I MUST question your discernment if you cannot see that BOTH
    the #Democrats and the #Republicans are your sworn, #Luciferian ENEMIES!

    The #Police are nothing more than Luciferian Thugs used to silence and control. If they cannot SILENCE YOU, they WILL put you into a cage!

    The #Courts, PROSECUTORS & JUDGES are a part of this Luciferian control system too, along with ALL FEDERAL AGENCIES and the "Health Industrial Complex!

    The #BAR Association sits near the top of their scam!
    But it is the #BANKERS who rule from above, using their
    WORTHLESS PAPER NOTES OF DEBT, not worth the paper they are printed on!

    The entire world has been enslaved by Luciferians with a printing machine!

    The ONLY REASON their worthless "fiat money" has any value whatsoever, is because we ALL agree that it does!

    We need to STOP ACCEPTING WORTHLESS PAPER for real world assets!

    We have ALL been played by some very evil people!
    But now that we can SEE THEM, and see what they are doing,
    It's time to rid the world of their control structure!


    It is time to STOP knuckling under to their illegitimate
    "Maritime Admiralty Law" Courts, and start holding these criminals accountable!

    Their thugs have become more and more Violent, and will continue getting worse until YOU STAND UP and hold them accountable!

    We are ARMED too folks!
    And there is a whole lot more of us than there are of THEM!

    RIGHT NOW these people are actively trying to MURDER YOU and your children!

    You are ALREADY AT WAR, so you may as well get into the battle!

    STOP sitting on the sidelines as a soft target, and get into the fight!

    CHABAD, FREEMASONRY, FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT, DONALD TRUMP FLIP-FLOPPING ON EVERYTHING I MUST question your discernment if you cannot see that BOTH the #Democrats and the #Republicans are your sworn, #Luciferian ENEMIES! The #Police are nothing more than Luciferian Thugs used to silence and control. If they cannot SILENCE YOU, they WILL put you into a cage! The #Courts, PROSECUTORS & JUDGES are a part of this Luciferian control system too, along with ALL FEDERAL AGENCIES and the "Health Industrial Complex! The #BAR Association sits near the top of their scam! But it is the #BANKERS who rule from above, using their WORTHLESS PAPER NOTES OF DEBT, not worth the paper they are printed on! The entire world has been enslaved by Luciferians with a printing machine! The ONLY REASON their worthless "fiat money" has any value whatsoever, is because we ALL agree that it does! We need to STOP ACCEPTING WORTHLESS PAPER for real world assets! We have ALL been played by some very evil people! But now that we can SEE THEM, and see what they are doing, It's time to rid the world of their control structure! It is time to hold POLICE, JUDGES, POLITICIANS, and BANKERS ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS AS A MAN OR WOMAN, UNDER COMMON LAW! It is time to STOP knuckling under to their illegitimate "Maritime Admiralty Law" Courts, and start holding these criminals accountable! Their thugs have become more and more Violent, and will continue getting worse until YOU STAND UP and hold them accountable! We are ARMED too folks! And there is a whole lot more of us than there are of THEM! RIGHT NOW these people are actively trying to MURDER YOU and your children! You are ALREADY AT WAR, so you may as well get into the battle! STOP sitting on the sidelines as a soft target, and get into the fight! https://old.bitchute.com/video/7sGTjHuz9Gtk/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 669 Visualizações
  • I have noticed something lately...
    And it bothers me, so I thought I'd toss it out there!

    People say "Grace" before dinner, and they often pray....

    And what I've noticed is they always ask for things for THEMSELVES! I'm guilty of asking for discernment, guidance, strength and protection myself... But our job is to SERVE HIM! Not the other way around!

    The Most High is not there like a DJ, to take request! Really big things, I can see asking for help... But we should be asking Him to "Use my hands to do YOUR WILL" and things like this!

    He has already given us EVERYTHING! This earth, our life, and protection from the Evil ones! I guess my point is that I hate to hear people "pray" like they are at the drive-up window at McDonald's or at the mall on (Satan's) Santa's lap.

