• George Orwell is rolling in his grave as the world becomes more dystopian. Nineteen Eighty-Four was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual for tyranny.

    Orwell warned us 72 years ago of 4 possible nightmares that indeed have become today's reality:

    1. Big Brother is always watching you: Thanks to the popularity of smartphones and smart devices, the authorities keep constant tabs on EVERYONE all the time. In Orwell's 1984, there's a telescreen in every home that's constantly watching and listening. You can't switch it off even if you want to. Today, Orwell's prophesized telescreens are designed to be handheld to go with you anywhere you go, and they're so desirable and convenient that you have no desire to switch them off. We call these telescreens smartphones. You can't switch them off even if you want to because they're designed in a way that you can't remove the battery. The "turn off" option offered by these devices is just a placebo. They're always on. They're always watching you. They're forever listening. Thanks to Google and Apple, Big Brother is forever watching you. Big tech companies like Google and Apple are government agencies because the same people who control/own these companies also control/own governments. And these people, of course, are no other than the banking class like the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and the Morgans.

    2. Perpetual war: The American Empire is just 244 years old, but it has been at war for 223 years. It has been at war more than 93% of the time! And American military spending is the size of the next 10 largest military budgets around the world combined! 9/11's War of Terror ("War on Terror" in doublespeak is designed to be a forever war just like COVID19's medical tyranny, which will last forever.

    3. Bread and Circuses: Today's social trends are endless. From Hollywood's violent and gory movies to reality TV shows to the infinite obsession with sports and cooking shows, the list never ends. Add to the mix the cheap addictive junk food, and you get a breed of "proles" that are so pathetically gullible that they aren't even worthy of surveillance.

    4. Newspeak: In his novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell laid out in detail how language can be misused to deceive and control the masses. In our world today, political correctness and euphemism are pervasive. Orwellian doublespeak and thought-control are ubiquitous among the politicians and the powerful propaganda machinery of the American Empire. Eugenics and population control are now called "reproductive health" and "family planning." The department of war is now called the department of defense. Torture is now called "enhanced interrogation techniques." The war effort is now called the peace effort. Invading foreign nations and bombing their populations is now called "liberation and spreading democracy." Dead innocent civilians are now called collateral. And the invaders who drop bombs on sovereign nations are now called freedom fighters or heroes while those who resist them are now called terrorists. Now governments start wars and call it self-defense. Political bribery is now called lobbying, and it's perfectly legal. Kidnap is now called "arrest" and it's legal as long as a cop does it. Theft is now called seizure as long as cops do it and it's perfectly normal. And now thanks to the planned crisis that's COVID19, house arrest is now called "lockdown."

    #NineteenEightyFour #GeorgeOrwell #Doublespeak #FamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealth #PoliticalCorrectness #Euphemism #EnhancedInterrogationTechniques #Torture #FightingForPeace #FightForPeace #ThePeaceEffort #TheWarEffort #Collateral #SpreadingDemocracy #FreedomFighters #PoliticalBribery #Lobbying #Kidnap #Arrest #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense #Lockdown #HouseArrest #BreadAndCircuses #BreadAndCircus #NFL #Superbowl2020 #Superbowl #NFLSuperbowl #NFLSuperbowl2020 #NationalFootballLeague #Football #AmericanFootball #Obedience #MassObedience #CivilObedience #SportStadiums #SocialEngineering #Hollywood #JunkFood #ModernRome #AncientRome #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #CorruptPoliticians #CorruptPolitician #PoliticalCorruption #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #Deepstate #Facebook #Hatebook #FB #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #YouTube #SocialMedia #MarkZuckerberg #Zuckerberg #Privacy #NoPrivacy #AllSeeingEye #TechnoOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Smartphones #Surveillance #BigBrother #MassSurveillance #Spyware #Privacy #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching

    George Orwell is rolling in his grave as the world becomes more dystopian. Nineteen Eighty-Four was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual for tyranny. Orwell warned us 72 years ago of 4 possible nightmares that indeed have become today's reality: 1. Big Brother is always watching you: Thanks to the popularity of smartphones and smart devices, the authorities keep constant tabs on EVERYONE all the time. In Orwell's 1984, there's a telescreen in every home that's constantly watching and listening. You can't switch it off even if you want to. Today, Orwell's prophesized telescreens are designed to be handheld to go with you anywhere you go, and they're so desirable and convenient that you have no desire to switch them off. We call these telescreens smartphones. You can't switch them off even if you want to because they're designed in a way that you can't remove the battery. The "turn off" option offered by these devices is just a placebo. They're always on. They're always watching you. They're forever listening. Thanks to Google and Apple, Big Brother is forever watching you. Big tech companies like Google and Apple are government agencies because the same people who control/own these companies also control/own governments. And these people, of course, are no other than the banking class like the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and the Morgans. 2. Perpetual war: The American Empire is just 244 years old, but it has been at war for 223 years. It has been at war more than 93% of the time! And American military spending is the size of the next 10 largest military budgets around the world combined! 9/11's War of Terror ("War on Terror" in doublespeak is designed to be a forever war just like COVID19's medical tyranny, which will last forever. 3. Bread and Circuses: Today's social trends are endless. From Hollywood's violent and gory movies to reality TV shows to the infinite obsession with sports and cooking shows, the list never ends. Add to the mix the cheap addictive junk food, and you get a breed of "proles" that are so pathetically gullible that they aren't even worthy of surveillance. 4. Newspeak: In his novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell laid out in detail how language can be misused to deceive and control the masses. In our world today, political correctness and euphemism are pervasive. Orwellian doublespeak and thought-control are ubiquitous among the politicians and the powerful propaganda machinery of the American Empire. Eugenics and population control are now called "reproductive health" and "family planning." The department of war is now called the department of defense. Torture is now called "enhanced interrogation techniques." The war effort is now called the peace effort. Invading foreign nations and bombing their populations is now called "liberation and spreading democracy." Dead innocent civilians are now called collateral. And the invaders who drop bombs on sovereign nations are now called freedom fighters or heroes while those who resist them are now called terrorists. Now governments start wars and call it self-defense. Political bribery is now called lobbying, and it's perfectly legal. Kidnap is now called "arrest" and it's legal as long as a cop does it. Theft is now called seizure as long as cops do it and it's perfectly normal. And now thanks to the planned crisis that's COVID19, house arrest is now called "lockdown." #NineteenEightyFour #GeorgeOrwell #Doublespeak #FamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealth #PoliticalCorrectness #Euphemism #EnhancedInterrogationTechniques #Torture #FightingForPeace #FightForPeace #ThePeaceEffort #TheWarEffort #Collateral #SpreadingDemocracy #FreedomFighters #PoliticalBribery #Lobbying #Kidnap #Arrest #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense #Lockdown #HouseArrest #BreadAndCircuses #BreadAndCircus #NFL #Superbowl2020 #Superbowl #NFLSuperbowl #NFLSuperbowl2020 #NationalFootballLeague #Football #AmericanFootball #Obedience #MassObedience #CivilObedience #SportStadiums #SocialEngineering #Hollywood #JunkFood #ModernRome #AncientRome #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #CorruptPoliticians #CorruptPolitician #PoliticalCorruption #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #Deepstate #Facebook #Hatebook #FB #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #YouTube #SocialMedia #MarkZuckerberg #Zuckerberg #Privacy #NoPrivacy #AllSeeingEye #TechnoOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Smartphones #Surveillance #BigBrother #MassSurveillance #Spyware #Privacy #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching Sources: https://is.gd/Om01cW https://is.gd/ffNB4J https://is.gd/111zrB https://is.gd/dorkUE
    0 Comments 0 Shares 25393 Views
  • George Orwell is rolling in his grave as the world becomes more dystopian. Nineteen Eighty-Four was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual for tyranny.

