• Wow, that is a nice COOL day out today! 18C/64F with low humidity! Enjoy it while it lasts, that was the result of that low sunspot area that just went by us. There's lots of sunspots coming around to face us now, so it should warm up.
    #globalwarming #climatechange
    Wow, that is a nice COOL day out today! 18C/64F with low humidity! Enjoy it while it lasts, that was the result of that low sunspot area that just went by us. There's lots of sunspots coming around to face us now, so it should warm up. #globalwarming #climatechange
    0 Comments 0 Shares 617 Views
  • It's a little cooler today, thank God. Notice no sunspots facing us? That's why. But we do have a lot coming around the left so, it will warm up again.
    #globalwarming #climatechange
    It's a little cooler today, thank God. Notice no sunspots facing us? That's why. But we do have a lot coming around the left so, it will warm up again. #globalwarming #climatechange
    0 Comments 0 Shares 612 Views
  • It's a ice day to sit outside, have a and enjoy my sunspots (the source of the heat increase today). It was cool due to a lack of sunspots, now it is warming up and this is why...
    #climatechange #ClimateAction #globalwarming
    It's a ice day to sit outside, have a 🍺 and enjoy my sunspots (the source of the heat increase today). 😎 It was cool due to a lack of sunspots, now it is warming up and this is why... #climatechange #ClimateAction #globalwarming
    0 Comments 0 Shares 652 Views
  • The sun today, showing why it was warmer last week, and cooler this weekend. SUNSPOTS cause global warming, not man. We have fewer now, so it is cooler. Watch for them at NASA's helioviewer website and you can predict warming/cooling periods.
    #globalwarming #climatechange
    The sun today, showing why it was warmer last week, and cooler this weekend. SUNSPOTS cause global warming, not man. We have fewer now, so it is cooler. Watch for them at NASA's helioviewer website and you can predict warming/cooling periods. #globalwarming #climatechange
    0 Comments 0 Shares 935 Views
  • #Geoengineering #ClimateChange #Chemtrails #Meme #Memes
    #Geoengineering #ClimateChange #Chemtrails #Meme #Memes
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1345 Views
  • #ClimateChange #Covid #Vaccines #Meme #Memes
    #ClimateChange #Covid #Vaccines #Meme #Memes
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1079 Views
  • FINALLY a scientist not afraid of his own shadow EXPOSES the #ClimateChangeLie!

    This Is What They Don’t Want You to Know About the Climate Agenda
    45,348 views views
    Jan 9, 2024 #TuckerCarlson #DrWillieSoon #climatechange

    If fossil fuels come from fossils, why have scientists found them on one of Saturn’s moons? A lot of what you’ve heard about energy is false. Dr. Willie Soon and Tucker Carlson discuss.
    FINALLY a scientist not afraid of his own shadow EXPOSES the #ClimateChangeLie! This Is What They Don’t Want You to Know About the Climate Agenda 45,348 views views Jan 9, 2024 #TuckerCarlson #DrWillieSoon #climatechange If fossil fuels come from fossils, why have scientists found them on one of Saturn’s moons? A lot of what you’ve heard about energy is false. Dr. Willie Soon and Tucker Carlson discuss. https://youtu.be/E7IdLzxzINw?si=XY2Tmtz_yKHFzWLG
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2870 Views
  • BREATHE MORE! Increase your local FARM's yield, and the overall health of the PLANE

    I've already told you....
    YOU are the carbon they want to get rid of!
    CO2 is the basis for ALL LIFE ON EARTH!

    Without it the plants would die!
    Plants breathe CO2 and "exhale Oxygen....
    YOU breathe Oxygen and exhale CO2, see how that works!

    This is nothing more than #Satanic #Tyrant scumbags who are attempting to use the LIE of "Climate Change" to plunge the world into #communism
    These people have been trying to do this for the past 150 years!

    They were LIARS then, and they are liars now!
    As these LIARS lie over and over again to try to enslave you, I'd like for you to remember that CO2 accounts for only 0.04% of the atmosphere! LITERALLY A FRACTION OF A PERCENT!

    In case you don't remember all of the BS #ClimateChange claims they have made over the years to try to take full control over your life.... Here's a short list of them!

    120 years of climate scares (HOAXES) and LIES

    And just so you know..... FARMERS actually pump CO2 into their grow rooms to increase food production, but these Satanic scumbags want you DEAD and HUNGRY!
    BREATHE MORE! Increase your local FARM's yield, and the overall health of the PLANE I've already told you.... YOU are the carbon they want to get rid of! CO2 is the basis for ALL LIFE ON EARTH! Without it the plants would die! Plants breathe CO2 and "exhale Oxygen.... YOU breathe Oxygen and exhale CO2, see how that works! This is nothing more than #Satanic #Tyrant scumbags who are attempting to use the LIE of "Climate Change" to plunge the world into #communism These people have been trying to do this for the past 150 years! They were LIARS then, and they are liars now! As these LIARS lie over and over again to try to enslave you, I'd like for you to remember that CO2 accounts for only 0.04% of the atmosphere! LITERALLY A FRACTION OF A PERCENT! In case you don't remember all of the BS #ClimateChange claims they have made over the years to try to take full control over your life.... Here's a short list of them! 120 years of climate scares (HOAXES) and LIES https://www.americanthinker.com/.../120_years_of_climate... And just so you know..... FARMERS actually pump CO2 into their grow rooms to increase food production, but these Satanic scumbags want you DEAD and HUNGRY!
    1 Comments 0 Shares 6207 Views

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