• DELETED VIDEO: DEAD IN THE WATER: MARITIME ADMIRALTY LAW (related info & links in description)

    It's all true, and it demonstrates the massive #Fraud which ALL "Governments" and #Courts operate under!

    It is so throwed off, so deceptive, so #Evil, that few people will even believe it! But it's 100% TRUE!

    If you ever want to be FREE you NEED this information!

    DELETED VIDEO: DEAD IN THE WATER: MARITIME ADMIRALTY LAW (related info & links in description) EVERYONE ON EARTH NEEDS TO WATCH THIS VIDEO! It's all true, and it demonstrates the massive #Fraud which ALL "Governments" and #Courts operate under! It is so throwed off, so deceptive, so #Evil, that few people will even believe it! But it's 100% TRUE! If you ever want to be FREE you NEED this information! https://rumble.com/v4jz5v2-deleted-video-dead-in-the-water-maritime-admiralty-law-related-info-and-lin.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 211 Views
  • I have only ONE QUESTION for everyone.....

    You can rationalize it any way you choose, but that is EXACTLY what you are! And if it pisses you off, I'd suggest that you

    COMMON LAW & THE CONSTITUTION are the highest form of law

    The "Maritime Admiralty Law" SCAM you have been enslaved by is beneath COMMON LAW, and common law wins the day
    EVERY TIME against it!

    Not to mention that the entire maritime law scam is based in #Fraud and deception!

    So either FREE YOURSELF by standing in COMMON LAW and staying out of the #Jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law....

    Or quit whining and be a good little SLAVE!
    Those are your choices!


    Treating YOU, a MAN or WOMAN, as "chattel property" of the corporation, claiming that you have "consented" to representing a "Legal Fiction" that exists ONLY ON A PIECE OF PAPER!

    It's the greatest FRAUD in the history of the world!
    So.... Are you just going to suck on it???
    Or do you plan to do something about it?

    If EVERYONE would stand together we could END THIS FRAUD IN A DAY!
    I have only ONE QUESTION for everyone..... HOW DO YOU LIKE BEING THE #SLAVE OF A #CORPORATION? You can rationalize it any way you choose, but that is EXACTLY what you are! And if it pisses you off, I'd suggest that you DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! COMMON LAW & THE CONSTITUTION are the highest form of law The "Maritime Admiralty Law" SCAM you have been enslaved by is beneath COMMON LAW, and common law wins the day EVERY TIME against it! Not to mention that the entire maritime law scam is based in #Fraud and deception! So either FREE YOURSELF by standing in COMMON LAW and staying out of the #Jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law.... Or quit whining and be a good little SLAVE! Those are your choices! EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD AND ALL "COURTS" & "POLICE" ARE PRACTICING MARITIME ADMIRALTY LAW... Treating YOU, a MAN or WOMAN, as "chattel property" of the corporation, claiming that you have "consented" to representing a "Legal Fiction" that exists ONLY ON A PIECE OF PAPER! It's the greatest FRAUD in the history of the world! So.... Are you just going to suck on it??? Or do you plan to do something about it? If EVERYONE would stand together we could END THIS FRAUD IN A DAY!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 265 Views
  • How Reality Has Been Altered Since 1951

    How the scumbags of this world control EVERYONE by manipulating their reality, telling lies, and suppressing technology!

    There are LAWS AGAINST creating "Free Energy" and any other type of energy! The #Criminals we call "government" have passed "Laws" (Statutes and Codes that apply to "Legal Fictions ONLY)
    that prevent YOU from marketing new tech without their approval!

    And if you create the better mousetrap (Or whatever) and they don't want it going public (Or they just want it) they can just TAKE IT!

    Understand... YOU have been at war your entire life!
    With the people claiming to "represent you"

    When in truth, all they do is DECEIVE and CONTROL and manipulate your reality! They Brainwash you in schools and on television, in movies, using billboards, social media, and radio!

    These people are worse than ANY genocidal maniac in world history! They are injecting POISONS into your children to keep the dumb, cooperative, docile #Slaves!

    They are poisoning your FOOD as well as your drinking water with #Fluoride! And let's NOT forget the FACT that our entire
    "System of Government" is a LIE! The #Courts are a LIE

    These people use the courts and #Police to maintain control over YOU, their SLAVE! And you won't invent anything that benefits man without first getting their permission! And they WILL refuse to give it, because they LIKE HAVING YOU AS A SLAVE!

    While this guy is off on a few things....
    He did some good research here on #Patents and the ciorruption of what we call "government" which is just a for-profit CORPORATION!

    How Reality Has Been Altered Since 1951 How the scumbags of this world control EVERYONE by manipulating their reality, telling lies, and suppressing technology! There are LAWS AGAINST creating "Free Energy" and any other type of energy! The #Criminals we call "government" have passed "Laws" (Statutes and Codes that apply to "Legal Fictions ONLY) that prevent YOU from marketing new tech without their approval! And if you create the better mousetrap (Or whatever) and they don't want it going public (Or they just want it) they can just TAKE IT! Understand... YOU have been at war your entire life! With the people claiming to "represent you" When in truth, all they do is DECEIVE and CONTROL and manipulate your reality! They Brainwash you in schools and on television, in movies, using billboards, social media, and radio! These people are worse than ANY genocidal maniac in world history! They are injecting POISONS into your children to keep the dumb, cooperative, docile #Slaves! They are poisoning your FOOD as well as your drinking water with #Fluoride! And let's NOT forget the FACT that our entire "System of Government" is a LIE! The #Courts are a LIE These people use the courts and #Police to maintain control over YOU, their SLAVE! And you won't invent anything that benefits man without first getting their permission! And they WILL refuse to give it, because they LIKE HAVING YOU AS A SLAVE! While this guy is off on a few things.... He did some good research here on #Patents and the ciorruption of what we call "government" which is just a for-profit CORPORATION! https://rumble.com/v584pmt-trump-shooting-military-insider-shares-latest-intel.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 488 Views

    I love John!
    I really do... but he is still caught up in the illegitimate "Maritime Admiralty Law" SCAM which operates in American "Courts"

    EVERYONE (Especially LAWYERS) need to come to grips with the FACT that when dealing with American "courts" you are dealing with a #Corporation and with "CORPORATE POLICY" and NOT #Law!

    It is time to put the "Law of the SEA" back out into the WATER where it belongs!
    COMMON LAW & the Constitution is the LAW OF THE LAND!

    But Americans have been scammed by professional scammers!
    No better than those c*cksuckers who tell you "I'm from Microsoft services, let me log into your computer"

    The scumbags wearing black dresses, the "Black Robed Priests" of the #BAR Association have NO JURISDICTION OVER MEN AND WOMEN!

    They are deceiving you into supposedly "consenting" to be ruled over as

    They have #Jurisdiction over LEGAL FICTIONS ONLY!
    Literally over pieces of paper!

    They have no jurisdiction over MEN and WOMEN!
    While I love John, and ALL people trying to fight this corrupt system......

    You will NEVER beat a criminal playing HIS GAME!
    Step back into COMMON LAW where you belong,
    and screw their illegitimate "courts"