    He warned us of 4 possible nightmares that indeed have become today's reality:

    1. Big Brother is always watching you: Thanks to the popularity of smartphones and smart devices, the authorities keep constant tabs on EVERYONE all the time. In Orwell's 1984, there's a telescreen in every home that's constantly watching and listening. You can't switch it off even if you want to. Today, Orwell's prophecized telescreens are designed to be handheld to go with you anywhere you go, and they're so desirable and convenient that you have no desire to switch them off. We call these telescreens smartphones. You can't switch them off even if you want to because they're designed in a way that you can't remove the battery. The "turn off" option offered by these devices is just a placebo. They're always on. They're always watching you. They're forever listening. Thanks to Google and Apple, Big Brother is forever watching you. Big tech companies like Google and Apple are government agencies because the same people who control/own these companies also control/own governments. And these people, of course, are no other than the banking class like the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and the Morgans.

    2. Perpetual war: The American Empire is just 243 years old, but it has been at war for 222 years. It has been at war more than 93% of the time! And American military spending is the size of the next 10 largest military budgets around the world combined!

    3. Bread and Circuses: Today's social trends are endless. From Hollywood's violent and gory movies to reality TV shows to the infinite obsession with sports and cooking shows, the list never ends. Add to the mix the cheap addictive junk food, and you get a breed of "proles" that are so pathetically gullible that they aren't even worthy of surveillance.

    4. Newspeak: In his novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell laid out in detail how language can be misused to deceive and control the masses. In our world today, political correctness and euphemism are pervasive. Orwellian doublespeak and thought-control are ubiquitous among the politicians and the powerful propaganda machinery of the American Empire. Eugenics and population control are now called "reproductive health" and "family planning." The department of war is now called the department of defense. Torture is now called "enhanced interrogation techniques." The war effort is now called the peace effort. Invading foreign nations and bombing their populations is now called "liberation and spreading democracy." Dead innocent civilians are now called collateral. And the invaders who drop bombs on sovereign nations are now called freedom fighters or heroes while those who resist them are now called terrorists. Now governments start wars and call it self-defense. Political bribery is now called lobbying, and it's perfectly legal. Kidnap is now called "arrest" as long as a cop does it. And now thanks to the new planned crisis that's COVID19, house arrest is now called "lockdown."

    #NineteenEightyFour #GeorgeOrwell #Doublespeak #FamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealth #PoliticalCorrectness #Euphemism #EnhancedInterrogationTechniques #Torture #FightingForPeace #FightForPeace #ThePeaceEffort #TheWarEffort #Collateral #SpreadingDemocracy #FreedomFighters #PoliticalBribery #Lobbying #Kidnap #Arrest #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense #Lockdown #HouseArrest #BreadAndCircuses #BreadAndCircus #NFL #Superbowl2020 #Superbowl #NFLSuperbowl #NFLSuperbowl2020 #NationalFootballLeague #Football #AmericanFootball #Obedience #MassObedience #CivilObedience #SportStadiums #SocialEngineering #Hollywood #JunkFood #ModernRome #AncientRome #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #CorruptPoliticians #CorruptPolitician #PoliticalCorruption #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #Deepstate #Facebook #Hatebook #FB #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #YouTube #SocialMedia #MarkZuckerberg #Zuckerberg #Privacy #NoPrivacy #AllSeeingEye #TechnoOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Smartphones #Surveillance #BigBrother #MassSurveillance #Spyware #Privacy #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching

    George Orwell is rolling in his grave as the world becomes more dystopian. Nineteen Eighty-Four was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual for tyranny. He warned us of 4 possible nightmares that indeed have become today's reality: 1. Big Brother is always watching you: Thanks to the popularity of smartphones and smart devices, the authorities keep constant tabs on EVERYONE all the time. In Orwell's 1984, there's a telescreen in every home that's constantly watching and listening. You can't switch it off even if you want to. Today, Orwell's prophecized telescreens are designed to be handheld to go with you anywhere you go, and they're so desirable and convenient that you have no desire to switch them off. We call these telescreens smartphones. You can't switch them off even if you want to because they're designed in a way that you can't remove the battery. The "turn off" option offered by these devices is just a placebo. They're always on. They're always watching you. They're forever listening. Thanks to Google and Apple, Big Brother is forever watching you. Big tech companies like Google and Apple are government agencies because the same people who control/own these companies also control/own governments. And these people, of course, are no other than the banking class like the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and the Morgans. 2. Perpetual war: The American Empire is just 243 years old, but it has been at war for 222 years. It has been at war more than 93% of the time! And American military spending is the size of the next 10 largest military budgets around the world combined! 3. Bread and Circuses: Today's social trends are endless. From Hollywood's violent and gory movies to reality TV shows to the infinite obsession with sports and cooking shows, the list never ends. Add to the mix the cheap addictive junk food, and you get a breed of "proles" that are so pathetically gullible that they aren't even worthy of surveillance. 4. Newspeak: In his novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell laid out in detail how language can be misused to deceive and control the masses. In our world today, political correctness and euphemism are pervasive. Orwellian doublespeak and thought-control are ubiquitous among the politicians and the powerful propaganda machinery of the American Empire. Eugenics and population control are now called "reproductive health" and "family planning." The department of war is now called the department of defense. Torture is now called "enhanced interrogation techniques." The war effort is now called the peace effort. Invading foreign nations and bombing their populations is now called "liberation and spreading democracy." Dead innocent civilians are now called collateral. And the invaders who drop bombs on sovereign nations are now called freedom fighters or heroes while those who resist them are now called terrorists. Now governments start wars and call it self-defense. Political bribery is now called lobbying, and it's perfectly legal. Kidnap is now called "arrest" as long as a cop does it. And now thanks to the new planned crisis that's COVID19, house arrest is now called "lockdown." #NineteenEightyFour #GeorgeOrwell #Doublespeak #FamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealth #PoliticalCorrectness #Euphemism #EnhancedInterrogationTechniques #Torture #FightingForPeace #FightForPeace #ThePeaceEffort #TheWarEffort #Collateral #SpreadingDemocracy #FreedomFighters #PoliticalBribery #Lobbying #Kidnap #Arrest #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense #Lockdown #HouseArrest #BreadAndCircuses #BreadAndCircus #NFL #Superbowl2020 #Superbowl #NFLSuperbowl #NFLSuperbowl2020 #NationalFootballLeague #Football #AmericanFootball #Obedience #MassObedience #CivilObedience #SportStadiums #SocialEngineering #Hollywood #JunkFood #ModernRome #AncientRome #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #CorruptPoliticians #CorruptPolitician #PoliticalCorruption #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #Deepstate #Facebook #Hatebook #FB #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #YouTube #SocialMedia #MarkZuckerberg #Zuckerberg #Privacy #NoPrivacy #AllSeeingEye #TechnoOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Smartphones #Surveillance #BigBrother #MassSurveillance #Spyware #Privacy #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching Sources: https://is.gd/ffNB4J https://is.gd/111zrB https://is.gd/dorkUE
    0 Comments 0 Shares 18260 Views
  • Language is a good tool but a bad master. It can serve you, but it can also enslave you. This misuse of language is a form of mind-control. In his novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell laid out in detail how language can be misused to deceive and control the masses. In our world today, political correctness and euphemism are pervasive. Orwellian doublespeak and thought-control are ubiquitous among the politicians and the powerful propaganda machinery of the American Empire. Eugenics and population control are now called "reproductive health" and "family planning." The department of war is called the department of defense. Torture is now called "enhanced interrogation techniques." The war effort is now called the peace effort. Invading foreign nations and bombing their populations is now called "liberation and spreading democracy." Dead innocent civilians are now called collateral. And the invaders who drop bombs on sovereign nations are now called freedom fighters or heroes while those who resist them are now called terrorists. Now governments start wars and call it self-defense. Political bribery is now called lobbying, and it's perfectly legal. Kidnap is now called "arrest" as long as a cop does it. And now thanks to the new planned crisis that's COVID19, house arrest is now called "lockdown." Be careful of those who manipulate the language to manipulate you. If you're not careful, right becomes wrong and up becomes down.

