When millions of red crabs make a spectacular journey from the island's forests to the coast to breed.
    🦀 CHRISTMAS ISLAND CRAB MIGRATION When millions of red crabs make a spectacular journey from the island's forests to the coast to breed.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 739 Views 1
  • Leyland Cecco - ‘Crabs everywhere’: off Canada’s Pacific coast, Indigenous Haida fight a host of invasive species:


    #LyellIsland #AthliiGwaii #Haida #Crabs #InvasiveSpecies #Rats #Extinction #Biodiversity #GeneticDiversity #Diversity #Predators #BlacktailDeer #Ecosystems #EnvironmentalScience #Ecology
    Leyland Cecco - ‘Crabs everywhere’: off Canada’s Pacific coast, Indigenous Haida fight a host of invasive species: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/23/crabs-everywhere-haida-gwaii-canada-wilderness-indigenous-haida-fight-invasive-species #LyellIsland #AthliiGwaii #Haida #Crabs #InvasiveSpecies #Rats #Extinction #Biodiversity #GeneticDiversity #Diversity #Predators #BlacktailDeer #Ecosystems #EnvironmentalScience #Ecology
    ‘Crabs everywhere’: off Canada’s Pacific coast, Indigenous Haida fight a host of invasive species
    The unique wildlife of Haida Gwaii’s 150 islands is under attack by invasive crabs, rats and deer – echoing how local people also became vulnerable to outside forces
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 5426 Views
  • Q. What do crabs eat.
    A. Progressive Jelly.
    Q. What do crabs eat. A. Progressive Jelly.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 525 Views
  • It is Pretty hard to keep selling Fidget Spinners when the radio the Aliens put in your back won’t turn off and all you can hear in your head are those little green Bastards bragging about stealing Earth’s Snow Crabs and all the Great Sex they are having with them #bobscott #iamnotacpa
    It is Pretty hard to keep selling Fidget Spinners when the radio the Aliens put in your back won’t turn off and all you can hear in your head are those little green Bastards bragging about stealing Earth’s Snow Crabs and all the Great Sex they are having with them #bobscott #iamnotacpa
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 2390 Views
  • These crabs are a newsence and getting outta hand.
    These crabs are a newsence and getting outta hand.
    1 Commentarios 0 Acciones 588 Views 20
  • Every so often I like to drop old Merciless Radio content on ya. You have no f'ing clue how long this edit took. Seriously, no idea.

    Every so often I like to drop old Merciless Radio content on ya. You have no f'ing clue how long this edit took. Seriously, no idea. MERCILESS RADIO: REMADE, REBOOTED, UNCENSORED AND ANAL PROBED - EPISODE 1 CLIP 1 "THE CRABS OF MIKU"
    0 Commentarios 1 Acciones 425 Views
    Bible Study / Daily Devotional
    Daily Devotions
    Average reading time is about 6 minutes
    AN AMAZING FACT: One of the most interesting places in the world is actually out in the middle of the ocean. The Sargasso Sea does not even have a coastline but is a separate sea located in the middle of the North Atlantic, between the West Indies and the Azores. The warm waters of the Sargasso Sea cover some 2 million square miles and are encircled by the Gulf Stream, causing the oval-shaped sea to move in a slow, clockwise drift. This makes the 3-mile-deep waters exceptionally clear and blue, with a higher than normal salt content.

    The Sargasso Sea is filled with seaweed. Early Portuguese navigators named the sea “sargaco,” the word for grape, after the bulbous little floats on the Sargassum seaweed. Although one-third of the Atlantic’s plankton is produced there, the Sargasso Sea is known as “the floating desert” because the Sargassum seaweed lacks the nutrients to attract commercially valuable fish. But many small marine animals, including tiny crabs, shrimp, and octopuses, live on and among the seaweed.

    One of the most amazing facts about the Sargasso Sea is that it serves as the international meeting place for eels. Drawn by unknown forces, each fall millions of these snakelike fish migrate from Europe, the Mediterranean, and the United States to mate, spawn, and die. Some eels have even left their freshwater homes and crossed miles of land, breathing through their skin, to reach the ocean that they might swim to the Sargasso Sea and breed. Once the eggs hatch, their inch-long, transparent larvae, known as “glass eels,” make the long journey back to continental streams and rivers.

    For hundreds of years naturalists wondered where eels came from. When it was discovered that virtually all the eels in the Western Hemisphere migrated to the Sargasso Sea, it was an amazing revelation. In the same way, many have wondered where sin and evil spawned. The Bible tells us about one of the highest angels in heaven, named Lucifer, who turned from God and was eventually cast out.

