I really like Sheriff Richard Mack!
    I believe that HE is a good man, trying to do the right thing!

    I've pushed for EVERYONE to join the #CSPOA too!

    But I have to tell you folks....
    The #Sheriffs in this country are NOT on your side!

    Unlike sheriff Mack, something like 3100 sheriffs (Out of 3150 total) signed a letter OPPOSING dismantling the #Criminal practice of "Civil Asset Forfeiture"

    Civil Asset Forfeiture is nothing more than government THEFT OF PROPERTY from American citizens who have NOT been convicted of ANY CRIME!

    They just had the bad luck of running across some POS Road Pirate who wanted to STEAL THEIR MONEY so that he could get an "ataboy,"

    No "due process whatsoever!!!
    Just THEFT pure and simple!

    I do NOT think we could find a decent sheriff if wee tried these days!
    They are ALL crooks in the pockets of corporations!
    And they want to DISARM AMERICANS in violation of the Constitution too!

    There is NOTHING more repugnant to the constitution than a modern criminal sheriff
    So what??? He was "Elected" in a RIGGED ELECTION!

    He is still a worthless tool of Tyranny!
    After telling people to "Elect a good Sheriff" to protect them from criminal Federal Government scum for years.... I've realized the county SHERIFFS are no better!

    They are just criminals, like all the other illegitimate "government" criminals
    Mack may be okay... BUT HE IS RETIRED!

    And sheriffs today do not give a rat's a** about your inalienable human rights!
    They are your ENEMY, seeking to put you into a cage and steal your property

    THE LAST PEACEFUL WAY TO RESCUE AMERICA FROM HER DEATH BED! RICHARD MACK I really like Sheriff Richard Mack! I believe that HE is a good man, trying to do the right thing! I've pushed for EVERYONE to join the #CSPOA too! But I have to tell you folks.... The #Sheriffs in this country are NOT on your side! Unlike sheriff Mack, something like 3100 sheriffs (Out of 3150 total) signed a letter OPPOSING dismantling the #Criminal practice of "Civil Asset Forfeiture" Civil Asset Forfeiture is nothing more than government THEFT OF PROPERTY from American citizens who have NOT been convicted of ANY CRIME! They just had the bad luck of running across some POS Road Pirate who wanted to STEAL THEIR MONEY so that he could get an "ataboy," BASED SOLELY ON AN ACCUSATION! No "due process whatsoever!!! Just THEFT pure and simple! I do NOT think we could find a decent sheriff if wee tried these days! They are ALL crooks in the pockets of corporations! And they want to DISARM AMERICANS in violation of the Constitution too! There is NOTHING more repugnant to the constitution than a modern criminal sheriff So what??? He was "Elected" in a RIGGED ELECTION! He is still a worthless tool of Tyranny! After telling people to "Elect a good Sheriff" to protect them from criminal Federal Government scum for years.... I've realized the county SHERIFFS are no better! They are just criminals, like all the other illegitimate "government" criminals Mack may be okay... BUT HE IS RETIRED! And sheriffs today do not give a rat's a** about your inalienable human rights! They are your ENEMY, seeking to put you into a cage and steal your property https://rumble.com/v4zeu2x-the-last-peaceful-way-to-rescue-america-from-her-death-bed-richard-mack.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=TheCommonSenseShow
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1070 Views

    And the black robed priests of the corrupt and #Evil #BAR Association know it too!

    They created it to do EXACTLY what it has done!
    Which is to make #Police completely and totally "Above the Law" and able to Murder Americans with impunity!

    Without the EQUAL part...
    "Equal Justice under the law" is nothing but #Propaganda!

    Which is EXACTLY what it is, and what it has always been!

    Police should be held to a HIGHER STANDARD than other Americans! They should receive HARSHER PUNISHMENTS when they commit crimes because they are sworn to uphold the law

    But that's NOT the system we have!

    We have a system where Police are NEVER PROSECUTED under 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 242, as is REQUIRED BY LAW, because the #Prosecutors are corrupt, making them complicit in the crimes they are allowing the Police to get away with!