    #COVID19 #NineteenEightyFour #Doublespeak #GeorgeOrwell #FamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealth #PoliticalCorrectness #Euphemism #EnhancedInterrogationTechniques #Torture #FightingForPeace #FightForPeace #ThePeaceEffort #Collateral #SpreadingDemocracy #FreedomFighters #PoliticalBribery #Lobbying #Kidnap #Arrest #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense #Doublespeak

    Language is a good tool but a bad master. It can serve you, but it can also enslave you. This misuse of language is a form of mind-control. In his novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell laid out in detail how language can be misused to deceive and control the masses. In our world today, political correctness and euphemism are pervasive. Orwellian doublespeak and thought-control are ubiquitous among the politicians and the powerful propaganda machinery of the American Empire. Eugenics and population control are now called "reproductive health" and "family planning." The department of war is called the department of defense. Torture is now called "enhanced interrogation techniques." The war effort is now called the peace effort. Invading foreign nations and bombing their populations is now called "liberation and spreading democracy." Dead innocent civilians are now called collateral. And the invaders who drop bombs on sovereign nations are now called freedom fighters or heroes while those who resist them are now called terrorists. Now governments start wars and call it self-defense. Political bribery is now called lobbying, and it's perfectly legal. Kidnap is now called "arrest" as long as a cop does it. And now thanks to the new planned crisis that's COVID19, house arrest is now called "lockdown." Be careful of those who manipulate the language to manipulate you. If you're not careful, right becomes wrong and up becomes down. #COVID19 #NineteenEightyFour #Doublespeak #GeorgeOrwell #FamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealth #PoliticalCorrectness #Euphemism #EnhancedInterrogationTechniques #Torture #FightingForPeace #FightForPeace #ThePeaceEffort #Collateral #SpreadingDemocracy #FreedomFighters #PoliticalBribery #Lobbying #Kidnap #Arrest #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense #Doublespeak Sources: https://is.gd/dorkUE https://is.gd/N2cjNp https://is.gd/aAwqcT
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6957 Views
  • “Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.” ― George Carlin. In his novel Nineteen Eighty Four, George Orwell laid out in detail how language can be misused to deceive and control the masses. In our world today, political correctness and euphemism are pervasive. Orwellian doublespeak and thought-control are ubiquitous among the politicians and the powerful propaganda machinery of the American Empire. Eugenics and population control are now called "Reproductive Health" and "Family Planning." The department of war is called the department of defense. Torture is now called "enhanced interrogation techniques." The war effort is now called the peace effort. Invading foreign nations and bombing their populations is now called "liberation and spreading democracy." Dead innocent civilians are now called collateral. And the invaders who drop bombs on sovereign nations are now called freedom fighters or heroes while those who resist them are now called terrorists. Now governments start wars and call it self-defense. Political bribery is now called lobbying, and it's perfectly legal. Kidnap is now called "arrest" as long as a cop does it. Be careful of those who manipulate the language to manipulate you. If you're not careful, right becomes wrong, and up becomes down.

    #NineteenEightyFour #Doublespeak #GeorgeCarlin #GeorgeOrwell #FamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealth #PoliticalCorrectness #Euphemism #EnhancedInterrogationTechniques #Torture #FightingForPeace #FightForPeace #ThePeaceEffort #Collateral #SpreadingDemocracy #FreedomFighters #PoliticalBribery #Lobbying #Kidnap #Arrest #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense #Doublespeak

