• They demonize humanity in their movies and call it a virus to justify culling the masses in wars and lab-made viruses like HIV, Ebola, SARS, Zika, and COVID19.

    The ruling class (now called the banking class) has been drilling this propaganda in the minds of the masses for centuries.

    They've been pushing overpopulation propaganda for decades, and when the masses started realizing that it's a silly myth, they switched to another hoax, and they called it global warming. They later renamed it to climate change to make it vague enough so they can interpret it in any way they like.

    Yes, the climate changes either naturally or artificially. Drop a few nuclear bombs here and there and you'll successfully plunge Earth into a nuclear winter for hundreds of years. So, it's completely possible for governments and big corporations to alter the Earth's climate. Actually, they've been busy doing it for decades by spraying chemicals in the sky to make it rain or snow through a process called "cloud-seeding."

    The method employs planes that are fitted with flares loaded with salt crystals and other chemicals that are fired into warm clouds that have an updraft or rising current of air. The updraft then consumes the salt crystals into the cloud, which causes tiny particles of water to collide, becoming heavier creating rain.

    American corporations like insurance companies in Alberta are funding cloud seeding projects to lessen damage claims. Idaho Power Company, for example, is supporting cloud seeing to bring more snowfall during the winter. Wineries in Argentina have also used cloud seeding to prevent hail from damaging their vineyards. Governments like Dubai are constantly altering weather through cloud-seeding to make it rain over their dry deserts.

    Now, this brings me to the globalist hoax of global warming. I'm calling it a hoax because it's artificially manufactured by corporations and governments to punish and enslave individual citizens while at the same time blaming them for it. Yes, corporations and governments are actively manufacturing global warming by orchestrating bushfires around the world like the ones that were raging in Australia a couple of years ago and by forcing us to use fossil fuel and petroleum products while suppressing the alternatives. The endgame of this artificial global warming is to achieve these two primary goals:

    1. Enslave citizens of every country on earth through a progressive tax called the carbon tax. This tax will be measured according to how much carbon you're consuming. In this dystopian future, when you buy any product from a supermarket, you'll be taxed on top of the sales tax, a carbon tax that depends on how much carbon went into making the product you're buying. Also, depending on how much energy you're using at your home, you'll also be taxed a carbon tax that's relative to how much carbon it took to produce that electricity.

    2. Accelerate the melting of the Arctic for cargo ships to pass across this new trade route through the Bering Strait. These waterways are highly strategic economically, politically, and militarily, which is why the U.S. Navy is updating its Arctic Strategy, why China has drawn up a Polar Silk Road whitepaper, and why Russia seeks to solidify its control of, and successfully monetize, the route that traverses 3,000 nautical miles along its northern coastline.

    So yeah, climate change is happening, but it's fascist corporations and terrorist governments that are causing it artificially.

    #CarbonTax #CloudSeeding #PolarSilkRoad #SilkRoad #PolarSilkRoadWhitepaper #ArcticStrategy #BeringStrait #BeltAndRoadInitiative #ArcticPolicy #ArcticRoutes #NortheastPassage #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #AustralianBushfires #EchoTerrorist #EchoTerrorists #AustralianFires #Bushfire #Bushfires #DeadlyBushfires #CorporateMedia #IdahoPowerCompany #PetroleumProducts #Depopulation #OverpopulationPropaganda #Overpopulation #PopulationControl #OverpopulationIsAMyth #OverpopulationIsALie #ScarcityEconomics #EconomicBlockade #Overpopulated #FoodShortage #LandShortage #PowerShortage #ZoningLaws


    They demonize humanity in their movies and call it a virus to justify culling the masses in wars and lab-made viruses like HIV, Ebola, SARS, Zika, and COVID19. The ruling class (now called the banking class) has been drilling this propaganda in the minds of the masses for centuries. They've been pushing overpopulation propaganda for decades, and when the masses started realizing that it's a silly myth, they switched to another hoax, and they called it global warming. They later renamed it to climate change to make it vague enough so they can interpret it in any way they like. Yes, the climate changes either naturally or artificially. Drop a few nuclear bombs here and there and you'll successfully plunge Earth into a nuclear winter for hundreds of years. So, it's completely possible for governments and big corporations to alter the Earth's climate. Actually, they've been busy doing it for decades by spraying chemicals in the sky to make it rain or snow through a process called "cloud-seeding." The method employs planes that are fitted with flares loaded with salt crystals and other chemicals that are fired into warm clouds that have an updraft or rising current of air. The updraft then consumes the salt crystals into the cloud, which causes tiny particles of water to collide, becoming heavier creating rain. American corporations like insurance companies in Alberta are funding cloud seeding projects to lessen damage claims. Idaho Power Company, for example, is supporting cloud seeing to bring more snowfall during the winter. Wineries in Argentina have also used cloud seeding to prevent hail from damaging their vineyards. Governments like Dubai are constantly altering weather through cloud-seeding to make it rain over their dry deserts. Now, this brings me to the globalist hoax of global warming. I'm calling it a hoax because it's artificially manufactured by corporations and governments to punish and enslave individual citizens while at the same time blaming them for it. Yes, corporations and governments are actively manufacturing global warming by orchestrating bushfires around the world like the ones that were raging in Australia a couple of years ago and by forcing us to use fossil fuel and petroleum products while suppressing the alternatives. The endgame of this artificial global warming is to achieve these two primary goals: 1. Enslave citizens of every country on earth through a progressive tax called the carbon tax. This tax will be measured according to how much carbon you're consuming. In this dystopian future, when you buy any product from a supermarket, you'll be taxed on top of the sales tax, a carbon tax that depends on how much carbon went into making the product you're buying. Also, depending on how much energy you're using at your home, you'll also be taxed a carbon tax that's relative to how much carbon it took to produce that electricity. 2. Accelerate the melting of the Arctic for cargo ships to pass across this new trade route through the Bering Strait. These waterways are highly strategic economically, politically, and militarily, which is why the U.S. Navy is updating its Arctic Strategy, why China has drawn up a Polar Silk Road whitepaper, and why Russia seeks to solidify its control of, and successfully monetize, the route that traverses 3,000 nautical miles along its northern coastline. So yeah, climate change is happening, but it's fascist corporations and terrorist governments that are causing it artificially. #CarbonTax #CloudSeeding #PolarSilkRoad #SilkRoad #PolarSilkRoadWhitepaper #ArcticStrategy #BeringStrait #BeltAndRoadInitiative #ArcticPolicy #ArcticRoutes #NortheastPassage #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #AustralianBushfires #EchoTerrorist #EchoTerrorists #AustralianFires #Bushfire #Bushfires #DeadlyBushfires #CorporateMedia #IdahoPowerCompany #PetroleumProducts #Depopulation #OverpopulationPropaganda #Overpopulation #PopulationControl #OverpopulationIsAMyth #OverpopulationIsALie #ScarcityEconomics #EconomicBlockade #Overpopulated #FoodShortage #LandShortage #PowerShortage #ZoningLaws Sources: https://is.gd/Y8zrN2 https://is.gd/6rbmkv https://is.gd/MlJ8OT https://is.gd/5ABRWA https://is.gd/eywp46 https://is.gd/cN5C6N https://is.gd/jDHyoQ https://is.gd/fb3jM5 https://is.gd/daaOks https://is.gd/Gkt5Uu https://is.gd/gZwJpZ https://is.gd/24Bnju https://is.gd/6lySHr https://is.gd/0dwZol https://is.gd/zr7Ezl https://is.gd/Ji2UEg https://is.gd/a50yOo https://is.gd/raRtrS https://is.gd/y8ESCQ https://is.gd/biCcVo https://is.gd/TBqffQ https://is.gd/QEDv82 https://is.gd/FxeCcf https://is.gd/FNAL3s
    0 Comments 0 Shares 12K Views
  • Operation Mockingbird is a large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early 1950s to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes.

