• George Orwell is rolling in his grave as the world becomes more dystopian. Nineteen Eighty-Four was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual for tyranny.

    Orwell warned us 72 years ago of 4 possible nightmares that indeed have become today's reality:

    1. Big Brother is always watching you: Thanks to the popularity of smartphones and smart devices, the authorities keep constant tabs on EVERYONE all the time. In Orwell's 1984, there's a telescreen in every home that's constantly watching and listening. You can't switch it off even if you want to. Today, Orwell's prophesized telescreens are designed to be handheld to go with you anywhere you go, and they're so desirable and convenient that you have no desire to switch them off. We call these telescreens smartphones. You can't switch them off even if you want to because they're designed in a way that you can't remove the battery. The "turn off" option offered by these devices is just a placebo. They're always on. They're always watching you. They're forever listening. Thanks to Google and Apple, Big Brother is forever watching you. Big tech companies like Google and Apple are government agencies because the same people who control/own these companies also control/own governments. And these people, of course, are no other than the banking class like the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and the Morgans.

    2. Perpetual war: The American Empire is just 244 years old, but it has been at war for 223 years. It has been at war more than 93% of the time! And American military spending is the size of the next 10 largest military budgets around the world combined! 9/11's War of Terror ("War on Terror" in doublespeak is designed to be a forever war just like COVID19's medical tyranny, which will last forever.

    3. Bread and Circuses: Today's social trends are endless. From Hollywood's violent and gory movies to reality TV shows to the infinite obsession with sports and cooking shows, the list never ends. Add to the mix the cheap addictive junk food, and you get a breed of "proles" that are so pathetically gullible that they aren't even worthy of surveillance.

    4. Newspeak: In his novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell laid out in detail how language can be misused to deceive and control the masses. In our world today, political correctness and euphemism are pervasive. Orwellian doublespeak and thought-control are ubiquitous among the politicians and the powerful propaganda machinery of the American Empire. Eugenics and population control are now called "reproductive health" and "family planning." The department of war is now called the department of defense. Torture is now called "enhanced interrogation techniques." The war effort is now called the peace effort. Invading foreign nations and bombing their populations is now called "liberation and spreading democracy." Dead innocent civilians are now called collateral. And the invaders who drop bombs on sovereign nations are now called freedom fighters or heroes while those who resist them are now called terrorists. Now governments start wars and call it self-defense. Political bribery is now called lobbying, and it's perfectly legal. Kidnap is now called "arrest" and it's legal as long as a cop does it. Theft is now called seizure as long as cops do it and it's perfectly normal. And now thanks to the planned crisis that's COVID19, house arrest is now called "lockdown."

    #NineteenEightyFour #GeorgeOrwell #Doublespeak #FamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealth #PoliticalCorrectness #Euphemism #EnhancedInterrogationTechniques #Torture #FightingForPeace #FightForPeace #ThePeaceEffort #TheWarEffort #Collateral #SpreadingDemocracy #FreedomFighters #PoliticalBribery #Lobbying #Kidnap #Arrest #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense #Lockdown #HouseArrest #BreadAndCircuses #BreadAndCircus #NFL #Superbowl2020 #Superbowl #NFLSuperbowl #NFLSuperbowl2020 #NationalFootballLeague #Football #AmericanFootball #Obedience #MassObedience #CivilObedience #SportStadiums #SocialEngineering #Hollywood #JunkFood #ModernRome #AncientRome #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #CorruptPoliticians #CorruptPolitician #PoliticalCorruption #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #Deepstate #Facebook #Hatebook #FB #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #YouTube #SocialMedia #MarkZuckerberg #Zuckerberg #Privacy #NoPrivacy #AllSeeingEye #TechnoOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Smartphones #Surveillance #BigBrother #MassSurveillance #Spyware #Privacy #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching

    George Orwell is rolling in his grave as the world becomes more dystopian. Nineteen Eighty-Four was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual for tyranny. Orwell warned us 72 years ago of 4 possible nightmares that indeed have become today's reality: 1. Big Brother is always watching you: Thanks to the popularity of smartphones and smart devices, the authorities keep constant tabs on EVERYONE all the time. In Orwell's 1984, there's a telescreen in every home that's constantly watching and listening. You can't switch it off even if you want to. Today, Orwell's prophesized telescreens are designed to be handheld to go with you anywhere you go, and they're so desirable and convenient that you have no desire to switch them off. We call these telescreens smartphones. You can't switch them off even if you want to because they're designed in a way that you can't remove the battery. The "turn off" option offered by these devices is just a placebo. They're always on. They're always watching you. They're forever listening. Thanks to Google and Apple, Big Brother is forever watching you. Big tech companies like Google and Apple are government agencies because the same people who control/own these companies also control/own governments. And these people, of course, are no other than the banking class like the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and the Morgans. 2. Perpetual war: The American Empire is just 244 years old, but it has been at war for 223 years. It has been at war more than 93% of the time! And American military spending is the size of the next 10 largest military budgets around the world combined! 9/11's War of Terror ("War on Terror" in doublespeak is designed to be a forever war just like COVID19's medical tyranny, which will last forever. 3. Bread and Circuses: Today's social trends are endless. From Hollywood's violent and gory movies to reality TV shows to the infinite obsession with sports and cooking shows, the list never ends. Add to the mix the cheap addictive junk food, and you get a breed of "proles" that are so pathetically gullible that they aren't even worthy of surveillance. 4. Newspeak: In his novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell laid out in detail how language can be misused to deceive and control the masses. In our world today, political correctness and euphemism are pervasive. Orwellian doublespeak and thought-control are ubiquitous among the politicians and the powerful propaganda machinery of the American Empire. Eugenics and population control are now called "reproductive health" and "family planning." The department of war is now called the department of defense. Torture is now called "enhanced interrogation techniques." The war effort is now called the peace effort. Invading foreign nations and bombing their populations is now called "liberation and spreading democracy." Dead innocent civilians are now called collateral. And the invaders who drop bombs on sovereign nations are now called freedom fighters or heroes while those who resist them are now called terrorists. Now governments start wars and call it self-defense. Political bribery is now called lobbying, and it's perfectly legal. Kidnap is now called "arrest" and it's legal as long as a cop does it. Theft is now called seizure as long as cops do it and it's perfectly normal. And now thanks to the planned crisis that's COVID19, house arrest is now called "lockdown." #NineteenEightyFour #GeorgeOrwell #Doublespeak #FamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealth #PoliticalCorrectness #Euphemism #EnhancedInterrogationTechniques #Torture #FightingForPeace #FightForPeace #ThePeaceEffort #TheWarEffort #Collateral #SpreadingDemocracy #FreedomFighters #PoliticalBribery #Lobbying #Kidnap #Arrest #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense #Lockdown #HouseArrest #BreadAndCircuses #BreadAndCircus #NFL #Superbowl2020 #Superbowl #NFLSuperbowl #NFLSuperbowl2020 #NationalFootballLeague #Football #AmericanFootball #Obedience #MassObedience #CivilObedience #SportStadiums #SocialEngineering #Hollywood #JunkFood #ModernRome #AncientRome #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #CorruptPoliticians #CorruptPolitician #PoliticalCorruption #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #Deepstate #Facebook #Hatebook #FB #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #YouTube #SocialMedia #MarkZuckerberg #Zuckerberg #Privacy #NoPrivacy #AllSeeingEye #TechnoOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Smartphones #Surveillance #BigBrother #MassSurveillance #Spyware #Privacy #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching Sources: https://is.gd/Om01cW https://is.gd/ffNB4J https://is.gd/111zrB https://is.gd/dorkUE
    0 Comments 0 Shares 25580 Views
  • Never forget that poor little Vietnamese children defeated the almighty American military and ended the colonial invasion with just rusty AK47s.

    And that's why the military-industrial complex has been gradually disarming American citizens for decades, one regulation at a time by bank-owned politicians. The Deep State knows that this tyrannical empire can only collapse from within by militias of freedom-loving patriots.

    No military on Earth in the history of nations has ever won in guerrilla warfare. That's how Americans defeated the British army, that's how the Vietnamese defeated American imperialism, that's how the Afghanis defeated the Russian army and how they're now defeating the American colonial occupation.

    Never forget that your rifle can bring down empires.

    Own it with pride and defend it with blood.

    #GunControl #GunLaws #SecondAmendment #SecondAmendmentSanctuaries #SecondAmendmentSanctuary #PerpetualWar #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #Warfare #Foreverwar #EndlessWar #EndlessWars #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare

    Never forget that poor little Vietnamese children defeated the almighty American military and ended the colonial invasion with just rusty AK47s. And that's why the military-industrial complex has been gradually disarming American citizens for decades, one regulation at a time by bank-owned politicians. The Deep State knows that this tyrannical empire can only collapse from within by militias of freedom-loving patriots. No military on Earth in the history of nations has ever won in guerrilla warfare. That's how Americans defeated the British army, that's how the Vietnamese defeated American imperialism, that's how the Afghanis defeated the Russian army and how they're now defeating the American colonial occupation. Never forget that your rifle can bring down empires. Own it with pride and defend it with blood. #GunControl #GunLaws #SecondAmendment #SecondAmendmentSanctuaries #SecondAmendmentSanctuary #PerpetualWar #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #Warfare #Foreverwar #EndlessWar #EndlessWars #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare Sources: https://is.gd/Bzqx0q https://is.gd/aSWMuI https://is.gd/3Dfiig https://is.gd/SsTgle https://is.gd/PGO0dL https://is.gd/43hxps
    0 Comments 0 Shares 11828 Views
  • Keep cheering for men like these two eggheads who are physically better than you, who are much wealthier than you, who have access to everything you ever dreamt of and hoped for, and who are now living in the paradise that's made by the hell you put yourself into to while applauding them and serving them.

    Making movies is just a tiny part of Hollywood's primary objective because a film is never complete until it's filled with political messaging like the love of the war machine, the abolishment of the family unit, and the promotion of nudity, prostitution, and whoredom. You know, all the "good stuff" that a godless culture needs to ensure its continuity.

    And what better way to deliver all that good stuff than through an egghead like Dwayne Jonson, who spent a lifetime injecting steroid needles in his body to be the freak he is on TV today?! Nothing about this egghead is natural, not even his smile, which is made of porcelain.

    These two eggheads are among the leading TV puppets who have spent their careers glorifying violence to the masses, brainwashing kids, emasculating men, promoting whoredom/prostitution, and celebrating the destruction of the family unit.

    Keep cheering for men who are better than yourselves, you emasculated clowns!

    #Eggheads #TheRock #DwayneJonson #JasonStatham #Steroids #GrowthHormone #Hollywood #Violence #PredictiveProgramming #ViolentMovies #Propaganda #WarPropaganda #NormalizeViolence #War #ViolentCulture #WarAndViolence #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarMachine #TheWarMachine #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #AmericanEmperialism #Terrorism #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #ProxyWar #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #PerpetualWar #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Money #HierarchicalSociety #RichPeople #PoorPeople #Capitalism #Capitalists #Poverty #Wealthy #TheElites #Elites #Elitists #Elitist #The1Percent #Bankers #CentralBank #CentralBanks #CentralBankers #DebtBasedEconomy #Debt #PovertyIsManmade #Money #Wealth


