Language is a good tool but a bad master. It can serve you, but it can also enslave you. This misuse of language is a form of mind-control. In his novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell laid out in detail how language can be misused to deceive and control the masses. In our world today, political correctness and euphemism are pervasive. Orwellian doublespeak and thought-control are ubiquitous among the politicians and the powerful propaganda machinery of the American Empire. Eugenics and population control are now called "reproductive health" and "family planning." The department of war is called the department of defense. Torture is now called "enhanced interrogation techniques." The war effort is now called the peace effort. Invading foreign nations and bombing their populations is now called "liberation and spreading democracy." Dead innocent civilians are now called collateral. And the invaders who drop bombs on sovereign nations are now called freedom fighters or heroes while those who resist them are now called terrorists. Now governments start wars and call it self-defense. Political bribery is now called lobbying, and it's perfectly legal. Kidnap is now called "arrest" as long as a cop does it. And now thanks to the new planned crisis that's COVID19, house arrest is now called "lockdown." Be careful of those who manipulate the language to manipulate you. If you're not careful, right becomes wrong and up becomes down.

#COVID19 #NineteenEightyFour #Doublespeak #GeorgeOrwell #FamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealth #PoliticalCorrectness #Euphemism #EnhancedInterrogationTechniques #Torture #FightingForPeace #FightForPeace #ThePeaceEffort #Collateral #SpreadingDemocracy #FreedomFighters #PoliticalBribery #Lobbying #Kidnap #Arrest #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense #Doublespeak

Language is a good tool but a bad master. It can serve you, but it can also enslave you. This misuse of language is a form of mind-control. In his novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell laid out in detail how language can be misused to deceive and control the masses. In our world today, political correctness and euphemism are pervasive. Orwellian doublespeak and thought-control are ubiquitous among the politicians and the powerful propaganda machinery of the American Empire. Eugenics and population control are now called "reproductive health" and "family planning." The department of war is called the department of defense. Torture is now called "enhanced interrogation techniques." The war effort is now called the peace effort. Invading foreign nations and bombing their populations is now called "liberation and spreading democracy." Dead innocent civilians are now called collateral. And the invaders who drop bombs on sovereign nations are now called freedom fighters or heroes while those who resist them are now called terrorists. Now governments start wars and call it self-defense. Political bribery is now called lobbying, and it's perfectly legal. Kidnap is now called "arrest" as long as a cop does it. And now thanks to the new planned crisis that's COVID19, house arrest is now called "lockdown." Be careful of those who manipulate the language to manipulate you. If you're not careful, right becomes wrong and up becomes down. #COVID19 #NineteenEightyFour #Doublespeak #GeorgeOrwell #FamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealth #PoliticalCorrectness #Euphemism #EnhancedInterrogationTechniques #Torture #FightingForPeace #FightForPeace #ThePeaceEffort #Collateral #SpreadingDemocracy #FreedomFighters #PoliticalBribery #Lobbying #Kidnap #Arrest #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense #Doublespeak Sources:
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