    DRUNK COP HAS A TOTAL MELTDOWN OVER NEIGHBOR'S FIREWORKS I love John! I really do... but he is still caught up in the illegitimate "Maritime Admiralty Law" SCAM which operates in American "Courts" EVERYONE (Especially LAWYERS) need to come to grips with the FACT that when dealing with American "courts" you are dealing with a #Corporation and with "CORPORATE POLICY" and NOT #Law! It is time to put the "Law of the SEA" back out into the WATER where it belongs! COMMON LAW & the Constitution is the LAW OF THE LAND! But Americans have been scammed by professional scammers! No better than those c*cksuckers who tell you "I'm from Microsoft services, let me log into your computer" The scumbags wearing black dresses, the "Black Robed Priests" of the #BAR Association have NO JURISDICTION OVER MEN AND WOMEN! They are deceiving you into supposedly "consenting" to be ruled over as CHATTEL PROPERTY of a CORPORATION! They have #Jurisdiction over LEGAL FICTIONS ONLY! Literally over pieces of paper! They have no jurisdiction over MEN and WOMEN! While I love John, and ALL people trying to fight this corrupt system...... You will NEVER beat a criminal playing HIS GAME! Step back into COMMON LAW where you belong, and screw their illegitimate "courts" https://old.bitchute.com/video/ebi5AC7_S3Y/
    Drunk Cop Has a Total Meltdown Over Neighbor's Fireworks
    Try NMN (Anti-aging & NAD+): (Buy Two Get One FREE 48HR Promo) https://blackforestsupplements.com/RIGHTS Video to submit? https://forms.gle/HmwnDQKvwvYPxe967 Blog: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/ Donate to the Institute for Justice: https://ij.or…
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    ================ (WOR) https://old.bitchute.com/channel/worldordersreview/ ================ HERO WHO WAS FOUND GUILTY IN A MILITARY COURTS-MARTIAL... FOR 'DEFYING POISONING' BY TYRANT VAXHOLES ⚠️☠💉☠⚠️ ================ Mark Charles was found GUILTY in a Military Courts-Martial for defying tyrants. “Rebellion to tyranny is obedience to God.” Were you rebellious to tyrants and obedient to God the last 4 years+++? Or Were you rebellious to God and obedient to tyrants? #NCSWIC #DefyTyrants https://x.com/MCBashaw/status/1808878726228365651 Mark Charles Bashaw (@MCBashaw) I was found GUILTY in a Military Courts-Martial for defying tyrants. “Rebellion to tyranny is obedience to God.” Were you rebellious to tyrants and obedient to God the last 4 years+++? Or Were you rebellious to God and obedient to tyrants? “…it’s a Republic if you can keep it!” https://old.bitchute.com/channel/trustchristorgotohell/ ================ Another VAX PUSHIN' MUSICIAN influencer... DIES EXPECTEDLY! https://old.bitchute.com/video/7RGZkVltIPCH/ COVID-19 ''VACCINES'' (Prof. Diblasi & Dr. Sangorrín 🇦🇷🇺🇸 LQC) https://www.bitchute.com/video/Y0pYG3qqfmsI/ SHE RESISTED THE SCAMDEMIC VAXHOLES IN HELLYWOOD https://old.bitchute.com/video/TxWDmt6byZhA/ THEY KEEP DOCUMENTING THEIR OWN DEMISE! https://old.bitchute.com/video/PLmJXGUl3wRc/ CO(N)VID YOUNG HEARTS [EP 57 / 15th JUL 2024] https://old.bitchute.com/video/kYMeuyaibVvV/ MASS ''VACCINATION'' & ATHLETE VICTIMS [PT. 7 / JUL 2024] https://old.bitchute.com/video/H2JmlHuGFx9n/ WE DON'T NEED MORE POISONASHUNZ !!! https://www.bitchute.com/video/S3eics7YYYJM/ VAXXINE, VAXSCENE, OHHH VAXSEEN https://www.bitchute.com/video/tH021yl9NWiG/ TWO 'DEAD COOL' JABBED UP' PHOTOGRAPHERS... HAVE 'GONE' POP