• We are witnessing history in the making, And we too Must Rise, And become part of History, By Putting Trump back in office, where, for the next four years, he belongs, to save our Republic.
    In the meantime, Joe Biden clings to power the way a Tick clings to your leg, The Tick at first is not noticeable, but that little itch becomes a closer look, And once seen, One recoils in horror at the Blood-Sucking Parasite and immediately crushes it, lest it infect anyone else. The Democrats, are the Parasites, The Blood-Suckers Destroying America. It’s time we pluck them from our Body Politic and restore our Nation.
    We are witnessing history in the making, And we too Must Rise, And become part of History, By Putting Trump back in office, where, for the next four years, he belongs, to save our Republic. In the meantime, Joe Biden clings to power the way a Tick clings to your leg, The Tick at first is not noticeable, but that little itch becomes a closer look, And once seen, One recoils in horror at the Blood-Sucking Parasite and immediately crushes it, lest it infect anyone else. The Democrats, are the Parasites, The Blood-Suckers Destroying America. It’s time we pluck them from our Body Politic and restore our Nation. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/07/trump_is_going_to_win_but.html
    Trump is going to win. But...
    On July 13, 2024, the United States of America witnessed an attempted assassination of a former and likely future president. It has taken these last few days for that reality to set in. It’s not different from when you yourself ha...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 234 Views
  • Meet the parasite you probably didn’t know you are eating.
    Here are 7 foods that contain the cochineal PARASITE for it’s color:
    -Starbuck’s Raspberry Swirl Cake, Birthday Cake Pop, Mini Donut, and Red Velvet Whoopie Pie
    -Kellogg’s Fruit Loops cereal and Fruit Snacks.
    -Betty Crocker’s red velvet cake mix
    -Nesquik Chocolate Cookie Sandwich (Strawberry) and Nestle Wonka Nerds
    -Dannon yogurt strawberry, blueberry, and raspberry flavors
    Sidenote: It takes 40,000 of these bugs to create 1lb of carmine dye.
    Parasites are the leading cause of cancer.
    Meet the parasite you probably didn’t know you are eating. Here are 7 foods that contain the cochineal PARASITE for it’s color: -Starbuck’s Raspberry Swirl Cake, Birthday Cake Pop, Mini Donut, and Red Velvet Whoopie Pie -Kellogg’s Fruit Loops cereal and Fruit Snacks. -Tropicana -Betty Crocker’s red velvet cake mix -Nesquik Chocolate Cookie Sandwich (Strawberry) and Nestle Wonka Nerds -Skittles -Dannon yogurt strawberry, blueberry, and raspberry flavors Sidenote: It takes 40,000 of these bugs to create 1lb of carmine dye. Parasites are the leading cause of cancer. https://imgflip.com/i/8x8v57
    Meet the parasite you probably didn't know you're eating.
    An image tagged parasites,parasite,starbucks,kelloggs,tropicana,betty crocker
    0 Comments 0 Shares 269 Views

  • We The Bosses

    Actually.... you little sissy, when you are a "Public SERVANT" you DO need to provide your name when a member of the PUBLIC ask you for it!

    That fat POS (In my last post) who claims to be "your boss" is not really your boss! THE AMERICAN PEOPLE are your BOSS!

    Check out "We The Bosses" on YouTube!
    Great name!

    And when they ask you for your name, YOU GIVE IT!

    Somehow... somewhere down the line, these people who work for the "SERVICE CORPORATION" known as the "corporation of the United States" have gotten the idea that THEY ARE THE BOSSES!

    This is 100% untrue!
    UNLESS you declare yourself a "US Citizen.....

    If you identify as a US Citizen these people ARE YOUR OWNERS (And your boss)

    Because a "citizen" is a voluntary #Slave of a corporation!

    The truth is that all "government" is a SCAM!
    A bunch of #Parasites got together and funded the brainwashing of a nation (Using the "public schools")

    These people brainwashed into believing that YOU are a "Legal Fiction" that they created the day you were born! Your all caps "name" is NOT your name!

    It is a PATENTED HIEROGLYPH owned by the corporation of the United States because THEY CREATED IT! You own what you create!

    NOW they have convinced YOU (a flesh and blood human being)
    that you are your all caps name, which they own!

