Understand that #Lucifer is a DECEIVER!
    He is a LIAR and a MURDERER!

    And unfortunately, he seems to be who the lost souls of #Hollywood, #Banking, #CorporateAmerica and many in #Government have turned to because they are LOST! Truly LOST SOULS!

    We should not #Hate them, but we MUST EXPOSE THEM!
    And we should pray for them, that The Father touch their hearts and return them from destruction!

    This is nothing new.... It has been going on since the days the Bible was written, it never stopped, it only went into the shadows!

    And NOW they are being exposed for what they truly are!
    The Father told us in the Bible!

    The LIVING #Truth of His words never ceases to amaze me!

    Luke 8:17
    “For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.”

    THE RULERS OF THE DARKNESS LUCIFERIAN DOCTRINE Understand that #Lucifer is a DECEIVER! He is a LIAR and a MURDERER! And unfortunately, he seems to be who the lost souls of #Hollywood, #Banking, #CorporateAmerica and many in #Government have turned to because they are LOST! Truly LOST SOULS! We should not #Hate them, but we MUST EXPOSE THEM! And we should pray for them, that The Father touch their hearts and return them from destruction! This is nothing new.... It has been going on since the days the Bible was written, it never stopped, it only went into the shadows! And NOW they are being exposed for what they truly are! The Father told us in the Bible! The LIVING #Truth of His words never ceases to amaze me! Luke 8:17 “For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.” https://rumble.com/v1fztcp-the-rulers-of-the-darkness-luciferian-doctrine.html
    🍃 The hype about collagen is REAL! Try it Today! 🍃 ➡️ http://healthwithsgt.com/ Click Above ^ To Get Up To 51% OFF !!! Dustin Nemos returns to SGT Report for part two of our conversation about the rul
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 699 Views
  • #NBC and #MSNBC are #EnemiesOfThePeople just like ALL CORPORATE #Media AND #CorporateAmerica!

    It is time for Parents and Americans of EVERY COLOR WHO LOVE THIS COUNTRY to send every one of these #Evil scumbags straight into Bankruptcy!

    STOP buying from HEB, Amazon, Walmart, and any other corporation who seeks to 1.) Mandate Masks OR #Vaccines which KILL HEALTHY PEOPLE

    2.) STOP using BANKS and PAYPAL and all other financial institutions who are DISCRIMINATING AGAINST SANE AMERICANS WHO DON'T SUPPORT THIS MADNESS!!!

    3.) STOP buying brands that push CRT and discriminate against whites and conservatives! LIKE #Coke! I need to make a list!

    You know where you can get a good start on a list of scumbags to STOP BUYING FROM & USING THEIR PRODUCTS???

    Folks you MUST learn to stop using these people and their services!!!
    They are taking the money THEY MAKE OFF OF YOU and are using to DESTROY THIS COUNTRY FOR THE #CCP!

    LIVE POOR! STOP being a consumer slave! Get rid of the cell phone!
    Get OFF of Facebook, Twitter, and Google/YouTube!

    These people are reporting you to the FBI and DOJ for posts which are NOT CRIMES! And those insane scumbags are coming and arresting INNOCENT PEOPLE! This is WW3 the shooting just has not started yet!

    Go see who all has removed Mike Lindell's #MyPillow from shelves!

    GET CHICKENS & BEEF & edible animals on your property!