    Remember that MAN is fallen, and we have some serving to do! Most are not really "feeling" what is expected of us, and it's more than asking for a new bike and a raise at work!
    I have noticed something lately... And it bothers me, so I thought I'd toss it out there! People say "Grace" before dinner, and they often pray.... And what I've noticed is they always ask for things for THEMSELVES! I'm guilty of asking for discernment, guidance, strength and protection myself... But our job is to SERVE HIM! Not the other way around! The Most High is not there like a DJ, to take request! Really big things, I can see asking for help... But we should be asking Him to "Use my hands to do YOUR WILL" and things like this! He has already given us EVERYTHING! This earth, our life, and protection from the Evil ones! I guess my point is that I hate to hear people "pray" like they are at the drive-up window at McDonald's or at the mall on (Satan's) Santa's lap. Remember that MAN is fallen, and we have some serving to do! Most are not really "feeling" what is expected of us, and it's more than asking for a new bike and a raise at work!
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 415 Visualizações
  • Alabama Is Generating Billions by Trapping People in Prison

    This is a good video, showing the criminality of what you know as "government."
    What I NEED for you to understand is this is NOT YOUR "GOVERNMENT"

    Texas works prisoners and pays them NOTHING!

    I want to touch on a VERY IMPORTANT POINT! EVERY "United States Citizen" is literally a #Slave under what is called "Maritime Admiralty Law." We live on the LAND, and COMMON LAW is the law of the land for MEN & WOMEN!

    But our "courts operate on "Maritime Admiralty Law" and they get away with this because they ARE A #Corporation (Which cannot contract with a MAN or WOMAN)

    What they actually did on the day you were born was CREATE A "LEGAL FICTION" which is your all caps name, and they then brainwashed everyone to believe that "legal fiction" is them! So when you go to court, they are NOT trying a man or woman! They are trying a fictitious entity known as a "legal fiction."

    And YOU have been taught to believe this is you! It's NOT you! Voting does not change anything, you are dealing with a CORPORATION! The "United States of America" and it's #Police and #Sheriffs are CORPORATIONS!

    These people do not enforce "Laws" they enforce CORPORATE POLICIES known as "Statutes and Codes." And the POLICY ENFORCERS are called "Police." My heart goes out to all of these people who are being wronged by a criminal system!

    But what I want EVERYONE to understand is that even if you are not in prison... You are being held in SERVITUDE! Almost HALF of every American's paycheck goes to the CORPORATION of the United States, which is not your government, it is literally a for-profit CORPORATION! Their own documents tell you this!

    I want my brothers and sisters of every color to realize that we are ALL SLAVES under this criminal system! PLEASE search YouTube for these videos and WATCH THEM to learn more!

    Subscribe to "EternallyAware" and watch his video on SERVITUDE
    (and you should watch them all!)

    Watch "The Occult Art of Law."

    Then head to Rumble and search for

    Then go and find "David Straight Live from Texas" and watch that video series! All that I want is for my American brothers and sisters to get the information they NEED to free themselves from SERVITUDE!

    And you may not know it yet, but you ARE A SLAVE!
    May Yahuwah Bless you with the discernment you need to realize this is all true!