    By using this name and declaring yourself a "citizen" you are automatically placed in the #Jurisdiction of Maritime Admiralty Law! And you have NO RIGHTS!

    Because on the SEA the Captain has full control to do what he likes! To you or anyone else!

    Can you not see that a CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY is all that "government" is???

    It is a criminal group of scumbags who have deceived people into surrendering their inalienable human rights, and according to them anyway... you "consented" to this!

    YOU supposedly consented to giving away your Constitutional Protections (Because the Constitution is the LAW OF THE LAND)

    YOU supposedly "consented" to giving up your rights, and then to being a SLAVE under Maritime Admiralty Law!

    I don't believe you did this, but it's what they claim!
    YOU need to take corrective ACTIONS to return permanently to COMMON LAW Jurisdiction where ALL MEN & WOMEN BELONG!

    Stop paying the FRAUDS!
    Stop minding like a child!

    And take back your inalienable human rights!

    We The Bosses Actually.... you little sissy, when you are a "Public SERVANT" you DO need to provide your name when a member of the PUBLIC ask you for it! That fat POS (In my last post) who claims to be "your boss" is not really your boss! THE AMERICAN PEOPLE are your BOSS! Check out "We The Bosses" on YouTube! Great name! And when they ask you for your name, YOU GIVE IT! Somehow... somewhere down the line, these people who work for the "SERVICE CORPORATION" known as the "corporation of the United States" have gotten the idea that THEY ARE THE BOSSES! This is 100% untrue! UNLESS you declare yourself a "US Citizen..... If you identify as a US Citizen these people ARE YOUR OWNERS (And your boss) Because a "citizen" is a voluntary #Slave of a corporation! The truth is that all "government" is a SCAM! A bunch of #Parasites got together and funded the brainwashing of a nation (Using the "public schools") These people brainwashed into believing that YOU are a "Legal Fiction" that they created the day you were born! Your all caps "name" is NOT your name! It is a PATENTED HIEROGLYPH owned by the corporation of the United States because THEY CREATED IT! You own what you create! NOW they have convinced YOU (a flesh and blood human being) that you are your all caps name, which they own! By using this name and declaring yourself a "citizen" you are automatically placed in the #Jurisdiction of Maritime Admiralty Law! And you have NO RIGHTS! Because on the SEA the Captain has full control to do what he likes! To you or anyone else! Can you not see that a CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY is all that "government" is??? It is a criminal group of scumbags who have deceived people into surrendering their inalienable human rights, and according to them anyway... you "consented" to this! YOU supposedly consented to giving away your Constitutional Protections (Because the Constitution is the LAW OF THE LAND) YOU supposedly "consented" to giving up your rights, and then to being a SLAVE under Maritime Admiralty Law! I don't believe you did this, but it's what they claim! YOU need to take corrective ACTIONS to return permanently to COMMON LAW Jurisdiction where ALL MEN & WOMEN BELONG! Stop paying the FRAUDS! Stop minding like a child! And take back your inalienable human rights! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sDlowWSfQuU
    0 Comments 0 Shares 926 Views
  • And Yes…this is the parasites’ plan to replace you as outlined by Naomi Wolf. (2 min 14 seconds) This is what the politicians, big tech, big pharma and the military industrial complex backed and enabled.
    And Yes…this is the parasites’ plan to replace you as outlined by Naomi Wolf. (2 min 14 seconds) This is what the politicians, big tech, big pharma and the military industrial complex backed and enabled. https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/132500
    0 Comments 0 Shares 464 Views 1

    In case any of you have forgotten.....
    The #Parasite Class of this world ARE trying to #Murder you!

    And the #Police have not arrested a single one of them!
    Despite the FACT that their employer (the Parasite Class) tried to Murder them too!

    The Police are nothing more than the hired goons of the Parasite Class folks...

    They do NOT care about YOU or your "Safety," they only care about their PAYCHECK

    They also don't give a rat's a** about their sworn #Oath to
    "protect & defend the #Constitution".. the one they violate every day of the week

    Police are here for ONE REASON ONLY.....
    To PROTECT THE #CRIMINALS and #Pedophiles that are trying to kill you!