    It funded student and cultural organizations and magazines as front organizations, one of which is the CNN.

    According to the Congress report published in 1976: "The CIA currently maintains a network of several hundred foreign individuals around the world who provide intelligence for the CIA and at times attempt to influence opinion through the use of covert propaganda.

    These individuals provide the CIA with direct access to a large number of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets."

    In 1983, 90% of American media was owned by 50 companies. Now, 5 companies own and control 90% of American media. COMCAST, NEWS-CORP, DISNEY, ViacomCBS, and TIME WARNER own over 90% of ALL TV stations, radio stations, movie studios, magazines and newspapers that Americans rely on for news and entertainment. This means that ONLY 5 CEOs regulate the news diet of the masses.

    So what is corporate media? It's a cartel of big media corporations employing millionaires who are paid by billionaires to push the narratives of the banking class.

    In 1996, Bill Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act, which allowed for media cross-ownership and led to a consolidation orgy of the radio industry because it lifted a 40-station ownership cap. Later under George W. Bush in 2004, an appeals court decision struck down even more media ownership rules.

    "If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." ~ Malcolm X.

    You are being brainwashed every day by the TV and movies you watch.

    You're not the author of your own thoughts. They're being fed to you by just 5 CEOs who work for the same banks that you're a slave to.

    Stop watching and start researching.

    #OperationMockingbird #Mockingbird #CIA #CentralIntelligenceAgency #MindControl #CounsilOnForeignRelations #MKultra #TV #MainstreamNews #MSM #KnowledgeIsPower #Rockefeller #Rothschild #Soros #Corruption #SinclairBroadcastGroup #Sinclair #ViacomCBS #COMCAST #NEWSCORP #DISNEY #VIACOM #TIMEWARNER #CBS #CorporateMedia #EstablishmentMedia #MediaCorporations #Propaganda #IndependentMedia #MainstreamMedia #MediaOutlets #PropagandaOutlets #MouthPieces #TalkingHeads #Disinformation #MediaCartel #MassMedia #IllusionOfChoice #TelecommunicationsAct #BillClinton #GeorgeWBush

    Operation Mockingbird is a large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early 1950s to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. It funded student and cultural organizations and magazines as front organizations, one of which is the CNN. According to the Congress report published in 1976: "The CIA currently maintains a network of several hundred foreign individuals around the world who provide intelligence for the CIA and at times attempt to influence opinion through the use of covert propaganda. These individuals provide the CIA with direct access to a large number of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets." In 1983, 90% of American media was owned by 50 companies. Now, 5 companies own and control 90% of American media. COMCAST, NEWS-CORP, DISNEY, ViacomCBS, and TIME WARNER own over 90% of ALL TV stations, radio stations, movie studios, magazines and newspapers that Americans rely on for news and entertainment. This means that ONLY 5 CEOs regulate the news diet of the masses. So what is corporate media? It's a cartel of big media corporations employing millionaires who are paid by billionaires to push the narratives of the banking class. In 1996, Bill Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act, which allowed for media cross-ownership and led to a consolidation orgy of the radio industry because it lifted a 40-station ownership cap. Later under George W. Bush in 2004, an appeals court decision struck down even more media ownership rules. "If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." ~ Malcolm X. You are being brainwashed every day by the TV and movies you watch. You're not the author of your own thoughts. They're being fed to you by just 5 CEOs who work for the same banks that you're a slave to. Stop watching and start researching. #OperationMockingbird #Mockingbird #CIA #CentralIntelligenceAgency #MindControl #CounsilOnForeignRelations #MKultra #TV #MainstreamNews #MSM #KnowledgeIsPower #Rockefeller #Rothschild #Soros #Corruption #SinclairBroadcastGroup #Sinclair #ViacomCBS #COMCAST #NEWSCORP #DISNEY #VIACOM #TIMEWARNER #CBS #CorporateMedia #EstablishmentMedia #MediaCorporations #Propaganda #IndependentMedia #MainstreamMedia #MediaOutlets #PropagandaOutlets #MouthPieces #TalkingHeads #Disinformation #MediaCartel #MassMedia #IllusionOfChoice #TelecommunicationsAct #BillClinton #GeorgeWBush Sources: https://is.gd/INU3Qt https://is.gd/lC5Ql2 https://is.gd/m9jmnI https://is.gd/4cPB2Q https://is.gd/nbk78r https://is.gd/YvxAgb https://is.gd/Z4zyWs https://is.gd/h8bOcc https://is.gd/QsFm9n https://is.gd/T9g3jB https://is.gd/XyLdGf https://is.gd/OCYhds
    0 Comments 0 Shares 9K Views
  • There are only 15 countries in the world today with no income tax:

    1. The Bahamas
    2. Bahrain
    3. Brunei
    4. Cayman Islands
    5. Kuwait
    6. The Maldives
    7. Monaco
    8. Nauru
    9. Oman
    10. Qatar
    11. Somalia
    12. The United Arab Emirates
    13. Vanuatu
    14. Western Sahara
    15. Saint Kitts and Nevis

    Fun fact about Brunei is that it's one of only 4 nations in the world today with ZERO external debt. They do not owe any money to any international banker. Meanwhile, the U.S. government currently owes more than 26 TRILLION dollars. Who does it owe all that money to? To the criminal cabal of international bankers, of course.

    If you're one of those brainwashed idiots who think governments produce their own currencies, you must read this.

    Governments are never allowed to issue their own money but must always borrow it as a loan with interest from those who counterfeit it. Today, all the money in the world is owed to the criminal cabal of international bankers that includes the Rothschilds (the Jewish dynasty that founded Zionism and created Israel), the Rockefellers (the banking dynasty that founded Big Oil, Big Pharma, and the world's education system), and the Morgans (the banking dynasty that controls all manufacturing).

    This secretive banking class has the authority to counterfeit an infinite supply of money on demand and loan it to governments with interest. ALL the money in the world is owed to this banking class. Governments are never allowed to issue their own money but MUST always borrow it as a loan with interest from this banking class.

    The Rothschilds counterfeit $100 bills for 13 cents apiece then loan the paper to the U.S. Government for the value printed on the paper plus interest! The U.S. Government then forces citizens to pay income taxes at gunpoint through the IRS to pay the interest on the borrowed money that was originally counterfeited by the Rothschilds for 13 cents apiece. It's the biggest financial hoax in history, and there's only one purpose behind it: slavery to the banking class. Because debt is slavery.

    This terrorist group of bankers masterminded every crisis since Napoleon because they know that nothing works better than terrorism and extortion to control the masses. Because absolutely NOTHING materializes as swiftly and as effectively as policies enacted in the wake of a crisis. And that's why this banking class creates a crisis every now and then to fulfill their agendas against the priorities and the will of citizens. Every crisis is a step in the ladder to achieve their goal. COVID19 is just another planned crisis like 9/11 on a long list of planned crises that are coming up in the pipeline.

    Since Napoleon, the Rothschilds have been funding both sides of every war. Today they own almost every central bank on Earth. Iraq did not have a Zionist central bank until it was invaded by the United States and destroyed in 2003. Libya did not have a Zionist central bank, and that's why it was invaded and destroyed in 2011. Iran does not have a Zionist central bank yet, which is why it will soon be invaded and destroyed either by the United States directly or by one of America's mercenary armies like ISIS and Al Qaeda.

    All wars, hunger, famine, unemployment, homelessness, and misery are orchestrated by this terrorist banking group. The key to ending all this nightmare is to simply abolish ALL BANKS and make debt completely illegal. It's the ONLY solution.

    Stop fighting each other, you fools, and revolt against the banks! Forget about the politicians, they're ALL just puppets to the same central bank.

    Watch these videos to discover the truth about fiatmoney:

    Unfortunately, if you're a brainwashed idiot you'll simply ignore this message and you'll continue to vote for the next puppet politician you see on TV to pledge allegiance to this secretive terrorist organization because the TV told you so. It's time to grow a brain...

    #IncomeTax #NoIncomeTax #DivideAndConquer #MainstreamMedia #CorporateMedia #MSM #Rothschilds #Rockefeller #Morgans #WallStreet #MoneyPrintingPress #BankstersParadise #Banksters #StateBank #CentralBank #PoliticsIsFake #DebtIsSlavery #TaxationIsTheft #EndTheFed #EndTheDebt #EndAllDebt #ForgiveUsOurDebts #ModerndaySlavery #TheFederalReserve #FederalReserve #Fed #Feds #Debt #FractionalReserveBanking #BankOfInternationalSettlements #BIS #IMF #WorldBank #Usery #Fiatmoney #DebtBasedEconomy #DebtBasedMoney #TaxFarm #JPMorgan #JPMorganChase #CityBank #BankOfAmerica #BofA #WageSlavery #WageSlaves #EndSlavery #StopAllSlavery #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #Zion