    Alabama Is Generating Billions by Trapping People in Prison This is a good video, showing the criminality of what you know as "government." What I NEED for you to understand is this is NOT YOUR "GOVERNMENT" Texas works prisoners and pays them NOTHING! I want to touch on a VERY IMPORTANT POINT! EVERY "United States Citizen" is literally a #Slave under what is called "Maritime Admiralty Law." We live on the LAND, and COMMON LAW is the law of the land for MEN & WOMEN! But our "courts operate on "Maritime Admiralty Law" and they get away with this because they ARE A #Corporation (Which cannot contract with a MAN or WOMAN) What they actually did on the day you were born was CREATE A "LEGAL FICTION" which is your all caps name, and they then brainwashed everyone to believe that "legal fiction" is them! So when you go to court, they are NOT trying a man or woman! They are trying a fictitious entity known as a "legal fiction." And YOU have been taught to believe this is you! It's NOT you! Voting does not change anything, you are dealing with a CORPORATION! The "United States of America" and it's #Police and #Sheriffs are CORPORATIONS! These people do not enforce "Laws" they enforce CORPORATE POLICIES known as "Statutes and Codes." And the POLICY ENFORCERS are called "Police." My heart goes out to all of these people who are being wronged by a criminal system! But what I want EVERYONE to understand is that even if you are not in prison... You are being held in SERVITUDE! Almost HALF of every American's paycheck goes to the CORPORATION of the United States, which is not your government, it is literally a for-profit CORPORATION! Their own documents tell you this! I want my brothers and sisters of every color to realize that we are ALL SLAVES under this criminal system! PLEASE search YouTube for these videos and WATCH THEM to learn more! Subscribe to "EternallyAware" and watch his video on SERVITUDE (and you should watch them all!) Watch "The Occult Art of Law." Then head to Rumble and search for "DELETED VIDEO: DEAD IN THE WATER: MARITIME ADMIRALTY LAW" Then go and find "David Straight Live from Texas" and watch that video series! All that I want is for my American brothers and sisters to get the information they NEED to free themselves from SERVITUDE! And you may not know it yet, but you ARE A SLAVE! May Yahuwah Bless you with the discernment you need to realize this is all true! FREE YOURSELF! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDzL_2EP0mU
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 903 Visualizações
  • As ALWAYS, it is the fake #Jews and #Bankers, #Rothschild of course! This is NOT a state secret folks!

    The genocidal Kalergi plan
    to destroy the indigenous nations and peoples of Europe

    These people have TOLD YOU what they plan to do, and now that they are DOING IT, they will DENY IT! Just like these fake Jews ALWAYS DO!

    They do the same thing with #Chemtrails!

    "Yes, we made it rain in Dubai. And we currently hold 384 patents for "weather modification." And as long as it's THEM talking about it, it's okay! As soon as YOU talk about it they cry "Conspiracy Theory"

    And unfortunately.... a lot of people have no more sense than a box of wet rocks and believe those LIES, despite the people having said as much as national television, in books and movies and magazines etc!

    What you are seeing is being funded by YOUR ENEMY
    and #Satan's servants, the bankers and Rothschilds, and fake Jews

    And as soon as you point out WHAT THEY, THEMSELVES SAID, they will cry "Antisemitism" like they always do! It's amazing that people buy into their BS any longer, but they do

    I have not read the entire article, but it appears to be truthful at a glance... use YOUR OWN DISCERNMENT AS YOU ALWAYS SHOULD!

    KALERGI PLAN: What everyone needs to know
    The genocidal Kalergi plan to destroy the indigenous nations and peoples of Europe
    by cymrusofren

    The hot potato of immigration – a perfectly reasonable debate for citizens of any country to have but one that many from all political persuasions are often unable to have without resorting to hysteria and polarisation.

    Natural and sustainable immigration happens organically. Economic immigrants, whether legal or not, can’t be blamed or demonised for looking for a better quality of life. And genuine asylum seekers who escape war zones and civil wars created by any aggressor including western/Nato countries should expect our sympathy and help and be given refuge in the nearest safe country or countries as set out in international law.

    But it isn’t that simple. Sadly there are political leaders and planners who seek to create and use mass immigration and the forced movement of people for their own nefarious purposes. Not many people have heard of the The Kalergi Pan European plan for Europe. In the 1920s, Free Mason Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote a book titled “Praktischer Idealismus,” (Practical Idealism) which set out his views on how he believed the abolition of the right of self-determination and the elimination of European nations should be accomplished with the formation of an European Union.