    That's it, that's their job... along with shaking YOU down for REVENUE for the Parasites that employee them

    It's a Criminal enterprise...
    Always has been, always will be!

    The "United States of America" is a deceptively named #Corporation
    And is NOT your "government"

    A COMPILATION OF PFIZER DROPS. BROUGHT TO YOU BY PFIZER💉⚰️🪦 In case any of you have forgotten..... The #Parasite Class of this world ARE trying to #Murder you! And the #Police have not arrested a single one of them! Despite the FACT that their employer (the Parasite Class) tried to Murder them too! The Police are nothing more than the hired goons of the Parasite Class folks... They do NOT care about YOU or your "Safety," they only care about their PAYCHECK They also don't give a rat's a** about their sworn #Oath to "protect & defend the #Constitution".. the one they violate every day of the week Police are here for ONE REASON ONLY..... To PROTECT THE #CRIMINALS and #Pedophiles that are trying to kill you! That's it, that's their job... along with shaking YOU down for REVENUE for the Parasites that employee them It's a Criminal enterprise... Always has been, always will be! The "United States of America" is a deceptively named #Corporation And is NOT your "government" https://www.bitchute.com/video/CL8YQOEEczRl/
    A compilation of Pfizer drops. Brought to you by Pfizer💉⚰️🪦
    And down they go... More videos not brought to you by Pfizer: Subscribe to my channel here: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/jim-crenshaw/ Is Joe Biden already dead? Here is what Ancestry.com says. I will let you decide. https://www.bitchute.c…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 964 Views
  • https://bestwaterfilter.review/ Get a Powerful Filter or You and your family will be that Filter! If you don't care to drink recycled wastewater that can still be full of parasites, amoeba, fluoride, chemicals, vaccine ingredients, flushed medicines and other heavy metals in your family's drinking water, then you absolutely need to filter your own water. Portable or Whole House Water Filters keep you and your family safe from toxins and heavy metals. #water #fluoride #waterfilter #purification #h20
    https://bestwaterfilter.review/ Get a Powerful Filter or You and your family will be that Filter! If you don't care to drink recycled wastewater that can still be full of parasites, amoeba, fluoride, chemicals, vaccine ingredients, flushed medicines and other heavy metals in your family's drinking water, then you absolutely need to filter your own water. Portable or Whole House Water Filters keep you and your family safe from toxins and heavy metals. #water #fluoride #waterfilter #purification #h20
    0 Comments 1 Shares 1037 Views
  • Illegal Immigrants Being Housed and Trained at American Universities

    If you want to know what it looks like to be forced off of your own land, and out of your own country.... All you gotta do is to look around!

    The #Criminals who claim to be "your government"
    (But are actually just a corporation) are using their positions to circumvent US #Law, the US #Constitution, and the property rights & human rights of EVERY AMERICAN!

    These people belong in PRISON
    And the sheep who empower these people need to WAKE UP to the #Crime that they are enabling with their "consent" to be RULED OVER like a #Slave by these people!

    I have really just lost hope for humanity!
    How can ANYONE that this is this dumb, and willing to give up their own #Authority to a bunch of #Parasites survive in this world???

    These are the people who enable Police VIOLENCE
    against you and I.

    These are the people who enable the corruption and the two-tiered JUST-US system which will send YOU to prison for decades...

    For what these people do DAILY without consequence!

    Illegal Immigrants Being Housed and Trained at American Universities If you want to know what it looks like to be forced off of your own land, and out of your own country.... All you gotta do is to look around! The #Criminals who claim to be "your government" (But are actually just a corporation) are using their positions to circumvent US #Law, the US #Constitution, and the property rights & human rights of EVERY AMERICAN! These people belong in PRISON And the sheep who empower these people need to WAKE UP to the #Crime that they are enabling with their "consent" to be RULED OVER like a #Slave by these people! I have really just lost hope for humanity! How can ANYONE that this is this dumb, and willing to give up their own #Authority to a bunch of #Parasites survive in this world??? These are the people who enable Police VIOLENCE against you and I. These are the people who enable the corruption and the two-tiered JUST-US system which will send YOU to prison for decades... For what these people do DAILY without consequence! https://gregreese.substack.com/p/illegal-immigrants-being-housed-and
    1 Comments 0 Shares 808 Views
  • Know your parasites!
    Know your parasites! https://imgflip.com/i/8tbilr
    0 Comments 0 Shares 347 Views

    You will NEVER DEFEAT the #Slavery System of "Maritime Admiralty Law" that has been set up to control you, enslave you, and steal your fruits of your labor, by continuing to "consent" to being the #Slave of a Corporation!

