We need to stop with the cult of personalities. The left is most guilty of that, and now the right is becoming guilty of that too. Reagan is awesome, I love him, but he fucked up too. Iran-Contra, anyone? The newest is Trump. With Trump, I can kinda understand, he did have some accomplishments during his presidency. More than most Presidents, considering.

If America wants to win in the long run, we need to win as a party (we need more than just one person in many positions). That's why we need the GOP, and not the so-called Patriot Party (the RINO Party). People need to look at the big picture and the long-run (40–50 years) down the line.

America does need to be run like a business, because America was founded as a free-economy style of culture and society. If America is run like a business, then our debt can be more effectively managed, and even paid off some day. Also, there would be no need for income taxes on the federal level, which was the way the country was set up to begin with.

Instead of just thinking about now, we need to be thinking about years down the road for Generations down the line after us.