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This Dick Brody character must be a contortionist; you don’t often see someone bend over backwards and tie themselves into knots trying to defend a movie were little girls shake their woefully undeveloped money-makers at the camera and a cheering crowd – all of whom I hope is in fucking jail right now.

Let’s cut straight to the chase with this one. Can you make a movie about shark attack victims without showing sharks attacking people? Yes. Can you film a documentary about rampant drug abuse in a community without filming an OD? You can; might be less impactful, but yes, absolutely. Can you make a film about the sexualization and even the trafficking of young girls (and boys) without instructing the supposed victims in question to put on a little show for the greasy, lotioned-up Netflix executives who greenlit the film? I don’t know about that one, but I’d like to think it would have been possible.

IMDB itself issued a warning that there are scenes in this movie that are LAWFULLY DEFINED as pedophilia in the United States. LAWFULLY DE-FUCKING-FINED. Do I need to say it again? This story may have just made me believe that there is such a thing as bad publicity. You know you’re up an underaged creek when you’re supposedly for social justice (so called) and the entirely of Twitter of all places is making #cancelnetflix trend in the #1 spot in the U.S.

And I’ll tell you exactly why it’s bullshit that this movie is about the struggles children face with patriarchal structures and other such buzzwords. Do you expect me to believe that a bunch of tweens were giving their takes in their own words in a documentary? Do you expect me to believe they sought to be in this snuff-film on their own initiative? How fucking stupid do you have to be to not instantaneously realize that these girls had dance instructors, coaches, and above all, scripts for this film. It’s practically a grooming session from start to finish, and I don’t even need to see the movie to know that. These girls said exactly what scum like Dick Brody and all the pussy-hat wearing retards wanted them to say.

And the absolutely tactless bit about how the movie’s message had to do with a country ruined by mass migration somehow wasn’t being blacked fast enough and that French identity was the problem made me want to fucking puke and laugh at the same time it was so incomprehensibly absurd. Yes, I’m sure the little muslim girl in the movie (who was probably honor-killed by her family for starring in this abomination) really just wanted to make a braindead statement about equality and female agency on behalf of her dead, fish-eyed movement that’s losing steam every butt-fucking day.

If there has ever been a crystal clear picture of the intent of the aristocrats and the defiance of the people, this is it.

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