• One Pedophile down many more to go.
    One Pedophile down many more to go.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 101 Views

  • The always mysterious question when trying to figure out what is happening in this insane world and why it is happening is who are “they”? In the current chaotic atmosphere, “they” are in the process of throwing their Senile Child Sniffing Pedophile Trojan horse president overboard because his Dementia Ridden brain has been laid bare for all the world to see. It isn’t just the Democratic Party throwing him to the wolves. It is the Deep State, Invisible Government, The Ruling Elite & The Globalist Oligarchs.
    The always mysterious question when trying to figure out what is happening in this insane world and why it is happening is who are “they”? In the current chaotic atmosphere, “they” are in the process of throwing their Senile Child Sniffing Pedophile Trojan horse president overboard because his Dementia Ridden brain has been laid bare for all the world to see. It isn’t just the Democratic Party throwing him to the wolves. It is the Deep State, Invisible Government, The Ruling Elite & The Globalist Oligarchs. https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/07/16/they-will-do-anything-to-win/
    “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981) The always mysterious que…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 338 Views
  • Truth Seeker: The Pedophile Psyop Donald Trump Rally Shooting Was Very 'Strange'!

    First of all... One of the most common comments I've been seeing under the phony "#Trump shot" news and photos goes something like this.....

    "God was watching over President Trump. God is using Trump..."

    Well folks... If there is a "god" watching over Trump it's NOT YHWH!
    It would likely be the small "G" god #Apollyon who Trump has painted on his ceiling!

    Secondly.... this "shooting" was as staged as an event as I've ever seen!
    NOBODY needed to watch over Trump, this was a staged event!

    While there may be some "god" watching over Trump....
    It's NOT my God! It's NOT the Most High!

    It may be one of those false, #Satanic "gods" like Apollyon or Ba'al or Molech....
    But it's definitely NOT the Most High Yahuwah!

    Now... If Trump were to REPENT that may change!
    But as long as he's running around claiming "I am the chosen one" and deceiving Americans into taking toxic injections and losing their freedoms... I don't think so!

    Remember it's TRUMP who is the "Father of the Vaccine"
    Remember that it was TRUMP who had you locked down like a #Slave
    Remember it was TRUMP who said he has NEVER asked for forgiveness!

    That does NOT sound like one of Yahuwah's people to me!
    So don't be a sucker!

    Get out of the #Jurisdiction of Maritime Admiralty Law and return to COMMON LAW where you belong! STOP participating in the #Corporation of the United States selections, and their maritime admiralty law #Courts!

    STOP allowing their "POLICY ENFORCERS" to claim jurisdiction over YOU, a MAN!

    These #Police only have jurisdiction over FEDERAL / STATE EMPLOYEES and those of you who "Consent" to being their #Slaves / Chattel PROPERTY by declaring yourself a "US Citizen"

    Truth Seeker: The Pedophile Psyop Donald Trump Rally Shooting Was Very 'Strange'! First of all... One of the most common comments I've been seeing under the phony "#Trump shot" news and photos goes something like this..... "God was watching over President Trump. God is using Trump..." Well folks... If there is a "god" watching over Trump it's NOT YHWH! It would likely be the small "G" god #Apollyon who Trump has painted on his ceiling! Secondly.... this "shooting" was as staged as an event as I've ever seen! NOBODY needed to watch over Trump, this was a staged event! While there may be some "god" watching over Trump.... It's NOT my God! It's NOT the Most High! It may be one of those false, #Satanic "gods" like Apollyon or Ba'al or Molech.... But it's definitely NOT the Most High Yahuwah! Now... If Trump were to REPENT that may change! But as long as he's running around claiming "I am the chosen one" and deceiving Americans into taking toxic injections and losing their freedoms... I don't think so! Remember it's TRUMP who is the "Father of the Vaccine" Remember that it was TRUMP who had you locked down like a #Slave Remember it was TRUMP who said he has NEVER asked for forgiveness! That does NOT sound like one of Yahuwah's people to me! So don't be a sucker! Get out of the #Jurisdiction of Maritime Admiralty Law and return to COMMON LAW where you belong! STOP participating in the #Corporation of the United States selections, and their maritime admiralty law #Courts! STOP allowing their "POLICY ENFORCERS" to claim jurisdiction over YOU, a MAN! These #Police only have jurisdiction over FEDERAL / STATE EMPLOYEES and those of you who "Consent" to being their #Slaves / Chattel PROPERTY by declaring yourself a "US Citizen" https://www.bitchute.com/video/YzxdRqgNsGo5
    Truth Seeker: The Pedophile Psyop Donald Trump Rally Shooting Was Very 'Strange'!
    The World Ahead 2024: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=h_&q=the+world+ahead+2024&ia=web Truth Seeker 18.2K subscribers 383 views 1 hour ago https://youtu.be/l-OybR1OfJE?si=7aCFqxntj4va-btg https://www.youtube.com/@TheOfficialTruthSeeker
    0 Comments 0 Shares 726 Views
  • #PedoJoe #Cringe Compilation #GoodCatholics
    A compilation of the Pedophile in Chief's pedophilic escapades.
    #PedoJoe #Cringe Compilation #GoodCatholics A compilation of the Pedophile in Chief's pedophilic escapades. https://rumble.com/v56mqk5-pedojoe-compilation.html
    0 Comments 1 Shares 380 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/uk-trans-identified-male-sentenced-to-20-months-in-prison-after-harassing-his-sister-over-alleged-pedophile-accusations/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 332 Views

