• Part of the plan is the destruction of America’s small businesses, something they are close to accomplishing. Small businesses are the backbone of America and their destruction was necessary to break the American spirit. Those not closed by the scamdemic are being looted and burned by the “peaceful protesters.” This is part of the plan, many will never reopen. Food prices are skyrocketing, also part of the plan.
    Part of the plan is the destruction of America’s small businesses, something they are close to accomplishing. Small businesses are the backbone of America and their destruction was necessary to break the American spirit. Those not closed by the scamdemic are being looted and burned by the “peaceful protesters.” This is part of the plan, many will never reopen. Food prices are skyrocketing, also part of the plan. https://hive.blog/hive-122315/@richq11/big-tech-coronavirus-and-the-ai-conspiracy
    Big Tech, Coronavirus, and the AI Conspiracy — Hive
    } “He who has overcome his fears will truly be free.” ~Aristotle This video packs a lot of information into 10 minutes. First off, it’s important to understand… by richq11
    0 ComentƔrios 0 Compartilhamentos 263 VisualizaƧƵes
  • The Biden regime just awarded Moderna a $176 million contract to start developing new mRNA (modRNA) "vaccines" for a "pandemic influenza" caused by so-called Bird Flu.
    After its failed attempt to create a business out of mRNA injections for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), Moderna was on the verge of collapse – that is, until Joe Biden and his handlers decided to give the company a much-needed lifeline.
    The Biden regime just awarded Moderna a $176 million contract to start developing new mRNA (modRNA) "vaccines" for a "pandemic influenza" caused by so-called Bird Flu. After its failed attempt to create a business out of mRNA injections for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), Moderna was on the verge of collapse – that is, until Joe Biden and his handlers decided to give the company a much-needed lifeline. https://newstarget.com/2024-07-05-pfizer-moderna-unleashing-mrna-injections-pandemic-influenza.html
    0 ComentƔrios 0 Compartilhamentos 933 VisualizaƧƵes
  • This is what MD Ben Marble has to say about our dearest coronavirus "vaccine" jabs:
    also see vaxgenocide.com for more "stories" like that.
    This is what MD Ben Marble has to say about our dearest coronavirus "vaccine" jabs: https://rumble.com/v53snkh-medical-doctor-speaks-up-about-the-covid-vaccine-injuring-and-killing-his-f.html also see vaxgenocide.com for more "stories" like that.
    0 ComentƔrios 0 Compartilhamentos 710 VisualizaƧƵes
  • The United States in particular contrived a carefully crafted technical and legal framework through which it is able to quietly fortify its biological-military capabilities in foreign countries rather than domestically where the public might learn about their presence and revolt.
    Just like how the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) bioweapon is now believed to have been developed at biolaboratories in places like Ukraine and China, nuclear dirty bombs are also being built on foreign soil for use in the endless wars the U.S. continues to wage and fight.
    The United States in particular contrived a carefully crafted technical and legal framework through which it is able to quietly fortify its biological-military capabilities in foreign countries rather than domestically where the public might learn about their presence and revolt. Just like how the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) bioweapon is now believed to have been developed at biolaboratories in places like Ukraine and China, nuclear dirty bombs are also being built on foreign soil for use in the endless wars the U.S. continues to wage and fight. https://newstarget.com/2024-06-27-false-flag-dirty-bomb-radioactive-materials-shipped-ukraine.html
    FALSE FLAG dirty bomb radioactive materials now routinely shipped to Ukraine
    The world’s power brokers are secretly sending loads of radioactive substances to Ukraine so a “dirty bomb” can be created and detonated “under someone else’s flag,” it has been confirmed. Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov of the Russian armed forces said that “available operational information” shows that radioactive substances continue to be sent by the West […]
    0 ComentƔrios 0 Compartilhamentos 1047 VisualizaƧƵes
  • Further evidence shows that blue light inactivates several viruses, including the common flu coronavirus Trump Said it and They Freaked Out
    REMEMBER 5th November
    Further evidence shows that blue light inactivates several viruses, including the common flu coronavirus Trump Said it and They Freaked Out REMEMBER 5th November
    0 ComentƔrios 0 Compartilhamentos 765 VisualizaƧƵes
