• https://asiatimes.com/2024/07/chinas-electronic-warfare-surge-shocks-us-in-south-china-sea/
    China's electronic warfare surge shocks US in South China Sea - Asia Times
    China’s cutting-edge electronic warfare (EW) capabilities are transforming the balance of power in the South China Sea, as shown by a recent encounter
    0 Comments 0 Shares 145 Views
  • Weather Warfare Update:

    Hurricane Beryl has just become the first June Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in history.

    Unprecedented. They are spinning them up using Geo-Engineering Tech such as NexRad and then blaming it on Climate Change.


    Weather Warfare Update: Hurricane Beryl has just become the first June Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in history. Unprecedented. They are spinning them up using Geo-Engineering Tech such as NexRad and then blaming it on Climate Change. GeoengineeringWatch.org https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/132579
    0 Comments 0 Shares 630 Views 1

    believe that!
    I don't really sweat all of this too much, the Most High has it under control....
    But that don't mean to lay down and do nothing!

    PEOPLE and attitudes got to change, and unite
    against our common enemy

    WEATHER WARFARE, ARTIFICIAL STORMS TERRORIZE NATIONS, COMMUNIST PLOT TO BRAINWASH KIDS. believe that! I don't really sweat all of this too much, the Most High has it under control.... But that don't mean to lay down and do nothing! PEOPLE and attitudes got to change, and unite against our common enemy https://old.bitchute.com/video/ThthNFyRZc9H/
    Weather WARFARE, Artificial Storms TERRORIZE Nations, COMMUNIST Plot To BRAINWASH Kids.
    The Full Stew Peters Show. 29/06/2024. Dane Wigington is here to talk about how weather manipulation involved dispersing nanoparticles that millions of Americans ingest every year. Researcher Lisa Logan is here to talk about the globalist plan to u…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 576 Views
  • Guerrilla Warfare Excitotoxins and other Silent Killers

    Guerrilla Warfare Excitotoxins and other Silent Killers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-N4CseulwQ&list=TLPQMjMwNjIwMjSfynXaOG8hNg&index=28
    0 Comments 0 Shares 431 Views
  • BBN, June 19, 2024 – RE-EDUCATION CAMPS being constructed across the country...

    Register free at https://brightu.com to watch the full Mind Control and 5th Generation Warfare stream

    - FEMA camps and government weaponization. (7:53)
    - Whistleblower's allegations of child mutilation cover-up in a Texas hospital.
    - Kansas AG sues #Pfizer over alleged fraud and #censorship collusion. (20:46)
    - Holding pharmaceutical companies accountable for vaccine injuries and deaths. (25:58)
    - Re-education camps for conservatives in the US. (30:49)
    - USDA's alleged plans to exterminate cattle and farming communities as a food sabotage operation. (43:07)
    - Mind control, fifth generation warfare, and technology manipulation. (56:33)
    - Globalist agenda to control the population through technocracy. (1:07:59)
    - Targeted individuals and mind control technology. (1:14:05)
    - Manipulation of public opinion through media narratives and censorship. (1:22:37)
    - 5G technology as a potential weapon system and the need for awareness and action to protect society. (1:38:34)
    - AI, nanotechnology, and their potential dangers. (1:43:25)
    BBN, June 19, 2024 – RE-EDUCATION CAMPS being constructed across the country... https://www.bitchute.com/video/szjYtmFY3wCo/ Register free at https://brightu.com to watch the full Mind Control and 5th Generation Warfare stream - FEMA camps and government weaponization. (7:53) - Whistleblower's allegations of child mutilation cover-up in a Texas hospital. - Kansas AG sues #Pfizer over alleged fraud and #censorship collusion. (20:46) - Holding pharmaceutical companies accountable for vaccine injuries and deaths. (25:58) - Re-education camps for conservatives in the US. (30:49) - USDA's alleged plans to exterminate cattle and farming communities as a food sabotage operation. (43:07) - Mind control, fifth generation warfare, and technology manipulation. (56:33) - Globalist agenda to control the population through technocracy. (1:07:59) - Targeted individuals and mind control technology. (1:14:05) - Manipulation of public opinion through media narratives and censorship. (1:22:37) - 5G technology as a potential weapon system and the need for awareness and action to protect society. (1:38:34) - AI, nanotechnology, and their potential dangers. (1:43:25)
    BBN, June 19, 2024 – RE-EDUCATION CAMPS being constructed across the country...
    Brighteon Broadcast News, June 19, 2024 – RE-EDUCATION CAMPS being constructed across the country to detain AMERICANS Register free at https://brightu.com to watch the full Mind Control and 5th Generation Warfare stream - FEMA camps and govern…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1666 Views
  • No Way Financial System Survives - Bill Holter, Greg Hunter