    #NBC and #MSNBC are #EnemiesOfThePeople just like ALL CORPORATE #Media AND #CorporateAmerica! It is time for Parents and Americans of EVERY COLOR WHO LOVE THIS COUNTRY to send every one of these #Evil scumbags straight into Bankruptcy! STOP buying from HEB, Amazon, Walmart, and any other corporation who seeks to 1.) Mandate Masks OR #Vaccines which KILL HEALTHY PEOPLE 2.) STOP using BANKS and PAYPAL and all other financial institutions who are DISCRIMINATING AGAINST SANE AMERICANS WHO DON'T SUPPORT THIS MADNESS!!! 3.) STOP buying brands that push CRT and discriminate against whites and conservatives! LIKE #Coke! I need to make a list! You know where you can get a good start on a list of scumbags to STOP BUYING FROM & USING THEIR PRODUCTS??? Folks you MUST learn to stop using these people and their services!!! They are taking the money THEY MAKE OFF OF YOU and are using to DESTROY THIS COUNTRY FOR THE #CCP! LIVE POOR! STOP being a consumer slave! Get rid of the cell phone! Get OFF of Facebook, Twitter, and Google/YouTube! These people are reporting you to the FBI and DOJ for posts which are NOT CRIMES! And those insane scumbags are coming and arresting INNOCENT PEOPLE! This is WW3 the shooting just has not started yet! Go see who all has removed Mike Lindell's #MyPillow from shelves! BUY LOCAL! GROW YOUR OWN FOOD! GET CHICKENS & BEEF & edible animals on your property! The NEXT BIG CRISIS WILL BE FOOD!
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 715 Views 1
  • Never forget that poor little Vietnamese children defeated the almighty American military and ended the colonial invasion with just rusty AK47s.

    And that's why the military-industrial complex has been gradually disarming American citizens for decades, one regulation at a time by bank-owned politicians. The Deep State knows that this tyrannical empire can only collapse from within by militias of freedom-loving patriots.

    No military on Earth in the history of nations has ever won in guerrilla warfare. That's how Americans defeated the British army, that's how the Vietnamese defeated American imperialism, that's how the Afghanis defeated the Russian army and how they're now defeating the American colonial occupation.

    Never forget that your rifle can bring down empires.

    Own it with pride and defend it with blood.

    #GunControl #GunLaws #SecondAmendment #SecondAmendmentSanctuaries #SecondAmendmentSanctuary #PerpetualWar #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #Warfare #Foreverwar #EndlessWar #EndlessWars #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare

    Never forget that poor little Vietnamese children defeated the almighty American military and ended the colonial invasion with just rusty AK47s. And that's why the military-industrial complex has been gradually disarming American citizens for decades, one regulation at a time by bank-owned politicians. The Deep State knows that this tyrannical empire can only collapse from within by militias of freedom-loving patriots. No military on Earth in the history of nations has ever won in guerrilla warfare. That's how Americans defeated the British army, that's how the Vietnamese defeated American imperialism, that's how the Afghanis defeated the Russian army and how they're now defeating the American colonial occupation. Never forget that your rifle can bring down empires. Own it with pride and defend it with blood. #GunControl #GunLaws #SecondAmendment #SecondAmendmentSanctuaries #SecondAmendmentSanctuary #PerpetualWar #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #Warfare #Foreverwar #EndlessWar #EndlessWars #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare Sources: https://is.gd/Bzqx0q https://is.gd/aSWMuI https://is.gd/3Dfiig https://is.gd/SsTgle https://is.gd/PGO0dL https://is.gd/43hxps
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 11559 Views
  • Have you ever heard the term "don't bite the hand that feeds you"?

    We know for a fact from the wage slavery system (employment in doublespeak) that you can buy people's loyalty and obedience by just giving them money.

    People are beholden to the hand that feeds them. It's just the way it is. You wouldn't massacre them expecting to extract the same level of obedience and loyalty, would you? That would be insane. And why would you? Just throw some of your money at them, and you'll have their obedience. That's all it takes. Just money. And not only would people sell their obedience and loyalty to you, but they'll also be happy about it.

    Just give them money, and they'll make you their master.

    Now think about this, if you can, in terms of the worst terrorist organization humanity has ever faced: the United States government. If they really wanted the people of the Middle East or Vietnam or the Philippines or Korea or African nations to obey, they would've just used their money printing press to print as much money as they need to purchase everyone's obedience and loyalty. The Federal Reserve, which is America's free money printing press, could've issued some paper with numbers on it and gave it to the poor Palestinians to buy some of their lands so Jews can legally and peacefully live there. That would've been more peaceful than having Jews steal all that land by force and make everyone in the Middle East hate them for it, don't you think?