    “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God … I will be like the Most High’” (Isaiah 14:12-14). It is no secret where sin came from.
    And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, Revelation 12:7
    THE SARGASSO SEA Bible Study / Daily Devotional Daily Devotions Average reading time is about 6 minutes AN AMAZING FACT: One of the most interesting places in the world is actually out in the middle of the ocean. The Sargasso Sea does not even have a coastline but is a separate sea located in the middle of the North Atlantic, between the West Indies and the Azores. The warm waters of the Sargasso Sea cover some 2 million square miles and are encircled by the Gulf Stream, causing the oval-shaped sea to move in a slow, clockwise drift. This makes the 3-mile-deep waters exceptionally clear and blue, with a higher than normal salt content. The Sargasso Sea is filled with seaweed. Early Portuguese navigators named the sea “sargaco,” the word for grape, after the bulbous little floats on the Sargassum seaweed. Although one-third of the Atlantic’s plankton is produced there, the Sargasso Sea is known as “the floating desert” because the Sargassum seaweed lacks the nutrients to attract commercially valuable fish. But many small marine animals, including tiny crabs, shrimp, and octopuses, live on and among the seaweed. One of the most amazing facts about the Sargasso Sea is that it serves as the international meeting place for eels. Drawn by unknown forces, each fall millions of these snakelike fish migrate from Europe, the Mediterranean, and the United States to mate, spawn, and die. Some eels have even left their freshwater homes and crossed miles of land, breathing through their skin, to reach the ocean that they might swim to the Sargasso Sea and breed. Once the eggs hatch, their inch-long, transparent larvae, known as “glass eels,” make the long journey back to continental streams and rivers. For hundreds of years naturalists wondered where eels came from. When it was discovered that virtually all the eels in the Western Hemisphere migrated to the Sargasso Sea, it was an amazing revelation. In the same way, many have wondered where sin and evil spawned. The Bible tells us about one of the highest angels in heaven, named Lucifer, who turned from God and was eventually cast out. “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God … I will be like the Most High’” (Isaiah 14:12-14). It is no secret where sin came from. KEY BIBLE TEXTS And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, Revelation 12:7
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 991 Views
  • #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter

    This Communist Inquisition racialist division known as BlackLivesMatter has always been detrimental to our American society as I see it. From weaving a narrative of racism between blacks and cops, to ensuring blacks and whites are still segregated in more communal environments, and afflicting younger generations of black people with this sense of alienation from the world. It's doing more bad than good to the people this movement claims to be fighting for.

    The Mainstream media weaving narratives to impregnate the minds of black and white people to make one side entitled to the other's rights/privileges to carry out the process to deteriorate the fabric of society at a communal level, creating conditions of animosity. This is prominent between the police and black people. As this sense of entitlement emboldens psychopaths within the black community to commit acts deception to gain sympathy, or to tarnish the reputation of law enforcement. Several who are black who I sometimes see they want to make a difference in their community either to mend this psychologically-fabricated segregation manufactured by the narratives of the mainstream media and are swept under the rug whenever an incident that involves a black police officer to sustain their corrupt narrative. I find these practices unethical, and a violation of principles for journalism. Using sensationalism to psychologically weave segregation.

    As it is further seeped into communal levels between blacks and other ethnic groups within America. I see many black people mingle together in groups, rarely do I see black people in the college I've been co-mingle with other people. When I interact with black people on small talk I can feel this vibe of alienation. I've alienated myself a lot in the past for being an only child and in school; I found empathy through that. It's always made me consider why I have so many black friends or why am I able to somehow get along with them better than most people. Although black people are not the only ones who are affected by this psy-op. I see white people are as well because they sometimes don't warm up as easy. It's like I am trying interact with ice-cold type of folk as a product of severe browbeating by the media, their community, and the internet. I sometimes see white people as a victims as psychological abuse and gaslighting because they were recipients of that from all fronts while blacks are victims of socio-political programming that makes them alienate themselves, become hostile towards anything regarding order and reason as part of the plan from the Communist Inquisition of their Big Radical Academia Camps, gaslighting them from youth to bring them to their ranks of political violence, cultural deconstruction and community alienation. "Crabs in a bucket" as friend summarized BLM.

    Blacks are being alienated so they can easily influenced by anything to fill the void to socialize and recruit them into radical leftist ranks. That is social engineering program of the Communist Inquisition, and educate them with false ideologies and reinforce them psychologically by mingling them with others with a more violent/radical disposition to apply peer pressure onto them.