    Financial writer and precious metals broker Bill Holter has been documenting all the unpayable debt that has been building up in the financial system like cancer. The latest black hole of default is coming from a big bank in Japan. Norinchukin Bank is selling $63 billion in Treasuries and other sovereign bonds to stay afloat. Then there is recent news announced by the FDIC that 63 US banks (the names are being kept secret) have more than $500 billion in losses, and let’s not forget about the trillions in losses sitting on the books of European banks ready to suck the world into a black debt hole. This is just a few of many on a long list of destabilizing problems that can tank the entire over-indebted financial system. Holter warns, “The list is so long, it could be a banking problem. It could be a derivatives problem. It could be a derivatives problem in the stock market, the bond market and you could see a failure to deliver in silver. Some type of warfare could crash the system. You could see warfare in Ukraine, Israel or Tiawan. The system is so unstable, at this point, it could be anything that could bring it down. Unpayable debt is not just a US problem. This is all over the world. Central banks are having to issue huge amounts of debt because we are in the exponential decay phase. We are exactly where Richard Russell said we would be 20 years ago. It’s inflate or die, and the only way to inflate is to create more money supply.”

    Add to that the $10 trillion in debt the US Government has to roll over by the end of the year. Meanwhile, the US government piles on $1 trillion in new debt every 100 days. What could go wrong?

    Holter said the last time he was on USAW that there was a little less than a 50% chance we would even have an election. Now, he predicts it is more likely there will be no 2024 Presidential Election. Holter says, “There is no way the system, as it is now, survives. It’s mathematically impossible. So, if it is mathematically impossible, are they going to blow smoke . . . up until the day it blows up? Or are they going to do something to blow it up and then say our programs and policies were working except for XYZ this or whatever. They have to kick the table over. They cannot allow the table to fall over on its own because then there is going to be finger pointing. To avoid the finger pointing, they have got to kick the table over.”

    Holter also thinks gold is going to exponential numbers to back all the debt the USA has. If you go with the 8,030 tons of gold the government claims is in Fort Knox, you will need a dollar price of gold at “$125,000 per ounce for 100% gold backing of the dollar.”

    Holter also says, “The dollar is being pushed out of the global financial system. . . . Demand for dollars is shrinking at a time when borrowing demand is rising.” This is a going to be a disaster for America and anyone holding dollars in the future.