    America does NOT want world peace. They're not interested in that at all. They want loyalty and obedience through the threat of violence and death. That's ALL they want. Would you be loyal and obey a master like that? Sure you wouldn't. That's why rebellions are ALWAYS inevitable when you have a master with an attitude like that. That's why America did not win Afghanistan after two decades of war, and they'll never win. And what's why the American government will eventually be abolished, most likely through a rebellion from within.

    Violence can never buy peace, but money can.

    #Money #FiatMoney #HierarchicalSociety #RichPeople #PoorPeople #Capitalism #Capitalists #Poverty #Wealthy #TheElites #Elites #Elitists #Elitist #The1Percent #Bankers #CentralBank #CentralBanks #CentralBankers #DebtBasedEconomy #Debt #PovertyIsManmade #Money #Wealth #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarPresidents #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #Warfare #Foreverwar #EndlessWar #EndlessWars #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism

    Have you ever heard the term "don't bite the hand that feeds you"? We know for a fact from the wage slavery system (employment in doublespeak) that you can buy people's loyalty and obedience by just giving them money. People are beholden to the hand that feeds them. It's just the way it is. You wouldn't massacre them expecting to extract the same level of obedience and loyalty, would you? That would be insane. And why would you? Just throw some of your money at them, and you'll have their obedience. That's all it takes. Just money. And not only would people sell their obedience and loyalty to you, but they'll also be happy about it. Just give them money, and they'll make you their master. Now think about this, if you can, in terms of the worst terrorist organization humanity has ever faced: the United States government. If they really wanted the people of the Middle East or Vietnam or the Philippines or Korea or African nations to obey, they would've just used their money printing press to print as much money as they need to purchase everyone's obedience and loyalty. The Federal Reserve, which is America's free money printing press, could've issued some paper with numbers on it and gave it to the poor Palestinians to buy some of their lands so Jews can legally and peacefully live there. That would've been more peaceful than having Jews steal all that land by force and make everyone in the Middle East hate them for it, don't you think? America does NOT want world peace. They're not interested in that at all. They want loyalty and obedience through the threat of violence and death. That's ALL they want. Would you be loyal and obey a master like that? Sure you wouldn't. That's why rebellions are ALWAYS inevitable when you have a master with an attitude like that. That's why America did not win Afghanistan after two decades of war, and they'll never win. And what's why the American government will eventually be abolished, most likely through a rebellion from within. Violence can never buy peace, but money can. #Money #FiatMoney #HierarchicalSociety #RichPeople #PoorPeople #Capitalism #Capitalists #Poverty #Wealthy #TheElites #Elites #Elitists #Elitist #The1Percent #Bankers #CentralBank #CentralBanks #CentralBankers #DebtBasedEconomy #Debt #PovertyIsManmade #Money #Wealth #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarPresidents #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #Warfare #Foreverwar #EndlessWar #EndlessWars #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism Sources: https://is.gd/Bzqx0q https://is.gd/aSWMuI https://is.gd/3Dfiig https://is.gd/SsTgle https://is.gd/PGO0dL https://is.gd/43hxps
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 11827 Views
  • Hollywood actress Gina Carano has been digitally assassinated by the Jew-owned corporate media for highlighting the similarities between Nazi Germany during WW2 and the current political climate in America. Disney also punished her by dropping her from the Disney+ Star Wars show, The Mandalorian, and promising not to hire her for any role ever again.

    Because the brand of the Holocaust that Jews wield a monopoly over must not be challenged by comparing to other holocausts such as the ongoing holocaust against the Muslims globally by the United States.

    And that's why celebrities don't speak out. They know that their careers would be immediately and irreversibly destroyed by the hand that feeds them: corporate America and the military-industrial complex.