    The bottom line is that ALL OF THESE PEOPLE, Police, Prosecutors, Judges, and your local Politicians, are ALL
    working for a for-profit CORPORATION that has deceived you into believing that they are your government!

    It is a fully Criminal operation
    What better place for an organized Crime ring to set up shop than the ONE PLACE THEY'D BE PUNISHED FOR THEIR CRIMES???

    These are criminals who pretend to dispense "justice" as they commit CRIME in the background, KNOWING they will NEVER punish themselves!

    It is highly organized CRIME!
    Nothing more, nothing less!

    BILLIONS OF DOLLARS PER YEAR IS STOLEN FROM AMERICANS who have NOT been convicted of a crime under "Civil Asset Forfeiture" which is a fancy term for "Robbed at gunpoint by corporate thugs"

    ALL they must do to STEAL YOUR HOUSE or your MONEY is to
    ACCUSE YOU OF A CRIME.... They don't have to convict you, they don't even have to TRY to prosecute you...

    So completely WITHOUT DUE PROCESS OF LAW they steal your property!

    And BTW.... For those of you who believe that the ELECTED COUNTY SHERIFF is on your side.... WRONG!!!

    When Congress sought to end the THEFT by Police by stopping civil asset THEFT, over 3100 Sheriffs signed a letter begging them NOT TO END THE PROGRAM that allows them to steal the property of Americans without due process!

    They claimed civil asset THEFT is “a valuable tool in combating serious wrongdoing.”
    And they claimed it's a valuable weapon in fighting the cartels....

    But they NEVER steal cartel money!
    They steal the money of hard working Americans!

    Complete and total THIEVERY IN PLAIN SIGHT!
    ALL of these criminals should be tried for their crimes!

    In "The People's Court"
    Right next door to an oak tree and some rope!
    EVERY AMERICAN KNOWS THIS IS TRUE! And the black robed priests of the corrupt and #Evil #BAR Association know it too! They created it to do EXACTLY what it has done! Which is to make #Police completely and totally "Above the Law" and able to Murder Americans with impunity! Without the EQUAL part... "Equal Justice under the law" is nothing but #Propaganda! Which is EXACTLY what it is, and what it has always been! Police should be held to a HIGHER STANDARD than other Americans! They should receive HARSHER PUNISHMENTS when they commit crimes because they are sworn to uphold the law But that's NOT the system we have! We have a system where Police are NEVER PROSECUTED under 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 242, as is REQUIRED BY LAW, because the #Prosecutors are corrupt, making them complicit in the crimes they are allowing the Police to get away with! The bottom line is that ALL OF THESE PEOPLE, Police, Prosecutors, Judges, and your local Politicians, are ALL working for a for-profit CORPORATION that has deceived you into believing that they are your government! It is a fully Criminal operation What better place for an organized Crime ring to set up shop than the ONE PLACE THEY'D BE PUNISHED FOR THEIR CRIMES??? These are criminals who pretend to dispense "justice" as they commit CRIME in the background, KNOWING they will NEVER punish themselves! It is highly organized CRIME! Nothing more, nothing less! BILLIONS OF DOLLARS PER YEAR IS STOLEN FROM AMERICANS who have NOT been convicted of a crime under "Civil Asset Forfeiture" which is a fancy term for "Robbed at gunpoint by corporate thugs" ALL they must do to STEAL YOUR HOUSE or your MONEY is to ACCUSE YOU OF A CRIME.... They don't have to convict you, they don't even have to TRY to prosecute you... So completely WITHOUT DUE PROCESS OF LAW they steal your property! And BTW.... For those of you who believe that the ELECTED COUNTY SHERIFF is on your side.... WRONG!!! When Congress sought to end the THEFT by Police by stopping civil asset THEFT, over 3100 Sheriffs signed a letter begging them NOT TO END THE PROGRAM that allows them to steal the property of Americans without due process! They claimed civil asset THEFT is “a valuable tool in combating serious wrongdoing.” And they claimed it's a valuable weapon in fighting the cartels.... But they NEVER steal cartel money! They steal the money of hard working Americans! Complete and total THIEVERY IN PLAIN SIGHT! ALL of these criminals should be tried for their crimes! In "The People's Court" Right next door to an oak tree and some rope!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1090 Views
  • FBI Whistleblower Reveals How Agency Keeps Local Sheriffs in the Dark
    FBI Whistleblower Reveals How Agency Keeps Local Sheriffs in the Dark https://youtu.be/60b8SKpfUPo?si=KRe4Qql7OdYmbnGc
    0 Comments 0 Shares 509 Views
  • ACTUALLY....... The old West was an #Anarchy! Instead of the #Police being "above the law" like they are these days, and their only job protecting #Criminals guilty of #Genocide....

