People think that we can legislate our problems away. We can't, we've proven throughout history that no matter what laws that our lawmakers write, that problems will still exist. Let's go over some examples of this.

Proof positive of this is prostitution. It's been around since the beginning of time. Yet, it's still here, even though in many countries it's outlawed. Why? Sex is a normal bodily function. To outlaw the selling of it is something that comes from the Victorian era. People group it into the human trafficking group of laws (and I can see why), but if someone wants to sell their body (and it's their right to), so be it. Let's be adults about it. This is one thing that should be deregulated, in my opinion.

The next example of this would be the "illegal narcotics" laws. I can see why it's outlawed. Look at all the problems it's caused. At the same time, even though it's heavily regulated and legislated we still have problems with it.

Now, we look at the prohibition era when we outlawed booze. All that did was create a black market for booze. And it made the criminals rich. It accomplished nothing in the end.

It's time we talk about the Second Amendment where it shouldn't be regulated because of our constitution, but it is. Look at all the homicides and gun shot victims that we have anyway. Additional legislation proves nothing.

In the end, what everything boils down to is that society needs to change, not our laws. And you lost some kind of freedom in the process. People need to raise their kids better, and take responsibility for it. People need to take responsibility for their actions. Nothing else. America lacks morality and responsibility.