    Keep cheering for men like these two eggheads who are physically better than you, who are much wealthier than you, who have access to everything you ever dreamt of and hoped for, and who are now living in the paradise that's made by the hell you put yourself into to while applauding them and serving them. Making movies is just a tiny part of Hollywood's primary objective because a film is never complete until it's filled with political messaging like the love of the war machine, the abolishment of the family unit, and the promotion of nudity, prostitution, and whoredom. You know, all the "good stuff" that a godless culture needs to ensure its continuity. And what better way to deliver all that good stuff than through an egghead like Dwayne Jonson, who spent a lifetime injecting steroid needles in his body to be the freak he is on TV today?! Nothing about this egghead is natural, not even his smile, which is made of porcelain. These two eggheads are among the leading TV puppets who have spent their careers glorifying violence to the masses, brainwashing kids, emasculating men, promoting whoredom/prostitution, and celebrating the destruction of the family unit. Keep cheering for men who are better than yourselves, you emasculated clowns! 🤡 #Eggheads #TheRock #DwayneJonson #JasonStatham #Steroids #GrowthHormone #Hollywood #Violence #PredictiveProgramming #ViolentMovies #Propaganda #WarPropaganda #NormalizeViolence #War #ViolentCulture #WarAndViolence #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarMachine #TheWarMachine #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #AmericanEmperialism #Terrorism #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #ProxyWar #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #PerpetualWar #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite #Money #HierarchicalSociety #RichPeople #PoorPeople #Capitalism #Capitalists #Poverty #Wealthy #TheElites #Elites #Elitists #Elitist #The1Percent #Bankers #CentralBank #CentralBanks #CentralBankers #DebtBasedEconomy #Debt #PovertyIsManmade #Money #Wealth Sources: https://is.gd/I7VLCf https://is.gd/60xMUz https://is.gd/uJu5VP https://is.gd/6zqZD8 https://is.gd/uCogSX https://is.gd/iucJnu https://is.gd/AiZPHM https://is.gd/RDV474 https://is.gd/CK3gCz https://is.gd/C2tu94 https://is.gd/mvSoF7 https://is.gd/m0TYaa
    0 Comments 0 Shares 14065 Views
  • A few months ago, an egghead called "the rock" told his pack of sheeple to vote for a dipshit politician with half a functioning brain, creepy Joe. And now this same egghead is telling his flock to be proud of another dipshit politician called Gavin Newsom (the Nazi that currently rules California).

    And why would a steroid-infested actor be involved in politics? Well, because Hollywood is a political organization, you dummy! Making movies is just a tiny part of Hollywood's primary objective because a film is never complete until it's filled with political messaging like the love of the war machine, the abolishment of the family unit, and the promotion of nudity, prostitution, and whoredom. You know, all the "good stuff" that a godless culture needs to ensure its continuity.

    And what better way to deliver all that good stuff than through an egghead who spent a lifetime injecting steroid needles in his body to be the freak he is on TV today?! Nothing about this egghead is natural, not even his smile, which is made of porcelain.

    He's a leading TV puppet who spent his career promoting and glorifying violence in his WWE and movie career. And now he comes along and endorses a Nazi politician who's well known for his corruption and fascism.

    And the brainless shameless sheeple who sheer for steroids-infested puppets like Dwayne Jonson will, of course, now think favorably of Gavin Newsom just because their beloved egghead said some nice things about him.

    You have no idea who easily gullible are the order-following sheeple.

    #GavinNewsom #TheRock #DwayneJonson #Steroids #GrowthHormone #Hollywood #Violence #PredictiveProgramming #ViolentMovies #Propaganda #WarPropaganda #NormalizeViolence #War #ViolentCulture #WarAndViolence #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarMachine #TheWarMachine #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #AmericanEmperialism #Terrorism #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #ProxyWar #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #PerpetualWar #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite

    A few months ago, an egghead called "the rock" told his pack of sheeple to vote for a dipshit politician with half a functioning brain, creepy Joe. And now this same egghead is telling his flock to be proud of another dipshit politician called Gavin Newsom (the Nazi that currently rules California). And why would a steroid-infested actor be involved in politics? Well, because Hollywood is a political organization, you dummy! Making movies is just a tiny part of Hollywood's primary objective because a film is never complete until it's filled with political messaging like the love of the war machine, the abolishment of the family unit, and the promotion of nudity, prostitution, and whoredom. You know, all the "good stuff" that a godless culture needs to ensure its continuity. And what better way to deliver all that good stuff than through an egghead who spent a lifetime injecting steroid needles in his body to be the freak he is on TV today?! Nothing about this egghead is natural, not even his smile, which is made of porcelain. He's a leading TV puppet who spent his career promoting and glorifying violence in his WWE and movie career. And now he comes along and endorses a Nazi politician who's well known for his corruption and fascism. And the brainless shameless sheeple who sheer for steroids-infested puppets like Dwayne Jonson will, of course, now think favorably of Gavin Newsom just because their beloved egghead said some nice things about him. You have no idea who easily gullible are the order-following sheeple. #GavinNewsom #TheRock #DwayneJonson #Steroids #GrowthHormone #Hollywood #Violence #PredictiveProgramming #ViolentMovies #Propaganda #WarPropaganda #NormalizeViolence #War #ViolentCulture #WarAndViolence #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarMachine #TheWarMachine #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #AmericanEmperialism #Terrorism #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #ProxyWar #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #PerpetualWar #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite Sources: https://is.gd/I7VLCf https://is.gd/60xMUz https://is.gd/uJu5VP https://is.gd/6zqZD8 https://is.gd/uCogSX https://is.gd/iucJnu https://is.gd/AiZPHM https://is.gd/RDV474
    1 Comments 0 Shares 9641 Views
  • Trump Got Better After Firing Bolton

    #syria #biden #missilestrikes #foreverwars #endlesswars
    Trump Got Better After Firing Bolton #syria #biden #missilestrikes #foreverwars #endlesswars
    0 Comments 1 Shares 3805 Views
  • #syria #biden #missilestrikes #endlesswars #foreverwars
    #syria #biden #missilestrikes #endlesswars #foreverwars
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3788 Views
  • Have you ever heard the term "don't bite the hand that feeds you"?

    We know for a fact from the wage slavery system (employment in doublespeak) that you can buy people's loyalty and obedience by just giving them money.

    People are beholden to the hand that feeds them. It's just the way it is. You wouldn't massacre them expecting to extract the same level of obedience and loyalty, would you? That would be insane. And why would you? Just throw some of your money at them, and you'll have their obedience. That's all it takes. Just money. And not only would people sell their obedience and loyalty to you, but they'll also be happy about it.

    Just give them money, and they'll make you their master.

    Now think about this, if you can, in terms of the worst terrorist organization humanity has ever faced: the United States government. If they really wanted the people of the Middle East or Vietnam or the Philippines or Korea or African nations to obey, they would've just used their money printing press to print as much money as they need to purchase everyone's obedience and loyalty. The Federal Reserve, which is America's free money printing press, could've issued some paper with numbers on it and gave it to the poor Palestinians to buy some of their lands so Jews can legally and peacefully live there. That would've been more peaceful than having Jews steal all that land by force and make everyone in the Middle East hate them for it, don't you think?

    America does NOT want world peace. They're not interested in that at all. They want loyalty and obedience through the threat of violence and death. That's ALL they want. Would you be loyal and obey a master like that? Sure you wouldn't. That's why rebellions are ALWAYS inevitable when you have a master with an attitude like that. That's why America did not win Afghanistan after two decades of war, and they'll never win. And what's why the American government will eventually be abolished, most likely through a rebellion from within.

    Violence can never buy peace, but money can.

    #Money #FiatMoney #HierarchicalSociety #RichPeople #PoorPeople #Capitalism #Capitalists #Poverty #Wealthy #TheElites #Elites #Elitists #Elitist #The1Percent #Bankers #CentralBank #CentralBanks #CentralBankers #DebtBasedEconomy #Debt #PovertyIsManmade #Money #Wealth #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarPresidents #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #Warfare #Foreverwar #EndlessWar #EndlessWars #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism

    Have you ever heard the term "don't bite the hand that feeds you"? We know for a fact from the wage slavery system (employment in doublespeak) that you can buy people's loyalty and obedience by just giving them money. People are beholden to the hand that feeds them. It's just the way it is. You wouldn't massacre them expecting to extract the same level of obedience and loyalty, would you? That would be insane. And why would you? Just throw some of your money at them, and you'll have their obedience. That's all it takes. Just money. And not only would people sell their obedience and loyalty to you, but they'll also be happy about it. Just give them money, and they'll make you their master. Now think about this, if you can, in terms of the worst terrorist organization humanity has ever faced: the United States government. If they really wanted the people of the Middle East or Vietnam or the Philippines or Korea or African nations to obey, they would've just used their money printing press to print as much money as they need to purchase everyone's obedience and loyalty. The Federal Reserve, which is America's free money printing press, could've issued some paper with numbers on it and gave it to the poor Palestinians to buy some of their lands so Jews can legally and peacefully live there. That would've been more peaceful than having Jews steal all that land by force and make everyone in the Middle East hate them for it, don't you think? America does NOT want world peace. They're not interested in that at all. They want loyalty and obedience through the threat of violence and death. That's ALL they want. Would you be loyal and obey a master like that? Sure you wouldn't. That's why rebellions are ALWAYS inevitable when you have a master with an attitude like that. That's why America did not win Afghanistan after two decades of war, and they'll never win. And what's why the American government will eventually be abolished, most likely through a rebellion from within. Violence can never buy peace, but money can. #Money #FiatMoney #HierarchicalSociety #RichPeople #PoorPeople #Capitalism #Capitalists #Poverty #Wealthy #TheElites #Elites #Elitists #Elitist #The1Percent #Bankers #CentralBank #CentralBanks #CentralBankers #DebtBasedEconomy #Debt #PovertyIsManmade #Money #Wealth #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarPresidents #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #Warfare #Foreverwar #EndlessWar #EndlessWars #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism Sources: https://is.gd/Bzqx0q https://is.gd/aSWMuI https://is.gd/3Dfiig https://is.gd/SsTgle https://is.gd/PGO0dL https://is.gd/43hxps
    0 Comments 0 Shares 12145 Views
  • “The paradise of the rich is made out of the hell of the poor.” ― Victor Hugo.

    Poverty isn't an individual failure. It's an engineered system because less-educated voiceless people with lower incomes are much easier to control.

    "Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle, the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact." ― George Orwell.

    Poverty isn't by accident, it's by design.

    #HierarchicalSociety #GeorgeOrwell #VictorHugo #Education #RichPeople #PoorPeople #Capitalism #Capitalists #Poverty #Wealthy #TheElites #Elites #Elitists #Elitist #The1Percent #Bankers #CentralBank #CentralBanks #CentralBankers #DebtBasedEconomy #Debt #PovertyIsManmade #Money #Wealth #Zoning #CorruptSystem #UrbanPlanning #ZoningLaw #ZoningLaws #Segregation #Apartheid #EndlessWar #ForeverWar #ProxyWar #InfinityWar

    “The paradise of the rich is made out of the hell of the poor.” ― Victor Hugo. Poverty isn't an individual failure. It's an engineered system because less-educated voiceless people with lower incomes are much easier to control. "Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle, the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact." ― George Orwell. Poverty isn't by accident, it's by design. #HierarchicalSociety #GeorgeOrwell #VictorHugo #Education #RichPeople #PoorPeople #Capitalism #Capitalists #Poverty #Wealthy #TheElites #Elites #Elitists #Elitist #The1Percent #Bankers #CentralBank #CentralBanks #CentralBankers #DebtBasedEconomy #Debt #PovertyIsManmade #Money #Wealth #Zoning #CorruptSystem #UrbanPlanning #ZoningLaw #ZoningLaws #Segregation #Apartheid #EndlessWar #ForeverWar #ProxyWar #InfinityWar Sources: https://is.gd/CK3gCz https://is.gd/C2tu94 https://is.gd/mvSoF7 https://is.gd/m0TYaa
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7211 Views
  • Hollywood exists to desensitize the American public. Violence and gore are the bread and butter of the propaganda machine that's Hollywood. Glorifying and normalizing violence to the public is as old as the movie business itself.

    No wonder the American people are completely desensitized about the American Empire's never-ending global wars. It's precisely the same kind of hypnosis the Nazi propaganda put the German public under to manufacture consent for perpetual wars.

