The blanking of the American culture has begun - the question is if the revisionist Marxists will succeed at anything before the illegality of what they have done will kick in.  They are trying to erase the 1776 commission.

"Few essential principles of American life are more poorly understood than that of religious liberty. Using selective misreadings of our founding documents, generations of anti-religionists have used the Establishment Clause of our Constitution unjustly to chase religion from the public square and discredit it in the minds of the people. This is not merely ahistorical—it is foolish and reckless. Ironically, it has also left us with no resources to prevent the establishment of a new, if unacknowledged, civic religion whose practitioners preach racialism and perpetual grievance."

"In an Appendix to the 1776 Report, which the new administration was quick to erase from its website, President Trump’s commission thoroughly and succinctly dispenses with the idea that America’s founders devalued religion or thought the regime they built could survive without it. We present that appendix below; another excerpt from the main text can be found here, and the full report is preserved on the Claremont Institute’s website."