    There are only 15 countries in the world today with no income tax: 1. The Bahamas 2. Bahrain 3. Brunei 4. Cayman Islands 5. Kuwait 6. The Maldives 7. Monaco 8. Nauru 9. Oman 10. Qatar 11. Somalia 12. The United Arab Emirates 13. Vanuatu 14. Western Sahara 15. Saint Kitts and Nevis Fun fact about Brunei is that it's one of only 4 nations in the world today with ZERO external debt. They do not owe any money to any international banker. Meanwhile, the U.S. government currently owes more than 26 TRILLION dollars. Who does it owe all that money to? To the criminal cabal of international bankers, of course. If you're one of those brainwashed idiots who think governments produce their own currencies, you must read this. Governments are never allowed to issue their own money but must always borrow it as a loan with interest from those who counterfeit it. Today, all the money in the world is owed to the criminal cabal of international bankers that includes the Rothschilds (the Jewish dynasty that founded Zionism and created Israel), the Rockefellers (the banking dynasty that founded Big Oil, Big Pharma, and the world's education system), and the Morgans (the banking dynasty that controls all manufacturing). This secretive banking class has the authority to counterfeit an infinite supply of money on demand and loan it to governments with interest. ALL the money in the world is owed to this banking class. Governments are never allowed to issue their own money but MUST always borrow it as a loan with interest from this banking class. The Rothschilds counterfeit $100 bills for 13 cents apiece then loan the paper to the U.S. Government for the value printed on the paper plus interest! The U.S. Government then forces citizens to pay income taxes at gunpoint through the IRS to pay the interest on the borrowed money that was originally counterfeited by the Rothschilds for 13 cents apiece. It's the biggest financial hoax in history, and there's only one purpose behind it: slavery to the banking class. Because debt is slavery. This terrorist group of bankers masterminded every crisis since Napoleon because they know that nothing works better than terrorism and extortion to control the masses. Because absolutely NOTHING materializes as swiftly and as effectively as policies enacted in the wake of a crisis. And that's why this banking class creates a crisis every now and then to fulfill their agendas against the priorities and the will of citizens. Every crisis is a step in the ladder to achieve their goal. COVID19 is just another planned crisis like 9/11 on a long list of planned crises that are coming up in the pipeline. Since Napoleon, the Rothschilds have been funding both sides of every war. Today they own almost every central bank on Earth. Iraq did not have a Zionist central bank until it was invaded by the United States and destroyed in 2003. Libya did not have a Zionist central bank, and that's why it was invaded and destroyed in 2011. Iran does not have a Zionist central bank yet, which is why it will soon be invaded and destroyed either by the United States directly or by one of America's mercenary armies like ISIS and Al Qaeda. All wars, hunger, famine, unemployment, homelessness, and misery are orchestrated by this terrorist banking group. The key to ending all this nightmare is to simply abolish ALL BANKS and make debt completely illegal. It's the ONLY solution. Stop fighting each other, you fools, and revolt against the banks! Forget about the politicians, they're ALL just puppets to the same central bank. Watch these videos to discover the truth about fiatmoney: https://is.gd/YVFRJp https://is.gd/Ymi7O7 https://is.gd/Fa0VTx https://is.gd/PD5KnU https://is.gd/Hyeyg5 https://is.gd/GupFnA https://is.gd/1lZZCs https://is.gd/bxEc4r https://is.gd/8nbHsD Unfortunately, if you're a brainwashed idiot you'll simply ignore this message and you'll continue to vote for the next puppet politician you see on TV to pledge allegiance to this secretive terrorist organization because the TV told you so. It's time to grow a brain... #IncomeTax #NoIncomeTax #DivideAndConquer #MainstreamMedia #CorporateMedia #MSM #Rothschilds #Rockefeller #Morgans #WallStreet #MoneyPrintingPress #BankstersParadise #Banksters #StateBank #CentralBank #PoliticsIsFake #DebtIsSlavery #TaxationIsTheft #EndTheFed #EndTheDebt #EndAllDebt #ForgiveUsOurDebts #ModerndaySlavery #TheFederalReserve #FederalReserve #Fed #Feds #Debt #FractionalReserveBanking #BankOfInternationalSettlements #BIS #IMF #WorldBank #Usery #Fiatmoney #DebtBasedEconomy #DebtBasedMoney #TaxFarm #JPMorgan #JPMorganChase #CityBank #BankOfAmerica #BofA #WageSlavery #WageSlaves #EndSlavery #StopAllSlavery #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #Zion Sources: https://is.gd/lglz2q https://is.gd/bETPri https://is.gd/AqPLbg https://is.gd/AqPLbg https://is.gd/KxORmg https://is.gd/OUhykG
    0 Comments 0 Shares 8K Views
  • The powerful propaganda machinery of the American empire is now waging an infowar against anyone who publishes anything on the internet suggesting that the wildfires in California are the work of arsonists.

    "We are removing false claims that certain groups started the wildfires in Oregon. This is based on confirmation from law enforcement that these rumors are forcing local fire and police agencies to divert resources from fighting the fires and protecting the public," said Andy Stone, policy communications manager at Facebook.

    And whenever the tech tyrants of silicon valley try to sensor ANYTHING on social media, take it as proof that what they're censoring is the truth. Because truth is treason in the empire of lies.

    Also, after corporate media mandate what opinions citizens are allowed to have about the wildfires, authorities can come out of their dins to push the climate change agenda by blaming it for the fires.

    The extreme majority of bushfires are caused by humans either deliberately or accidentally and have nothing to do with climate change. But this hasn't prevented it from being the dominant narrative by corporate media, politicians, and celebrities who continue to deceptively blame global warming for the disaster.

    It's very STUPID to assume that trees self-combust due to extreme heat when in fact trees thrive in extremely hot weather and in the strongest direct sun they can get which is why Earth's rainforests are located around the equator where it's hottest and the sun is strongest.

    Just look at the world's map and you'll see that Earth is greenest around the equator. Trees absorb the sun's heat and turn it into humidity and rain. Trees also consume carbon while cooling down the surrounding temperatures.

    Remember, measuring the temperature in the shade is not the same as in the open. Trees create shade and thus cool the land. Therefore, by chopping down trees in mass or deliberately burning them, Earth's temperature rises considerably. The criminal cabal of international bankers know this, which is why they've been busy ordering the chopping down of trees and arsons around the globe to accelerate global warming and the melting of the Arctic for cargo ships to pass across this new trade route through the Bering Strait.

    Reinforcing the hoax of climate change in the minds of the masses will also help extremists like Bill Gates to block out the sun. I know it's unbelievable, but it's true. This billionaire madman wants to block out the sun under the guise of defeating climate change.

