Why Sustainability is Currently Unsustainable


Why Sustainability is Currently Unsustainable

An Introduction to the Incorporated Foundation Organizational Structure and Whole System Sustainable Development

There is a great deal of lip service being paid to “Sustainability” and “Green” these days, primarily coming from for-profit industries and governments … none of whom have a very stellar record in actual matters of sustainable development.

While efforts have certainly been undertaken, ostensibly for the sake of matters of sustainability, most of these end up being very little other than clever marketing tools designed to increase sales or campaign donations, or otherwise to directly benefit a very small, select group of individuals.

The fact of the matter is that current efforts for sustainable development are imperative for the survival of the human species, but if there is any real change to be made, it must come from the private sector and the people. But how?


What is Sustainability?

Sustainability is perhaps best defined as the ability of the generation today, to provide for their basic wants and needs, without impeding or otherwise preventing the ability of future generations to do the same.


It seems that most of the “green” marketing and boasts about “sustainability” come from the marketing arms of corporations and politicians, most notably during election season. How focused are they however, on sustainability?

It is true that government does regulate the marketing and advertising enough to ensure that such claims being made are by and large very true, so where is the problem?

It also seems, that given the fact that the United States has decreased Carbon Dioxide output more than any other nation in the world, that despite the failed Kyoto Protocols and the move away from the more recent Paris Accord, that government has certainly made some progress in the realm of Sustainability.

Singular Sustainability and Complex Systemic Concerns

One of the primary areas of concern is that Sustainability is a complex, systemic issue, wherein most of the “solutions” focus on singular areas, often at the cost of other areas that also need to be addressed. In short, singular solutions to complex systemic problems will never be capable of solving the actual problem.

These solutions are more akin to placing the proverbial band-aid over the proverbial bullet hole in reality.

While they may temporarily alleviate individual symptoms, they do very little to address the underlying causes. Perhaps worse still, while some of these programs may be singularly sustainable in nature and design, they often exacerbate other areas of concern wherein sustainability is also a requisite for the continued benefit of all humanity and the planet itself.


Singular Solutions for Complex Problems

Life, like mathematics, is full of ever-changing variables. While these variables may not always be clearly defined, they must be fully quantified in order to allow for the solution to be meaningful in nature. Singularly sustainable solutions are frequently unsustainable in other pertinent and necessary areas, and far too frequently, only serve to make matters worse from a complete systemic perspective.

Singular solutions are by definition, rather simplistic in nature. Complex and Systemic problems and concerns require complex and systemic solutions … at least if those solutions are meant to be truly effective. This is amply evidenced in the ongoing efforts of far too many charitable and environmental organizations.

While their ongoing efforts are certainly laudable and merit both praise and support, they are in fact, in the larger scheme of things, both unsustainable and largely ineffective.


Because they attempt to cure the symptoms while ignoring the underlying causes in a great many cases, and at the same time, present singularly sustainable solutions that are not systemically sustainable and require constant subsidization in other areas wherein they lack overall sustainability.

In the case of many of these organizations, the results are such that their ability to provide actual and meaningful assistance in one area that demands sustainable solutions, often requires a great deal of the provided resources to be routed to other areas.

This is most easily seen in the fact that many large, charitable organizations use anywhere from seventy to ninety percent of all donations for “administrative fees”, largely to pay salaries for their professional staff and … ironically perhaps, the vast majority of their donations are continually expended in an effort to solicit further donations.

The cycle becomes problematic when only ten to thirty percent of all donations are used for their intended purpose … but what is the solution?

Whole System (or Systemic) Sustainability

There are three primary components that are imperative to plan, design and implement to be sustainable in nature for anything to be considered truly sustainable.

Economic (and/or Financial) Sustainability, Environmental Sustainability and Social Sustainability are all imperative if the solutions put into place are going to be long-term and effective.

Anything less than this on the best of days will not serve to resolve the underlying issues. In the worst-case scenarios, such singular solutions as are lacking these elements will serve only to exacerbate the underlying causes. Such partial solutions that egregiously aggravate other areas of development, lead to the perpetuation or even expansion of the underlying problems, hurting humanity as a whole far more than it will ever be able to aid and assist.


What is Whole System or Systemic Sustainability?

The three primary components to reach a Systemic level of Sustainability are

  • Economic (and Financial) Sustainability

  • Environmental Sustainability

  • Social (or Sociological) Sustainability

Collectively, these components or subsets of the system, consist of everything that is needed in order to generate a whole or complete system that is fully symbiotic in nature. This allows for the individual subsets of the system each to be sustainable in their own rights, but also supportive of the overall system at the same time.


The Nature of Whole System (or Systemic) Sustainability is such that it is a fully symbiotic system, each subset being wholly sustainable as an individual unit, while at the same time allowing each and all of the individual subsets to work jointly to support the system as a whole.

This prevents the need to expend precious assets or resources on constant efforts to replenish these very same assets or resources, as has been evidenced is already the case with even the most effective charitable organizations around today.

Economic and Financial Sustainability

Economic and Financial Sustainability ensures that any outside donation that is granted to the foundation and even in-house funding, is used specifically for the purposes for which it has been donated or allocated.

Furthermore, at such a time as the corporate interests of the incorporated foundation have reached a certain level of maturity, these funds can then be utilized to fully subsidize most, if not all of the infrastructural and sociological needs of the people within a community.

Care needs to be taken however, that this economic benefit does not come at the cost of the productive and contributing members of society.


What Are Sociological Needs?

The sociological needs of a community comprise the basic necessities to maintain an acceptable median quality of life. These include the access to safe and secure housing, basic and even advanced education, health and medical care and treatment and modern conveniences sufficient to allow for the provision of an adequate supply of food, clothing and other basic necessities to all individuals. The key is being able to maintain all of these functions without the creation of a dependency class and at the same time, without unduly punishing the productive and contributing members of society through excessive levels of taxation or other “penalties”.


Sociological Sustainability

Sociological or Social Sustainability is perhaps the least understood and most important of the individual aspects of systemic sustainability. For better or worse, humanity is at the top of the proverbial (and literal) food chain, and as such, is the only species on the planet capable of totally destroying or maintaining the planet itself … inclusive of any and all life on the planet.

Humans must become better stewards of the planet, but in return, there must also be a tangible and direct benefit to humanity in order for such a system to remain wholly sustainable. If there is no benefit to humanity, there is no incentive for humanity to become, much less to remain as better stewards of the planet.

Social Sustainability is mostly concerned with the basic necessities for all of humanity to enjoy a meaningful median quality of life. These generally include the basic necessities of life responsible for the ability to live and even to thrive in a safe and secure environment.

The major focus is on the ability of all people to have access to safe and secure housing, general and even extended medical care and treatment, access to basic utilities, access to sufficient levels and qualities of food, and the ability for everyone to obtain an education based on their individual aptitudes, skills and desires.

Social Sustainability however, is also concerned with the symbiotic and mutually beneficial relationships established between humanity and our economic and financial systems, in addition to the world in which we presently must all survive.

Enacting numerous laws and other regulations that severely inhibit the ability of the individual to enjoy a productive and meaningful life would not be very likely to be well received by the masses.

This would hold especially true if the corporate and government officials continued to live a life of luxury while at the same time asking the people to sacrifice and go without. Granted, this would never happen in America, but even to a lesser degree, what would provide any incentive for society as a whole to encourage a sustainable livelihood if it only means sacrifice and suffering?

There must be a tangible and direct benefit to the people that encourages the continuation of systemically sustainable choices in life if such programs are to be sustainable for the long-term.

Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability means establishing a more wholly symbiotic existence of mutual benefit for humanity, animal life, plant life and the overall global environment. Does mining really need to take place at all?

The answer, if the desire is to maintain a modern life, is unfortunately yes. That being said, these destructive mining practices can also be utilized to some advantage. Vast swathes of earth are being removed, and at the end of the day, little more than the planting of a few trees, very limited in nature will take place.

This is, in this case, a more limited version of restoration and reclamation, but it is certainly not sustainable by any stretch of the imagination.

Walt Disney utilized similar methods during the creation of Disney World in the swamps in and around Kissimmee, Florida. When the visitors walk around on the ground level of the Disney World theme park, they are generally walking one to two levels above the original ground level.

The underground realm of Disney may be relatively unknown to those outside of its employ, but it remains an engineering marvel from which many lessons can be learned.