    In the old West we had #Sheriffs, who served at the leisure of WE THE PEOPLE. And should they turn out to be Criminals like the Police today.... THE PEOPLE (Who paid them) simply FIRED THEM and hired a new sheriff!

    Same goes with the mayor! The difference in Anarchy and our system??? In our current system the Police PROTECT THE CRIMINALS AND MASS MURDERERS FROM "We the People," assuring that they can continue murdering, robbing, and generally screwing over the masses! Give me anarchy ANY DAY!

    You know.......
    Back then ANYONE could bring charges against a CRIMINAL!
    ACTUALLY....... The old West was an #Anarchy! Instead of the #Police being "above the law" like they are these days, and their only job protecting #Criminals guilty of #Genocide.... In the old West we had #Sheriffs, who served at the leisure of WE THE PEOPLE. And should they turn out to be Criminals like the Police today.... THE PEOPLE (Who paid them) simply FIRED THEM and hired a new sheriff! Same goes with the mayor! The difference in Anarchy and our system??? In our current system the Police PROTECT THE CRIMINALS AND MASS MURDERERS FROM "We the People," assuring that they can continue murdering, robbing, and generally screwing over the masses! Give me anarchy ANY DAY! You know....... Back then ANYONE could bring charges against a CRIMINAL! Instead of waiting to see if THE CRIMINALS WILL FILE CHARGES ON THEMSELVES!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1212 Views
  • https://rumble.com/v4lfmo5-3.25.24-russia-ffs-fke-kate-jabs-tough-being-awake-messages-in-clear-sight-.html
    What an eventful weekend…Russia, Kate fake videos and photos, border invasions, elites building bunkers, school districts losing power, FL sheriffs calling for action, Vaccine dangers are being reported now and so much more. We will dive into all of this and explain what most have concluded in all of this.
    https://rumble.com/v4lfmo5-3.25.24-russia-ffs-fke-kate-jabs-tough-being-awake-messages-in-clear-sight-.html What an eventful weekend…Russia, Kate fake videos and photos, border invasions, elites building bunkers, school districts losing power, FL sheriffs calling for action, Vaccine dangers are being reported now and so much more. We will dive into all of this and explain what most have concluded in all of this.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1097 Views

    I NEVER disagree with Bryan......
    At least not until he calls belief in Yahuwah "believing in a fairytale"

    That is the ONLY thing I've ever disagreed with him on!
    He is correct here too! (As usual)

    #Police and #Sheriffs ALL knowingly violate the inalienable human rights of Americans! They ARE the "Gestapo"!

    Let me ask you this folks.......

    You know.... For the planned, orchestrated #Murder of Americans and of people around the world......

    (Responsible for the deaths of MILLIONS)

    How many of those "Good Cops" have stepped up and arrested wealthy murderers???? Want a hint??? ZERO!

    There is no difference in #Police and the Gestapo!
    There's no difference in Police and the #Stasi of E$ast Germany!

    They are the SAME ANIMAL wearing a different uniform!
    They are "Order Followers" and murderous COWARDS!


    And I agree with Lon Island Audit to a degree.....
    We SHOULD be able to "Take it to our legislature" or "Take it to #Court" and remedy the situation there......

    But the real issue is that the COURTS and the LEGISLATURE are
    ALL #Corrupt, they don't follow the "law" and they work for the #Jews!