    #AndyStone #Facebook #Arson #Arsonists #Arsonist #EchoTerrorist #EchoTerrorists #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #Bushfire #Bushfires #DeadlyBushfires #CorporateMedia #ArcticPolicy #ArcticRoutes #NortheastPassage #PolarSilkRoad #BeltAndRoadInitiative #SCoPEx #StratosphericControlledPerturbationExperiment

    The powerful propaganda machinery of the American empire is now waging an infowar against anyone who publishes anything on the internet suggesting that the wildfires in California are the work of arsonists. "We are removing false claims that certain groups started the wildfires in Oregon. This is based on confirmation from law enforcement that these rumors are forcing local fire and police agencies to divert resources from fighting the fires and protecting the public," said Andy Stone, policy communications manager at Facebook. And whenever the tech tyrants of silicon valley try to sensor ANYTHING on social media, take it as proof that what they're censoring is the truth. Because truth is treason in the empire of lies. Also, after corporate media mandate what opinions citizens are allowed to have about the wildfires, authorities can come out of their dins to push the climate change agenda by blaming it for the fires. The extreme majority of bushfires are caused by humans either deliberately or accidentally and have nothing to do with climate change. But this hasn't prevented it from being the dominant narrative by corporate media, politicians, and celebrities who continue to deceptively blame global warming for the disaster. It's very STUPID to assume that trees self-combust due to extreme heat when in fact trees thrive in extremely hot weather and in the strongest direct sun they can get which is why Earth's rainforests are located around the equator where it's hottest and the sun is strongest. Just look at the world's map and you'll see that Earth is greenest around the equator. Trees absorb the sun's heat and turn it into humidity and rain. Trees also consume carbon while cooling down the surrounding temperatures. Remember, measuring the temperature in the shade is not the same as in the open. Trees create shade and thus cool the land. Therefore, by chopping down trees in mass or deliberately burning them, Earth's temperature rises considerably. The criminal cabal of international bankers know this, which is why they've been busy ordering the chopping down of trees and arsons around the globe to accelerate global warming and the melting of the Arctic for cargo ships to pass across this new trade route through the Bering Strait. Reinforcing the hoax of climate change in the minds of the masses will also help extremists like Bill Gates to block out the sun. I know it's unbelievable, but it's true. This billionaire madman wants to block out the sun under the guise of defeating climate change. #AndyStone #Facebook #Arson #Arsonists #Arsonist #EchoTerrorist #EchoTerrorists #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #Bushfire #Bushfires #DeadlyBushfires #CorporateMedia #ArcticPolicy #ArcticRoutes #NortheastPassage #PolarSilkRoad #BeltAndRoadInitiative #SCoPEx #StratosphericControlledPerturbationExperiment Sources: https://is.gd/oGgnKk https://is.gd/8Esfia https://is.gd/rm1PmL https://is.gd/gCPpBr https://is.gd/bvRtWp
    Press For Truth
    Arson or Climate Change? A Deep Dive on The WEST COAST WILDFIRES with Press For Truth!!!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6K Views
  • The Black Mirror episode "Men Against Fire" is the wet dream of the American military.

    Even with the constant brainwashing by Hollywood's glorification of war and violence, there's still that pesky thing called "humanity" that the military can't wipe off completely from its war slaves (soldiers in doublespeak). The perfect war slave is a heartless, soulless, merciless machine that kills on command with no moral qualms or remorse. And just like its competitor, the Nazi military, the American military is adamant about designing the perfect soldiers.

    Also, the Empire is already having a tough time recruiting its brainless troopers and the only tactic it has is to continue deliberately impoverishing a large portion of the population so they'll be tempted with free education and the other social services that the military promises to its slaves. Therefore, America's favorite business of bombing and burglarizing other countries requires an upgrade.

    The natural evolution of the American soldier is a transhuman. It's an animal that thinks it's a human and might look like a human but yet it isn't. It lacks emotions, feelings, and critical thoughts. A transhuman is basically a biological machine that can be programmed by the state to act and think exactly as the state wants.

    The American military has always conditioned its war slaves to dehumanize the enemy through the use of racial slurs. They use the term "towelhead" against Arabs and the term "gook" against Asians.
    Using these racial slurs makes it easier on the mind of the American war slave to kill the enemy. That way, one soldier would say to the other "I killed 10 gooks today, how many did you kill?" instead of saying "I killed 10 people today, how many did you kill?"

    But all that mind-control through the misuse of language will never yield the same outcome as a transhuman whose worldview can be molded precisely like the state desires.

    Watch the Black Mirror episode Men Against Fire to understand this because if a picture is worth a thousand words, a film is worth a million.

    #BlackMirror #MenAgainstFire #BiologicalMachine #Transhuman #Transhumanism #Gook #Gooks #Towelhead #Towelheads #RacialSlur #RacialSlurs #USGovernment #AmericanGovernment #WarCrimes #WarCrime #AmericanWars #AmericanWarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity #ProWar #ProWarCorporateMedia #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarMachine #TheWarMachine #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #AmericanEmperialism #Terrorism #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #ProxyWar #ProxyWars #Warfare #Foreverwar #Foreverwars #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #PerpetualWar

    The Black Mirror episode "Men Against Fire" is the wet dream of the American military. Even with the constant brainwashing by Hollywood's glorification of war and violence, there's still that pesky thing called "humanity" that the military can't wipe off completely from its war slaves (soldiers in doublespeak). The perfect war slave is a heartless, soulless, merciless machine that kills on command with no moral qualms or remorse. And just like its competitor, the Nazi military, the American military is adamant about designing the perfect soldiers. Also, the Empire is already having a tough time recruiting its brainless troopers and the only tactic it has is to continue deliberately impoverishing a large portion of the population so they'll be tempted with free education and the other social services that the military promises to its slaves. Therefore, America's favorite business of bombing and burglarizing other countries requires an upgrade. The natural evolution of the American soldier is a transhuman. It's an animal that thinks it's a human and might look like a human but yet it isn't. It lacks emotions, feelings, and critical thoughts. A transhuman is basically a biological machine that can be programmed by the state to act and think exactly as the state wants. The American military has always conditioned its war slaves to dehumanize the enemy through the use of racial slurs. They use the term "towelhead" against Arabs and the term "gook" against Asians. Using these racial slurs makes it easier on the mind of the American war slave to kill the enemy. That way, one soldier would say to the other "I killed 10 gooks today, how many did you kill?" instead of saying "I killed 10 people today, how many did you kill?" But all that mind-control through the misuse of language will never yield the same outcome as a transhuman whose worldview can be molded precisely like the state desires. Watch the Black Mirror episode Men Against Fire to understand this because if a picture is worth a thousand words, a film is worth a million. #BlackMirror #MenAgainstFire #BiologicalMachine #Transhuman #Transhumanism #Gook #Gooks #Towelhead #Towelheads #RacialSlur #RacialSlurs #USGovernment #AmericanGovernment #WarCrimes #WarCrime #AmericanWars #AmericanWarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity #ProWar #ProWarCorporateMedia #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarMachine #TheWarMachine #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #AmericanEmperialism #Terrorism #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #ProxyWar #ProxyWars #Warfare #Foreverwar #Foreverwars #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #PerpetualWar Sources: https://is.gd/6fgYZx https://is.gd/OwbS55
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  • What would you do if you're the king of an empire and you rely on the slavery of citizens to keep you rich and powerful? What would you do if you see the slaves waking up and starting to show dissent?

