• George Orwell is rolling in his grave as the world becomes more dystopian. Nineteen Eighty-Four was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual for tyranny.

    Orwell warned us 72 years ago of 4 possible nightmares that indeed have become today's reality:

    1. Big Brother is always watching you: Thanks to the popularity of smartphones and smart devices, the authorities keep constant tabs on EVERYONE all the time. In Orwell's 1984, there's a telescreen in every home that's constantly watching and listening. You can't switch it off even if you want to. Today, Orwell's prophesized telescreens are designed to be handheld to go with you anywhere you go, and they're so desirable and convenient that you have no desire to switch them off. We call these telescreens smartphones. You can't switch them off even if you want to because they're designed in a way that you can't remove the battery. The "turn off" option offered by these devices is just a placebo. They're always on. They're always watching you. They're forever listening. Thanks to Google and Apple, Big Brother is forever watching you. Big tech companies like Google and Apple are government agencies because the same people who control/own these companies also control/own governments. And these people, of course, are no other than the banking class like the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and the Morgans.

    2. Perpetual war: The American Empire is just 244 years old, but it has been at war for 223 years. It has been at war more than 93% of the time! And American military spending is the size of the next 10 largest military budgets around the world combined! 9/11's War of Terror ("War on Terror" in doublespeak is designed to be a forever war just like COVID19's medical tyranny, which will last forever.

    3. Bread and Circuses: Today's social trends are endless. From Hollywood's violent and gory movies to reality TV shows to the infinite obsession with sports and cooking shows, the list never ends. Add to the mix the cheap addictive junk food, and you get a breed of "proles" that are so pathetically gullible that they aren't even worthy of surveillance.

    4. Newspeak: In his novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell laid out in detail how language can be misused to deceive and control the masses. In our world today, political correctness and euphemism are pervasive. Orwellian doublespeak and thought-control are ubiquitous among the politicians and the powerful propaganda machinery of the American Empire. Eugenics and population control are now called "reproductive health" and "family planning." The department of war is now called the department of defense. Torture is now called "enhanced interrogation techniques." The war effort is now called the peace effort. Invading foreign nations and bombing their populations is now called "liberation and spreading democracy." Dead innocent civilians are now called collateral. And the invaders who drop bombs on sovereign nations are now called freedom fighters or heroes while those who resist them are now called terrorists. Now governments start wars and call it self-defense. Political bribery is now called lobbying, and it's perfectly legal. Kidnap is now called "arrest" and it's legal as long as a cop does it. Theft is now called seizure as long as cops do it and it's perfectly normal. And now thanks to the planned crisis that's COVID19, house arrest is now called "lockdown."

    #NineteenEightyFour #GeorgeOrwell #Doublespeak #FamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealth #PoliticalCorrectness #Euphemism #EnhancedInterrogationTechniques #Torture #FightingForPeace #FightForPeace #ThePeaceEffort #TheWarEffort #Collateral #SpreadingDemocracy #FreedomFighters #PoliticalBribery #Lobbying #Kidnap #Arrest #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense #Lockdown #HouseArrest #BreadAndCircuses #BreadAndCircus #NFL #Superbowl2020 #Superbowl #NFLSuperbowl #NFLSuperbowl2020 #NationalFootballLeague #Football #AmericanFootball #Obedience #MassObedience #CivilObedience #SportStadiums #SocialEngineering #Hollywood #JunkFood #ModernRome #AncientRome #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #CorruptPoliticians #CorruptPolitician #PoliticalCorruption #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #Deepstate #Facebook #Hatebook #FB #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #YouTube #SocialMedia #MarkZuckerberg #Zuckerberg #Privacy #NoPrivacy #AllSeeingEye #TechnoOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Smartphones #Surveillance #BigBrother #MassSurveillance #Spyware #Privacy #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching

    George Orwell is rolling in his grave as the world becomes more dystopian. Nineteen Eighty-Four was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual for tyranny. Orwell warned us 72 years ago of 4 possible nightmares that indeed have become today's reality: 1. Big Brother is always watching you: Thanks to the popularity of smartphones and smart devices, the authorities keep constant tabs on EVERYONE all the time. In Orwell's 1984, there's a telescreen in every home that's constantly watching and listening. You can't switch it off even if you want to. Today, Orwell's prophesized telescreens are designed to be handheld to go with you anywhere you go, and they're so desirable and convenient that you have no desire to switch them off. We call these telescreens smartphones. You can't switch them off even if you want to because they're designed in a way that you can't remove the battery. The "turn off" option offered by these devices is just a placebo. They're always on. They're always watching you. They're forever listening. Thanks to Google and Apple, Big Brother is forever watching you. Big tech companies like Google and Apple are government agencies because the same people who control/own these companies also control/own governments. And these people, of course, are no other than the banking class like the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and the Morgans. 2. Perpetual war: The American Empire is just 244 years old, but it has been at war for 223 years. It has been at war more than 93% of the time! And American military spending is the size of the next 10 largest military budgets around the world combined! 9/11's War of Terror ("War on Terror" in doublespeak is designed to be a forever war just like COVID19's medical tyranny, which will last forever. 3. Bread and Circuses: Today's social trends are endless. From Hollywood's violent and gory movies to reality TV shows to the infinite obsession with sports and cooking shows, the list never ends. Add to the mix the cheap addictive junk food, and you get a breed of "proles" that are so pathetically gullible that they aren't even worthy of surveillance. 4. Newspeak: In his novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell laid out in detail how language can be misused to deceive and control the masses. In our world today, political correctness and euphemism are pervasive. Orwellian doublespeak and thought-control are ubiquitous among the politicians and the powerful propaganda machinery of the American Empire. Eugenics and population control are now called "reproductive health" and "family planning." The department of war is now called the department of defense. Torture is now called "enhanced interrogation techniques." The war effort is now called the peace effort. Invading foreign nations and bombing their populations is now called "liberation and spreading democracy." Dead innocent civilians are now called collateral. And the invaders who drop bombs on sovereign nations are now called freedom fighters or heroes while those who resist them are now called terrorists. Now governments start wars and call it self-defense. Political bribery is now called lobbying, and it's perfectly legal. Kidnap is now called "arrest" and it's legal as long as a cop does it. Theft is now called seizure as long as cops do it and it's perfectly normal. And now thanks to the planned crisis that's COVID19, house arrest is now called "lockdown." #NineteenEightyFour #GeorgeOrwell #Doublespeak #FamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealth #PoliticalCorrectness #Euphemism #EnhancedInterrogationTechniques #Torture #FightingForPeace #FightForPeace #ThePeaceEffort #TheWarEffort #Collateral #SpreadingDemocracy #FreedomFighters #PoliticalBribery #Lobbying #Kidnap #Arrest #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense #Lockdown #HouseArrest #BreadAndCircuses #BreadAndCircus #NFL #Superbowl2020 #Superbowl #NFLSuperbowl #NFLSuperbowl2020 #NationalFootballLeague #Football #AmericanFootball #Obedience #MassObedience #CivilObedience #SportStadiums #SocialEngineering #Hollywood #JunkFood #ModernRome #AncientRome #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #CorruptPoliticians #CorruptPolitician #PoliticalCorruption #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #Deepstate #Facebook #Hatebook #FB #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #YouTube #SocialMedia #MarkZuckerberg #Zuckerberg #Privacy #NoPrivacy #AllSeeingEye #TechnoOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Smartphones #Surveillance #BigBrother #MassSurveillance #Spyware #Privacy #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching Sources: https://is.gd/Om01cW https://is.gd/ffNB4J https://is.gd/111zrB https://is.gd/dorkUE
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 25568 Visualizações
  • Instagram's recent T&C update made it very clear what we've already known: they're ALWAYS watching you through your phone's camera and listening to you WITHOUT your knowledge or consent.

    Instagram recently announced in their new community guidelines that went live just a couple of days ago (December 20) that their employees are watching you through the selfie camera on your phone. NOW Instagram employees are looking at you through your phone's camera RIGHT NOW and recording everything they see!

    That means if you're on the shitter while using Twitter, Instagram is literally watching you shit in your own bathroom! They're also watching you f*ck your wife/girlfriend in your bedroom if you're foolish enough to bring your phone with you to the bedroom.

    If you're in a public bathroom, why do you close the door? Why don't you just let random strangers watch you sitting on the toilet? Because if you bring your phone with you to the bathroom, Instagram employees are watching you too. You do have a sense of shame, don't you?

    Shouldn't a father be outraged to know that his 9-year-old daughter is being spied on by random employees at private companies that activated her selfie camera without her knowledge as she was undressing in her own bedroom? It's happening today with impunity to countless children around the world because pedophilia laws that were written decades ago don't apply to today's tech oligarchs. It's illegal for a man to sneak into a little girl's room and watch her undress, but it's NOT illegal at all for him to have access to her phone camera and activate it on demand to watch her naked.

    Mark Zuckerberg can activate the front and back camera on any phone in the world that has one of his apps (Facebook, FB Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram). Not only Mark Zuckerberg owns a technology that enables pedophilia, but he has also been busy shutting down pages and hashtags that fight it! But it's not only him specifically because there are countless other apps like TikTok and Snapchat that also have similar access. And even if you uninstalled Facebook from your phone, the operating system is still owned by either Google or Apple, and there's nothing you can do about it.

    Smartphones were deliberately designed with the draconian policy of EITHER ALL OR NOTHING. When you upload a photo from your Facebook/Instagram app, you're NOT giving them access to just that photo. You're giving them access to EVERYTHING on your phone, including ALL the pictures and videos you've ever taken or received from other people. Yep, we're not kidding! This is how they designed it from the very beginning. They designed this technology to be extremely pervasive to privacy.

    EVERYTHING you do on these phones is monitored by Google and Apple, both of which are mercenary companies for the banking class (aka the 1%, deepstate, shadow government, the elites) that also owns the NSA, the Pentagon, the CIA, and the FBI. When you use Facebook or any smartphone, the banking class record everything you do, like the pages you like, the people you interact with, and your every movement in the world. Yes, the all-seeing eye is forever watching you and your loved ones, and there's nothing you can do about it. After all, social media companies are private corporations, and they should be allowed to do whatever the hell they want. Right? I mean, if you're an idiot, yeah, sure, it should make perfect sense to you in the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside your thick head.

    The terrifying truth is that owning a smartphone in this dystopian reality is not much different from having a random stranger sitting in your bedroom watching you undress EVERY DAY. In Orwell's 1984, there's a telescreen in every home that's always watching and listening. You can't switch it off even if you want to.

    Today, Orwell's prophesized telescreens are designed to be handheld to go with you anywhere you go, and they're so desirable and convenient that you have no desire to switch them off. We call these telescreens smartphones. You can't switch them off even if you want to because they're designed in a way that you can't remove the battery. The "turn off" option offered by these devices is just a placebo.

    They're always on. They're always watching you. They're forever listening.

    Thanks to Google and Apple, Big Brother is forever watching you.

    So what will you do about it?

    #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching #Facebook #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #SocialMedia #FB #Privacy #NoPrivacy #SeflieCam #AllSeeingEye #TechnoOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #ItsTimeToWakeUp #OrwellianNightmare #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Surveillance #MassSurveillance #Spyware #Privacy #Deepstate

    Instagram's recent T&C update made it very clear what we've already known: they're ALWAYS watching you through your phone's camera and listening to you WITHOUT your knowledge or consent. Instagram recently announced in their new community guidelines that went live just a couple of days ago (December 20) that their employees are watching you through the selfie camera on your phone. NOW Instagram employees are looking at you through your phone's camera RIGHT NOW and recording everything they see! That means if you're on the shitter while using Twitter, Instagram is literally watching you shit in your own bathroom! They're also watching you f*ck your wife/girlfriend in your bedroom if you're foolish enough to bring your phone with you to the bedroom. If you're in a public bathroom, why do you close the door? Why don't you just let random strangers watch you sitting on the toilet? Because if you bring your phone with you to the bathroom, Instagram employees are watching you too. You do have a sense of shame, don't you? Shouldn't a father be outraged to know that his 9-year-old daughter is being spied on by random employees at private companies that activated her selfie camera without her knowledge as she was undressing in her own bedroom? It's happening today with impunity to countless children around the world because pedophilia laws that were written decades ago don't apply to today's tech oligarchs. It's illegal for a man to sneak into a little girl's room and watch her undress, but it's NOT illegal at all for him to have access to her phone camera and activate it on demand to watch her naked. Mark Zuckerberg can activate the front and back camera on any phone in the world that has one of his apps (Facebook, FB Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram). Not only Mark Zuckerberg owns a technology that enables pedophilia, but he has also been busy shutting down pages and hashtags that fight it! But it's not only him specifically because there are countless other apps like TikTok and Snapchat that also have similar access. And even if you uninstalled Facebook from your phone, the operating system is still owned by either Google or Apple, and there's nothing you can do about it. Smartphones were deliberately designed with the draconian policy of EITHER ALL OR NOTHING. When you upload a photo from your Facebook/Instagram app, you're NOT giving them access to just that photo. You're giving them access to EVERYTHING on your phone, including ALL the pictures and videos you've ever taken or received from other people. Yep, we're not kidding! This is how they designed it from the very beginning. They designed this technology to be extremely pervasive to privacy. EVERYTHING you do on these phones is monitored by Google and Apple, both of which are mercenary companies for the banking class (aka the 1%, deepstate, shadow government, the elites) that also owns the NSA, the Pentagon, the CIA, and the FBI. When you use Facebook or any smartphone, the banking class record everything you do, like the pages you like, the people you interact with, and your every movement in the world. Yes, the all-seeing eye is forever watching you and your loved ones, and there's nothing you can do about it. After all, social media companies are private corporations, and they should be allowed to do whatever the hell they want. Right? I mean, if you're an idiot, yeah, sure, it should make perfect sense to you in the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside your thick head. The terrifying truth is that owning a smartphone in this dystopian reality is not much different from having a random stranger sitting in your bedroom watching you undress EVERY DAY. In Orwell's 1984, there's a telescreen in every home that's always watching and listening. You can't switch it off even if you want to. Today, Orwell's prophesized telescreens are designed to be handheld to go with you anywhere you go, and they're so desirable and convenient that you have no desire to switch them off. We call these telescreens smartphones. You can't switch them off even if you want to because they're designed in a way that you can't remove the battery. The "turn off" option offered by these devices is just a placebo. They're always on. They're always watching you. They're forever listening. Thanks to Google and Apple, Big Brother is forever watching you. So what will you do about it? #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching #Facebook #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #SocialMedia #FB #Privacy #NoPrivacy #SeflieCam #AllSeeingEye #TechnoOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #ItsTimeToWakeUp #OrwellianNightmare #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Surveillance #MassSurveillance #Spyware #Privacy #Deepstate Sources: https://is.gd/LOX161 https://is.gd/CqSQtQ https://is.gd/zvNIEJ https://is.gd/8JXCxv https://is.gd/rgTE9p https://is.gd/9gTKK7 https://is.gd/xXZofD https://is.gd/8GgFXX https://is.gd/dorkUE https://is.gd/SsBb1m https://is.gd/WRXiLg
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3917 Visualizações
  • In the 2020 movie "Possessor," a company employee is spying on people's webcams or phone cameras and documenting everything he sees. And there's even a supervisor monitoring him to make sure that he documents everything he observes and as quickly as possible.

