• How Much Taxes will Corporations Pay in 2023?

    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) updates more than 60 tax provisions each year for inflation to avoid “bracket creep.” Instead of increasing real income, bracket creep happens when persons are forced into higher income tax bands.


    #Business #taxes #corporationspay #incometaxbands
    How Much Taxes will Corporations Pay in 2023? The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) updates more than 60 tax provisions each year for inflation to avoid “bracket creep.” Instead of increasing real income, bracket creep happens when persons are forced into higher income tax bands. https://nerdbot.com/2023/03/28/how-much-taxes-will-corporations-pay-in-2023/ #Business #taxes #corporationspay #incometaxbands
    How Much Taxes will Corporations Pay in 2023?
    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) updates more than 60 tax provisions each year for inflation to avoid "bracket creep." Instead of increasing real
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1184 Views
  • It's virtually impossible for a U.S. President NOT to be a Zionist. Creepy Joe is a devout Zionist just like his predecessor, the orange clown.

    The voting system in America by design produces Zionists because it's the Jewish Rothschilds who control America's central bank, which is the nervous system of the American economy. And they've been controlled it FULLY since 1913 when a Zionist central bank (the Federal Reserve) was established through an act of treason by Congress and a puppet president called Woodrow Wilson. Since then, ALL of America's politicians are beholden to the Zionist Rothschilds and their Israel. Since then, ALL of America's politicians are traitors to the American people. Since then, presidents are selected by the Jewish Rothschilds, NOT elected by the American people.

    Before 1913, the income tax was illegal, and America had a powerful Navy, roads, schools, railroads, and everything else. It's only thanks to the Jewish Rothschilds that Americans now MUST pay suffocating income taxes. And the worst part about the income tax is the fact that it's completely unnecessary. It pays ONLY the interest on the borrowed money from private banks because the U.S. Treasury is not allowed to issue its own money.

    Not even a penny of it goes to fund civic programs because it ALL goes to pay just the interest on the borrowed money from private bankers like the Rothschilds, the Rockefeller, and the Morgans.

    And who are the Rothschilds? You know, the Jewish dynasty that founded Zionism and created Israel. They own almost EVERY central bank on this planet. For every misery and suffering, you can thank the Rothschilds for that.

    Watch these videos:

    It does NOT matter if Clinton or Bush or Obama or Trump or Mickey Mouse is sitting at the White House, you idiots! America is a corporate oligarchy. It's the corporations that control this country, not the politicians. The politicians are just put there by the banking class to give the brainwashed voters the illusion of choice.

    If you EVER voted for ANY politician in your life, you're an absolute idiot and a clown who doesn't understand politics or the banking system that controls it.

    #DeleteTheElite #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2021 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #PresidentialSelection #IncomeTax #IncomeTaxes #PoliticsIsFake #DebtIsSlavery #TaxationIsTheft #EndTheFed #EndTheDebt #EndAllDebt #ForgiveUsOurDebts #ModerndaySlavery #TheFederalReserve #FederalReserve #Fed #Feds #Debt #FractionalReserveBanking #Usery

    #BalfourDeclaration #FreePalestine #JewWorldOrder #ZionismIsTerrorism #IsraelDefenseForces #IDF #Palestine #PalestineDeniers #PalestineDenier #JewishColonialism #IsraeliColonialism #TheEmpireOfZion #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #JewsOfIsrael #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Antisemitism #Israeli #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination

    It's virtually impossible for a U.S. President NOT to be a Zionist. Creepy Joe is a devout Zionist just like his predecessor, the orange clown. The voting system in America by design produces Zionists because it's the Jewish Rothschilds who control America's central bank, which is the nervous system of the American economy. And they've been controlled it FULLY since 1913 when a Zionist central bank (the Federal Reserve) was established through an act of treason by Congress and a puppet president called Woodrow Wilson. Since then, ALL of America's politicians are beholden to the Zionist Rothschilds and their Israel. Since then, ALL of America's politicians are traitors to the American people. Since then, presidents are selected by the Jewish Rothschilds, NOT elected by the American people. Before 1913, the income tax was illegal, and America had a powerful Navy, roads, schools, railroads, and everything else. It's only thanks to the Jewish Rothschilds that Americans now MUST pay suffocating income taxes. And the worst part about the income tax is the fact that it's completely unnecessary. It pays ONLY the interest on the borrowed money from private banks because the U.S. Treasury is not allowed to issue its own money. Not even a penny of it goes to fund civic programs because it ALL goes to pay just the interest on the borrowed money from private bankers like the Rothschilds, the Rockefeller, and the Morgans. And who are the Rothschilds? You know, the Jewish dynasty that founded Zionism and created Israel. They own almost EVERY central bank on this planet. For every misery and suffering, you can thank the Rothschilds for that. 👉Watch these videos: https://is.gd/G0G6K0 https://is.gd/Ymi7O7 https://is.gd/Fa0VTx https://is.gd/PD5KnU https://is.gd/1lZZCs https://is.gd/bxEc4r https://is.gd/8nbHsD It does NOT matter if Clinton or Bush or Obama or Trump or Mickey Mouse is sitting at the White House, you idiots! America is a corporate oligarchy. It's the corporations that control this country, not the politicians. The politicians are just put there by the banking class to give the brainwashed voters the illusion of choice. If you EVER voted for ANY politician in your life, you're an absolute idiot and a clown who doesn't understand politics or the banking system that controls it. #DeleteTheElite #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2021 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #PresidentialSelection #IncomeTax #IncomeTaxes #PoliticsIsFake #DebtIsSlavery #TaxationIsTheft #EndTheFed #EndTheDebt #EndAllDebt #ForgiveUsOurDebts #ModerndaySlavery #TheFederalReserve #FederalReserve #Fed #Feds #Debt #FractionalReserveBanking #Usery #BalfourDeclaration #FreePalestine #JewWorldOrder #ZionismIsTerrorism #IsraelDefenseForces #IDF #Palestine #PalestineDeniers #PalestineDenier #JewishColonialism #IsraeliColonialism #TheEmpireOfZion #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #JewsOfIsrael #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Antisemitism #Israeli #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination Sources: https://is.gd/kgEw6D https://is.gd/gS5l1e https://is.gd/umARV0 https://is.gd/RP22vt https://is.gd/QSTUel https://is.gd/z7NG2f https://is.gd/0Eny5p https://is.gd/KGJA72 https://is.gd/QEUpWv https://is.gd/0uGiLJ https://is.gd/9MHf8e https://is.gd/jfjzh6 https://is.gd/mCEoCj https://is.gd/W2ocVF https://is.gd/DGu0R1 https://is.gd/6rtiVp https://is.gd/ocNOwf https://is.gd/0IAm0E https://is.gd/TUnGIu
    0 Comments 0 Shares 18495 Views
  • Money laundry goes by many names nowadays, one of which is philanthropy.

    Take the notorious Bill Gates, for example. He put most of his money into a trust, so it becomes untaxable.

    And because the trust is labeled as a charity, corporate media can do good PR for him and crown him as the philanthropist who gave away all his money to charity, lol. But all he did was dodge taxes by simply moving his money from one pocket to another.

    This tactic is just one of many financial rackets that are commonly available only to the rich. Offshore accounts, shell companies, and tax havens are all perfectly legal methods that companies and individuals routinely use to lower their tax liabilities. One in five big U.S. companies pays no federal income tax.

    The poor pay taxes and suffer while the rich dodge taxes and prosper.

    #Philanthropy #Philanthropist #MoneyLaundry #OffShoreAccount #ShellCompanies #TaxHavens #TaxEvasion #TaxLiability #IncomeTax #FederalIncomeTax #Taxes #TaxationIsTheft #CornyCapitalism

    Money laundry goes by many names nowadays, one of which is philanthropy. Take the notorious Bill Gates, for example. He put most of his money into a trust, so it becomes untaxable. And because the trust is labeled as a charity, corporate media can do good PR for him and crown him as the philanthropist who gave away all his money to charity, lol. But all he did was dodge taxes by simply moving his money from one pocket to another. This tactic is just one of many financial rackets that are commonly available only to the rich. Offshore accounts, shell companies, and tax havens are all perfectly legal methods that companies and individuals routinely use to lower their tax liabilities. One in five big U.S. companies pays no federal income tax. The poor pay taxes and suffer while the rich dodge taxes and prosper. #Philanthropy #Philanthropist #MoneyLaundry #OffShoreAccount #ShellCompanies #TaxHavens #TaxEvasion #TaxLiability #IncomeTax #FederalIncomeTax #Taxes #TaxationIsTheft #CornyCapitalism Sources: https://is.gd/SaXdWR https://is.gd/LjfTbg https://is.gd/XRe3Wy https://is.gd/qtwdUc https://is.gd/HNwVgO https://is.gd/0kI6H1
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2643 Views
  • Hollywood released a movie earlier this year called Bliss, and it's packed with NWO communist messaging. In this scene halfway through the film, the NWO puppets Owen Wilson and Salma Hayek explain the political messaging behind this movie.