The mines offer a unique opportunity to build vast underground areas for industry and production, often allowing for the capture of emissions to be much easier and more efficient in the process. Upon the completion of construction, the remaining dirt and fill can be utilized for fill on site to cover the completed structures and the surface replanted with large scale, man-made food forests that are every bit as natural … and substantially more efficient (from a human standpoint) than are the natural systems put in place by Mother Nature.

There is a company in Canada who is currently working on portable technologies that will remove literally all of the natural resources in areas that are being removed regardless. Rather than poisoning the local environment with leech ponds and extreme levels of arsenic, these machines would effectively remove any need for trucking anything other than products to or from the job site. The sand, which is all that is effectively retained after the removal of all of the natural resources, can then be used for fill on site.

Helioconverter technology is advancing to the stages where it is possible to reduce Municipal Waste storage to the level of nothing more than a statistical anomaly. With the exception of some regulated waste, organic matter, wastewater effluent and even Municipal Solid Waste or MSW can be processed, leaving minimal amounts of waste requiring storage in landfills, and at the same time producing viable and marketable products, many of which are in and of themselves, environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Among the most notable byproducts of this process are water that can be further distilled to make it potable, biochar and biofuels including natural gas and bio-diesel. Furthermore, this helioconverter process, when properly conducted, can be operated with minimal emissions as no incineration is required.

While there are far too many considerations to be brought up in any single article, this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. The fact remains that humans can continue to build and grow without totally destroying the environment in which we live.

There are already numerous solutions, but they threaten multi-billion dollar industries and the industry leaders … and more importantly, those who create the laws that decide who is and who is not allowed to build.


Current Sources of Corruption and Abuse

The two primary detriments for the implementation of Whole System Human Growth and Development comes from profit-driven corporations and politicians working to get reelected, and demonstrably in need of the very same corporate profits to drive their campaigns.

However, both of these institutions, the corporation and government, are directly relevant to the continuation of Sustainable Human Growth and Development, meaning that they will always be with us and need to be respected accordingly.

This should not by any stretch be viewed as an attack on corporations or government. However, given their position of influence and legislative capacity, it only takes one or two corrupt and deceptive leaders to lay waste to otherwise great accomplishments.

Both government and corporations will, for the foreseeable future at least, remain an integral part of society and the social fabric.

However, a single corporation making exactly the right donations to the right political reelection campaigns and effectively disbursing its lobbyist dollars, can effectively undo all of the good that an amazing startup could have accomplished had it been allowed to open up shop in the first place.


OMBUDSMAN CONCEPT. A citizen aggrieved by an official's action or inaction should be able to state his grievance to an influential functionary empowered to investigate and to express conclusions.

Blacks Law, Fourth Edition


Strict Limitations and Oversight

Even given a very limited and seemingly minor abuse from a select few corporations and a handful of politicians, it should be evident that the people must therefore have a meaningful and enforceable voice in their own governance … or at least in the oversight thereof.

If there is any exceptionally difficult portion of this concept, it is any allowance for the people to have a direct, enforceable say in their own governance.

It is also imperative however, that the people, lacking knowledge in both operations of government and the management of multi-national corporations, not be able to impede upon the ability of these institutions to perform their work either.


Oversight and Management by The People

These days, any mention of Jury Nullification, or even State Nullification, will render confused looks or worse still, calls of “crazy conspiracy theories” despite the vast amount of historical reference and precedent acknowledging both their existence and their purpose.

There was a day when not only the person was on trial, but the law was effectively on trial as well.

If the law was found to be arbitrarily enforceable or otherwise abusive, oppressive or contrary to the will and good of the people, not only was the person on trial to be released, but the law was to be struck from the books … or at least reviewed and revised.

The oversight within the proposed Incorporated Foundations rely on a weighted system of accountability, wherein much the same as Jury Duty, service is mandatory, but the results are enforceable and allow the people to take an active role in their own governance … and the accountability of the two areas where any abuse or even oppression is likely to originate … the government and the corporations.

Ombudsman Program

The Ombudsman Program is the first opportunity for the citizens to review the laws, actions and even the acts of both government and corporations.

The Ombudsman Program will be funded through the Incorporated Foundation and as such, will not be beholden to government, the people or to the corporations. As a separate and independent body, it will employ professionals and scholars in the realms of government and management.

This board will be responsible for hearing the voices and opinions of professionals in all three arenas, government, corporate and the people, with weighted importance given to the responses and presentations of these groups.