    "We just do as we are told"
    And it does not matter if it's legal or not either!

    I know, I know... People THINK that the #Police are here to "protect & serve" the public. WRONG! Police are here to "protect and serve the #Criminals who pay them!"

    The #Corporations are who police actually work for!
    These police will beat YOU to death over a traffic infraction....
    They do it all of the time!

    But those SAME POLICE won't arrest men sucking c*ck out on the streets!
    In view of the entire world!

    And that is because, like I said, they work for the people pushing the #Satanic agenda! Police are NOT here to protect you! They are here to collect revenue from you, and to protect the Satanic #Pedophiles from you!

    And that is just the bottom line folks!
    So go ahead and "Back the Blue"

    "Back" the people who protect YOUR ENEMIES who are right now trying to murder YOU and your children / grandchildren!


    But if you whip a u-turn they'll damn sure arrest YOU!

    SAN FRANCISCO ZOG BOTS TELL JOURNALIST THAT THEY'RE NOT GOING TO ARREST THE PEOPLE PERFORMING SEX ACT IN PUBLIC "We just do as we are told" And it does not matter if it's legal or not either! I know, I know... People THINK that the #Police are here to "protect & serve" the public. WRONG! Police are here to "protect and serve the #Criminals who pay them!" The #Corporations are who police actually work for! These police will beat YOU to death over a traffic infraction.... They do it all of the time! But those SAME POLICE won't arrest men sucking c*ck out on the streets! In view of the entire world! And that is because, like I said, they work for the people pushing the #Satanic agenda! Police are NOT here to protect you! They are here to collect revenue from you, and to protect the Satanic #Pedophiles from you! And that is just the bottom line folks! So go ahead and "Back the Blue" "Back" the people who protect YOUR ENEMIES who are right now trying to murder YOU and your children / grandchildren! NOT ONE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INJECTING A WEAPON INTO BILLIONS OF PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD HAS BEEN ARRESTED! NOT A SINGLE ONE! But if you whip a u-turn they'll damn sure arrest YOU! https://old.bitchute.com/video/xb7VRxKgBPJm/
    San Francisco zog bots tell journalist that theyre not going to arrest the people performing sex act
    We will divide society so that 1/3 are spies and informers that will keep the rest under observation - https://www.bitchute.com/video/fWwofFr9uQsG/ --- you don't believe in government run stalking program watch this stalker admitting is getting pa…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 735 Views
    ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!! IT'S NOT JUST JOE!!! THEY'RE ALL EVIL, SATANIC, HIVE-MINDED, BABY-KILLING, GOD-HATING, QUEER-PEDOPHILE PUSHING, DRUG ADDICTED, MENTALLY UNSTABLE, GREEDY, SELFISH, COMMUNIST, "LIBTARDS"!!!!!!!💩💥 https://thefederalist.com/2024/06/28/america-is-in-shambles-because-of-democrat-policies-not-just-joe-biden/
    America Is A Mess Because Of Democrat Policies, Not Just Biden
    Don't buy the spin. Swapping Biden out for a shiny new Democrat won't save America.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 759 Views
  • Do you know what percentage of our atmosphere is CO2?