    Salma Hayek explains that the "pollution was to a degree that people would just drop dead on the street, and the level of poverty was insufferable." To that, Owen Wilson asked her what solved the problem of pollution. Salma Hayek answers, "three things: Automation, synthetic biology, and asteroid mining!"

    Then she says, "Science saved the world!"

    She says synthetic biology (DNA-editing and GMO) fixed all environmental problems when the DNA of living things was altered and engineered to do whatever the mad scientists of the future want.

    She says that asteroid harvesting brought "mountains of new money." And the owner of the asteroid-mining monopoly started giving free money to the masses in the form of a basic income of 500,000$ per year so no one will have to work again. Robots took over all jobs and rendered the working class obsolete. And that's how the paradise described in this movie came to fruition.

    So, according to the asinine authors who wrote the low IQ script of this movie, the key to fixing the world is to simply let a giant corporation control and regulate all manufacturing while the masses sit back and take charity. It was the dirty working class that caused all pollution and destroyed the planet, not the corporations that these slaves worked for.

    Once the dirty workers were replaced with metal robots, the world is saved, and no more pollution lol.

    According to the movie, Communism is the answer to pollution and poverty.

    Also, there's no mention in the movie whatsoever that the world's fiat money isn't backed by any reserve assets, which means that the banking class that controls the world can simply print the 500,000$ per year to every person on Earth today and bring that utopia described in the movie if they wanted to. But of course they'll never mention it because the brainless sheeple aren't supposed to know that the Federal Reserve is printing money limitlessly and giving it for free to Wall Street and large corporations (Trickle-down economics). The law of deception dictates that the sheep should only see the carrot while the stick is hiding out of sight.

    And that's how the banking class control and shape the minds of the masses. One movie at a time, the sublime messaging embedded in their movies infiltrate the minds of the masses and manufacture consent.

    Do you really want to know how we can build a utopia on Earth starting today? Simply abolish ALL banks and make ALL debt completely illegal, along with all financial speculation (aka gambling and stock exchanges). To all the God-fearing Christians who might be reading this caption, remember that the only time Jesus lost his cool and started flipping tables at the temple was against those Jews who were selling debt-based money to the masses and enslaving them with it. God hates debt and debt-based money.

    God wants you to abolish debt-based money in favor of debt-free money that isn't issued by private central banks.

    #OwenWilson #SalmaHayek #Bliss #Bliss2021 #MovieReview #BlissMovieReview #Bliss2021Review #BlissReview #AmazonPrimeOriginal #AmazonOriginal #TrickleDownEconomics #DeleteTheElite #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2021 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #PresidentialSelection #IncomeTax #IncomeTaxes #PoliticsIsFake #DebtIsSlavery #TaxationIsTheft #EndTheFed #EndTheDebt #EndAllDebt #ForgiveUsOurDebts #ModerndaySlavery #TheFederalReserve #FederalReserve #Fed #Feds #Debt #FractionalReserveBanking #Usery

