This Isn’t Fraud, I’m Just Getting a Lower Premium

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Barry Zalma, Esq., CFE presents videos so you can learn how insurance fraud is perpetrated and what is necessary to deter or defeat insurance fraud.

Insurance Premium Fraud

Insurance fraud is not limited to fake claims.

Most businessmen would be shocked at a suggestion that they inflate a claim. They are honest in their business dealings. They honor their contracts and pay their bills. They seldom have insurance claims. When they have a claim, they deal fairly and honorably with their insurer.

When called upon to list the payroll for his workers’ compensation policy, he will be unconcerned when he tells his broker the payroll is $200,000 less than it actually is. It is just good business sense to reduce your workers’ compensation premium. When his policy shows factory workers cost more to insure than clerical, he “accidentally” reports to his workers’ compensation insurer that ten percent of his employees are factory workers and ninety percent are clerical, although the opposite is true.

What the businessman does not know, and what his broker does not tell him, is that knowingly misrepresenting a material fact [and there is nothing more material to an insurer than the basis upon which the premiums are calculated] is fraud. Insurance fraud in the acquisition of insurance bears both civil and criminal penalties.

Every claim adjuster and investigator should review every word on the application and obtain the insured’s answers asked as if the adjuster has no knowledge of the answers on the application form or be criticized for not completing a thorough investigation.

(c) 2022 Barry Zalma & ClaimSchool, Inc.

Barry Zalma, Esq., CFE, is available at and [email protected].

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