    HOW MANY COURTS have found that Bill Gates and Albert Bourla are "Guilty of #Genocide?"

    I'll be happy to answer my own question..... ZERO!
    ZERO legislators and ZERO JUDGES have honored their #Oath to
    "uphold the laws of the United States CORPORATION" and convicted these degenerate scumbags for the MILLIONS OF PEOPLE they have murdered!

    You must understand......
    "The System" is corrupt from top to bottom!

    You CANNOT use the #Criminal System to prosecute the criminal system

    It's kinda like asking Al Capone to be the "Judge"
    in a case against the #Mafia.......

    In other words.... you are asking THE MAFIA to convict THE MAFIA
    It will never happen! Criminals NEVER convict THEMSELVES

    ARE AMERICAN COPS "THE GESTAPO?" - LONG ISLAND AUDIT & HERE'S THE DEAL I NEVER disagree with Bryan...... At least not until he calls belief in Yahuwah "believing in a fairytale" That is the ONLY thing I've ever disagreed with him on! He is correct here too! (As usual) #Police and #Sheriffs ALL knowingly violate the inalienable human rights of Americans! They ARE the "Gestapo"! Let me ask you this folks....... HOW MANY "GOOD COPS" HAVE YOU SEEN ARREST "BAD COPS?" HOW MANY ARRESTS HAVE BEEN MADE FOR #GENOCIDE??? You know.... For the planned, orchestrated #Murder of Americans and of people around the world...... HOW MANY OF THOSE "GOOD COPS" HAVE ARRESTED PEOPLE LIKE ALBERT BOURLA AND BILL GATES???? (Responsible for the deaths of MILLIONS) How many of those "Good Cops" have stepped up and arrested wealthy murderers???? Want a hint??? ZERO! There is no difference in #Police and the Gestapo! There's no difference in Police and the #Stasi of E$ast Germany! They are the SAME ANIMAL wearing a different uniform! They are "Order Followers" and murderous COWARDS! PERIOD! And I agree with Lon Island Audit to a degree..... We SHOULD be able to "Take it to our legislature" or "Take it to #Court" and remedy the situation there...... But the real issue is that the COURTS and the LEGISLATURE are ALL #Corrupt, they don't follow the "law" and they work for the #Jews! HOW MANY COURTS have found that Bill Gates and Albert Bourla are "Guilty of #Genocide?" I'll be happy to answer my own question..... ZERO! ZERO legislators and ZERO JUDGES have honored their #Oath to "uphold the laws of the United States CORPORATION" and convicted these degenerate scumbags for the MILLIONS OF PEOPLE they have murdered! You must understand...... "The System" is corrupt from top to bottom! You CANNOT use the #Criminal System to prosecute the criminal system It's kinda like asking Al Capone to be the "Judge" in a case against the #Mafia....... In other words.... you are asking THE MAFIA to convict THE MAFIA It will never happen! Criminals NEVER convict THEMSELVES https://www.bitchute.com/video/7Yhrylp_ff0/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2833 Views

    This is from 2021. And hopefully everyone already KNOWS all of this....

    But I just had to make a comment about what I'm seeing from Politicians and the supposed "Law Enforcement" criminals who protect them! If there was ever any doubt about who the Police serve... You can now clearly see they serve Satan and Evil

    It's very hard for me to believe that ANYONE would be willing to get the #Genocide JAB in 2024, after witnessing the mass deaths and injuries!

    It makes you wonder exactly HOW DUMB CAN PEOPLE BE???
    I was in Walgreens yesterday, and they are pushing the genocide weapon!

    You cannot call a government office, doctors office, or public health phone number where you are not forced to hear a "Covid-19 Vaccine" sales pitch!

    And to be honest, this late in the game....
    The people STILL pushing this weapon of genocide should be imprisoned or executed for #CrimesAgainstHumanity and genocide!

    It is not like it's a "Conspiracy Theory" folks!
    We have ALL witnessed the victims falling DEAD all around the world!