    Whites are browbeaten to subject them to alienation with call-outs of racism, political correctness, and gaslighting. Once alienated, they are re-educated just like the blacks to make them reject their heritage with curated pieces of History involving slavery and segregation. Alientated to be easily influenced and programmed with false ideologies.

    Both blacks and whites are victims of premeditated alienation to become easy to influenced by radical thought through gaslighting education and curated facts to socially engineer them.


    Wew, that was a long opinon log... It's been a while since I wrote something this long in a while on social media. I do plan to give more of my thoughts and opinions here in this place. I trust this will be for the good of the 1st Amendment.
    #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter This Communist Inquisition racialist division known as BlackLivesMatter has always been detrimental to our American society as I see it. From weaving a narrative of racism between blacks and cops, to ensuring blacks and whites are still segregated in more communal environments, and afflicting younger generations of black people with this sense of alienation from the world. It's doing more bad than good to the people this movement claims to be fighting for. The Mainstream media weaving narratives to impregnate the minds of black and white people to make one side entitled to the other's rights/privileges to carry out the process to deteriorate the fabric of society at a communal level, creating conditions of animosity. This is prominent between the police and black people. As this sense of entitlement emboldens psychopaths within the black community to commit acts deception to gain sympathy, or to tarnish the reputation of law enforcement. Several who are black who I sometimes see they want to make a difference in their community either to mend this psychologically-fabricated segregation manufactured by the narratives of the mainstream media and are swept under the rug whenever an incident that involves a black police officer to sustain their corrupt narrative. I find these practices unethical, and a violation of principles for journalism. Using sensationalism to psychologically weave segregation. As it is further seeped into communal levels between blacks and other ethnic groups within America. I see many black people mingle together in groups, rarely do I see black people in the college I've been co-mingle with other people. When I interact with black people on small talk I can feel this vibe of alienation. I've alienated myself a lot in the past for being an only child and in school; I found empathy through that. It's always made me consider why I have so many black friends or why am I able to somehow get along with them better than most people. Although black people are not the only ones who are affected by this psy-op. I see white people are as well because they sometimes don't warm up as easy. It's like I am trying interact with ice-cold type of folk as a product of severe browbeating by the media, their community, and the internet. I sometimes see white people as a victims as psychological abuse and gaslighting because they were recipients of that from all fronts while blacks are victims of socio-political programming that makes them alienate themselves, become hostile towards anything regarding order and reason as part of the plan from the Communist Inquisition of their Big Radical Academia Camps, gaslighting them from youth to bring them to their ranks of political violence, cultural deconstruction and community alienation. "Crabs in a bucket" as friend summarized BLM. Blacks are being alienated so they can easily influenced by anything to fill the void to socialize and recruit them into radical leftist ranks. That is social engineering program of the Communist Inquisition, and educate them with false ideologies and reinforce them psychologically by mingling them with others with a more violent/radical disposition to apply peer pressure onto them. Whites are browbeaten to subject them to alienation with call-outs of racism, political correctness, and gaslighting. Once alienated, they are re-educated just like the blacks to make them reject their heritage with curated pieces of History involving slavery and segregation. Alientated to be easily influenced and programmed with false ideologies. Both blacks and whites are victims of premeditated alienation to become easy to influenced by radical thought through gaslighting education and curated facts to socially engineer them. --- Wew, that was a long opinon log... It's been a while since I wrote something this long in a while on social media. I do plan to give more of my thoughts and opinions here in this place. I trust this will be for the good of the 1st Amendment.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 433 Views
  • The Crab God Claims The Soul of A Supreme Court Justice
    Rest in piles of crabs.
    Like, share, subscribe!
    #scotus #ginsberg #riots #politics #news #bitchute
    The Crab God Claims The Soul of A Supreme Court Justice Rest in piles of crabs. Like, share, subscribe! #scotus #ginsberg #riots #politics #news #bitchute
    The Crab God Claims The Soul of A Supreme Court Justice
    0 Commentarios 2 Acciones 685 Views
  • Merciless Radio: Remade, Rebooted, Uncensored and Anal Probed - Episode 1 Clip 1 "The Crabs Of Miku"

    Merciless Radio: Remade, Rebooted, Uncensored and Anal Probed - Episode 1 Clip 1 "The Crabs Of Miku" https://www.bitchute.com/video/eP5KequuPSK6/
    Merciless Radio USA
    Merciless Radio: Remade, Rebooted, Uncensored and Anal Probed - Episode 1 Clip 1 "The Crabs Of Miku"
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 406 Views
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