    In closing, Holter says, “The financial collapse that is coming will be worse than anything we have ever experienced. This is going to be far worse than the Great Depression simply because society itself is far worse. . . . Back in the Great Depression, you had neighbors helping neighbors. Today you will have neighbors picking on other neighbors like vultures.”
    No Way Financial System Survives - Bill Holter, Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v52z8ew-no-way-financial-system-survives-bill-holter.html Financial writer and precious metals broker Bill Holter has been documenting all the unpayable debt that has been building up in the financial system like cancer. The latest black hole of default is coming from a big bank in Japan. Norinchukin Bank is selling $63 billion in Treasuries and other sovereign bonds to stay afloat. Then there is recent news announced by the FDIC that 63 US banks (the names are being kept secret) have more than $500 billion in losses, and let’s not forget about the trillions in losses sitting on the books of European banks ready to suck the world into a black debt hole. This is just a few of many on a long list of destabilizing problems that can tank the entire over-indebted financial system. Holter warns, “The list is so long, it could be a banking problem. It could be a derivatives problem. It could be a derivatives problem in the stock market, the bond market and you could see a failure to deliver in silver. Some type of warfare could crash the system. You could see warfare in Ukraine, Israel or Tiawan. The system is so unstable, at this point, it could be anything that could bring it down. Unpayable debt is not just a US problem. This is all over the world. Central banks are having to issue huge amounts of debt because we are in the exponential decay phase. We are exactly where Richard Russell said we would be 20 years ago. It’s inflate or die, and the only way to inflate is to create more money supply.” Add to that the $10 trillion in debt the US Government has to roll over by the end of the year. Meanwhile, the US government piles on $1 trillion in new debt every 100 days. What could go wrong? Holter said the last time he was on USAW that there was a little less than a 50% chance we would even have an election. Now, he predicts it is more likely there will be no 2024 Presidential Election. Holter says, “There is no way the system, as it is now, survives. It’s mathematically impossible. So, if it is mathematically impossible, are they going to blow smoke . . . up until the day it blows up? Or are they going to do something to blow it up and then say our programs and policies were working except for XYZ this or whatever. They have to kick the table over. They cannot allow the table to fall over on its own because then there is going to be finger pointing. To avoid the finger pointing, they have got to kick the table over.” Holter also thinks gold is going to exponential numbers to back all the debt the USA has. If you go with the 8,030 tons of gold the government claims is in Fort Knox, you will need a dollar price of gold at “$125,000 per ounce for 100% gold backing of the dollar.” Holter also says, “The dollar is being pushed out of the global financial system. . . . Demand for dollars is shrinking at a time when borrowing demand is rising.” This is a going to be a disaster for America and anyone holding dollars in the future. In closing, Holter says, “The financial collapse that is coming will be worse than anything we have ever experienced. This is going to be far worse than the Great Depression simply because society itself is far worse. . . . Back in the Great Depression, you had neighbors helping neighbors. Today you will have neighbors picking on other neighbors like vultures.”
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1773 Views
  • NWO MIND MAP - Excellent Analysis of the Fog of 5G Warfare https://oxgmcxo.substack.com/p/flash-back-15
    NWO MIND MAP - Excellent Analysis of the Fog of 5G Warfare https://oxgmcxo.substack.com/p/flash-back-15
    FLASH BACK - 15
    "Let's Talk About Sustainability & Thinning the Herd" - First published 4th October 2023
    0 Comments 0 Shares 606 Views
  • https://www.breitbart.com/2024-election/2024/06/06/donald-trump-bidens-migration-flat-out-economic-warfare-against-americans/
    Donald Trump: Biden's Migration Is 'Flat-Out Economic Warfare'
    President Joe Biden's mass migration policy is "flat-out economic warfare" against many Americans, former President Donald Trump plans to tell Arizona voters in a speech Thursday.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 348 Views
  • The U.S spends nearly $900 billion dollars annually on “defense” spending; this is more than China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia, the U.K., Germany, France, South Korea, and Japan combined. The USA is a warfare state; it’s as simple as that. And whether they choose to be aware of it or not, the vast majority of Americans support this killing machine by their insouciance and silence. That their country is spending up to 2 trillion dollars on modernizing its nuclear weapons disturbs them not. It is a death cult.
    The U.S spends nearly $900 billion dollars annually on “defense” spending; this is more than China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia, the U.K., Germany, France, South Korea, and Japan combined. The USA is a warfare state; it’s as simple as that. And whether they choose to be aware of it or not, the vast majority of Americans support this killing machine by their insouciance and silence. That their country is spending up to 2 trillion dollars on modernizing its nuclear weapons disturbs them not. It is a death cult. https://off-guardian.org/2024/06/02/if-the-wars-go-on/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 689 Views
  • A Long-Time Agenda to Terminate Liberty & Freedom

    SUMMARY: I’m sharing two relatively short videos and a lengthy yet must read post by Jesse Smith from Truth Unmuted. The 2 short videos focus on Globalist Elitists exacting an agenda on the USA to eradicate America’s heritage of Faith, Liberty, Entrepreneurial Spirit and Independent Thinking.

    Truth Unmuted: “Cognitive Warfare and the Tyranny of Digital Transformation”.

    #ONEWorldAgenda #StopTranshumanistTransformation
    A Long-Time Agenda to Terminate Liberty & Freedom https://bit.ly/4bQIdn6 SUMMARY: I’m sharing two relatively short videos and a lengthy yet must read post by Jesse Smith from Truth Unmuted. The 2 short videos focus on Globalist Elitists exacting an agenda on the USA to eradicate America’s heritage of Faith, Liberty, Entrepreneurial Spirit and Independent Thinking. VIDEO #1: “100 YEARS OF CONSPIRACY TO DESTROY AMERICAN FREEDOM”. VIDEO #2: “OBAMA'S BUSH/CHENEY FAMILY TIES, THE CFR, & THE GLOBALIST CABAL (2008 ERA VIDEO)”. Truth Unmuted: “Cognitive Warfare and the Tyranny of Digital Transformation”. --CONNECT THE DOTS AMERICA! #ONEWorldAgenda #StopTranshumanistTransformation
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1204 Views
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