The members of the Ombudsman Program will further be prevented from serving in any capacity in either government positions and/or in any decision making capacity with any corporate entity that conducts business within the local community.

Further checks and balances are also put in place to prevent any potential conflict of interest or undue influence by members of both the corporate entities and local government officials. Exceptions may be made in cases wherein these individuals own their own corporate interests, though the utilization of the Trust in the second tier of the Incorporated Foundation should allow for a blind trust to manage these operations during periods of service to the people.


Abuse and Solutions

When there are egregious abuses or unchecked usurpation of power by the corporations and/or the governments, the people need to have an enforceable voice to hold those powers in check. However, at the same time, it is imperative that the people, lacking in some skills regarding corporate management and governmental oversight or even actual governance, must not be allowed to usurp or unduly interfere with the ability of the government or the corporation to remain an effective entity in its own right.


Citizen Review Board

The second line of defense in order to minimize any risk of personal (and profitable) decisions from interfering with practical decision making, will be the presence of a Citizen Review Board. The Citizen Review Board will be comprised of an eclectic mix of legal professionals and document specialists.

Legal opinions from uninterested third parties will be written on individual cases, and the results all compiled into annals. The Citizen Review Board will be further tasked with hearing any final appeals of any group, inclusive of government, corporate or individual so as to ensure that every possible consideration has been given to the matter at hand.

In cases where there may be extenuating circumstances not previously considered, or for which the law was unprepared to deal with on an individual basis, a case may be returned to the Ombudsman Program for further review, with the attached legal opinions from the members of the Citizen Review Board, including why there should be exception made in any particular case.

Education Reform and Sustainability

The current means of education with everything standardized based solely on scholastic average standards must change if it is to allow for the teaching of children regarding sustainability and the continued growth and development of the species.

It is imperative to remember that all children will learn differently, but the most basic principles of scholastic education will be taught in the early years of educational development.

It must be realized that there are a great many children who do not possess these scholastic attributes, but who are quite adept when it comes to other technical or vocational courses.

Viable options need to be made available to all students, in order that each and every one will have the opportunity to study in areas where they will do well, and to have an opportunity to make a decent living through their education.

Among the first steps should be the reintroduction of these vocational and technical training into the school curricula, in addition to a return to Job Credits given for students that are working part time or even full time jobs for experience. Add in to this, the need to (re)introduce Critical Thinking and Problem Solving into the curricula and it would be an opening step in the right direction towards sustainability.


Introduction of Incorporated Foundations

As was previously (and not altogether wryly) noted before, some of the more well-known charitable organizations and other NGO type institutions, spend up to seventy to even eighty or ninety percent of donations on causes other than those that they were intended for.

By and large, the biggest expenditure is seeking out funds and funding … that will again be spent seeking out more funds and funding. It becomes a vicious cycle that consumes vast amounts of resources that would be much better served to assist those who are actually in need of assistance.

In accordance with domestic laws and even with the standards as established by the ICNL or International Center for Not For Profit Law, a faith based foundation may be the ideal solution.

In the case of sustainability however, this should not be teaching any church dogma or even religious tenets, but rather a philosophical approach to faith and our positions of stewards.

While the basic reasoning behind the Faith Based Organization is legal in nature, most of the major religions would tend to agree that we have both an obligation to love and assist humanity and to be good stewards of the planet, so it is effectively, a philosophical approach to faith rather than a religious structure.

The principle behind this structure is that the foundation itself will be the primary owner and shareholder of the corporate entities structured within the development.

Initially, a for-profit corporate entity will be formed and the initial operations will be conducted in order to pay off all debts in full. This includes most notably, the primary investors in the corporate entity. At such a time as all investors are paid off in full, the Umbrella or Incorporated Faith Based Foundation will be formed … though in reality, this is merely a faith based organization in the traditional and legal senses.

The Corporate Entity will then be donated to the Foundation who will assume ownership and control of the operations. It should be noted that the corporation will continue to pay taxes on their operations in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practices … effectively the same as any other corporate entity. The only major difference from any other corporate entity will be that a foundation is the primary shareholder and recipient of the vast majority of the corporate proceeds.

The corporate proceeds will be invested in a private investment fund, likely a private hedge fund. From there, the funds will be utilized to reinvest in additional corporate entities. These entities will serve multiple purposes however, in addition to providing the primary source of funding for all of the operations, growth and development of the foundation.

The corporate entities will also serve as training grounds for technical and vocational training in “real-world” environments for the indigent and other underclass citizens receiving training, a source of paid employment for graduates of those programs, and even as “distant” classrooms for the alternative educational programs.

The original corporate entities may not have the luxury to focus on matters of Sustainability, but rather need to focus on the ability to pay off any and all outside investors as rapidly as possible.

Additional corporate entities as shall be founded and run by the Incorporated Foundation however, should focus primarily on matters of sustainability. In such a fashion, the original corporate entity should broadly appeal to a viable investor base, including capital investment firms.

Equity investment firms are not always viable, unless the investors share the same visions for the future as the foundation.

Only viable investment firms should be considered for the growth and expansion of the Incorporated Foundation structure. Assets of the original corporation can be leveraged to create asset backed securities, with the future proceeds of the corporate entity utilized to guarantee the payment of these securities.

Meanwhile, these securities, in addition to the proceeds of the corporate entity, will be invested in the same private hedge fund in order to maximize returns and generate a sufficient level of funding for the growth and expansion into humanitarian and philanthropic efforts of the parent foundation.

Multi-Tiered Organizational Structure

The most relevant layers or tiers of the organizational structure of the parent organization are the top three tiers of operations.

The Parent Foundation will serve alone as the top tier, having overall control and voice, though with an enforceable voice also being granted to the people being assisted by the parent foundation, through the Ombudsman Program and Citizen Review Board. From this position at the top tier, all operations will be overseen and managed.

The second tier will be comprised of two separate entities; the first one will be the Incorporated Body, paying taxes in accordance with GAAP and running the corporate interests of the foundation. The second portion of the second tier will be the Private Hedge Fund.

It may be necessary to utilize a third party private investment firm for some time, but eventually the foundation needs to work on establishing its own private hedge fund, independent of any outside influence.

In the event that this is not a viable option, the Private Investment Firm can work as an uninterested third party, though as little more than a link between the top tier foundation and the third tier operations, in addition to any connections it may have through the disbursement of financial proceeds.

On the third tier will be an organization tasked with the subsidization of the infrastructure and social programs.

Full subsidies will not be possible in the short term, but with proper management and corporate expansion, ideally in areas of sustainable growth and development, the foundation should be capable of increasing its holdings to the extent that growth will allow for a fuller and more complete subsidization of requisite programs. At this point however, the organizational structure becomes more complex as the many different tiers of the organizational structure begin more involved interaction.

Social Assistance and Infrastructural Funding

In order for the economic and financial sustainability to remain ensured, facilities operated by the foundation, including schools, medical centers and others, would be subsidized based on their peak capacities over the course of a year.

There would be zero benefits or penalties for spending the full budget or even for greatly decreasing expenditures in schools or medical centers. The reasoning behind this is to prevent the provision of incentives for providing added, unnecessary treatments and also to prevent lower levels of treatment in an effort to save money on the budgets and increase personal or organizational bonuses.

Housing would be built by the corporate entities owned by the foundation, and staffed with an estimated ten to fifteen percent of capacity, with the formerly indigent and other underclass personnel … or recipients of social assistance of the foundation.

These would be paid training positions or full time, paid employment for graduates of the training programs. All of the buildings owned by the foundation itself, would be added to the asset portfolio in order to generate additional asset backed securities. These buildings may be leased to private enterprises, but would not be sold so as to retain the ability to leverage all foundation owned assets.

Ideally, all, or at least most of the buildings owned by the Foundation should house corporate entities owned and operated by the Foundation itself.

In such a way, the corporate proceeds being routed to the private investment fund would be greatly increased, while at the same time retaining a sufficient level of assets and income to ensure the ability for a continual run of Asset Backed Securities.

The proceeds from the foundation owned corporate interests would again, ensure the payment in full of all of the generated securities, while at the same time increasing the investment account values and the diversification of the investment portfolio.

Such a diversified and expanded (or leveraged) investment portfolio would allow the foundation to maximize the direct and tangible benefits to the people directly and indirectly, in full accordance with domestic and international laws.

Again, the establishment of the parent foundation as a Faith Based Organization is imperative for such a model to be successfully implemented in full accordance with the law.