https://api.bitchute.com/video/O1kx7H8ZwdOF/ VAXXED MOTOR MOUTH, FINDS OUT THE HARD WAY... ''THE (VAX DEATH) HOAX!'' https://old.bitchute.com/video/zJXy08WZ3OVv/ BERTRAND RUSSELL, FABIANISM & the IMPACT of SCIENCE on SOCIETY https://old.bitchute.com/video/skYd8PLD34jD/ [WOR] STORMY RIDERS: VACCINES, THE GRAPHENE, + MICROWAVE BEAMS https://www.bitchute.com/video/mcdPndiESrFe/ CO(N)VID, MICROWAVES, JABS, GRAPHENE; TRANSHUMANISM [LQC] https://www.bitchute.com/video/dCNb1w0nflUa/ 10-YEAR-OLD male PATIENT x2 MODERNA x2 PCR (Dr. Stokes) https://old.bitchute.com/video/DOCSatMuuFnk/ ''CO(N)VID'' AS CAUSE OF MASS CANCER/DEATH... [DEBUNKED] https://www.bitchute.com/video/NYL5VKShiIQV/ CO(N)VID YOUNG HEARTS [EP 56 / 04th July 2024] https://api.bitchute.com/video/jJcBu0LQNU1m/ THR: The ABOMINATIONS of ''VACCINATIONS'' [PT. 01/11] https://www..bitchute.com/video/M3FsCnpCZo7J/ [PT. 02/11] https://www.bitchute.com/video/xXlvurpUJO6i/ [PT. 03/11] https://www.bitchute.com/video/vEGT23g6jLvC/ [PT. 04/11] https://www.bitchute.com/video/bwJpyB6TZcaQ/ [PT. 05/11] https://www.bitchute.com/video/EKndYufDC2Pj/ [PT. 06/11] https://www.bitchute.com/video/6w7jj924YDgs/ [PT. 07/11] https://www.bitchute.com/video/diVR8N5Em2VU/ [PT. 08/11] https://www.bitchute.com/video/uzgCnayXoU17/ [PT. 09/11] https://www.bitchute.com/video/dps89BjiyM0O/ [PT. 10/11] https://old.bitchute.com/video/4KsO7pI2lFij/ MASS "VACCINATION" & CANCER VICTIMS [PT. 17 / JUN 2024] https://www.bitchute.com/video/KQtcapAFB7Fp/ ''CELEBRITY'' ORDER FOLLOWERS ''SHOCK'' ILLNESSES or DIE POST-VAX ! [2] https://www.bitchute.com/video/M7pKZWhfQ5CF/ CONVID POISON SHOTS (NOW) ''GOOD FOR HEARTS...'' https://www.bitchute.com/video/e1zV6Z9P18Zc/ YOUNG HEARTS [EP 55 / 16th June 2024] THE CULL CONTINUES... https://www.bitchute.com/video/hJKDeM1DjOIs/ BIRD FLOO BOOGALOO IS MOVING ALONG, BIRDS THE WORD... https://www.bitchute.com/video/XAE2kS6ey2FL/ BIRD FLU? WHAT-CHA GONNA DO? FUCK YOU X2!! https://www.bitchute.com/video/oeV3GQSc3HF1/ BIRD FLU, BIRD FLU, PUMP & SCREW... https://www.bitchute.com/video/4uyaYPR2y4Zu/ W.H.O. ''AMENDMENTS'' TO THE ''IHR'' HAVE BEEN ADOPTED https://www.bitchute.com/video/oLNVI1gnVIkl/ SURPRISE! SCIENCE... FAILS TO PROVE FAKE COVID INFECTS ANYONE! https://www.bitchute.com/video/mshCnuzvYFKh/ BRITISH PRO-VACCINE MP DISCLOSES 4X AMPUTATION! https://www.bitchute.com/video/C3cusCzsRq8Z/ IS IT JUST ME; OR ARE ANY OF YOU FEELING THIS SAME WAY? https://www.bitchute.com/video/ByF7HSL56Ukk/ 2,400 ATHLETES !!! 3 YEARS of COLLAPSING (2021-2024) https://www.bitchute.com/video/6KlAwghC1wnJ/ MASS "VAX" & THE POISONING OF THE POPULATION https://www.bitchute.com/video/3Qp0UGutXY8g/ CHILDREN 💉 COLLAPSING & DYING SUDDENLY in APR 2024 ☠️ https://www.bitchute.com/video/6ME2BslQDqax/ SUDDEN COLLAPSE Phenomenon (RANT WARNING) https://www.bitchute.com/video/LDSxdixGq0kh/ BILLIONS FACE A CRUEL DEATH OR A BLEAK FUTURE (VAXD BLOOD) https://www.bitchute.com/video/5HB0haHTNoa6/ (COVID SCAM-demic, CABALA, CASES & "33s") https://www.bitchute.com/video/wwWbnv2HenXg/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 206 Views
  • #DemonRATS (and #Republicans too, to be fair) would
    "vote" to be RULED OVER by Joe Biden's ashes, giving up their INALIENABLE human rights and giving "Power of Attorney" over their lives to a #Corporation, who will rule them under "Maritime Admiralty Law" using the "courts" and POLICY ENFORCERS!