  • https://herbalremedies.one/chemtrail-flu-detox/ What you can't see or don't want to see can hurt you, and will be inhaled by you, your children and even your pets! These chemtrails are toxic heavy metals and microbials like covid-19 coronaviruses (flu viruses and now bird flu) being sprayed on you like roaches from chemtrails that affect your brain, nervous system and immune system. They are activated even more by 5G radiation. Morgellons's disease cases are higher in number in heavily sprayed areas. You need to regularly detox this crap out of your lungs and body. #chemtrails #heavymetals #birdflu #covid19 #geoengineereing
    https://herbalremedies.one/chemtrail-flu-detox/ What you can't see or don't want to see can hurt you, and will be inhaled by you, your children and even your pets! These chemtrails are toxic heavy metals and microbials like covid-19 coronaviruses (flu viruses and now bird flu) being sprayed on you like roaches from chemtrails that affect your brain, nervous system and immune system. They are activated even more by 5G radiation. Morgellons's disease cases are higher in number in heavily sprayed areas. You need to regularly detox this crap out of your lungs and body. #chemtrails #heavymetals #birdflu #covid19 #geoengineereing
    Chemtrail Flu Protection
    Chemtrail Flu Just what is Chemtrail Flu? Chemtrail Flu (also associated with Chemtrail Cough) is ca
    0 ComentƔrios 0 Compartilhamentos 1938 VisualizaƧƵes
  • U.K. risen sharply since the coronavirus pandemic people becoming inactive over the last years cited depression and anxiety. Stated by the opposition Labour party called to prime minister plans government was "stonily, shameless and irresponsible".
    U.K. risen sharply since the coronavirus pandemic people becoming inactive over the last years cited depression and anxiety. Stated by the opposition Labour party called to prime minister plans government was "stonily, shameless and irresponsible".
    0 ComentƔrios 0 Compartilhamentos 1277 VisualizaƧƵes
  • Keep up to date on your Vaccination Schedule
    In for a penny . . .
    Keep up to date on your Vaccination Schedule In for a penny . . . https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/stay-up-to-date.html
    COVID-19 Vaccination
    COVID-19 vaccines protect against COVID-19. Get safety info and more.
    0 ComentƔrios 0 Compartilhamentos 1011 VisualizaƧƵes
  • https://zeolite.one/clinoptilolite-zeolite/ Vaccines are poison! Discover why zeolites are so important in protecting and restoring your health naturally: Natural Zeolites are a simple alkaline mineral that can help you balance your immune system and address a cause of autoimmune issues (undetected viruses, as discussed by the naturopathic physician Dr. R.E. Tent), and also helps you detox vaccine heavy metals, radiation, prevent cancer and make your body a healthy alkaline and resistant to disease. Coronaviruses (flu viruses) are now engineered into Covid-19 variants that are made to attack your lungs and immune. Also helps with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diarrhea, and autoimmune conditions. Don't fear it but do Protect yourself. #zeolite #cancer #virus #viral #vaccines
    https://zeolite.one/clinoptilolite-zeolite/ Vaccines are poison! Discover why zeolites are so important in protecting and restoring your health naturally: Natural Zeolites are a simple alkaline mineral that can help you balance your immune system and address a cause of autoimmune issues (undetected viruses, as discussed by the naturopathic physician Dr. R.E. Tent), and also helps you detox vaccine heavy metals, radiation, prevent cancer and make your body a healthy alkaline and resistant to disease. Coronaviruses (flu viruses) are now engineered into Covid-19 variants that are made to attack your lungs and immune. Also helps with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diarrhea, and autoimmune conditions. Don't fear it but do Protect yourself. #zeolite #cancer #virus #viral #vaccines
    1 ComentƔrios 0 Compartilhamentos 3160 VisualizaƧƵes
  • New House Bill will allow Americans to sue the manufacturers of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines for vaccine-related adverse events, including deaths

    New House Bill will allow Americans to sue the manufacturers of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines for vaccine-related adverse events, including deaths https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-03-10-new-bill-americans-sue-manufacturers-covid-vaccines.html
    New House bill would allow to Americans to sue manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines for adverse events and deaths – NaturalNews.com
    Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) has introduced a bill that would allow Americans to sue the manufacturers of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines for vaccine-related adverse events, including deaths, by removing the liability shield that protects vaccine makers. Roy said that the Let Injured Americans Be Legally Empowered Act, or the LIABLE Act, is necessary because Americans […]
    0 ComentƔrios 0 Compartilhamentos 1499 VisualizaƧƵes
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