Some other examples of a similar nature can be found in certain existing religious organizations … though again, any and all religious tenets or dogma should be avoided, with a more philosophical based approach to actual faith based on the responsibility that humanity has not only towards other humans, but towards our shared responsibilities as stewards of the planet.

Adaptive Nature of Systemic Sustainability

It is important to remember that you are unique … just as is everybody else. Such is the case with, and the demands for all manner of Systemically Sustainable Human Growth and Development.

Even in singular locations selected for development, there will be factors that vary within that particular area. A change in elevation may result in having to deal with completely different environmental factors and local ecological systems.

There are also additional issues in terms of cultural, historical and even traditional values which will all have to be addressed on an individual basis, with contingencies already in place for as many of the variables as can accurately be foreseen.


Blanket solutions without the benefit of adaptability will, under the best of circumstances, remain unsustainable and under the worst, will remain overtly detrimental to the underlying system itself.


Perhaps one of the best examples of this can be seen in the proposed project on Verde Island in the Philippines. At this particular location, expansive piggeries will be utilized. The purpose of the piggeries are multiplicative in nature, providing immediate, low-skilled, paid employment opportunities for the local people.

The waste will be utilized for the production of natural gas as fuel for generators and vehicle engines; to fuel refrigeration, stoves, ovens and other modern conveniences including hot water heaters; breeders to be donated to formerly indigent families for raising and breeding; meats to be processed and used to feed indigent and needy persons, and additional uses far too vast to all be mentioned here.

A primary instance of adaptability regards marketing that expands domestically and provides more paying jobs and more business ownership opportunities for the formerly indigent persons.

It should be noted and remembered however, that in the Southern Philippines as well as in many of the proposed locations in West Africa, a large percentage of the population is Muslim and piggeries are not a viable option in any sense. Again, this makes the ability to adapt the overall principles in order to meet local restrictions and requirements.

The adaptable nature of the Systemically Sustainable Development has already made allowances for such a variance, and goats, larger numbers of fowl, and even cattle are used to take the place of the breeder swine.

Another area where adaptability is evident, is in the implementation of programs for reforestation and the introduction of large-scale food forests.

The very nature of Permaculture is such that the destruction of ecosystems is generally considered to be detrimental, despite the fact that the food forests will replace these with equally natural, albeit man-made ecological systems.

Also, given the presence of teak, mahogany and other old growth forests, preservation is likely beneficial in areas that have not been unlawfully harvested already. However, those areas wherein logging or other industries have left naught but devastation in the place of the forests that previously existed, what is wrong about reforesting the entire area with entirely natural, complete ecological systems that will grow into symbiotically beneficial and sustainable food forests?

Marketing of Foundation Produced Goods and Services

Going back to the large-scale raising of breeder sows on the proposed Verde Island project, the marketing of such a large number of swine in the local markets would be devastating to the local economic system, and most notably to other pig breeders in the area. Rather than being able to assist people, raising the median quality of life and eradicating poverty, more people would be impoverished through such actions.

Thus, in terms of marketing, there is further consideration for adaptive measures that must be implemented uniquely. In this case, it becomes necessary to seek out larger, more sustainable markets that assist in the elevation of the local median quality of life and aid in the stabilization of both the product markets and the economic system in place.

This is further used to the benefit of the local people directly, as such large supplies may be used for the provisions for marketable goods, in this case, the establishment of a new franchise. The franchises will be operated locally by the formerly indigent, though with a goal for those who have shown such aptitude, towards the ownership of their own restaurants in areas throughout the domestic market. Franchise opportunities will be made available in this case, with food carts, food stands, food trucks and full scale restaurants.

The foundation will cover the initial costs for graduates of its programs from among the formerly indigent classes. All restaurants will further be required to maintain between ten and fifteen percent of their work force from among the homeless, indigent, or other underclass persons.

All of the costs that will be paid back to the foundation as part of the ownership process, can be directly contributed to the trust funds in order to continue the expansion of humanitarian efforts, social assistance subsidization and infrastructural maintenance.

These franchise businesses, in addition to all of the business interests owned by the foundation, will further be able to market on the idea that a large percentage of the proceeds go directly to benefit the indigent and other underclass citizens.