    These people will give up their freedom and their own authority.....
    So that they don't have to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEMSELVES!

    It's truly sad to see!
    You can see it in their eyes... They are literally #Slaves, who have given up on any idea of actual #Freedom and independence, in return for some TEMPORARY COMFORT!

    FREE MEN may not always be comfortable.... and they may actually have to take responsibility over their own lives and households.....

    What do these slaves get?

    Well they get to pay their "taxes"
    and pay some more taxes.... and some more taxes....
    At least until one of the corporation's POLICY ENFORCERS shoots them dead because "They got a call"

    #DemonRATS (and #Republicans too, to be fair) would "vote" to be RULED OVER by Joe Biden's ashes, giving up their INALIENABLE human rights and giving "Power of Attorney" over their lives to a #Corporation, who will rule them under "Maritime Admiralty Law" using the "courts" and POLICY ENFORCERS! These people will give up their freedom and their own authority..... So that they don't have to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEMSELVES! It's truly sad to see! You can see it in their eyes... They are literally #Slaves, who have given up on any idea of actual #Freedom and independence, in return for some TEMPORARY COMFORT! FREE MEN may not always be comfortable.... and they may actually have to take responsibility over their own lives and households..... BUT THEY GET TO BE FREE IN RETURN! What do these slaves get? Well they get to pay their "taxes" and pay some more taxes.... and some more taxes.... At least until one of the corporation's POLICY ENFORCERS shoots them dead because "They got a call" https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gq1KN_gUxT0?feature=share
    0 Comments 0 Shares 427 Views
  • And that is a FACT people!

    And when you "vote" for the "lesser of two evils"
    you are still voting for #Evil! So don't act all innocent!

    One day the American people will realize
    what I've been telling them for YEARS now is true....

    You have no legitimate "government"
    What you call #government is a for-profit #Corporation located offshore!

    The "Statutes and Codes" passed by #Congress are NOT Laws!
    They are CORPORATE POLICIES that must be followed by State & Federal employees and people who declare themselves to be "Citizens"

    A "citizen" is a willing #Slave to the CORPORATION!
    PROPERTY of the corporation actually

    American "Courts" and courts around the world are operating under a #Fraudulent system of "Maritime Admiralty Law" (the law of the SEA)

    ONLY "citizen slaves" and state & federal employees are subject to their #Jurisdiction... but YOU can be manipulated and brought under their jurisdiction via "Implied Consent" or FRAUD or by your "consent"

    To give "consent" however, requires that you first comprehend

    It's ALL about #Jurisdiction folks!
    MEN & WOMEN fall under the Jurisdiction of COMMON LAW
    YOU likely have no "constitutional protections" because you have been duped into "consenting" to be ruled under maritime admiralty law.

    YOU need to learn how to stand as a MAN under COMMON LAW!
    And do not ever be duped into the jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law again!

    Learn the information within these videos!



    And that is a FACT people! And when you "vote" for the "lesser of two evils" you are still voting for #Evil! So don't act all innocent! One day the American people will realize what I've been telling them for YEARS now is true.... You have no legitimate "government" What you call #government is a for-profit #Corporation located offshore! The "Statutes and Codes" passed by #Congress are NOT Laws! They are CORPORATE POLICIES that must be followed by State & Federal employees and people who declare themselves to be "Citizens" A "citizen" is a willing #Slave to the CORPORATION! PROPERTY of the corporation actually American "Courts" and courts around the world are operating under a #Fraudulent system of "Maritime Admiralty Law" (the law of the SEA) ONLY "citizen slaves" and state & federal employees are subject to their #Jurisdiction... but YOU can be manipulated and brought under their jurisdiction via "Implied Consent" or FRAUD or by your "consent" To give "consent" however, requires that you first comprehend WHAT YOU ARE CONSENTING TO! It's ALL about #Jurisdiction folks! MEN & WOMEN fall under the Jurisdiction of COMMON LAW YOU likely have no "constitutional protections" because you have been duped into "consenting" to be ruled under maritime admiralty law. YOU need to learn how to stand as a MAN under COMMON LAW! And do not ever be duped into the jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law again! PLEASE FREE YOURSELF! Learn the information within these videos! https://youtu.be/Ov90nZ2nKJY https://youtu.be/1udn7rAp81s https://youtu.be/USvJd8iVeXQ
    0 Comments 0 Shares 499 Views
    w/ Dr. David Martin. TY JGANON, SGANON

    Like ALWAYS Jimmy Dore is about 2 years behind the curve on this info! But at least he puts it up eventually!