    You would want to distract them and turn them against each other. Because how can they ever revolt against you when they're so busy fighting each other? Corporate media, which is in the business of maintaining the status quo and manufacturing consent, is doing a great job at manufacturing division and hate among citizens. They generate fear, intimidate, distract, and divide.

    Mass fear is the ticket to destroy civil rights because for as long as enough people can be frightened, all citizens can be ruled. Through corporate media, the banking class continues to create sides for us to choose from. They will keep your mind focus on skin color or religion to distract you from discovering the truth about society and who controls it. It's the banks! It's always been the banks behind war and the enslavement of nations.

    Governments are never allowed to issue their own money but must always borrow it as a loan with interest from those who counterfeit it. Today, all the money in the world is owed to the criminal cabal of international bankers that includes the Rothschilds (the Jewish dynasty that founded Zionism and created Israel), the Rockefellers (the banking dynasty that founded Big Oil and Big Pharma and the world's education system), and the Morgans (the banking dynasty that controls all manufacturing). This banking class has the authority to counterfeit an infinite supply of money on demand and loan it to governments with interest.

    The Rothschilds counterfeit $100 bills for 13 cents apiece then loan the paper to the U.S. Government for the value printed on the paper plus interest! The U.S. Government then forces citizens to pay income taxes at gunpoint through the IRS to pay the interest on the borrowed money that was originally counterfeited by the Rothschilds for 13 cents apiece. It's the biggest financial hoax in history, and there's only one purpose behind it: slavery to the banking class. Because debt is slavery.

    This terrorist group of bankers masterminded every crisis since Napoleon because they know that nothing works better than terrorism and extortion to control the masses. Because absolutely NOTHING materializes as swiftly and as effectively as policies enacted in the wake of a crisis. And that's why this banking class creates a crisis every now and then to fulfill their agendas against the priorities and the will of citizens. Every crisis is a step in the ladder to achieve their goal. COVID19 is just another planned crisis like 9/11 on a long list of planned crises that are coming up in the pipeline.

    All wars, hunger, famine, unemployment, homelessness, and misery are orchestrated by this terrorist banking group. The key to ending all this nightmare is to simply abolish ALL BANKS and make debt completely illegal. It's the ONLY solution.

    Stop fighting each other, you fools, and revolt against the banks! Forget about the politicians, they're ALL just puppets to the same central bank.

    #DivideAndConquer #MainstreamMedia #CorporateMedia #MSM #Rothschilds #Rockefeller #Morgans #WallStreet #MoneyPrintingPress #BankstersParadise #Banksters #StateBank #CentralBank #PoliticsIsFake #DebtIsSlavery #TaxationIsTheft #EndTheFed #EndTheDebt #EndAllDebt #ForgiveUsOurDebts #ModerndaySlavery #TheFederalReserve #FederalReserve #Fed #Feds #Debt #FractionalReserveBanking #BankOfInternationalSettlements #BIS #IMF #WorldBank #Usery #Fiatmoney #DebtBasedEconomy #DebtBasedMoney #TaxFarm #JPMorgan #JPMorganChase #CityBank #BankOfAmerica #BofA #WageSlavery #WageSlaves #EndSlavery #StopAllSlavery #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #Zion

    Watch these videos to discover the truth about fiatmoney:
    What would you do if you're the king of an empire and you rely on the slavery of citizens to keep you rich and powerful? What would you do if you see the slaves waking up and starting to show dissent? You would want to distract them and turn them against each other. Because how can they ever revolt against you when they're so busy fighting each other? Corporate media, which is in the business of maintaining the status quo and manufacturing consent, is doing a great job at manufacturing division and hate among citizens. They generate fear, intimidate, distract, and divide. Mass fear is the ticket to destroy civil rights because for as long as enough people can be frightened, all citizens can be ruled. Through corporate media, the banking class continues to create sides for us to choose from. They will keep your mind focus on skin color or religion to distract you from discovering the truth about society and who controls it. It's the banks! It's always been the banks behind war and the enslavement of nations. Governments are never allowed to issue their own money but must always borrow it as a loan with interest from those who counterfeit it. Today, all the money in the world is owed to the criminal cabal of international bankers that includes the Rothschilds (the Jewish dynasty that founded Zionism and created Israel), the Rockefellers (the banking dynasty that founded Big Oil and Big Pharma and the world's education system), and the Morgans (the banking dynasty that controls all manufacturing). This banking class has the authority to counterfeit an infinite supply of money on demand and loan it to governments with interest. The Rothschilds counterfeit $100 bills for 13 cents apiece then loan the paper to the U.S. Government for the value printed on the paper plus interest! The U.S. Government then forces citizens to pay income taxes at gunpoint through the IRS to pay the interest on the borrowed money that was originally counterfeited by the Rothschilds for 13 cents apiece. It's the biggest financial hoax in history, and there's only one purpose behind it: slavery to the banking class. Because debt is slavery. This terrorist group of bankers masterminded every crisis since Napoleon because they know that nothing works better than terrorism and extortion to control the masses. Because absolutely NOTHING materializes as swiftly and as effectively as policies enacted in the wake of a crisis. And that's why this banking class creates a crisis every now and then to fulfill their agendas against the priorities and the will of citizens. Every crisis is a step in the ladder to achieve their goal. COVID19 is just another planned crisis like 9/11 on a long list of planned crises that are coming up in the pipeline. All wars, hunger, famine, unemployment, homelessness, and misery are orchestrated by this terrorist banking group. The key to ending all this nightmare is to simply abolish ALL BANKS and make debt completely illegal. It's the ONLY solution. Stop fighting each other, you fools, and revolt against the banks! Forget about the politicians, they're ALL just puppets to the same central bank. #DivideAndConquer #MainstreamMedia #CorporateMedia #MSM #Rothschilds #Rockefeller #Morgans #WallStreet #MoneyPrintingPress #BankstersParadise #Banksters #StateBank #CentralBank #PoliticsIsFake #DebtIsSlavery #TaxationIsTheft #EndTheFed #EndTheDebt #EndAllDebt #ForgiveUsOurDebts #ModerndaySlavery #TheFederalReserve #FederalReserve #Fed #Feds #Debt #FractionalReserveBanking #BankOfInternationalSettlements #BIS #IMF #WorldBank #Usery #Fiatmoney #DebtBasedEconomy #DebtBasedMoney #TaxFarm #JPMorgan #JPMorganChase #CityBank #BankOfAmerica #BofA #WageSlavery #WageSlaves #EndSlavery #StopAllSlavery #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #Zion Watch these videos to discover the truth about fiatmoney: https://is.gd/YVFRJp https://is.gd/Ymi7O7 https://is.gd/Fa0VTx https://is.gd/PD5KnU https://is.gd/Hyeyg5 https://is.gd/GupFnA https://is.gd/1lZZCs https://is.gd/bxEc4r https://is.gd/8nbHsD
    0 Comments 1 Shares 7K Views
  • Drop a few nuclear bombs here and there and you'll successfully plunge Earth into a nuclear winter for hundreds of years. Therefore, it's completely possible for governments and big corporations to alter the Earth's climate. Actually, they've been busy doing it for decades by spraying chemicals in the sky to make it rain or snow through a process called "cloud-seeding."