    “Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.” ― George Carlin. In his novel Nineteen Eighty Four, George Orwell laid out in detail how language can be misused to deceive and control the masses. In our world today, political correctness and euphemism are pervasive. Orwellian doublespeak and thought-control are ubiquitous among the politicians and the powerful propaganda machinery of the American Empire. Eugenics and population control are now called "Reproductive Health" and "Family Planning." The department of war is called the department of defense. Torture is now called "enhanced interrogation techniques." The war effort is now called the peace effort. Invading foreign nations and bombing their populations is now called "liberation and spreading democracy." Dead innocent civilians are now called collateral. And the invaders who drop bombs on sovereign nations are now called freedom fighters or heroes while those who resist them are now called terrorists. Now governments start wars and call it self-defense. Political bribery is now called lobbying, and it's perfectly legal. Kidnap is now called "arrest" as long as a cop does it. Be careful of those who manipulate the language to manipulate you. If you're not careful, right becomes wrong, and up becomes down. #NineteenEightyFour #Doublespeak #GeorgeCarlin #GeorgeOrwell #FamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealth #PoliticalCorrectness #Euphemism #EnhancedInterrogationTechniques #Torture #FightingForPeace #FightForPeace #ThePeaceEffort #Collateral #SpreadingDemocracy #FreedomFighters #PoliticalBribery #Lobbying #Kidnap #Arrest #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense #Doublespeak Sources: https://is.gd/ER07Lt https://is.gd/dorkUE
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7221 Views
  • The sad truth is that politicians and the Military-Industrial Complex don't care about the 17-year-olds they ship away to die for the benefit of Corporate America's interests. Today, around 40,000 veterans are homeless and abandoned on American streets. And 20 veterans commit suicide EVERY SINGLE DAY! Their country betrayed them and left them to starve and die in the cold streets of the country they killed for based on lies. The military takes 17-year-old kids and crushes their spirit and character turning them into mindless automatons with one purpose and one purpose only: to kill on command. The military produces professional killers who simply follow orders and don't have a single original thought in the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thickheads. ONLY true brainwashed idiots join the military and allow themselves to be humiliated, abused, insulted, and kicked around like garbage by Big Brother. After an idiot joins the army, he/she is not a human being anymore. He/she is just a boot, which is always ready to be kicked around into battlefields to murder poor people like himself/herself in impoverished countries for the benefit of America's corporations. The military of ANY country is a monstrosity that creates monstrosities. It's time to wake up. It's time to abolish all military everywhere.

    #IraqWar #IraqWarVeteran #IraqWarVeterans #TheWhiteHouse #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarIsARacket #UnitedStates #WarNation #WarForProfit #WarIsMassMurder #MilitaryIntervention #BrainwashedSoldiers #WarOnTerror #WarOfTerror #InfinityWar #ForeverWar #ForeverWars #EndlessWar #EndlessWars #Iraq #CorporateAmerica #BigBrother #MarkEsper #Lobbyist #LMT #Boeing #Raytheon #Halliburton #LockheedMartin #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense

    The sad truth is that politicians and the Military-Industrial Complex don't care about the 17-year-olds they ship away to die for the benefit of Corporate America's interests. Today, around 40,000 veterans are homeless and abandoned on American streets. And 20 veterans commit suicide EVERY SINGLE DAY! Their country betrayed them and left them to starve and die in the cold streets of the country they killed for based on lies. The military takes 17-year-old kids and crushes their spirit and character turning them into mindless automatons with one purpose and one purpose only: to kill on command. The military produces professional killers who simply follow orders and don't have a single original thought in the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thickheads. ONLY true brainwashed idiots join the military and allow themselves to be humiliated, abused, insulted, and kicked around like garbage by Big Brother. After an idiot joins the army, he/she is not a human being anymore. He/she is just a boot, which is always ready to be kicked around into battlefields to murder poor people like himself/herself in impoverished countries for the benefit of America's corporations. The military of ANY country is a monstrosity that creates monstrosities. It's time to wake up. It's time to abolish all military everywhere. #IraqWar #IraqWarVeteran #IraqWarVeterans #TheWhiteHouse #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarIsARacket #UnitedStates #WarNation #WarForProfit #WarIsMassMurder #MilitaryIntervention #BrainwashedSoldiers #WarOnTerror #WarOfTerror #InfinityWar #ForeverWar #ForeverWars #EndlessWar #EndlessWars #Iraq #CorporateAmerica #BigBrother #MarkEsper #Lobbyist #LMT #Boeing #Raytheon #Halliburton #LockheedMartin #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense Sources: https://is.gd/3XXfJW https://is.gd/pFAeRl https://is.gd/tSyl3S https://is.gd/JR6a0q https://is.gd/v6KIdS https://is.gd/zhoUnX https://is.gd/50QLxY https://is.gd/HrD6RY https://is.gd/JnwoBm
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7278 Views

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