    #GinaCarano #FreeSpeechMartyr #TheMandalorian #Holocaust #NaziGermany #Hollywood #HollywoodCelebrities #CorporateAmerica #Censorship #FreeSpeechViolation #FreeSpeech #ThoughtControl #ThoughtCrime #ThoughtPolice #CensorshipHappy #BigBrotherIsWatchingYou #YouAreBeingWatched #Bullying #Harassment #TruthIsTreason #TechOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #SocialMedia #AllSeeingEye

    Hollywood actress Gina Carano has been digitally assassinated by the Jew-owned corporate media for highlighting the similarities between Nazi Germany during WW2 and the current political climate in America. Disney also punished her by dropping her from the Disney+ Star Wars show, The Mandalorian, and promising not to hire her for any role ever again. Because the brand of the Holocaust that Jews wield a monopoly over must not be challenged by comparing to other holocausts such as the ongoing holocaust against the Muslims globally by the United States. And that's why celebrities don't speak out. They know that their careers would be immediately and irreversibly destroyed by the hand that feeds them: corporate America and the military-industrial complex. #GinaCarano #FreeSpeechMartyr #TheMandalorian #Holocaust #NaziGermany #Hollywood #HollywoodCelebrities #CorporateAmerica #Censorship #FreeSpeechViolation #FreeSpeech #ThoughtControl #ThoughtCrime #ThoughtPolice #CensorshipHappy #BigBrotherIsWatchingYou #YouAreBeingWatched #Bullying #Harassment #TruthIsTreason #TechOligarchs #TechTyrants #TechMafia #SocialMedia #AllSeeingEye Sources: https://is.gd/1xTxPX https://is.gd/YhX0Wf https://is.gd/lVIEEy
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 7564 Views
  • MSNBC's talking-head proposes bombing critics with drones for not regurgitating corporate media's talking points.

    American politicians have been openly talking about domestic terrorists for a while now, and soon it's expected that ANYONE who doesn't' follow the official narrative on ANYTHING, especially COVID19, will be labeled a domestic terrorist, which would authorize the federal government to imprison them indefinitely and torture them to death.

    And what will the American sheeple do about it? They stand in line like zombies every 4 years to vote for the lesser of two evils and legitimize this terrorist organization by selecting its leader.

    These brainwashed idiots believe that voting works. They're hopeless.

    They've been completely and irreversibly brainwashed thanks to the years they spent in indoctrination centers (schools in doublespeak) and countless hours of exposure to corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery.

    Don't won't waste a single minute of your time trying to talk some sense into the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thick heads.

    Know your true enemy. It's not the politicians or the Zionist banks that puppeteer them. It's the order-following sheeple.

    All this shit-show is possible thanks to the order-following sheeple because their consent and conformity have enabled Nazim, Communism, Zionism, and every other nightmarish system in the history of humanity.

    It's always been the order-following sheeple behind our misery.

    #DomesticTerrorism #MSNBC #NicolleWallace #WarInc #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarPresidents #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire ##CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #TheSystemIsTheProblem #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar

    MSNBC's talking-head proposes bombing critics with drones for not regurgitating corporate media's talking points. American politicians have been openly talking about domestic terrorists for a while now, and soon it's expected that ANYONE who doesn't' follow the official narrative on ANYTHING, especially COVID19, will be labeled a domestic terrorist, which would authorize the federal government to imprison them indefinitely and torture them to death. And what will the American sheeple do about it? They stand in line like zombies every 4 years to vote for the lesser of two evils and legitimize this terrorist organization by selecting its leader. These brainwashed idiots believe that voting works. They're hopeless.😒 They've been completely and irreversibly brainwashed thanks to the years they spent in indoctrination centers (schools in doublespeak) and countless hours of exposure to corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery. Don't won't waste a single minute of your time trying to talk some sense into the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thick heads. Know your true enemy. It's not the politicians or the Zionist banks that puppeteer them. It's the order-following sheeple. All this shit-show is possible thanks to the order-following sheeple because their consent and conformity have enabled Nazim, Communism, Zionism, and every other nightmarish system in the history of humanity. It's always been the order-following sheeple behind our misery. #DomesticTerrorism #MSNBC #NicolleWallace #WarInc #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarPresidents #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire ##CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #TheSystemIsTheProblem #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar Sources: https://is.gd/tduMrM https://is.gd/pALVjJ
    3 Reacties 0 aandelen 7870 Views
  • The United States spends more money on war than the next 10 countries COMBINED. American military spending accounts for 64.5% of all federal discretionary spending, a total of $732 billion!

