Normal is relative. If former President Trump gets back into office, things won't just go back to the way it was in a snap. Everything won't be puppy dog tails and glitter. The damage that the left-wing and the deep state did to America was deep and long-lasting.

Say that Trump does get re-elected this year, and we do manage to keep control of the House. We still need to target the Senate. Now, after that’s done, all the clean-up needs to continue. This will possibly take years. The infiltration is deep and wide, we’ll need to finish rooting out and cleaning up the infiltration in our state and federal governments, then hold tribunals for all of them.

Once that’s done, we must rebuild from scratch, being very careful of whom gets replaced, and what positions get removed forever. Trump has already said that he wants to eliminate the IRS (Internal Revenue Service), the federal DOE (Department of Education), and several other three lettered agencies, that will simplify things.

Now, let’s look at the Federal Reserve, another agency marked for removal by the hopeful future Trump Administration. Once that’s gone, the Treasury must be re-organized and remade to take on all the responsibilities of the Reserve.

With the DOE gone, the Deep State loses its power in universities. So, left-wing ideologies will lose most of their power in our higher learning institutions. Accreditation will need to be redone as well. Culture in America will change as well.

Then there’s the complications with cleaning up the states, this will take a lot of legal maneuvering by the DOJ. Many Governors, civilians (Government Employees), City Council Members, Education Board Members, Media Personalities, etc. may be arrested. It will be chaos. You may even see martial law being enforced by the Trump Administration for a time to keep people from rioting.

After all of this, and more is done, this will be years after Trump is re-elected. America won’t be like pre-2016 or the 1980s. It will be something totally different. Especially after the public really witnesses the public tribunals for Treason against the United States Government and Crimes Against Humanity.

America will never be the same, so don’t be disappointed. We will enter a new prosperous era with sanity in control, and we’ll be back to what the Founding Father’s wanted. Also, justice will be served against those that have caused so much harm.