    Young and healthy people dropping dead while playing sports, newscasters falling out on air, etc... etc...

    And STILL NO ARRESTS by ANY #LawEnforcement Officials!
    The #Police are working hard to extort your money from you with traffic tickets...

    But the #Criminal scumbags "cannot be bothered" with arresting genocidal psychopaths, responsible for the deaths of tens of millions people (If not BILLIONS)

    Can you imagine what an Evil POS you'd have to be to be in Law Enforcement and just ignore the planned and coordinated mass murder of millions around the world?

    A cop with a spine would ARREST HIS SUPERIOR if he stood in the way of arresting those responsible! The politicians should be arrested at the state houses or in Congress!

    And the #Sheriffs around this country were really our ONLY HOPE for Law Enforcement to step up and do what is right and honor their Oath...

    Yet not a single one of them have done so!
    A Sheriff could arrest the politicians and doctors / pharmacies / hospitals who are advocating this weapon to the public WITHIN HIS COUNTY...

    Every politician has to go home!
    And the Sheriff of their home county could easily arrest them there!

    But they don't because they are not here to "Protect and Serve" the People!

    They are here to "Protect and Serve" the #Criminals, the Pedophiles, and the Politicians who are purposely destroying the country...

    The MORONS are protecting the people who are making it possible to STARVE Americans, facilitate an invasion of the country, and to break every law and Oath in existence... And in the end, the scumbag Cop's FRIENDS & FAMILY will also be killed!

    And these badge wearing demons are helping to facilitate their own demise... And everyone else's!

    Every time we enter a pharmacy or doctor's office we need to be certain to make a very LOUD and BOLD statement about the genocide JAB, and call out the murderers who are STILL INJECTING PEOPLE with a known bio-weapon "Kill Shot"

    And they need to hear it ALL DAY every day!

    THEY ARE BETTING ON A MASSIVE DIE OFF This is from 2021. And hopefully everyone already KNOWS all of this.... But I just had to make a comment about what I'm seeing from Politicians and the supposed "Law Enforcement" criminals who protect them! If there was ever any doubt about who the Police serve... You can now clearly see they serve Satan and Evil It's very hard for me to believe that ANYONE would be willing to get the #Genocide JAB in 2024, after witnessing the mass deaths and injuries! It makes you wonder exactly HOW DUMB CAN PEOPLE BE??? I was in Walgreens yesterday, and they are pushing the genocide weapon! You cannot call a government office, doctors office, or public health phone number where you are not forced to hear a "Covid-19 Vaccine" sales pitch! And to be honest, this late in the game.... The people STILL pushing this weapon of genocide should be imprisoned or executed for #CrimesAgainstHumanity and genocide! It is not like it's a "Conspiracy Theory" folks! We have ALL witnessed the victims falling DEAD all around the world! Young and healthy people dropping dead while playing sports, newscasters falling out on air, etc... etc... And STILL NO ARRESTS by ANY #LawEnforcement Officials! The #Police are working hard to extort your money from you with traffic tickets... But the #Criminal scumbags "cannot be bothered" with arresting genocidal psychopaths, responsible for the deaths of tens of millions people (If not BILLIONS) Can you imagine what an Evil POS you'd have to be to be in Law Enforcement and just ignore the planned and coordinated mass murder of millions around the world? A cop with a spine would ARREST HIS SUPERIOR if he stood in the way of arresting those responsible! The politicians should be arrested at the state houses or in Congress! And the #Sheriffs around this country were really our ONLY HOPE for Law Enforcement to step up and do what is right and honor their Oath... Yet not a single one of them have done so! A Sheriff could arrest the politicians and doctors / pharmacies / hospitals who are advocating this weapon to the public WITHIN HIS COUNTY... Every politician has to go home! And the Sheriff of their home county could easily arrest them there! But they don't because they are not here to "Protect and Serve" the People! They are here to "Protect and Serve" the #Criminals, the Pedophiles, and the Politicians who are purposely destroying the country... The MORONS are protecting the people who are making it possible to STARVE Americans, facilitate an invasion of the country, and to break every law and Oath in existence... And in the end, the scumbag Cop's FRIENDS & FAMILY will also be killed! And these badge wearing demons are helping to facilitate their own demise... And everyone else's! Every time we enter a pharmacy or doctor's office we need to be certain to make a very LOUD and BOLD statement about the genocide JAB, and call out the murderers who are STILL INJECTING PEOPLE with a known bio-weapon "Kill Shot" They NEED TO HEAR IT! And they need to hear it ALL DAY every day! https://www.bitchute.com/video/P8qxIQMzUoab/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4879 Views
  • SOMETHING BIG is COMING! What the Heck are they Planning Against Us??