    America is not a nation. It's a Nazi military empire. It's THE biggest and worst terrorist organization in the history of humanity. No other terrorist regime comes close to the Nazi American Empire. Not the Greek Empire, not the Roman Empire, not the Chinese Empire, not the Egyptian Empire, not any other empire.

    And the brainless American sheeple continue to vote for the lesser of two evils to legitimize this terrorist organization by selecting its leader.

    America is just 243 years old, and it has spent 222 years of its lifetime being at war. It has been at war more than 93% of the time!

    The United States was at peace ONLY 21 years total since its birth. This nation has never gone a decade without war. No U.S. president qualifies as a peacetime president. They're all “war presidents.”

    The American military now operates or controls between 700 and 800 military bases worldwide and is currently bombing 9 countries (5 in the Middle East and 4 in Africa). Statistics like these don’t belong to the resume of a peace-loving nation.

    The tyranny of the American/Zionist Empire has far surpassed ANYTHING the Roman Empire ever achieved at its height with a military presence and superiority that would've made Hitler himself cry in envy.

    Undeniably, the United States is the wet dream of Adolf Hitler.

    #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarPresidents #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #TheSystemIsTheProblem #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar

    The United States spends more money on war than the next 10 countries COMBINED. American military spending accounts for 64.5% of all federal discretionary spending, a total of $732 billion! America is not a nation. It's a Nazi military empire. It's THE biggest and worst terrorist organization in the history of humanity. No other terrorist regime comes close to the Nazi American Empire. Not the Greek Empire, not the Roman Empire, not the Chinese Empire, not the Egyptian Empire, not any other empire. And the brainless American sheeple continue to vote for the lesser of two evils to legitimize this terrorist organization by selecting its leader. America is just 243 years old, and it has spent 222 years of its lifetime being at war. It has been at war more than 93% of the time! The United States was at peace ONLY 21 years total since its birth. This nation has never gone a decade without war. No U.S. president qualifies as a peacetime president. They're all “war presidents.” The American military now operates or controls between 700 and 800 military bases worldwide and is currently bombing 9 countries (5 in the Middle East and 4 in Africa). Statistics like these don’t belong to the resume of a peace-loving nation. The tyranny of the American/Zionist Empire has far surpassed ANYTHING the Roman Empire ever achieved at its height with a military presence and superiority that would've made Hitler himself cry in envy. Undeniably, the United States is the wet dream of Adolf Hitler. #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarPresidents #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #TheSystemIsTheProblem #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar Sources: https://is.gd/Bzqx0q https://is.gd/aSWMuI https://is.gd/3Dfiig https://is.gd/SsTgle https://is.gd/PGO0dL https://is.gd/43hxps
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 7138 Views
  • The United States Government is the Nazi Fourth Reich.

    America is not a nation. It's a Nazi military empire. It's THE biggest and worst terrorist organization in the history of humanity. No other terrorist regime comes close to the Nazi American Empire. Not the Greek Empire, not the Roman Empire, not the Chinese Empire, not the Egyptian Empire, not any other empire.

    And the brainless American sheeple continue to vote for the lesser of two evils to legitimize this terrorist organization by electing its leader.

    American military spending is the size of the next 10 largest military budgets around the world COMBINED. American military spending accounts for 54% of all federal discretionary spending, a total of $598.5 billion!

    America is just 243 years old, and it has spent 222 years of its lifetime being at war. It has been at war more than 93% of the time!

    The United States was at peace ONLY 21 years total since its birth. This nation has never gone a decade without war. No U.S. president truly qualifies as a peacetime president. Instead, all U.S. presidents can technically be considered “war presidents.”