    Having said that... people STILL don't seem to realize they ARE at war already!

    The People of the world have been ATTACKED by demonic scumbags using medical "procedures and treatments" which are nothing more than KILL SHOTS

    The People of the world ARE under attack currently too!
    Not only by their local #Pharmacy who is trying to inject them with poison...

    6 #Corporations control ALL NEWS and produce & distribute ALL FOOD in the United States.... and that food contains POISONS designed to slow kill, make obese, and even sterilize the people who eat it!

    So you are under attack via the grocery store too!

    Once your food has sickened you, your doctor will be happy to prescribe you some more POISONS created by the EXACT SAME 6 CORPORATIONS!

    These people should ALREADY be explaining their #Crimes to their Creator!

    And it is PATHETIC that the People of the world have not "Arranged the meeting"

    EVERY "Politician, Judge, Police Officer, and Prosecutor are COMPLICIT IN #Genocide and it's about time they are held accountable! NOT in their rigged, illegitimate, #Fraud based "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Courts either!

    But in COMMON LAW COURTS consisting of the PEOPLE!

    100% non-government PEOPLE of the United States prosecuting the cases, presiding over the cases, and carrying out the sentences after the verdicts are read!

    These people believe they can #Murder BILLIONS and just get away with it! It is about time that we show them otherwise!

    Their faces should be on "WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE" Posters!
    Rewards should be issued for the delivery of their carcass (alive or dead)

    Because let's face it.... NOBODY in the history of mankind has been this #Evil

    We don't even NEED a trial! Everyone on earth already KNOWS what they did!

    And they also KNOW that it was pre-meditated murder, orchestrated by these people

    EVERY #Media scumbag that pushed for you to take the toxic injection too!

    EVERY Politician, Cop, Pharmacist, Doctor, and employee of the #DOD and #Darpa

    They should ALL be on trial right now!
    Sentences carried out immediately upon completion of the trial

    And personally.... I think that EACH OF THEM should be injected with the very same poison they wanted to inject YOU with!

    JIMMY DORE W/ SHOCKING & EYE-OPENING Interview w/ Dr. David Martin. TY JGANON, SGANON Like ALWAYS Jimmy Dore is about 2 years behind the curve on this info! But at least he puts it up eventually! Having said that... people STILL don't seem to realize they ARE at war already! The People of the world have been ATTACKED by demonic scumbags using medical "procedures and treatments" which are nothing more than KILL SHOTS The People of the world ARE under attack currently too! Not only by their local #Pharmacy who is trying to inject them with poison... 6 #Corporations control ALL NEWS and produce & distribute ALL FOOD in the United States.... and that food contains POISONS designed to slow kill, make obese, and even sterilize the people who eat it! So you are under attack via the grocery store too! Once your food has sickened you, your doctor will be happy to prescribe you some more POISONS created by the EXACT SAME 6 CORPORATIONS! These people should ALREADY be explaining their #Crimes to their Creator! And it is PATHETIC that the People of the world have not "Arranged the meeting" EVERY "Politician, Judge, Police Officer, and Prosecutor are COMPLICIT IN #Genocide and it's about time they are held accountable! NOT in their rigged, illegitimate, #Fraud based "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Courts either! But in COMMON LAW COURTS consisting of the PEOPLE! NO "GOVERNMENT" WHATSOEVER (Except being PROSECUTED) 100% non-government PEOPLE of the United States prosecuting the cases, presiding over the cases, and carrying out the sentences after the verdicts are read! These people believe they can #Murder BILLIONS and just get away with it! It is about time that we show them otherwise! Their faces should be on "WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE" Posters! Rewards should be issued for the delivery of their carcass (alive or dead) Because let's face it.... NOBODY in the history of mankind has been this #Evil We don't even NEED a trial! Everyone on earth already KNOWS what they did! And they also KNOW that it was pre-meditated murder, orchestrated by these people EVERY #Media scumbag that pushed for you to take the toxic injection too! EVERY Politician, Cop, Pharmacist, Doctor, and employee of the #DOD and #Darpa They should ALL be on trial right now! Sentences carried out immediately upon completion of the trial And personally.... I think that EACH OF THEM should be injected with the very same poison they wanted to inject YOU with! https://www.bitchute.com/video/CQgHwwKlKYB2
    DISCOVER THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE MIRACLE VACCINE ANTIDOTE www.therootbrands.com/whoisjohngalt22 WWW.JOINTEAMGLOBAL.COM www.jasemedical.com/teamglobal USE PROMO CODE "TEAMGLOBAL10 @ CHECKOUT C60 Evo & THE WELLNESS COMPANY 10% DISCOUNT LINKS https://www.c60evo.com/TEAMGLOBAL https://www.twc.health/teamglobal Use coupon code "TEAMGLOBAL" for 10% discount JOIN THE REAL WORLD NOW https://jointherealworld.com/a/cgrgfq6bhl LEARN MORE ABOUT THE REAL WORLD https://jointherealworld.com/?a=cgrgfq6bhl EMP SHIELD PRODUCTS: DISCOUNT appears at CHECKOUT with the following link: https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=teamglobal
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  • Truth Seeker: The Pedophile Psyop Donald Trump Rally Shooting Was Very 'Strange'!