    Hollywood released a movie earlier this year called Bliss, and it's packed with NWO communist messaging. In this scene halfway through the film, the NWO puppets Owen Wilson and Salma Hayek explain the political messaging behind this movie. Salma Hayek explains that the "pollution was to a degree that people would just drop dead on the street, and the level of poverty was insufferable." To that, Owen Wilson asked her what solved the problem of pollution. Salma Hayek answers, "three things: Automation, synthetic biology, and asteroid mining!" Then she says, "Science saved the world!" 😂 She says synthetic biology (DNA-editing and GMO) fixed all environmental problems when the DNA of living things was altered and engineered to do whatever the mad scientists of the future want. She says that asteroid harvesting brought "mountains of new money." And the owner of the asteroid-mining monopoly started giving free money to the masses in the form of a basic income of 500,000$ per year so no one will have to work again. Robots took over all jobs and rendered the working class obsolete. And that's how the paradise described in this movie came to fruition. So, according to the asinine authors who wrote the low IQ script of this movie, the key to fixing the world is to simply let a giant corporation control and regulate all manufacturing while the masses sit back and take charity. It was the dirty working class that caused all pollution and destroyed the planet, not the corporations that these slaves worked for. Once the dirty workers were replaced with metal robots, the world is saved, and no more pollution lol. According to the movie, Communism is the answer to pollution and poverty. Also, there's no mention in the movie whatsoever that the world's fiat money isn't backed by any reserve assets, which means that the banking class that controls the world can simply print the 500,000$ per year to every person on Earth today and bring that utopia described in the movie if they wanted to. But of course they'll never mention it because the brainless sheeple aren't supposed to know that the Federal Reserve is printing money limitlessly and giving it for free to Wall Street and large corporations (Trickle-down economics). The law of deception dictates that the sheep should only see the carrot while the stick is hiding out of sight. And that's how the banking class control and shape the minds of the masses. One movie at a time, the sublime messaging embedded in their movies infiltrate the minds of the masses and manufacture consent. Do you really want to know how we can build a utopia on Earth starting today? Simply abolish ALL banks and make ALL debt completely illegal, along with all financial speculation (aka gambling and stock exchanges). To all the God-fearing Christians who might be reading this caption, remember that the only time Jesus lost his cool and started flipping tables at the temple was against those Jews who were selling debt-based money to the masses and enslaving them with it. God hates debt and debt-based money. God wants you to abolish debt-based money in favor of debt-free money that isn't issued by private central banks. #OwenWilson #SalmaHayek #Bliss #Bliss2021 #MovieReview #BlissMovieReview #Bliss2021Review #BlissReview #AmazonPrimeOriginal #AmazonOriginal #TrickleDownEconomics #DeleteTheElite #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2021 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #PresidentialSelection #IncomeTax #IncomeTaxes #PoliticsIsFake #DebtIsSlavery #TaxationIsTheft #EndTheFed #EndTheDebt #EndAllDebt #ForgiveUsOurDebts #ModerndaySlavery #TheFederalReserve #FederalReserve #Fed #Feds #Debt #FractionalReserveBanking #Usery Sources: https://is.gd/LUKsHf https://is.gd/oRL8NT https://is.gd/VkNa8z https://is.gd/kQ140W https://is.gd/gbDkLs https://is.gd/ojekno https://is.gd/SoNRO7
    0 Comments 0 Shares 14573 Views
  • This is your random reminder that voting for the lesser of two evils is ALSO voting for evil.

    It does NOT matter if Clinton or Bush or Obama or Trump or Mickey Mouse is sitting at the White House, you idiots! America is a corporate oligarchy. It's the corporations that control this country, not the politicians. The politicians are just put there by the banking class to give the brainwashed voters the illusion of choice.

    The United States was sold and paid for in 1913 when a Zionist central bank (the Federal Reserve) was established through an act of treason by Congress and a puppet president called Woodrow Wilson. Since then, ALL of America's politicians are beholden to the Zionist Rothschilds and their Israel. Since then, ALL of America's politicians are traitors to the American people. Since then, presidents are selected by the Jewish Rothschilds, NOT elected by the American people.

    Before 1913, the income tax was illegal, and America had a powerful Navy, roads, schools, railroads, and everything else. It's only thanks to the Jewish Rothschilds that Americans now MUST pay suffocating income taxes. And the worst part about the income tax is the fact that it's completely unnecessary. It pays ONLY the interest on the borrowed money from private banks because the U.S. Treasury is not allowed to issue its own money.

    Not even a penny of it goes to fund civic programs because it ALL goes to pay just the interest on the borrowed money from private bankers like the Rothschilds, the Rockefeller, and the Morgans.

    And who are the Rothschilds? You know, the Jewish dynasty that founded Zionism and created Israel. They own almost EVERY central bank on this planet. For every misery and suffering, you can thank the Rothschilds for that.

