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One thing that I want everyone watching this to understand is that these kinds of salient acts of censorship are not perpetrated by a confident and worry-free authority. This is desperation. If they were sure of themselves they may go as far as to mock the video but would probably just ignore and dismiss it out of hand. Instead they choose to editorialize and foolishly take the stance of a publisher – apparently declaring that either the medical expertise of social media executives supersedes that of actual doctors, or that the statements of the World Health Organization (an organization we aren’t even technically in anymore) are of higher merit than those of American medical professionals on the ground and doing the work. In either case, it looks bad on its face.

Twitter is a repository for ass-blasted bernie-bros, verified sycophants larping as journalists, corona-karens, e-thots, Tumblr refugees looking for a place to dump their hentai, and casual spectators like myself looking to get a little Schadenfreude out of it all and maybe ruffle some feathers. That’s Twitter in a nutshell, a gorilla warzone between Trump’s base and sympathetic trolls against hardened establishment forces with a bunch of porn and tiktok videos filling in all the empty space. Not exactly the Mayo Clinic or the Surgeon General’s homepage. Anyone looking to Twitter’s moderators for real medical information probably also needs a how-to video on opening pill bottles.

Censorship, particularly of information, is never done for good natured reasons. But subversion begets subversion. While the monolithic tech firms in Silicon Valley have bent their knees so hard that they aren’t even bending the right way anymore, they can never hope to outpace in myriad methods being used to bypass their filtration systems. VPNs and alternative web browsers, as well as numerous alternative video and social media sites are growing like weeds in the cracks of the information super highway – which, in turn, cause yet more cracks for more weeds.

Suppression of information is not as easy as it was before the age of the internet and some people in high places have come to realize this. Which is precisely why so much of the real news has been polluted and diluted with what Trump so aptly coined as “fake news”. If you can’t catch and kill a story, just get ahead of it with a dozen other false ones as a smokescreen to cover it up. It’s not a perfect catch-all, but if you ever want to observe its effectiveness, just check out Twitter’s trending list sometime. It really has become the perfect archetype of propaganda machines in the last half-decade, which is, thankfully, reflected in its stock price.

Not to mention, when you try and hide something you tend to make it a greater source of interest. There’s this little thing called the Streisand Effect: When people see loose dirt, they’ll want to see what’s buried there. For whatever reason, the power that be never seem to learn this.

I’m not a doctor, or an expert on anything really beyond being a satirical smartass about things, but I tend to know a stooge when I see one. Dr. Fauci has made enough blunders and read enough mandarin Chinese que cards since the start of this shitshow that I think it’s pretty obvious that he’s not the one to be take seriously at this point. All I can comfortably recommend to you is that if you know you’re not in the best shape physically, now would be as good a time as any to get that taken care of. Stop smoking, start jogging, work on your diet, sleeping habits, and stress management. Seeing as how the only people who seem to actually die from the kung flu were either old or had already been made unhealthy by their own hand, I think this has all been an object lesson in how the Western world has really let itself go; physically, intellectually, morally, and politically.

Let’s all work on that, shall we? Hard times make strong men, after all.

Watch STNC Episode 26