    The method employs planes that are fitted with flares loaded with salt crystals and other chemicals that are fired into warm clouds that have an updraft or rising current of air. The updraft then consumes the salt crystals into the cloud which causes tiny particles of water to collide becoming heavier creating rain.

    American corporations like insurance companies in Alberta are funding cloud seeding projects in order to lessen damage claims. Idaho Power Company, for example, is supporting cloud seeing to bring more snowfall during the winter. Wineries in Argentina have also used cloud seeding to prevent hail from damaging their vineyards. Governments like Dubai are constantly altering weather through cloud-seeding to make it rain over their dry deserts.

    Now this brings me to the globalist hoax of global warming (aka climate change). I'm calling it a hoax because it's artificially manufactured by corporations and governments to punish and enslave individual citizens while at the same time blaming them for it. Yes, corporations and governments are actively manufacturing global warming by orchestrating bushfires around the world like the ones that were raging in Australia last year and by forcing us to use fossil fuel and petroleum products. The endgame of artificial global warming is to achieve these two primary goals:

    1. Enslave citizens of every country on earth through a progressive tax called the carbon tax. This tax will be measured according to how much carbon you're consuming. In this dystopian future, when you buy any product from a supermarket, you'll be taxed on top of the sales tax a carbon tax that depends on how much carbon went into making the product you're buying. Also, depending on how much energy you're using at your home, you'll also be taxed a carbon tax that's relative to how much carbon it took to produce that electricity.

    2. Accelerate the melting of the Arctic for cargo ships to pass across this new trade route through the Bering Strait. These waterways are highly strategic economically, politically, and militarily, which is why the U.S. Navy is updating its Arctic Strategy, why China has drawn up a Polar Silk Road whitepaper, and why Russia seeks to solidify its control of, and successfully monetize, the route that traverses 3,000 nautical miles along its northern coastline.

    So yeah, climate change is happening but it's fascist corporations and governments that are causing it artificially.

    #CarbonTax #CloudSeeding #PolarSilkRoad #SilkRoad #PolarSilkRoadWhitepaper #ArcticStrategy #BeringStrait #BeltAndRoadInitiative #ArcticPolicy #ArcticRoutes #NortheastPassage #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #Arson #Arsonists #Arsonist #AustralianBushfires #AustralianBushfires2020 #EchoTerrorist #EchoTerrorists #AustralianFires #Bushfire #Bushfires #DeadlyBushfires #CorporateMedia #IdahoPowerCompany #Wineries #Russia #China #America #Petroleum #PetroleumProducts