In the case of the corporate entities owned by the foundation, it is estimated that seventy to eighty percent of the net proceeds can be invested directly into the trust in order to fund programs and subsidies. It should be noted that in terms of operations within the Philippines, a minimum of seventy percent is actually required by law.

Philippine Solutions for Governance and Assistance

The Republic of the Philippines is uniquely and ideally suited for just such a program, as the early phases of operation will not have the capacity to handle those among the indigent, underclass, and other marginalized citizens who have debilitating conditions. Among the most impoverished persons, this generally includes higher rates of alcoholism, drug addiction and problems with gambling.

The organizational structure of the Philippine government has government offices established at the neighborhood level, with representatives or liaisons from their Department of Social Welfare and Development working on a regular basis with those families most in need of assistance. As such, during the more sensitive and difficult early phases of operation, only those families that have been shown to have a capacity for assisting themselves will be eligible for the programs.

As growth continues and the facilities are in place, those families that require more pressing assistance, most notably with these enfeebling diseases, can also become eligible for more meaningful and viable assistance.

The structure of the Philippine government with each Barangay (or Neighborhood) having the additional benefit of limited authority of adjudication, also allows for a more direct and beneficial approach in matters concerning those who suffer from these horrific addictions.

As such, in the cases of a singular relapse, it is not necessary to bring in distant courts and others who are not familiar with the situation. Rather, these matters can be solved more easily, directly and subtly by what are effectively friends, neighbors and peers in many regards.

Indigenous and Aboriginal Tribal Options

The semi-autonomous nature of the Aboriginal and Indigenous tribes from around the world make these an ideal area for the implementation of the Incorporated Foundations in an effort to create whole system sustainable developments, not only within the Philippines, but throughout the world.

These organizations often have the structure already in place that is requisite for ownership and operation by the people, even indirectly through a separate organization such as the Incorporated Foundation.

The separation of the funds in this manner may not provide for a direct cash subsidy to the people in accordance with domestic and international laws, but will allow for the provision of subsidies for the hospitals, schools, housing, food for the needy and those functioning with a more limited capacity.

Furthermore, all of the surplus funding can then be utilized for the creation of new corporate entities, allowing for the provision of more jobs, and invariably spreading out beyond the natural borders as the numbers of indigent people are reduced locally.

The inclusion of large-scale food forests can be introduced within the indigenous and/or aboriginal populations with greater ease than would be possible in the industrialized nations with more restrictive legislation in place.

Likewise, many of the housing concepts being introduced, are introduced because of their capacity to withstand the natural disasters afflicting a given area, and these may also not always fit so easily into the more restrictive statutes and regulations in more modern areas.

(R)Evolutionary Change in Thought and Action

The organizations, concepts and ideas expressed herein are demonstrably revolutionary in nature. Nearly one-half of the population of the world is living in abject poverty, the environment is being destroyed and humanity has seen fit to divide itself into partisan camps far too concerned with which jackboot is better to be concerned with the planet and the humanity surrounding them.

The costs that the charitable organizations claim for their own use, far exceeds those being used to help the people who need it most. While this may be a radical and revolutionary approach, stretching even the limits of the law, the time for subtlety and nuance has long passed.

If Sustainability is ever going to be truly sustainable, it is imperative that it become systemically sustainable. For systemic sustainability, economic and financial, environmental and social concerns must all be considered and factored into each and every equation.

The only way to accomplish this is to limit the capacity for outside influence and to give an equal and weighted voice to each individual need and desire. Government and Corporate Influence must be held in check by the people, but at the same time, the people must not be allowed to run roughshod over the proverbial or literal establishment.

The only way to strike such a balance is through a singular, tightly regulated organization such as the Incorporated Foundation.


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How Not to Commit Arson Read the full true crime story at https://lnkd.in/gpE8DUrr and at...
από Barry Zalma 2023-08-18 12:54:53 0 4χλμ.
The Private Limitation of Action Provision Defeats Late Filed Suit
Colorado Counts Private Limitation of Action Provision from Moment of Loss or Damage Read the...
από Barry Zalma 2021-03-16 12:05:12 0 3χλμ.
Policy Provisions to Control Moral Hazard
A Video Explaining How Underwriters Protect Against Insureds Who Present a Moral Hazard Read the...
από Barry Zalma 2021-11-02 12:53:22 0 4χλμ.