    First of all... One of the most common comments I've been seeing under the phony "#Trump shot" news and photos goes something like this.....

    "God was watching over President Trump. God is using Trump..."

    Well folks... If there is a "god" watching over Trump it's NOT YHWH!
    It would likely be the small "G" god #Apollyon who Trump has painted on his ceiling!

    Secondly.... this "shooting" was as staged as an event as I've ever seen!
    NOBODY needed to watch over Trump, this was a staged event!

    While there may be some "god" watching over Trump....
    It's NOT my God! It's NOT the Most High!

    It may be one of those false, #Satanic "gods" like Apollyon or Ba'al or Molech....
    But it's definitely NOT the Most High Yahuwah!

    Now... If Trump were to REPENT that may change!
    But as long as he's running around claiming "I am the chosen one" and deceiving Americans into taking toxic injections and losing their freedoms... I don't think so!

    Remember it's TRUMP who is the "Father of the Vaccine"
    Remember that it was TRUMP who had you locked down like a #Slave
    Remember it was TRUMP who said he has NEVER asked for forgiveness!

    That does NOT sound like one of Yahuwah's people to me!
    So don't be a sucker!

    Get out of the #Jurisdiction of Maritime Admiralty Law and return to COMMON LAW where you belong! STOP participating in the #Corporation of the United States selections, and their maritime admiralty law #Courts!

    STOP allowing their "POLICY ENFORCERS" to claim jurisdiction over YOU, a MAN!

    These #Police only have jurisdiction over FEDERAL / STATE EMPLOYEES and those of you who "Consent" to being their #Slaves / Chattel PROPERTY by declaring yourself a "US Citizen"