    Put ANYTHING under a good spotlight, and you're guilty of promoting it. And Hollywood is guilty of promoting war and violence.

    #Hollywood #Violence #PredictiveProgramming #ViolentMovies #Propaganda #WarPropaganda #NormalizeViolence #War #ViolentCulture #WarAndViolence #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarMachine #TheWarMachine #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #AmericanEmperialism #Terrorism #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #ProxyWar #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #PerpetualWar #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite

    Hollywood exists to desensitize the American public. Violence and gore are the bread and butter of the propaganda machine that's Hollywood. Glorifying and normalizing violence to the public is as old as the movie business itself. No wonder the American people are completely desensitized about the American Empire's never-ending global wars. It's precisely the same kind of hypnosis the Nazi propaganda put the German public under to manufacture consent for perpetual wars. Put ANYTHING under a good spotlight, and you're guilty of promoting it. And Hollywood is guilty of promoting war and violence. #Hollywood #Violence #PredictiveProgramming #ViolentMovies #Propaganda #WarPropaganda #NormalizeViolence #War #ViolentCulture #WarAndViolence #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarMachine #TheWarMachine #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #AmericanEmperialism #Terrorism #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #ProxyWar #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #PerpetualWar #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite Sources: https://is.gd/uJu5VP https://is.gd/6zqZD8 https://is.gd/uCogSX https://is.gd/iucJnu https://is.gd/AiZPHM https://is.gd/RDV474
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  • MSNBC's talking-head proposes bombing critics with drones for not regurgitating corporate media's talking points.

    American politicians have been openly talking about domestic terrorists for a while now, and soon it's expected that ANYONE who doesn't' follow the official narrative on ANYTHING, especially COVID19, will be labeled a domestic terrorist, which would authorize the federal government to imprison them indefinitely and torture them to death.

    And what will the American sheeple do about it? They stand in line like zombies every 4 years to vote for the lesser of two evils and legitimize this terrorist organization by selecting its leader.

    These brainwashed idiots believe that voting works. They're hopeless.

    They've been completely and irreversibly brainwashed thanks to the years they spent in indoctrination centers (schools in doublespeak) and countless hours of exposure to corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery.

    Don't won't waste a single minute of your time trying to talk some sense into the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thick heads.

    Know your true enemy. It's not the politicians or the Zionist banks that puppeteer them. It's the order-following sheeple.

    All this shit-show is possible thanks to the order-following sheeple because their consent and conformity have enabled Nazim, Communism, Zionism, and every other nightmarish system in the history of humanity.

    It's always been the order-following sheeple behind our misery.

    #DomesticTerrorism #MSNBC #NicolleWallace #WarInc #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarPresidents #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire ##CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #TheSystemIsTheProblem #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar

    MSNBC's talking-head proposes bombing critics with drones for not regurgitating corporate media's talking points. American politicians have been openly talking about domestic terrorists for a while now, and soon it's expected that ANYONE who doesn't' follow the official narrative on ANYTHING, especially COVID19, will be labeled a domestic terrorist, which would authorize the federal government to imprison them indefinitely and torture them to death. And what will the American sheeple do about it? They stand in line like zombies every 4 years to vote for the lesser of two evils and legitimize this terrorist organization by selecting its leader. These brainwashed idiots believe that voting works. They're hopeless.😒 They've been completely and irreversibly brainwashed thanks to the years they spent in indoctrination centers (schools in doublespeak) and countless hours of exposure to corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery. Don't won't waste a single minute of your time trying to talk some sense into the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thick heads. Know your true enemy. It's not the politicians or the Zionist banks that puppeteer them. It's the order-following sheeple. All this shit-show is possible thanks to the order-following sheeple because their consent and conformity have enabled Nazim, Communism, Zionism, and every other nightmarish system in the history of humanity. It's always been the order-following sheeple behind our misery. #DomesticTerrorism #MSNBC #NicolleWallace #WarInc #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarPresidents #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire ##CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #TheSystemIsTheProblem #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar Sources: https://is.gd/tduMrM https://is.gd/pALVjJ
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