    As ALWAYS, it is the fake #Jews and #Bankers, #Rothschild of course! This is NOT a state secret folks! The genocidal Kalergi plan to destroy the indigenous nations and peoples of Europe These people have TOLD YOU what they plan to do, and now that they are DOING IT, they will DENY IT! Just like these fake Jews ALWAYS DO! They do the same thing with #Chemtrails! "Yes, we made it rain in Dubai. And we currently hold 384 patents for "weather modification." And as long as it's THEM talking about it, it's okay! As soon as YOU talk about it they cry "Conspiracy Theory" And unfortunately.... a lot of people have no more sense than a box of wet rocks and believe those LIES, despite the people having said as much as national television, in books and movies and magazines etc! What you are seeing is being funded by YOUR ENEMY and #Satan's servants, the bankers and Rothschilds, and fake Jews And as soon as you point out WHAT THEY, THEMSELVES SAID, they will cry "Antisemitism" like they always do! It's amazing that people buy into their BS any longer, but they do I have not read the entire article, but it appears to be truthful at a glance... use YOUR OWN DISCERNMENT AS YOU ALWAYS SHOULD! KALERGI PLAN: What everyone needs to know The genocidal Kalergi plan to destroy the indigenous nations and peoples of Europe by cymrusofren The hot potato of immigration – a perfectly reasonable debate for citizens of any country to have but one that many from all political persuasions are often unable to have without resorting to hysteria and polarisation. Natural and sustainable immigration happens organically. Economic immigrants, whether legal or not, can’t be blamed or demonised for looking for a better quality of life. And genuine asylum seekers who escape war zones and civil wars created by any aggressor including western/Nato countries should expect our sympathy and help and be given refuge in the nearest safe country or countries as set out in international law. But it isn’t that simple. Sadly there are political leaders and planners who seek to create and use mass immigration and the forced movement of people for their own nefarious purposes. Not many people have heard of the The Kalergi Pan European plan for Europe. In the 1920s, Free Mason Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote a book titled “Praktischer Idealismus,” (Practical Idealism) which set out his views on how he believed the abolition of the right of self-determination and the elimination of European nations should be accomplished with the formation of an European Union. https://themillenniumreport.com/2018/05/kalergi-plan-what-everyone-needs-to-know/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1295 Visualizações

    I keep hearing folks talking about #Ivermectin
    being a wonder drug that kills #Parasites and is so good for you...

    But I see it has not killed the people calling themselves "government " so it DON'T actually kill parasites now does it???

    In all seriousness, Parasites ARE a problem!
    But there are lots of anti-parasite drugs out there!

    They started pushing Ivermectin AS the culling began!
    The very same operatives that always steer the herd!

    And many researchers and doctors have stated that Ivermectin also sterilizes you
    So you MAY want to reconsider!

    Folks... if big pharma makes it.... you don't want it!
    I don't want to take ANY of their #Pharmakeia!

    I am down to ONE PILL, and if I could stop it I would!
    I've quit the rest! And try not to even take ibuprofen unless I just have to

    DON'T allow them to INJECT YOU with ANYTHING!
    And use your discernment folks!
    YOU are on their hit list!

    IVERMECTIN: ANTI-FERTILITY AGENT I keep hearing folks talking about #Ivermectin being a wonder drug that kills #Parasites and is so good for you... But I see it has not killed the people calling themselves "government " so it DON'T actually kill parasites now does it??? In all seriousness, Parasites ARE a problem! But there are lots of anti-parasite drugs out there! They started pushing Ivermectin AS the culling began! The very same operatives that always steer the herd! And many researchers and doctors have stated that Ivermectin also sterilizes you So you MAY want to reconsider! Folks... if big pharma makes it.... you don't want it! I don't want to take ANY of their #Pharmakeia! I am down to ONE PILL, and if I could stop it I would! I've quit the rest! And try not to even take ibuprofen unless I just have to DON'T allow them to INJECT YOU with ANYTHING! And use your discernment folks! YOU are on their hit list! https://old.bitchute.com/video/HzNHqIC06ihH/
    Ivermectin: Anti-Fertility Agent
    Source video: https://old.bitchute.com/video/X4quzn9Ykm8R/ All these studies are linked in full here: https://timtruth.substack.com/p/ultimate-guide-to-anti-fertility. The Ivermectin Games - Dr Sam Bailey: https://old.bitchute.com/video/H3bonXi…
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 833 Visualizações

    I keep hearing folks talking about #Ivermectin
    being a wonder drug that kills #Parasites and is so good for you...

    But I see it has not killed the people calling themselves "government " so it DON'T actually kill parasites now does it???

    In all seriousness, Parasites ARE a problem!
    But there are lots of anti-parasite drugs out there!

    They started pushing Ivermectin AS the culling began!
    The very same operatives that always steer the herd!

    And many researchers and doctors have stated that Ivermectin also sterilizes you
    So you MAY want to reconsider!