    Watch these videos:

    #DeleteTheElite #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2021 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #PresidentialSelection #IncomeTax #IncomeTaxes #PoliticsIsFake #DebtIsSlavery #TaxationIsTheft #EndTheFed #EndTheDebt #EndAllDebt #ForgiveUsOurDebts #ModerndaySlavery #TheFederalReserve #FederalReserve #Fed #Feds #Debt #FractionalReserveBanking #Usery
    This is your random reminder that voting for the lesser of two evils is ALSO voting for evil. It does NOT matter if Clinton or Bush or Obama or Trump or Mickey Mouse is sitting at the White House, you idiots! America is a corporate oligarchy. It's the corporations that control this country, not the politicians. The politicians are just put there by the banking class to give the brainwashed voters the illusion of choice. The United States was sold and paid for in 1913 when a Zionist central bank (the Federal Reserve) was established through an act of treason by Congress and a puppet president called Woodrow Wilson. Since then, ALL of America's politicians are beholden to the Zionist Rothschilds and their Israel. Since then, ALL of America's politicians are traitors to the American people. Since then, presidents are selected by the Jewish Rothschilds, NOT elected by the American people. Before 1913, the income tax was illegal, and America had a powerful Navy, roads, schools, railroads, and everything else. It's only thanks to the Jewish Rothschilds that Americans now MUST pay suffocating income taxes. And the worst part about the income tax is the fact that it's completely unnecessary. It pays ONLY the interest on the borrowed money from private banks because the U.S. Treasury is not allowed to issue its own money. Not even a penny of it goes to fund civic programs because it ALL goes to pay just the interest on the borrowed money from private bankers like the Rothschilds, the Rockefeller, and the Morgans. And who are the Rothschilds? You know, the Jewish dynasty that founded Zionism and created Israel. They own almost EVERY central bank on this planet. For every misery and suffering, you can thank the Rothschilds for that. 👉Watch these videos: https://is.gd/G0G6K0 https://is.gd/Ymi7O7 https://is.gd/Fa0VTx https://is.gd/PD5KnU https://is.gd/1lZZCs https://is.gd/bxEc4r https://is.gd/8nbHsD #DeleteTheElite #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2021 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #PresidentialSelection #IncomeTax #IncomeTaxes #PoliticsIsFake #DebtIsSlavery #TaxationIsTheft #EndTheFed #EndTheDebt #EndAllDebt #ForgiveUsOurDebts #ModerndaySlavery #TheFederalReserve #FederalReserve #Fed #Feds #Debt #FractionalReserveBanking #Usery
    0 Comments 0 Shares 10555 Views
  • This abomination is America's next puppet in chief (aka president).

    Presidents are selected by the banks, not elected by the people.

    Have you ever heard the term "follow the money"? And if you do follow the money behind these politicians, it'll eventually lead you to the zionist central bank of America (the Federal Reserve).

    "Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce." ~ James A. Garfield.

    "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." ~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild.

    Watch these videos and discover who really controls the world:

    #KamalaHarris #DeleteTheElite #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2021 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #PresidentialSelection #IncomeTax #IncomeTaxes #PoliticsIsFake #DebtIsSlavery #TaxationIsTheft #EndTheFed #EndTheDebt #EndAllDebt #ForgiveUsOurDebts #ModerndaySlavery #TheFederalReserve #FederalReserve #Fed #Feds #Debt #FractionalReserveBanking #Usery
    This abomination is America's next puppet in chief (aka president). 🤡 Presidents are selected by the banks, not elected by the people. Have you ever heard the term "follow the money"? And if you do follow the money behind these politicians, it'll eventually lead you to the zionist central bank of America (the Federal Reserve). "Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce." ~ James A. Garfield. "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." ~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild. 👉Watch these videos and discover who really controls the world: https://is.gd/YVFRJp https://is.gd/Ymi7O7 https://is.gd/Fa0VTx https://is.gd/PD5KnU https://is.gd/Hyeyg5 https://is.gd/GupFnA https://is.gd/1lZZCs https://is.gd/bxEc4r https://is.gd/8nbHsD #KamalaHarris #DeleteTheElite #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2021 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #PresidentialSelection #IncomeTax #IncomeTaxes #PoliticsIsFake #DebtIsSlavery #TaxationIsTheft #EndTheFed #EndTheDebt #EndAllDebt #ForgiveUsOurDebts #ModerndaySlavery #TheFederalReserve #FederalReserve #Fed #Feds #Debt #FractionalReserveBanking #Usery
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7213 Views

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