & history lies?
    If you enjoyed today's video, if you feel you got something from it, there are ways to support this channel. And I thank all those that do. https://ko-fi.com/ceylon please buy me a coffee. Bitcoin: bc1qhxsc2phc6y0fch662xxfauhlddmzhxdj3pfy94 Pirate…
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 315 Views
  • Well... #Trump wants to give guys like this

    Maybe next time it'll be YOUR MOM or GRANDMOTHER he kills

    I'm a non-violent man by nature....
    But I must be honest here, I'd REALLY have a hard time not beating this scumbag to death with my bare hands if I saw his sorry carcass on the streets!

    An elderly woman makes the mistake of calling the corporate "Policy Enforcers" to her home over a prowler....

    These demonic scumbags invite themselves into her home, they were NOT "invited in" and they had no warrant...

    The crackheads needed a fix..... SO THEY WANTED HER ID!
    To run her for possible warrants
    (Because wanted people call police all the time)

    After unlawfully entering this elderly woman's home and trying to get her ID, the cop mentions to the woman she has something on the stove, which was a pot of water boiling, likely for tea....

    So she goes and removes the pot of water from the stove and walk towards her sink with it, she is not within 10 feet of this pussy, and he suddenly freaks out like the old lady wants to take him out with the water! SHOOTS HER IN THE FACE! (For cooking)

    Just a friendly reminder....
    #Police are more dangerous than ANY #Criminal

    WHY would ANYONE call the Police?
    Have you been asleep for 25 years?

    Do you REALLY believe that these murderous scum are
    "working for you?" NO... they are your sworn ENEMIES!

    They work for a #Corporation that considers YOU the enemy!
    It's about time to clean them up and haul them off!

    Every last scumbag affiliated with the
    Corporation of the United States needs to go!

    I hope that Big Bubba makes this punk his bitch
    little sissy
    Well... #Trump wants to give guys like this even stronger IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION! Maybe next time it'll be YOUR MOM or GRANDMOTHER he kills I'm a non-violent man by nature.... But I must be honest here, I'd REALLY have a hard time not beating this scumbag to death with my bare hands if I saw his sorry carcass on the streets! An elderly woman makes the mistake of calling the corporate "Policy Enforcers" to her home over a prowler.... These demonic scumbags invite themselves into her home, they were NOT "invited in" and they had no warrant... The crackheads needed a fix..... SO THEY WANTED HER ID! To run her for possible warrants (Because wanted people call police all the time) After unlawfully entering this elderly woman's home and trying to get her ID, the cop mentions to the woman she has something on the stove, which was a pot of water boiling, likely for tea.... So she goes and removes the pot of water from the stove and walk towards her sink with it, she is not within 10 feet of this pussy, and he suddenly freaks out like the old lady wants to take him out with the water! SHOOTS HER IN THE FACE! (For cooking) Just a friendly reminder.... #Police are more dangerous than ANY #Criminal WHY would ANYONE call the Police? Have you been asleep for 25 years? Do you REALLY believe that these murderous scum are "working for you?" NO... they are your sworn ENEMIES! They work for a #Corporation that considers YOU the enemy! It's about time to clean them up and haul them off! Every last scumbag affiliated with the Corporation of the United States needs to go! I hope that Big Bubba makes this punk his bitch little sissy
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 381 Views
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