    Christopher Wray is a puppet of the Satanic Cabal of the World Economic Forum.

    He should be executed as the #Traitor POS he is!

    But instead, he's telling your LOCAL Sheriffs and #Police
    (Who are criminals as well) to "Be prepared for an attack" which will do nothing but cause MORE #Violence and more Brutality and abuse of the People of the United States!

    We need to ABOLISH every supposed "Law Enforcement" Agency in America!

    Question: HOW MANY ARRESTS HAVE BEEN MADE FOR THE #Genocide now happening around the world???

    I'll give you a hint: ZERO!
    And that is because the Sheriffs and Police ARE CRIMINALS who do nothing but PROTECT THE REAL CRIMINALS, the politicians and #Pedophiles!

    The time is here to ABOLISH the Corporation of the United States, and to disassemble their "Standing Army" on US Soil in violation of the #Constitution!

    And the #Courts are no better!
    They are also run by CRIMINALS who's loyalty lies with the #BAR Association

    SOMETHING BIG is COMING! What the Heck are they Planning Against Us?? Christopher Wray is a puppet of the Satanic Cabal of the World Economic Forum. He should be executed as the #Traitor POS he is! But instead, he's telling your LOCAL Sheriffs and #Police (Who are criminals as well) to "Be prepared for an attack" which will do nothing but cause MORE #Violence and more Brutality and abuse of the People of the United States! We need to ABOLISH every supposed "Law Enforcement" Agency in America! Question: HOW MANY ARRESTS HAVE BEEN MADE FOR THE #Genocide now happening around the world??? I'll give you a hint: ZERO! And that is because the Sheriffs and Police ARE CRIMINALS who do nothing but PROTECT THE REAL CRIMINALS, the politicians and #Pedophiles! The time is here to ABOLISH the Corporation of the United States, and to disassemble their "Standing Army" on US Soil in violation of the #Constitution! And the #Courts are no better! They are also run by CRIMINALS who's loyalty lies with the #BAR Association https://youtu.be/3AENFHPQLUc
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1978 Views
  • Do All The Sheriffs In The National Association Of Sheriffs Agree With This Letter Against You? (Video) https://settingbrushfires.com/do-all-the-sheriffs-in-the-national-association-of-sheriffs-agree-with-this-letter-against-you-video/
    Do All The Sheriffs In The National Association Of Sheriffs Agree With This Letter Against You? (Video) https://settingbrushfires.com/do-all-the-sheriffs-in-the-national-association-of-sheriffs-agree-with-this-letter-against-you-video/
    Do All The Sheriffs In The National Association Of Sheriffs Agree With This Letter Against You? (Video) - Setting Brushfires
    Collin County Sheriff Jim Skinner penned a diabolical letter to Rep. Dan Crenshaw in which he urged him to vote against a particular bill that would demand the sheriff stop engaging in the lawless act of civil asset forfeiture, which runs contrary to the US Constitution and the Bill of ...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 316 Views
  • Interposition. Get elected this year locally and change the system from the inside. Outside does not work when the system is corrupt. Moral Courage required. https://rumble.com/v488f03-a-message-to-sheriffs.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=3
    Interposition. Get elected this year locally and change the system from the inside. Outside does not work when the system is corrupt. Moral Courage required. https://rumble.com/v488f03-a-message-to-sheriffs.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=3
    0 Comments 0 Shares 637 Views
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