    "Government" as you know it is NOT "government"
    It is actually a for-profit #Corporation which is located offshore...

    The #Police are nothing more than corporate "POLICY ENFORCERS"
    They PROTECT the #Criminals and #Pedophiles of the corporation from YOU!


    Do you know what percentage of our atmosphere is CO2? "Government" as you know it is NOT "government" It is actually a for-profit #Corporation which is located offshore... The #Police are nothing more than corporate "POLICY ENFORCERS" They PROTECT the #Criminals and #Pedophiles of the corporation from YOU! They are a "STANDING ARMY ON US SOIL" IN VIOLATION OF THE CONSTITUTION https://rumble.com/v54nspo-do-you-know-what-percentage-of-our-atmosphere-is-co2.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 681 Views
  • https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/132339
    The fake Dr. Jill knows she’s going to be flushed with her creepy demented pedophile husband and Kamaltoe. This is so desperate…and glorious. (16 seconds) Buh Bye.
    https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/132339 The fake Dr. Jill knows she’s going to be flushed with her creepy demented pedophile husband and Kamaltoe. This is so desperate…and glorious. (16 seconds) Buh Bye.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 439 Views 1
  • Donald Trump vs Joe Biden - First Presidental Debate - LIVE

    If you #Vote what you are really doing is saying that you NEED TO BE RULED because you are not capable of handling your own affairs!

    If you feel the need to "vote" let's hold a nationwide referendum on how high we should hang the #Corporate #Traitors who call themselves "government!

    I don't NEED to claim myself "incompetent" by voting... and THAT is exactly what you are doing when you vote! You are claiming that you are mentally incompetent, and giving the #Corporation of the United States "Power of Attorney" over your life!

    Voting for the "lesser of two EVILS" (Like you ALWAYS end up doing)
    YOU are still voting for EVIL!

    We all should KNOW that our "vote" means NOTHING!
    If our "vote" meant anything at all... we would NOT end up voting for the "lesser of 2 evils" because we'd actually be choosing the candidates!

    But the "primaries" are more rigged than the elections!
    YOU are going through the motions.... But your "choice" don't mean sh*t!

    It is time to STOP being a #Statist twit!
    It's time to STOP being a #Slave!

    It's time to STOP allowing your Rockefeller funded indoctrination into Slavery control your life! Stand up and be a man! Tell these corporate scumbags to f*ck off!
    Better yet, how about form a posse and arrest them?

    Their thin blue line Stasi enforcers are just as guilty of crimes against humanity!
    You should look upon these people with utter disdain!

    They are literally WORSE than #Pedophiles!
    Of course they are likely pedophiles TOO!

    Donald Trump vs Joe Biden - First Presidental Debate - LIVE If you #Vote what you are really doing is saying that you NEED TO BE RULED because you are not capable of handling your own affairs! If you feel the need to "vote" let's hold a nationwide referendum on how high we should hang the #Corporate #Traitors who call themselves "government! I don't NEED to claim myself "incompetent" by voting... and THAT is exactly what you are doing when you vote! You are claiming that you are mentally incompetent, and giving the #Corporation of the United States "Power of Attorney" over your life! Voting for the "lesser of two EVILS" (Like you ALWAYS end up doing) YOU are still voting for EVIL! We all should KNOW that our "vote" means NOTHING! If our "vote" meant anything at all... we would NOT end up voting for the "lesser of 2 evils" because we'd actually be choosing the candidates! But the "primaries" are more rigged than the elections! YOU are going through the motions.... But your "choice" don't mean sh*t! It is time to STOP being a #Statist twit! It's time to STOP being a #Slave! It's time to STOP allowing your Rockefeller funded indoctrination into Slavery control your life! Stand up and be a man! Tell these corporate scumbags to f*ck off! Better yet, how about form a posse and arrest them? Their thin blue line Stasi enforcers are just as guilty of crimes against humanity! You should look upon these people with utter disdain! They are literally WORSE than #Pedophiles! Of course they are likely pedophiles TOO! https://rumble.com/v53ywbq-donald-trump-vs-joe-biden-first-presidental-debate-live.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1045 Views
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