    Although the movie is labeled as Sci-Fi, this isn't science fiction at all. This is EXACTLY what Instagram has recently announced they'll do in their new terms and conditions that went live yesterday (December 20). NOW there's an Instagram employee looking at you through your phone's camera right now and recording everything he/she sees.

    This means that if you're on the shitter while using Twitter, Instagram employees are literally watching you shit in your own bathroom! They're also watching you f*ck your wife/girlfriend in your bedroom if you're foolish enough to bring your phone with you to the bedroom.

    This has always been an open secret, and we've known about it since the inception of social media and smartphones. Recently, however, this open secret has become common knowledge. And Instagram has clearly stated in their new terms and conditions that, YES, their employees are watching you from your selfie cameras and documenting everything they see.

    The most reasonable course of action, of course, is to uninstall Instagram from your phone immediately, but since there's no room for reasonable solutions nowadays, at least cover your goddamn cameras with a reusable sticker!

    #Possessor #PossessorUncut #Possessor2020 #PossessorUncut2020 #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching #Facebook #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #SocialMedia #FB #Privacy #NoPrivacy #SeflieCam #AllSeeingEye #TechnoOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #ItsTimeToWakeUp #OrwellianNightmare #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Surveillance #MassSurveillance #Spyware #Privacy #Deepstate

    In the 2020 movie "Possessor," a company employee is spying on people's webcams or phone cameras and documenting everything he sees. And there's even a supervisor monitoring him to make sure that he documents everything he observes and as quickly as possible. Although the movie is labeled as Sci-Fi, this isn't science fiction at all. This is EXACTLY what Instagram has recently announced they'll do in their new terms and conditions that went live yesterday (December 20). NOW there's an Instagram employee looking at you through your phone's camera right now and recording everything he/she sees. This means that if you're on the shitter while using Twitter, Instagram employees are literally watching you shit in your own bathroom! They're also watching you f*ck your wife/girlfriend in your bedroom if you're foolish enough to bring your phone with you to the bedroom. This has always been an open secret, and we've known about it since the inception of social media and smartphones. Recently, however, this open secret has become common knowledge. And Instagram has clearly stated in their new terms and conditions that, YES, their employees are watching you from your selfie cameras and documenting everything they see. The most reasonable course of action, of course, is to uninstall Instagram from your phone immediately, but since there's no room for reasonable solutions nowadays, at least cover your goddamn cameras with a reusable sticker! #Possessor #PossessorUncut #Possessor2020 #PossessorUncut2020 #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching #Facebook #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #SocialMedia #FB #Privacy #NoPrivacy #SeflieCam #AllSeeingEye #TechnoOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #ItsTimeToWakeUp #OrwellianNightmare #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Surveillance #MassSurveillance #Spyware #Privacy #Deepstate Sources: https://is.gd/Np0lhV https://is.gd/LOX161 https://is.gd/CqSQtQ https://is.gd/zvNIEJ https://is.gd/8JXCxv https://is.gd/rgTE9p https://is.gd/9gTKK7 https://is.gd/xXZofD https://is.gd/8GgFXX https://is.gd/dorkUE https://is.gd/SsBb1m
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 4567 Visualizações
  • George Orwell is rolling in his grave as the world becomes more dystopian. Nineteen Eighty-Four was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual for tyranny.

    He warned us of 4 possible nightmares that indeed have become today's reality:

    1. Big Brother is always watching you: Thanks to the popularity of smartphones and smart devices, the authorities keep constant tabs on EVERYONE all the time. In Orwell's 1984, there's a telescreen in every home that's constantly watching and listening. You can't switch it off even if you want to. Today, Orwell's prophecized telescreens are designed to be handheld to go with you anywhere you go, and they're so desirable and convenient that you have no desire to switch them off. We call these telescreens smartphones. You can't switch them off even if you want to because they're designed in a way that you can't remove the battery. The "turn off" option offered by these devices is just a placebo. They're always on. They're always watching you. They're forever listening. Thanks to Google and Apple, Big Brother is forever watching you. Big tech companies like Google and Apple are government agencies because the same people who control/own these companies also control/own governments. And these people, of course, are no other than the banking class like the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and the Morgans.