    Our entire system is nothing more than institutionalized SLAVERY that you are duped into participating in EVERY TIME YOU VOTE or declare yourself a "US Citizen"

    If you want to "consent" to something, how about you consent to sending every one of these political parasites to the PRISONS THEY BUILT TO PUT YOU INTO???

    This goes for the politicians, the bankers that control them, the Jews, the Jesuits, the Vatican, an the #Police they have hired to PROTECT THEM FROM BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE, as they shake you down for any money you have left after being robbed the first ten times through "taxation"

    You PAY because you are a SLAVE and you refuse to stand together!

    Until you ALL stand together and END the entire corrupt system of slavery EVERYTHING called "government" will continue to rule and rob you!

    Their black robed priests and their Maritime Admiralty Law Courts will continue to send you to PRISON and steal your assets UNTIL you remove yourself from their #Jurisdiction by REFUSING TO CONSENT!

    I do not want or need a group of people to make rules for me and rob me daily!

    I don't need their "protection" and don't "consent" to be bound by their "Statutes and Codes" (Which are NOT #Laws, and REQUIRE YOUR CONSENT)


    It's a "Private Society" that you MUST CONSENT TO JOINING
    for them to have any jurisdiction over you whatsoever!

    This is how they send you to prison without you creating a VICTIM!

    UNLESS you "consent" to giving "power of attorney" over your life to a CORPORATION by voting or declaring yourself a "citizen"

    Because a "citizen" is a SLAVE with no inalienable human rights!
    They can make the AIR YOU BREATHE ILLEGAL if they desire to do so

    The ONLY WAY to escape your slavery is by REVOKING YOUR CONSENT! Do NOT consent to ANY OF IT!

    Declare yourself a FREE MAN or WOMAN and place yourself firmly under COMMON LAW where MEN and WOMEN belong!

    COMMON LAW is the LAW for men and women living on the LAND! You are currently being ruled over as a "vessel" at sea!

    I really don't care about ANY of their laws, once every last one of them have been executed or sent to prison for their crimes they will be irrelevant anyway.

    What we got to care about is CONSENT!
    And none of us need to "consent" to any of it!

    The very day we stand together..... IT ALL ENDS!

    TRUMPERTARIANISM (PART 3) You will NEVER DEFEAT the #Slavery System of "Maritime Admiralty Law" that has been set up to control you, enslave you, and steal your fruits of your labor, by continuing to "consent" to being the #Slave of a Corporation! Our entire system is nothing more than institutionalized SLAVERY that you are duped into participating in EVERY TIME YOU VOTE or declare yourself a "US Citizen" If you want to "consent" to something, how about you consent to sending every one of these political parasites to the PRISONS THEY BUILT TO PUT YOU INTO??? This goes for the politicians, the bankers that control them, the Jews, the Jesuits, the Vatican, an the #Police they have hired to PROTECT THEM FROM BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE, as they shake you down for any money you have left after being robbed the first ten times through "taxation" You PAY because you are a SLAVE and you refuse to stand together! Until you ALL stand together and END the entire corrupt system of slavery EVERYTHING called "government" will continue to rule and rob you! Their black robed priests and their Maritime Admiralty Law Courts will continue to send you to PRISON and steal your assets UNTIL you remove yourself from their #Jurisdiction by REFUSING TO CONSENT! I do not want or need a group of people to make rules for me and rob me daily! I don't need their "protection" and don't "consent" to be bound by their "Statutes and Codes" (Which are NOT #Laws, and REQUIRE YOUR CONSENT) EVERYTHING "Maritime Admiralty Law" REQUIRES YOUR CONSENT! It's a "Private Society" that you MUST CONSENT TO JOINING for them to have any jurisdiction over you whatsoever! This is how they send you to prison without you creating a VICTIM! NO VICTIM = NO CRIME! UNLESS you "consent" to giving "power of attorney" over your life to a CORPORATION by voting or declaring yourself a "citizen" Because a "citizen" is a SLAVE with no inalienable human rights! They can make the AIR YOU BREATHE ILLEGAL if they desire to do so The ONLY WAY to escape your slavery is by REVOKING YOUR CONSENT! Do NOT consent to ANY OF IT! Declare yourself a FREE MAN or WOMAN and place yourself firmly under COMMON LAW where MEN and WOMEN belong! COMMON LAW is the LAW for men and women living on the LAND! You are currently being ruled over as a "vessel" at sea! I really don't care about ANY of their laws, once every last one of them have been executed or sent to prison for their crimes they will be irrelevant anyway. What we got to care about is CONSENT! And none of us need to "consent" to any of it! The very day we stand together..... IT ALL ENDS! https://www.bitchute.com/video/6MGx-S7G2DA/
    Trumpertarianism (Part 3)
    As promised, here is my take on the all-too-predictable spectacle of the Orange Fuhrer doing his schtick at the "Libertarian" (sic) convention. This is Part THREE (of three). ____________________________ If you want to support what we do here, dona…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1363 Views