    Truth Seeker: The Pedophile Psyop Donald Trump Rally Shooting Was Very 'Strange'! First of all... One of the most common comments I've been seeing under the phony "#Trump shot" news and photos goes something like this..... "God was watching over President Trump. God is using Trump..." Well folks... If there is a "god" watching over Trump it's NOT YHWH! It would likely be the small "G" god #Apollyon who Trump has painted on his ceiling! Secondly.... this "shooting" was as staged as an event as I've ever seen! NOBODY needed to watch over Trump, this was a staged event! While there may be some "god" watching over Trump.... It's NOT my God! It's NOT the Most High! It may be one of those false, #Satanic "gods" like Apollyon or Ba'al or Molech.... But it's definitely NOT the Most High Yahuwah! Now... If Trump were to REPENT that may change! But as long as he's running around claiming "I am the chosen one" and deceiving Americans into taking toxic injections and losing their freedoms... I don't think so! Remember it's TRUMP who is the "Father of the Vaccine" Remember that it was TRUMP who had you locked down like a #Slave Remember it was TRUMP who said he has NEVER asked for forgiveness! That does NOT sound like one of Yahuwah's people to me! So don't be a sucker! Get out of the #Jurisdiction of Maritime Admiralty Law and return to COMMON LAW where you belong! STOP participating in the #Corporation of the United States selections, and their maritime admiralty law #Courts! STOP allowing their "POLICY ENFORCERS" to claim jurisdiction over YOU, a MAN! These #Police only have jurisdiction over FEDERAL / STATE EMPLOYEES and those of you who "Consent" to being their #Slaves / Chattel PROPERTY by declaring yourself a "US Citizen" https://www.bitchute.com/video/YzxdRqgNsGo5
    Truth Seeker: The Pedophile Psyop Donald Trump Rally Shooting Was Very 'Strange'!
    The World Ahead 2024: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=h_&q=the+world+ahead+2024&ia=web Truth Seeker 18.2K subscribers 383 views 1 hour ago https://youtu.be/l-OybR1OfJE?si=7aCFqxntj4va-btg https://www.youtube.com/@TheOfficialTruthSeeker
    0 Comments 0 Shares 712 Views
  • Let's see......

    Well, #Satan and his minions
    have Chille locked down at the moment!

    I mean look folks... They literally SHOW YOU THE TRUTH on their channel! They stated it as clear as day!

    Satan's "signature" is all over this one!
    You have the "All seeing eye" #Symbolism going on here...
    And within the SAME LOGO you have TWO "false gods"

    By the way.... "Lady Justice" who stands over ALL COURTS
    is a small "G" false god!

    And is you go to the "Our Nevada Judges, Inc." YouTube channel..
    IT'S RIGHT THERE FOR YOU TO SEE! It's a #Corporation!

    Just like I told you every day for the past 3 years!
    A "Corporation" only exist because MEN are NOT "Honorable"

    An honorable MAN makes good on any claims made against him!
    A #Criminal creates a "CORPORATION" to hide behind, so that he may not be held accountable!

    He "Shields his-criminal-self against being held accountable by incorporating! A Satanic rouse to not pay your debts and to not be held accountable for your actions!

    That's why these "Black Robed Priests" of the #BAR Association do it, and that is why the CORPORATION of the United States does it too! It's why the CORPORATION of your "Town, City, and STATE" do it too! Because they are CRIMINALS operating within the Satanic "Legal System"

    If they were honorable, and not criminals, they'd operate under YHWH'S LAW - Common Law - The Law of the LAND!

    The definition of "Legal" is "Against YHWH'S LAW"

    So you tell me.....
    WHY is Chille not out yet?
    Let's see...... WHY HAS CHILLE NOT BEEN RELEASED??? Well, #Satan and his minions have Chille locked down at the moment! I mean look folks... They literally SHOW YOU THE TRUTH on their channel! They stated it as clear as day! Satan's "signature" is all over this one! You have the "All seeing eye" #Symbolism going on here... And within the SAME LOGO you have TWO "false gods" By the way.... "Lady Justice" who stands over ALL COURTS is a small "G" false god! And is you go to the "Our Nevada Judges, Inc." YouTube channel.. IT'S RIGHT THERE FOR YOU TO SEE! It's a #Corporation! Just like I told you every day for the past 3 years! A "Corporation" only exist because MEN are NOT "Honorable" An honorable MAN makes good on any claims made against him! A #Criminal creates a "CORPORATION" to hide behind, so that he may not be held accountable! He "Shields his-criminal-self against being held accountable by incorporating! A Satanic rouse to not pay your debts and to not be held accountable for your actions! That's why these "Black Robed Priests" of the #BAR Association do it, and that is why the CORPORATION of the United States does it too! It's why the CORPORATION of your "Town, City, and STATE" do it too! Because they are CRIMINALS operating within the Satanic "Legal System" If they were honorable, and not criminals, they'd operate under YHWH'S LAW - Common Law - The Law of the LAND! The definition of "Legal" is "Against YHWH'S LAW" So you tell me..... WHY is Chille not out yet?
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