    2. Perpetual war: The American Empire is just 243 years old, but it has been at war for 222 years. It has been at war more than 93% of the time! And American military spending is the size of the next 10 largest military budgets around the world combined!

    3. Bread and Circuses: Today's social trends are endless. From Hollywood's violent and gory movies to reality TV shows to the infinite obsession with sports and cooking shows, the list never ends. Add to the mix the cheap addictive junk food, and you get a breed of "proles" that are so pathetically gullible that they aren't even worthy of surveillance.

    4. Newspeak: In his novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell laid out in detail how language can be misused to deceive and control the masses. In our world today, political correctness and euphemism are pervasive. Orwellian doublespeak and thought-control are ubiquitous among the politicians and the powerful propaganda machinery of the American Empire. Eugenics and population control are now called "reproductive health" and "family planning." The department of war is now called the department of defense. Torture is now called "enhanced interrogation techniques." The war effort is now called the peace effort. Invading foreign nations and bombing their populations is now called "liberation and spreading democracy." Dead innocent civilians are now called collateral. And the invaders who drop bombs on sovereign nations are now called freedom fighters or heroes while those who resist them are now called terrorists. Now governments start wars and call it self-defense. Political bribery is now called lobbying, and it's perfectly legal. Kidnap is now called "arrest" as long as a cop does it. And now thanks to the new planned crisis that's COVID19, house arrest is now called "lockdown."

    #NineteenEightyFour #GeorgeOrwell #Doublespeak #FamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealth #PoliticalCorrectness #Euphemism #EnhancedInterrogationTechniques #Torture #FightingForPeace #FightForPeace #ThePeaceEffort #TheWarEffort #Collateral #SpreadingDemocracy #FreedomFighters #PoliticalBribery #Lobbying #Kidnap #Arrest #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense #Lockdown #HouseArrest #BreadAndCircuses #BreadAndCircus #NFL #Superbowl2020 #Superbowl #NFLSuperbowl #NFLSuperbowl2020 #NationalFootballLeague #Football #AmericanFootball #Obedience #MassObedience #CivilObedience #SportStadiums #SocialEngineering #Hollywood #JunkFood #ModernRome #AncientRome #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #CorruptPoliticians #CorruptPolitician #PoliticalCorruption #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #Deepstate #Facebook #Hatebook #FB #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #YouTube #SocialMedia #MarkZuckerberg #Zuckerberg #Privacy #NoPrivacy #AllSeeingEye #TechnoOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Smartphones #Surveillance #BigBrother #MassSurveillance #Spyware #Privacy #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching

    George Orwell is rolling in his grave as the world becomes more dystopian. Nineteen Eighty-Four was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual for tyranny. He warned us of 4 possible nightmares that indeed have become today's reality: 1. Big Brother is always watching you: Thanks to the popularity of smartphones and smart devices, the authorities keep constant tabs on EVERYONE all the time. In Orwell's 1984, there's a telescreen in every home that's constantly watching and listening. You can't switch it off even if you want to. Today, Orwell's prophecized telescreens are designed to be handheld to go with you anywhere you go, and they're so desirable and convenient that you have no desire to switch them off. We call these telescreens smartphones. You can't switch them off even if you want to because they're designed in a way that you can't remove the battery. The "turn off" option offered by these devices is just a placebo. They're always on. They're always watching you. They're forever listening. Thanks to Google and Apple, Big Brother is forever watching you. Big tech companies like Google and Apple are government agencies because the same people who control/own these companies also control/own governments. And these people, of course, are no other than the banking class like the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and the Morgans. 2. Perpetual war: The American Empire is just 243 years old, but it has been at war for 222 years. It has been at war more than 93% of the time! And American military spending is the size of the next 10 largest military budgets around the world combined! 3. Bread and Circuses: Today's social trends are endless. From Hollywood's violent and gory movies to reality TV shows to the infinite obsession with sports and cooking shows, the list never ends. Add to the mix the cheap addictive junk food, and you get a breed of "proles" that are so pathetically gullible that they aren't even worthy of surveillance. 4. Newspeak: In his novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell laid out in detail how language can be misused to deceive and control the masses. In our world today, political correctness and euphemism are pervasive. Orwellian doublespeak and thought-control are ubiquitous among the politicians and the powerful propaganda machinery of the American Empire. Eugenics and population control are now called "reproductive health" and "family planning." The department of war is now called the department of defense. Torture is now called "enhanced interrogation techniques." The war effort is now called the peace effort. Invading foreign nations and bombing their populations is now called "liberation and spreading democracy." Dead innocent civilians are now called collateral. And the invaders who drop bombs on sovereign nations are now called freedom fighters or heroes while those who resist them are now called terrorists. Now governments start wars and call it self-defense. Political bribery is now called lobbying, and it's perfectly legal. Kidnap is now called "arrest" as long as a cop does it. And now thanks to the new planned crisis that's COVID19, house arrest is now called "lockdown." #NineteenEightyFour #GeorgeOrwell #Doublespeak #FamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealth #PoliticalCorrectness #Euphemism #EnhancedInterrogationTechniques #Torture #FightingForPeace #FightForPeace #ThePeaceEffort #TheWarEffort #Collateral #SpreadingDemocracy #FreedomFighters #PoliticalBribery #Lobbying #Kidnap #Arrest #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense #Lockdown #HouseArrest #BreadAndCircuses #BreadAndCircus #NFL #Superbowl2020 #Superbowl #NFLSuperbowl #NFLSuperbowl2020 #NationalFootballLeague #Football #AmericanFootball #Obedience #MassObedience #CivilObedience #SportStadiums #SocialEngineering #Hollywood #JunkFood #ModernRome #AncientRome #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #CorruptPoliticians #CorruptPolitician #PoliticalCorruption #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #Deepstate #Facebook #Hatebook #FB #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #YouTube #SocialMedia #MarkZuckerberg #Zuckerberg #Privacy #NoPrivacy #AllSeeingEye #TechnoOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Smartphones #Surveillance #BigBrother #MassSurveillance #Spyware #Privacy #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching Sources: https://is.gd/ffNB4J https://is.gd/111zrB https://is.gd/dorkUE
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 18429 Visualizações
  • Facebook is a good example of a communist institution. You get it for free. Everyone gets the same exact copy. You have no say in how it works. The guy who runs it gets rich out of it, but you can't. You have no privacy, unlike the guy who runs it. There's no competition. And if you say one thing the owner doesn't like, you lose the service.