    The American military now operates or controls between 700 and 800 military bases worldwide and is currently bombing 9 countries (5 in the Middle East and 4 in Africa). Statistics like these don’t belong to the resume of a peace-loving nation.

    The tyranny of the American/Zionist Empire has far surpassed ANYTHING the Roman Empire ever achieved at its height with a military presence and superiority that would've made Hitler himself cry in envy.

    Undeniably, the United States is the wet dream of Adolf Hilter.

    #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarPresidents #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #TheSystemIsTheProblem #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar

    The United States Government is the Nazi Fourth Reich. America is not a nation. It's a Nazi military empire. It's THE biggest and worst terrorist organization in the history of humanity. No other terrorist regime comes close to the Nazi American Empire. Not the Greek Empire, not the Roman Empire, not the Chinese Empire, not the Egyptian Empire, not any other empire. And the brainless American sheeple continue to vote for the lesser of two evils to legitimize this terrorist organization by electing its leader. American military spending is the size of the next 10 largest military budgets around the world COMBINED. American military spending accounts for 54% of all federal discretionary spending, a total of $598.5 billion! America is just 243 years old, and it has spent 222 years of its lifetime being at war. It has been at war more than 93% of the time! The United States was at peace ONLY 21 years total since its birth. This nation has never gone a decade without war. No U.S. president truly qualifies as a peacetime president. Instead, all U.S. presidents can technically be considered “war presidents.” The American military now operates or controls between 700 and 800 military bases worldwide and is currently bombing 9 countries (5 in the Middle East and 4 in Africa). Statistics like these don’t belong to the resume of a peace-loving nation. The tyranny of the American/Zionist Empire has far surpassed ANYTHING the Roman Empire ever achieved at its height with a military presence and superiority that would've made Hitler himself cry in envy. Undeniably, the United States is the wet dream of Adolf Hilter. #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarPresidents #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #TheSystemIsTheProblem #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar Sources: https://is.gd/3Dfiig https://is.gd/uTTJRf https://is.gd/SsTgle https://is.gd/PGO0dL https://is.gd/43hxps https://is.gd/QhEP8P
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 7072 Views
  • If you spend the majority of your income on vacations and travel, it's self-evident that you're a travel enthusiast. If you spend it on food, it's self-evident that you're a food lover. If you spend it on clothes, it's clearly self-evident that you're a fashion enthusiast. Similarly, the fact that America is a fascist police state is self-evident in its spending. The majority of the budget of the United States government goes to military spending, and therefore, America is a war nation. And while America spends 61% of its money on warfare, ONLY 1% is spent on food and agriculture, ONLY 2% is spent on unemployment and labor, ONLY 2% is spent on science, ONLY 5% is spent on health, ONLY 5% is spent on housing, and ONLY 5% is spent on education! So, if you're too dumb to figure out why cities like San Francisco are overwhelmed by homeless people, now you know why. It's by design. The cost of one aircraft carrier can provide enough housing to completely abolish homelessness in the United States. But, of course, the U.S. government will never save the cost of a single bullet to spend it on its own citizens. Every dollar spent on war is a dollar NOT spent on helping citizens back home. And recently a bill to cut 10% of the War Machine during a pandemic failed because the majority of America's politicians are in the deep pockets of the Military-Industrial Complex.

    #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarMachine #TheWarMachine #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #CorporateAmerica #WarPresidents #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #PerpetualWar #TheSystemIsTheProblem #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution

    If you spend the majority of your income on vacations and travel, it's self-evident that you're a travel enthusiast. If you spend it on food, it's self-evident that you're a food lover. If you spend it on clothes, it's clearly self-evident that you're a fashion enthusiast. Similarly, the fact that America is a fascist police state is self-evident in its spending. The majority of the budget of the United States government goes to military spending, and therefore, America is a war nation. And while America spends 61% of its money on warfare, ONLY 1% is spent on food and agriculture, ONLY 2% is spent on unemployment and labor, ONLY 2% is spent on science, ONLY 5% is spent on health, ONLY 5% is spent on housing, and ONLY 5% is spent on education! So, if you're too dumb to figure out why cities like San Francisco are overwhelmed by homeless people, now you know why. It's by design. The cost of one aircraft carrier can provide enough housing to completely abolish homelessness in the United States. But, of course, the U.S. government will never save the cost of a single bullet to spend it on its own citizens. Every dollar spent on war is a dollar NOT spent on helping citizens back home. And recently a bill to cut 10% of the War Machine during a pandemic failed because the majority of America's politicians are in the deep pockets of the Military-Industrial Complex. #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarMachine #TheWarMachine #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #CorporateAmerica #WarPresidents #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #PerpetualWar #TheSystemIsTheProblem #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution Sources: https://is.gd/V7B9cK https://is.gd/2kIshE https://is.gd/3Dfiig https://is.gd/uTTJRf https://is.gd/SsTgle https://is.gd/PGO0dL https://is.gd/43hxps https://is.gd/QhEP8P
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 2542 Views
  • Actual slavery is now called the "inmate workforce" in the United Slaves of America. Add a catchy motto along with it like "saving tax dollars" and suddenly it becomes completely okay and normal to the brainless shameless sheeple. You'll find plenty of idiots out there on Uncle Sam's tax farm who believe slavery was abolished, but never try to reason with them because they've been completely and irreversibly brainwashed thanks to the years they spent in indoctrination centers (schools in doublespeak) and countless hours of exposure to corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery. The 13th Amendment in the United States Constitution didn't abolish slavery at all. It merely regulated it. The 13th Amendment actually legalized and institutionalized it. If you're convicted of a crime in the United States, the private prisons of America are free to own you as a slave and treat you like one. The 13th Amendment states: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” And it's so easy to become a slave in the United States. Just grow or consume a cancer-healing plant like cannabis and you'll wake up as a slave in one of America's private prisons. You can also end up as a slave in a prison for the only crime of being too poor to pay your medical bills. Welcome to the land of the unfree and home of the salves.

    #ThirteenthAmendment #Slavery #Cannabis #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #NoJusticeNoPeace #ObeyOrDie #ToPunishAndEnslave #LandOfTheUnfree #HomeOfTheSlaves #CorporateAmerica #PettyCrimes #DrugOffenders #ProbationViolations #Jaywalking #TheSystemIsTheProblem #Incarceration #WorldPrision #PrisonSystem #PrivatePrisons #PrivatePrison

    Actual slavery is now called the "inmate workforce" in the United Slaves of America. Add a catchy motto along with it like "saving tax dollars" and suddenly it becomes completely okay and normal to the brainless shameless sheeple. You'll find plenty of idiots out there on Uncle Sam's tax farm who believe slavery was abolished, but never try to reason with them because they've been completely and irreversibly brainwashed thanks to the years they spent in indoctrination centers (schools in doublespeak) and countless hours of exposure to corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery. The 13th Amendment in the United States Constitution didn't abolish slavery at all. It merely regulated it. The 13th Amendment actually legalized and institutionalized it. If you're convicted of a crime in the United States, the private prisons of America are free to own you as a slave and treat you like one. The 13th Amendment states: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” And it's so easy to become a slave in the United States. Just grow or consume a cancer-healing plant like cannabis and you'll wake up as a slave in one of America's private prisons. You can also end up as a slave in a prison for the only crime of being too poor to pay your medical bills. Welcome to the land of the unfree and home of the salves. #ThirteenthAmendment #Slavery #Cannabis #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #NoJusticeNoPeace #ObeyOrDie #ToPunishAndEnslave #LandOfTheUnfree #HomeOfTheSlaves #CorporateAmerica #PettyCrimes #DrugOffenders #ProbationViolations #Jaywalking #TheSystemIsTheProblem #Incarceration #WorldPrision #PrisonSystem #PrivatePrisons #PrivatePrison Sources: https://is.gd/GuKPHh https://is.gd/7TWABF https://is.gd/xSZQ4N
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 2588 Views

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