In what appears to be just the latest in a string of audacious stories by legacy media outlets during a 2020 presidential election cycle which spanned most of the past two years (and isn’t over yet), the New York Times published a story over the weekend. It claimed that the Trump campaign had conceded in a revised lawsuit filing Saturday that no ballots in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania had been counted without appropriate monitoring from neutral observers.

But as insinuations and half-truths are designed to do, the narrative by Monday morning had already spread far and wide that the Trump campaign and legal team had taken this angle fighting election irregularities off the table.

My colleague Skipwreckedcrew wrote earlier this evening that, while changes the campaign lawyers made to the document filed to the court could have several meanings, his educated guess is that – to paraphrase his analysis – it may have had more to do with Porter, Wright, Morris & Arthur, the now-former counsel for President Trump’s side, than the filing itself. I urge you to read his piece, “Trump Campaign Files Amended Complaint With Significant Changes in Pennsylvania Case — May Suggest Issues With Prior Counsel,” in full.

There’s also the small matter of hearing what the Trump campaign and its law team say actually went down.

Former Fox News associate producer and writer Kyle Becker made it a point Monday to highlight that red-lined version of the updated Trump campaign suit in the Keystone state on Twitter, letting his followers in on “[w]hat is *really* going on in the swing state election” directly from the campaign. [Full disclosure: Kyle was a previous colleague of mine at]

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