    #Communist #Communism #Facebook #Hatebook #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #SocialMedia #MarkZuckerberg #Zuckerberg #FB #Privacy #NoPrivacy #AllSeeingEye #TechOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #Dystopian #DystopianReality #Orwellian #OrwellianNightmare #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Smartphones #SmartGadgets #BigBrother #Surveillance #MassSurveillance #Spyware #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching
    Facebook is a good example of a communist institution. You get it for free. Everyone gets the same exact copy. You have no say in how it works. The guy who runs it gets rich out of it, but you can't. You have no privacy, unlike the guy who runs it. There's no competition. And if you say one thing the owner doesn't like, you lose the service. #Communist #Communism #Facebook #Hatebook #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #SocialMedia #MarkZuckerberg #Zuckerberg #FB #Privacy #NoPrivacy #AllSeeingEye #TechOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #Dystopian #DystopianReality #Orwellian #OrwellianNightmare #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Smartphones #SmartGadgets #BigBrother #Surveillance #MassSurveillance #Spyware #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3053 Visualizações
  • Shouldn't a father be outraged to know that his 9-year-old daughter is being spied on by several private companies that activated her selfie camera without her knowledge as she was undressing in her own bedroom? It's happening today with impunity to countless children around the world because pedophilia laws that were written decades ago don't apply to today's tech oligarchs. It's illegal for a man to sneaks into a little girl's room and watch her undress, but it's NOT illegal at all for him to have access to her phone camera and activate it on demand to watch her naked.

    Mark Zuckerberg can activate the front and back camera on any phone in the world that has one of his apps (Facebook, FB Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram). Not only Mark Zuckerberg owns a technology that enables pedophilia, but he has also been busy shutting down pages and hashtags that fight it! But it's not only him specifically because there are countless other apps like TikTok and Snapchat who also have similar access. And even if you uninstalled Facebook from your phone, the operating system is still owned by either Google or Apple, and there's nothing you can do about it.

    EVERYTHING you do on these phones is monitored by Google and Apple, both of which are mercenary companies for the banking class (aka the 1%, deepstate, shadow government, the elites) that also owns the NSA, the Pentagon, the CIA, and the FBI. When you use Facebook or any smartphone, the banking class record everything you do like the pages you like, the people you interact with, and your every movement in the world. Yes, the all-seeing eye is forever watching you and your loved ones, and there's nothing you can do about it. After all, social media companies are private corporations, and they should be allowed to do whatever the hell they want. Right? I mean, if you're an idiot, yeah, sure it should make perfect sense to you in the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside your thick head.

    The terrifying truth is that owning a smartphone in this dystopian reality is not much different from having a random stranger sitting in your bedroom watching you undress EVERY DAY. In Orwell's 1984, there's a telescreen in every home that's constantly watching and listening. You can't switch it off even if you want to. Today, Orwell's prophecized telescreens are designed to be handheld to go with you anywhere you go, and they're so desirable and convenient that you have no desire to switch them off. We call these telescreens smartphones. You can't switch them off even if you want to because they're designed in a way that you can't remove the battery. The "turn off" option offered by these devices is just a placebo. They're always on. They're always watching you. They're forever listening. Thanks to Google and Apple, Big Brother is forever watching you.