    Folks... if big pharma makes it.... you don't want it!
    I don't want to take ANY of their #Pharmakeia!

    I am down to ONE PILL, and if I could stop it I would!
    I've quit the rest! And try not to even take ibuprofen unless I just have to

    DON'T allow them to INJECT YOU with ANYTHING!
    And use your discernment folks!
    YOU are on their hit list!

    IVERMECTIN: ANTI-FERTILITY AGENT I keep hearing folks talking about #Ivermectin being a wonder drug that kills #Parasites and is so good for you... But I see it has not killed the people calling themselves "government " so it DON'T actually kill parasites now does it??? In all seriousness, Parasites ARE a problem! But there are lots of anti-parasite drugs out there! They started pushing Ivermectin AS the culling began! The very same operatives that always steer the herd! And many researchers and doctors have stated that Ivermectin also sterilizes you So you MAY want to reconsider! Folks... if big pharma makes it.... you don't want it! I don't want to take ANY of their #Pharmakeia! I am down to ONE PILL, and if I could stop it I would! I've quit the rest! And try not to even take ibuprofen unless I just have to DON'T allow them to INJECT YOU with ANYTHING! And use your discernment folks! YOU are on their hit list! https://old.bitchute.com/video/HzNHqIC06ihH/
    Ivermectin: Anti-Fertility Agent
    Source video: https://old.bitchute.com/video/X4quzn9Ykm8R/ All these studies are linked in full here: https://timtruth.substack.com/p/ultimate-guide-to-anti-fertility. The Ivermectin Games - Dr Sam Bailey: https://old.bitchute.com/video/H3bonXi…
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 765 Visualizações

    I don't believe a "virus" exists!
    The "virus" is the #Vaccines given to to our children!

    And "Monkey Pox"
    Yeah... that also came from the weaponized injections!

    Allowing #Luciferian psychopaths to INJECT ANYTHING into our body is insane!'

    But I am fighting the SAME BATTLE as you and everyone else are!

    I tell people this stuff and they look at you like you just grew an extra head! Even people close to you!

    All I'm sure of is that I'll continue speaking the #Truth as long as my lungs have breathe in them! But it's really hard to watch people put their trust in these psychopaths no matter WHAT you tell them!

    No matter how much PROOF you show them!
    Having the discernment to see these things is as much a blessing as it is a curse!

    THE MEDICAL MAFIA IS EXPOSED BY THE HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE THAT "VIRUSES" AND "CANCER" ARE PARASITES! I don't believe a "virus" exists! The "virus" is the #Vaccines given to to our children! And "Monkey Pox" Yeah... that also came from the weaponized injections! Allowing #Luciferian psychopaths to INJECT ANYTHING into our body is insane!' But I am fighting the SAME BATTLE as you and everyone else are! I tell people this stuff and they look at you like you just grew an extra head! Even people close to you! All I'm sure of is that I'll continue speaking the #Truth as long as my lungs have breathe in them! But it's really hard to watch people put their trust in these psychopaths no matter WHAT you tell them! No matter how much PROOF you show them! Having the discernment to see these things is as much a blessing as it is a curse! https://old.bitchute.com/video/chcBTSNhahcF/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 836 Visualizações
  • Who is Peter Thiel and what is he to JD Vance....LOOK IT UP....Pray for President Trump for discernment... And for others to wake up about the man that was bought and paid for...
    Who is Peter Thiel and what is he to JD Vance....LOOK IT UP....Pray for President Trump for discernment... And for others to wake up about the man that was bought and paid for...
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 230 Visualizações
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 622 Visualizações
  • The lack of discernment going on right now is frightening

    true enough

    The lack of discernment going on right now is frightening true enough https://www.bitchute.com/video/zB21ab39oNKd
    The lack of discernment going on right now is frightening
    I wonder how they will pull the rug out from under all these poor fools this time? I can think of about 10 different ways they could do it. Get you popcorn ready. Done got them a black man (diversity, inclusion, get the black vote) up in front of half of a pyramid and a pastor throwing devil signs and they are all blind. The more satanic and stupid it gets the more they eat it up. GOD is intervening they say. Yes. But not the God they think. You have to know the difference between God and GOD.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 297 Visualizações
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