    Drop a few nuclear bombs here and there and you'll successfully plunge Earth into a nuclear winter for hundreds of years. Therefore, it's completely possible for governments and big corporations to alter the Earth's climate. Actually, they've been busy doing it for decades by spraying chemicals in the sky to make it rain or snow through a process called "cloud-seeding." The method employs planes that are fitted with flares loaded with salt crystals and other chemicals that are fired into warm clouds that have an updraft or rising current of air. The updraft then consumes the salt crystals into the cloud which causes tiny particles of water to collide becoming heavier creating rain. American corporations like insurance companies in Alberta are funding cloud seeding projects in order to lessen damage claims. Idaho Power Company, for example, is supporting cloud seeing to bring more snowfall during the winter. Wineries in Argentina have also used cloud seeding to prevent hail from damaging their vineyards. Governments like Dubai are constantly altering weather through cloud-seeding to make it rain over their dry deserts. Now this brings me to the globalist hoax of global warming (aka climate change). I'm calling it a hoax because it's artificially manufactured by corporations and governments to punish and enslave individual citizens while at the same time blaming them for it. Yes, corporations and governments are actively manufacturing global warming by orchestrating bushfires around the world like the ones that were raging in Australia last year and by forcing us to use fossil fuel and petroleum products. The endgame of artificial global warming is to achieve these two primary goals: 1. Enslave citizens of every country on earth through a progressive tax called the carbon tax. This tax will be measured according to how much carbon you're consuming. In this dystopian future, when you buy any product from a supermarket, you'll be taxed on top of the sales tax a carbon tax that depends on how much carbon went into making the product you're buying. Also, depending on how much energy you're using at your home, you'll also be taxed a carbon tax that's relative to how much carbon it took to produce that electricity. 2. Accelerate the melting of the Arctic for cargo ships to pass across this new trade route through the Bering Strait. These waterways are highly strategic economically, politically, and militarily, which is why the U.S. Navy is updating its Arctic Strategy, why China has drawn up a Polar Silk Road whitepaper, and why Russia seeks to solidify its control of, and successfully monetize, the route that traverses 3,000 nautical miles along its northern coastline. So yeah, climate change is happening but it's fascist corporations and governments that are causing it artificially. #CarbonTax #CloudSeeding #PolarSilkRoad #SilkRoad #PolarSilkRoadWhitepaper #ArcticStrategy #BeringStrait #BeltAndRoadInitiative #ArcticPolicy #ArcticRoutes #NortheastPassage #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #Arson #Arsonists #Arsonist #AustralianBushfires #AustralianBushfires2020 #EchoTerrorist #EchoTerrorists #AustralianFires #Bushfire #Bushfires #DeadlyBushfires #CorporateMedia #IdahoPowerCompany #Wineries #Russia #China #America #Petroleum #PetroleumProducts Sources: https://is.gd/6rbmkv https://is.gd/MlJ8OT https://is.gd/5ABRWA https://is.gd/eywp46 https://is.gd/cN5C6N https://is.gd/jDHyoQ https://is.gd/fb3jM5 https://is.gd/daaOks https://is.gd/Gkt5Uu https://is.gd/gZwJpZ https://is.gd/24Bnju https://is.gd/6lySHr https://is.gd/0dwZol https://is.gd/zr7Ezl https://is.gd/Ji2UEg
    0 Comments 0 Shares 8K Views
  • Imagine for a moment that somewhere in the middle of Texas there was a large foreign military base, say Chinese or Russian. Imagine that thousands of armed foreign troops were constantly patrolling American streets in military vehicles. Imagine they were here under the auspices of "keeping us safe" or "promoting democracy" or "protecting their strategic interests." Imagine that they operated outside of US law and that the Constitution did not apply to them. Imagine that every now and then they made mistakes or acted on bad information and accidentally killed or terrorized innocent Americans, including women and children, most of the time with little to no repercussions or consequences. Imagine that they set up checkpoints on our soil and routinely searched and ransacked entire neighborhoods of homes. Imagine if Americans were fearful of these foreign troops, and overwhelmingly thought America would be better off without their presence. Imagine if some Americans were so angry about them being in Texas that they actually joined together to fight them off, in defense of our soil and sovereignty, because leadership in government refused or were unable to do so. Imagine that those Americans were labeled terrorists or insurgents for their defensive actions, and routinely killed, or captured and tortured by the foreign troops on our land. Imagine that the occupiers' attitude was that if they just killed enough Americans, the resistance would stop, but instead, for every American killed, ten more would take up arms against them, resulting in perpetual bloodshed. Imagine if most of the citizens of the foreign land also wanted these troops to return home. Imagine if they elected a leader who promised to bring them home and put an end to this horror. Imagine if that leader changed his mind once he took office. The reality is that America's military presence on foreign soil is as offensive to the people that live there as armed Chinese troops would be if they were stationed in Texas. Americans would not stand for it here, but their government has a globe fascist empire and a very intrusive foreign policy that incites a lot of hatred and resentment towards American citizens internationally.

    #Imagine #USGovernment #AmericanGovernment #WarCrimes #WarCrime #AmericanWars #AmericanWarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity #ProWar #ProWarCorporateMedia #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarMachine #TheWarMachine #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #AmericanEmperialism #Terrorism #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #ProxyWar #ProxyWars #Warfare #Foreverwar #Foreverwars #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #PerpetualWar

    Imagine for a moment that somewhere in the middle of Texas there was a large foreign military base, say Chinese or Russian. Imagine that thousands of armed foreign troops were constantly patrolling American streets in military vehicles. Imagine they were here under the auspices of "keeping us safe" or "promoting democracy" or "protecting their strategic interests." Imagine that they operated outside of US law and that the Constitution did not apply to them. Imagine that every now and then they made mistakes or acted on bad information and accidentally killed or terrorized innocent Americans, including women and children, most of the time with little to no repercussions or consequences. Imagine that they set up checkpoints on our soil and routinely searched and ransacked entire neighborhoods of homes. Imagine if Americans were fearful of these foreign troops, and overwhelmingly thought America would be better off without their presence. Imagine if some Americans were so angry about them being in Texas that they actually joined together to fight them off, in defense of our soil and sovereignty, because leadership in government refused or were unable to do so. Imagine that those Americans were labeled terrorists or insurgents for their defensive actions, and routinely killed, or captured and tortured by the foreign troops on our land. Imagine that the occupiers' attitude was that if they just killed enough Americans, the resistance would stop, but instead, for every American killed, ten more would take up arms against them, resulting in perpetual bloodshed. Imagine if most of the citizens of the foreign land also wanted these troops to return home. Imagine if they elected a leader who promised to bring them home and put an end to this horror. Imagine if that leader changed his mind once he took office. The reality is that America's military presence on foreign soil is as offensive to the people that live there as armed Chinese troops would be if they were stationed in Texas. Americans would not stand for it here, but their government has a globe fascist empire and a very intrusive foreign policy that incites a lot of hatred and resentment towards American citizens internationally. #Imagine #USGovernment #AmericanGovernment #WarCrimes #WarCrime #AmericanWars #AmericanWarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity #ProWar #ProWarCorporateMedia #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarMachine #TheWarMachine #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #AmericanEmperialism #Terrorism #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #ProxyWar #ProxyWars #Warfare #Foreverwar #Foreverwars #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #PerpetualWar Sources: https://is.gd/q9I9Bz https://is.gd/n1jp6i https://is.gd/GtQMyO https://is.gd/PIqfxw https://is.gd/YUwiiu https://is.gd/HJRq6Q https://cnn.it/2kR9kuv https://is.gd/rn7J21 https://is.gd/3Dfiig https://is.gd/SsTgle https://is.gd/PGO0dL https://is.gd/43hxps https://is.gd/QhEP8P
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5K Views

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