    What will you do about it? You can't simply ask these corporations to stop or take their words that they're not doing it. You can't rely on the government to do it for you either because politicians work for the same bank that tech companies like Google and Apple work for. The only possible solution is a revolution against this banking class and their central banks. Just burn down all central banks in favor of state banks, and all crises and misery will magically disappear. That's because it's the banking class who's behind every crisis and misery.

    #Deepstate #Facebook #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #SocialMedia #Pedophilia #MarkZuckerberg #Zuckerberg #FB #Privacy #NoPrivacy #SeflieCam #AllSeeingEye #TechnoOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #ItsTimeToWakeUp #Dystopian #DystopianReality #Orwellian #OrwellianNightmare #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Smartphones #SmartGadgets #Apple #Google #Ads #Surveillance #BigBrother #MassSurveillance #YouTube #Hatebook #Instagram #Advertisements #Propaganda #Spyware #Privacy #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching

    Shouldn't a father be outraged to know that his 9-year-old daughter is being spied on by several private companies that activated her selfie camera without her knowledge as she was undressing in her own bedroom? It's happening today with impunity to countless children around the world because pedophilia laws that were written decades ago don't apply to today's tech oligarchs. It's illegal for a man to sneaks into a little girl's room and watch her undress, but it's NOT illegal at all for him to have access to her phone camera and activate it on demand to watch her naked. Mark Zuckerberg can activate the front and back camera on any phone in the world that has one of his apps (Facebook, FB Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram). Not only Mark Zuckerberg owns a technology that enables pedophilia, but he has also been busy shutting down pages and hashtags that fight it! But it's not only him specifically because there are countless other apps like TikTok and Snapchat who also have similar access. And even if you uninstalled Facebook from your phone, the operating system is still owned by either Google or Apple, and there's nothing you can do about it. EVERYTHING you do on these phones is monitored by Google and Apple, both of which are mercenary companies for the banking class (aka the 1%, deepstate, shadow government, the elites) that also owns the NSA, the Pentagon, the CIA, and the FBI. When you use Facebook or any smartphone, the banking class record everything you do like the pages you like, the people you interact with, and your every movement in the world. Yes, the all-seeing eye is forever watching you and your loved ones, and there's nothing you can do about it. After all, social media companies are private corporations, and they should be allowed to do whatever the hell they want. Right? I mean, if you're an idiot, yeah, sure it should make perfect sense to you in the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside your thick head. The terrifying truth is that owning a smartphone in this dystopian reality is not much different from having a random stranger sitting in your bedroom watching you undress EVERY DAY. In Orwell's 1984, there's a telescreen in every home that's constantly watching and listening. You can't switch it off even if you want to. Today, Orwell's prophecized telescreens are designed to be handheld to go with you anywhere you go, and they're so desirable and convenient that you have no desire to switch them off. We call these telescreens smartphones. You can't switch them off even if you want to because they're designed in a way that you can't remove the battery. The "turn off" option offered by these devices is just a placebo. They're always on. They're always watching you. They're forever listening. Thanks to Google and Apple, Big Brother is forever watching you. What will you do about it? You can't simply ask these corporations to stop or take their words that they're not doing it. You can't rely on the government to do it for you either because politicians work for the same bank that tech companies like Google and Apple work for. The only possible solution is a revolution against this banking class and their central banks. Just burn down all central banks in favor of state banks, and all crises and misery will magically disappear. That's because it's the banking class who's behind every crisis and misery. #Deepstate #Facebook #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #SocialMedia #Pedophilia #MarkZuckerberg #Zuckerberg #FB #Privacy #NoPrivacy #SeflieCam #AllSeeingEye #TechnoOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #ItsTimeToWakeUp #Dystopian #DystopianReality #Orwellian #OrwellianNightmare #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Smartphones #SmartGadgets #Apple #Google #Ads #Surveillance #BigBrother #MassSurveillance #YouTube #Hatebook #Instagram #Advertisements #Propaganda #Spyware #Privacy #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching Sources: https://is.gd/8JXCxv https://is.gd/rgTE9p https://is.gd/9gTKK7 https://is.gd/xXZofD https://is.gd/8GgFXX https://is.gd/dorkUE https://is.gd/SsBb1m
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2918 Visualizações
  • Shouldn't a father be outraged to know that his 7-year-old daughter is being spied on by several private companies that activated her selfie camera without her knowledge as she was undressing in her own bedroom? It's happening today with impunity to countless children around the world because pedophilia laws that were written decades ago don't apply to today's tech oligarchs. Yes, Mark Zuckerberg can activate the front and back camera on any phone in the world that has one of his apps (Facebook, FB Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram). And it's not only him specifically because there are countless other apps like TikTok and Snapchat who also have similar access. And even if you uninstalled Facebook from your phone, the operating system is still owned by either Google or Apple, and there's nothing you can do about it. EVERYTHING you do on these phones is monitored by Google and Apple, both of which are mercenary companies for the banking class (aka the 1%, deepstate, shadow government, the elites) that also owns the NSA, the Pentagon, the CIA, and the FBI. When you use Facebook or any smartphone, the banking class record everything you do like the pages you like, the people you interact with, and your every movement in the world. Yes, the all-seeing eye is forever watching you and your loved ones, and there's nothing you can do about it. After all, social media companies are private corporations, and they should be allowed to do whatever the hell they want. Right? The terrifying truth is that owning a smartphone in this dystopian reality is not much different from having a random stranger sitting in your bedroom watching you undress EVERY DAY. In Orwell's 1984, there's a telescreen in every home that's constantly watching and listening. You can't switch it off even if you want to. Today, Orwell's prophecized telescreens are perfected to be handheld so they go with you anywhere you go, and they're so desirable and convenient that you have no desire to switch them off. We call these telescreens smartphones. You can't switch them off even if you want to because they're designed in a way that you can't remove the battery. The "turn off" option offered by these devices is just a placebo. They're always on. They're always watching you. They're forever listening. Thanks to Google and Apple, Big Brother is forever watching you. Have you accepted the new norm? Have you been brainwashed and conditioned to accept the fact that there's an elite class of individuals who own everything and everyone and have an all-seeing eye that spies on anyone? If the answer is yes, then congratulations you're now a sheep unworthy of sacrificing.

    #Deepstate #Facebook #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #SocialMedia #Pedophilia #MarkZuckerberg #Zuckerberg #FB #Privacy #NoPrivacy #SeflieCam #AllSeeingEye #TechnoOligarchs #ItsTimeToWakeUp #Dystopian #DystopianReality #Orwellian #OrwellianNightmare #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Smartphones #SmartGadgets #Apple #Google #Ads #Surveillance #BigBrother #MassSurveillance #YouTube #Hatebook #Instagram #Advertisements #Propaganda #Spyware #Privacy #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching

    Shouldn't a father be outraged to know that his 7-year-old daughter is being spied on by several private companies that activated her selfie camera without her knowledge as she was undressing in her own bedroom? It's happening today with impunity to countless children around the world because pedophilia laws that were written decades ago don't apply to today's tech oligarchs. Yes, Mark Zuckerberg can activate the front and back camera on any phone in the world that has one of his apps (Facebook, FB Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram). And it's not only him specifically because there are countless other apps like TikTok and Snapchat who also have similar access. And even if you uninstalled Facebook from your phone, the operating system is still owned by either Google or Apple, and there's nothing you can do about it. EVERYTHING you do on these phones is monitored by Google and Apple, both of which are mercenary companies for the banking class (aka the 1%, deepstate, shadow government, the elites) that also owns the NSA, the Pentagon, the CIA, and the FBI. When you use Facebook or any smartphone, the banking class record everything you do like the pages you like, the people you interact with, and your every movement in the world. Yes, the all-seeing eye is forever watching you and your loved ones, and there's nothing you can do about it. After all, social media companies are private corporations, and they should be allowed to do whatever the hell they want. Right? The terrifying truth is that owning a smartphone in this dystopian reality is not much different from having a random stranger sitting in your bedroom watching you undress EVERY DAY. In Orwell's 1984, there's a telescreen in every home that's constantly watching and listening. You can't switch it off even if you want to. Today, Orwell's prophecized telescreens are perfected to be handheld so they go with you anywhere you go, and they're so desirable and convenient that you have no desire to switch them off. We call these telescreens smartphones. You can't switch them off even if you want to because they're designed in a way that you can't remove the battery. The "turn off" option offered by these devices is just a placebo. They're always on. They're always watching you. They're forever listening. Thanks to Google and Apple, Big Brother is forever watching you. Have you accepted the new norm? Have you been brainwashed and conditioned to accept the fact that there's an elite class of individuals who own everything and everyone and have an all-seeing eye that spies on anyone? If the answer is yes, then congratulations you're now a sheep unworthy of sacrificing. #Deepstate #Facebook #FBMessenger #WhatsApp #Instagram #SocialMedia #Pedophilia #MarkZuckerberg #Zuckerberg #FB #Privacy #NoPrivacy #SeflieCam #AllSeeingEye #TechnoOligarchs #ItsTimeToWakeUp #Dystopian #DystopianReality #Orwellian #OrwellianNightmare #Telescreen #OrwellianTelescreen #Smartphones #SmartGadgets #Apple #Google #Ads #Surveillance #BigBrother #MassSurveillance #YouTube #Hatebook #Instagram #Advertisements #Propaganda #Spyware #Privacy #YouAreBeingWatched #BigBrotherIsWatching Sources: https://is.gd/8JXCxv https://is.gd/rgTE9p https://is.gd/9gTKK7 https://is.gd/xXZofD https://is.gd/8GgFXX https://is.gd/dorkUE https://is.gd/SsBb1m
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2857 Visualizações

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