    Poli = meaning "MANY"
    Tics (Ticks) = Blood sucking #Parasites


    It's amazing to me that more people cannot see through the deception!
    The left vs right paradigm is a mechanism designed to keep us divided

    The Satanic #Pedophiles and #Criminals LEAD BOTH SIDES!
    And they keep YOU too busy arguing to ever realize that you've been enslaved!

    There is NOTHING legitimate about our system... NOTHING!

    It's a puppet show, bread and circuses, theater designed to keep you mad at ANYONE other than those who deserve you ire.

    The people of the world DO NOT NEED "leaders" leading them to destruction!
    We do not need "leaders" making all of the rules... Rules that YOU are expected to follow or go to prison, and rules they ignore with impunity!

    If you believe that ANYONE connected the "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Slave system is going to help you, or even TRY to help you, then you are thoroughly deceived!

    These are the most #Evil people in this Realm

    Their ONE GOAL is to keep YOU running like a mouse on a wheel....
    As they quietly steal the fruits of your labor, your children, your property, and even your LIFE! And because you are unaware that YOU ARE AT WAR, you are LOSING!

    It's time to realize that YOU are under attack and have been slated for termination...
    You can either wait for these people to successfully murder you... Or you can get in the fight and see these scumbags dealt with as the ENEMIES they are

    TRUMPERTARIANISM (PART 1) Politics.... Poli = meaning "MANY" Tics (Ticks) = Blood sucking #Parasites Making "politics" MANY BLOOD SUCKING #CRIMINAL PARASITES It's amazing to me that more people cannot see through the deception! The left vs right paradigm is a mechanism designed to keep us divided The Satanic #Pedophiles and #Criminals LEAD BOTH SIDES! And they keep YOU too busy arguing to ever realize that you've been enslaved! There is NOTHING legitimate about our system... NOTHING! It's a puppet show, bread and circuses, theater designed to keep you mad at ANYONE other than those who deserve you ire. The people of the world DO NOT NEED "leaders" leading them to destruction! We do not need "leaders" making all of the rules... Rules that YOU are expected to follow or go to prison, and rules they ignore with impunity! If you believe that ANYONE connected the "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Slave system is going to help you, or even TRY to help you, then you are thoroughly deceived! These are the most #Evil people in this Realm Their ONE GOAL is to keep YOU running like a mouse on a wheel.... As they quietly steal the fruits of your labor, your children, your property, and even your LIFE! And because you are unaware that YOU ARE AT WAR, you are LOSING! It's time to realize that YOU are under attack and have been slated for termination... You can either wait for these people to successfully murder you... Or you can get in the fight and see these scumbags dealt with as the ENEMIES they are https://www.bitchute.com/video/kTkBCx3gKpc/
    Trumpertarianism (Part 1)
    As promised, here is my take on the all-too-predictable spectacle of the Orange Fuhrer doing his schtick at the "Libertarian" (sic) convention. This is Part ONE, of three. ____________________________ If you want to support what we do here, donatio…
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