Never forget that poor little Vietnamese children defeated the almighty American military and ended the colonial invasion with just rusty AK47s.
And that's why the military-industrial complex has been gradually disarming American citizens for decades, one regulation at a time by bank-owned politicians. The Deep State knows that this tyrannical empire can only collapse from within by militias of freedom-loving patriots.
No military on Earth in the history of nations has ever won in guerrilla warfare. That's how Americans defeated the British army, that's how the Vietnamese defeated American imperialism, that's how the Afghanis defeated the Russian army and how they're now defeating the American colonial occupation.
Never forget that your rifle can bring down empires.
Own it with pride and defend it with blood.
#GunControl #GunLaws #SecondAmendment #SecondAmendmentSanctuaries #SecondAmendmentSanctuary #PerpetualWar #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #Warfare #Foreverwar #EndlessWar #EndlessWars #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare
Sources: Never forget that poor little Vietnamese children defeated the almighty American military and ended the colonial invasion with just rusty AK47s.
And that's why the military-industrial complex has been gradually disarming American citizens for decades, one regulation at a time by bank-owned politicians. The Deep State knows that this tyrannical empire can only collapse from within by militias of freedom-loving patriots.
No military on Earth in the history of nations has ever won in guerrilla warfare. That's how Americans defeated the British army, that's how the Vietnamese defeated American imperialism, that's how the Afghanis defeated the Russian army and how they're now defeating the American colonial occupation.
Never forget that your rifle can bring down empires.
Own it with pride and defend it with blood.
#GunControl #GunLaws #SecondAmendment #SecondAmendmentSanctuaries #SecondAmendmentSanctuary #PerpetualWar #InfinityWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #Warfare #Foreverwar #EndlessWar #EndlessWars #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire #MilitarySpending #MilitaryBudget #WarBudget #CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare