Vril Maria Orsic The Inventor of Anti-Gravity Space Propulsion A Segue to Existing Space Technology


In June of 2018, US President Donald Trump announced that he was issuing instructions to establish a “Space Force” as the sixth branch of the American military. What he did not disclose is that several spacecraft fleets have already existed for decades.

What is also not so well known is the influence on our modern-day space technology coming from a single woman who successfully flew the first antigravity spacecraft as early as the 1920s – well before other scientists of the early days of space research. This is about a leader and a visionary named Maria Orsic.

The Very First Among the First: Maria Orsic
Maria Orsic stands out in recent human history here on Earth as the first person to design and lead the construction of antigravity spacecraft that flew successfully as prototypes as early as the 1920s, and later as fully functional production craft made for deep-space flight in the 1930s!

Who knows exactly when, where, and in what circumstances Maria Orsic was born. Indeed little is known about her from conventional sources. Even Wikipedia deleted its page on Orsic supposedly due to lack of “reliable sources”. But this deletion lends further to an already agonizing dearth of information about this mysterious woman.

There seems to be a general consensus that Orsic was born in the late 1800s in Austria. Based on what few photos there are of her on the internet, she was indeed a remarkably beautiful woman.
Shrouded in Secrecy
Orsic’s early history and her later technological exploits are shrouded in secrecy, apparently for two reasons. First, she was a member of a group of “long-haired” women with extremely highly developed psychic abilities. Orsic and her colleagues channelled information from a extraterrestrial race called the Nordics.

In so-called traditional and “primitive” societies, long hair is attributed to lending “antenna-like” properties through which people are able to receive information or knowledge of an intuitive nature. – Helios Editor

Secondly Maria Orsic was a member of a mystical group in Germany called the Vril Society. The reason for such secrecy and mysticism is a good subject for discussion elsewhere. Suffice it to say such secrecy is consistent with all high technologies that have been suppressed from the general public for decades, indeed eons.
More Information Recently Available
In recent years an ever-growing pool of “insiders” close to the “Secret Space Programs” provides us with information about Maria Orsic, and many other formerly hidden facets of the secret space programs (SSPs). The witnesses, participants, and researchers of these SSPs include Dr. Michael E. Salla, Phd.D., Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Michael Relfe, William “Bill” Tompkins, and Randy Cramer. The list grows longer with time as more and more people emerge to offer their testimonies.
Dr. Michael Salla’s Research
Perhaps now it is best to defer other discussion here about Maria Orsic to the excellent and exhaustive research already conducted by Dr. Michael Salla, Ph.D., who has published several books and a movie about Antarctica while citing Maria Orsic’s involvement in that continent. The following pages are selected excerpts of Salla’s book Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs.
The Vril Society’s Secret Space Programs
There are a number of sources suggesting [Winfried Otto] Schumann’s [later famous for his work with the Schumann Resonances] work on flying saucers began in the early 1920’s as a result of his close collaboration with Maria Orsic, founder of the Vril Society. A former CIA agent who used pseudonyms such as “Stein”, “Kewper” and “anonymous” came forward to reveal that he saw information that some Vril craft went back to the early 1920’s!

He was first interviewed by veteran UFO researcher Linda Moulton Howe in 1998, and used the “Stein” and “Kewper” pseudonyms. After taping a series of interviews with her, he was eventually threatened by an unknown government agency, and withdrew from the publíc arena until returning in 2013. Stein/Kewper was now age 77 and suffering from acute kidney problems. He allegedly only had a few months to live. Stein/Kewper, now using the pseudonym “anonymous”, consented to be interviewed by UFO historian, Richard Dolan, who released his video testimony at the 2013 Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure that was presided over by six former U.S. Members of Congress. Dolan, Howe and the Citizen’s Hearing event organizers were convinced that Stein/Kewper was a credible eyewitness to the events he disclosed.
Prior to his CIA recruitment in 1958, Stein/Kewper had completed training at the US Army Signal Training Center and began working as an Army cryptologist. Stein/Kewper’s first assignment was to examine files on UFOs and extraterrestrial life submitted from the USAF base at Fort Belvoir. The files were different from the Project Blue Book files studied at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, which were eventually released to the general public.

Stein/Kewper says that during a tour of the highly classified S-4 facility at Area 51 in 1958, where he was accompanied by his CIA superior and three other CIA agents, he saw four Nazi saucers, two of which were Vril craft

At Area 51, the first two craft we saw looked almost identical. They were smaller, not nearly as big as one in the back. Col. Jim mentioned those two were “Vril Craft”. We asked him what “Vril” was. The Col. said it was a foreign saucer built in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s.

This is consistent with [Corey] Goode’s claim that the first flying saucer prototypes were developed by Maria Orsic and the Vril Society according to briefings he read during his covert space program service [during the 1980s].

Information about the Vril Society and Orsic is shrouded in mystery. No documents exist to confirm Orsic’s public activities especially when it comes to the Vril Society that she allegedly started in 1919. What is known about Orsic and the Vril society is undocumented and subject to much controversy.
This is quite puzzling. It’s as though documentary information about Orsic, the Vril Society, and the involvement of [Winfried Otto] Schumann [famous for his research on the Schumann Resonances], has been deliberately swept away from the historical database. This is understandable if Goode and other sources are correct in stating that the Vril Society and Orsic successfully acquired their flying saucer designs from communications with beings claiming to be extraterrestrials from Aldebaran. If this is true, it would certainly explain why such information would be closely guarded by secret societies in Germany and elsewhere, and later become highly classified by the U.S. and other national governments.

There are a number of reasons that can help explain the secrecy about the Vril society’s flying saucer program. First, Orsic was allegedly concerned that such information could be used for building advanced weapons of war by major nations, and would only share it with the right people. Second, collaborators such as Dr. Schumann would have been concerned about their reputations. They would not have wanted it known that they were using significant resources in an attempt to develop craft from mystically derived information. Third, unlike Orsic, the Nazi SS highly prized esoteric information that could lead to the development of super weapons for war. Finally, the victorious allied powers wanted to ensure that the full extent of Hitler’s flying saucer projects and weapons were kept secret.

What follows is information about the Vril Society, Orsic, and the involvement of Schumann that draws on a number of available sources alleging to have witnessed documents, or received briefings about the former. While these sources are undocumented, they reveal intriguing details of what very possibly was the first secret space program of the modern era. These sources help corroborate Goode’s own information about Orsic and the Vril Society’s secrt flying saucer program.
Secret Societies in Germany: Vril, Thule and Black Sun
There is considerable controversy over the creation the Vril society and whether it even existed at all due to public documents, However, there is much anecdotal in about its creation and activities. These anecdotal sources claim it was created sometime in 1919, as an offshoot of a metaphysical society led by wealthy German aristocrats called the Thule Society (Thule-Gesellshaft).

The Thule Society was formed on August 17, 1918 in Munich by Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf…

It is alleged that Orsic had earlier met with Sebottendorf and three other Thule Society members in Vienna in 1917 to discuss matters associated with her telepathic communications. Consequently, Thule Society leaders were aware of the remarkable telepathic abilities of Orsic, who could enter into a full trance state and was able to communicate with a range of other worldly beings.

Orsic moved to Munich in 1919 and made contact with Bottendorf and the Thule Society. Thule Society leaders believed Orsic, and others like her, would have important clues for understanding and using the Vril force. They enthusiastically supported Orsic and the group of young ladies she formed around herself in Munich who were also psychically gifted. This is the period when Orsic allegedly created the “Alldeutsche Gesellschaft für Metaphysik” (Pan-German Society for Metaphysics) that was later renamed the Vril-Society (Society of Vrilerinnen Women).
Another name change apparently occurred in 1941 when Hitler outlawed secret societies. Orsic registered the society as a business named Antriebstechnische Werkstätten (V propulsion workshops). These psychically gifted ladies dedicated themselves to developing techniques for communicating with other worldly
beings, and learning to harness the Vril force.

Channelled Instructions for an Engine & Spacecraft
Sometime in 1919, Orsic began channelling beings who claimed to be extraterrestrials from the Aldebaran star system. Using automatic writing, she wrote numerous pages of what appeared to be technical information in two foreign languages, one of which she did not recognize. Another prominent psychic “Sigrun”, assisted in understanding the content of the writing by getting clear mental images of a flying saucer craft. Orsic and Sigrun believed the information revealed how to build a spacecraft.

Later in 1919, Orsic and Sigrun met with members from the Thule Society, who were able to determine that one of the two languages in the automatic writing was actually ancient Sumerian. Experts were brought in to translate Orsic’s automatic writing. The translation confirmed Sigrun’s mental images, it was technical instructions for building a revolutionary type of engine that could power a spacecraft. Orsic and supportive Thule Society members arranged for various scientists to look at the translated information and determine whether it was scientifically feasible.

It is claimed that Dr. Winfried [Otto] Schumann studied Orsic’s information, and believed it was scientifically feasible. Schumann and Orsic allegedly began meeting to discuss various issues associated with the construction of the craft. According to researcher Rob Arndt, the first attempt to build a prototype occurred during the period 1922-24. What is significant here is that in 1924, Schumann began his professorship at the Technical University of Munich, and headed the Electrophysics Laboratory.

With private funding from Thule Society members, Schumann could have easily attempted to build a prototype from the designs Orsic provided him, without any risk to his career or reputation. After all his expertise was at the leading edge of high voltage electrostatics and plasma physics. Building prototypes based on Orsic’s designs would have provided much information about the practical application of high voltage electrostatics and plasma physics.
It is claimed that Orsic channeled more information from the Aldebarans, who passed on additional information about the spacecraft itself. Schumann then put together a proposal for funding the building of the first flying saucer, a Jenseitsflugmaschine (“Other-World Flight Machine”).

It took Dr. Schumann two months to create a concise scientific dossier, and almost 5 months to get the financing even though members of Thule and DHvSs were wealthy and affuent…

Schumann was allegedly familiar with the theory of Viktor Schauberger, who pioneered the idea of implosion as a fundamental natural process of energy transference – as opposed to the principle of explosion. While the implosion principle was in alignment with nature, explosion was unnatural. It was thought that by using the principle of implosion, gravity defying effects could be produced, along with new forms of energy. In a detailed biography, Schauberger’s ideas were confirmed to be a part of various flying saucer and over-unity (free energy) projects he worked on during his life.
Schumann shared in Schauberger’s view according to alleged SS files discovered after World War II.

In everything we recognize two principles that determine the events; light and darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction-as in electricity we know plus and minus. It is always; either-or. These two principles-the creative and destructive-also determine our technical means. Everything destructive is of Satanic origin, everything creative is divine… Every technology based on explosion or combustion has thus to be called Satanic. The coming new age will be an age of new, positive, divine technology.

According to sources cited by covert programs researcher Peter Moon, the Vril Society placed ads to attract funding for its flying saucer project:

The Vril Society did not get the funding it needed even though German newspapers ran advertisements designed to raise money for Vril aircraft. The ads blatantly stated that they were attempting to utilize ancient Atlantean technolology, not an unpopular foreign concept to the Germans of the 1920s.

The first flying saucer models were apparent failures. Continued collaboration between Schumann and Orsic in the years ahead allegedly led to working flying saucer prototypes. According to Moon, the first successful prototype was produced in 1934:

Two special departments were set up to development of this new flying technology of the Society: U-13 and the SS-E-4. The latter was under the direct supervision of Heinrich Himmler and was known as development group number four of the Black Sun [a secret society comprising Nazi SS elite]. The main focus of SS-E was based upon the work of Viktor Schauberger.

This is where the date of 1931 becomes relevant. As described earlier, the General Garland Memorandum refers to 1931 as the time when advanced aeronautical projects began in Germany that were later pursued by the Nazi government.
Similarly, Dan Morris refers to two UFO/flying saucer recoveries in 1931 and 1932. A plausible explanation is that these were prototypes being developed by Schumann. Certainly his scientific expertise and subsequent work with Operation Paperclip at Wright Patterson AFB made him eminently qualified for such an undertaking. Most relevant here is asking what precise role did Orsic and the Vril Society play in the flying saucer research very likely undertaken by Schumann in the 1920’s and 1930’s?

According to sources examined so far, Orsic and the Vril society began research to build a flying saucer in the 1920’s, based on channeled information received from an alleged extraterrestrial race based in the Aldebaran star system. This led to the creation of a secret space program initially funded by the Thule Society that involved Professor Schumann as early as 1924. Schumann’s expertise and position as the head of the Electrophysics Laboratory at the Technical University of Munich would have certainly made it possible for building Vril prototype flying saucers in secrecy. According to Stein/Kewper’s testimony, Vril prototypes were indeed successfully developed and later repatriated under Operation Paperclip, for eventual study at the S-4 facility at Area 51…
Corey Goode’s Testimony
As far as Orsic is concerned, [Corey] Goode sald that she survived the Second World War and travelled to secret locations where the Nazi elite escaped in flying saucers. After the War, Orsic pretended to be from an extraterrestrial civilization when landing in a flying saucer and speaking with some of the early contactees:

Many in the Intel Community became quite convinced that Maria Orsic was one of the “Blondes” that would land in UFO’s and talk to people in German, pretending to be an ET from another star system. When some of the witnesses
were shown her photo they identified her as the same person that they had met from the Flying Saucer.

As mentioned earlier, the former CIA agent who used the pseudonyms “Stein” and “Kewper” in interviews with Linda Howe, said he also saw documents detailing the involvement of the Vril Society in Nazi Germany’s efforts to build spacecraft. He revealed the content of one file that discussed Vril technologies and the relationship with extraterrestrial life.

It did say there were mediums who had contacted aliens and there were messages from aliens about how to build the levitation device for the anti-gravitational engine.
Stein/Kewper’s testimony supports Goode’s claim that he witnessed classified documents describing Orsic’s involvement with the first flying saucer prototypes, developed by the Vril and Thule societies as derived through communications with an extraterrestrial race. It is highly likely then, that throughout the 1920’s into the early 1930’s, Schumann was working on flying saucer prototypes as practical applications of high voltage electrostatics and plasma physics. But it was only in the late 1930’s when success was finally achieved for the Vril Society’s secret space program. Goode claimed that electrostatics and Mercury-based plasma, both of which Schumann specialized in, were used for the propulsion systems of the Vril craft: “The first craft they built used Mercury turbines, and electro-gravity engines were developed.”

(This concludes excerpts from Dr. Michael Salla’s “Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs.”
Testimony from William Tompkins
In recent years information from new sources comes from an ever-growing number of “insiders” close to the “Secret Space Programs”. One such insider is long-term veteran William “Bill” Tompkins, who worked for decades for various US companies in the secret design of antigravity generators, non-conventional (non-explosive) propulsion systems, and the actual spacecraft themselves. Many of these technologies are purportedly still in use today by covert space programs operating within and well beyond our solar system.

Interestingly, like Maria Orsic, Bill Tompkins was also a chaneller of information from the Nordics – albeit somewhat involuntarily. Tompkins claims that extremely intelligent female Nordics infiltrated the various programs he was working on, and some cases even worked with him as assistants and secretaries. Whether this was the same group of Nordics that Maria Orsic channeled remains to be seen. – Helios Editor
“Design a Propulsion System and Vehicle”
Journalist and exopolitics researcher Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot interviewed Tompkins, who provides some testimony about what he knew of Maria Orsic.
Project Camelot

At around 5:35 Tompkins states Maria Orsic was contacted in the 1920s by the Nordic people to build a large space transport to leave Earth with approximately 40 to 50 thousand people. Tompkins claims to have gotten this and other information from approximately 29 US Navy spy operatives who travelled to and posed as German officers who had infiltrated Germany’s secret propulsion and spacecraft development programs. In his autobiography Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs, think-tanks and Nordic secretaries, Tompkins says that Maria Orsic organized 1,442 civilians including “scientists, shoe salesmen, farmers… a whole lot of civilians…”

Such a large and unusual operation taking place in the civilian sector of Austria would no doubt attract the attention of the authorities, which at that time was Hitler’s intelligence arm (Waffen SS) operating separately from the German Nazi Party.

Upon its discovery, Orsic’s operation was shut down or possibly even taken over for some time by the SS. However, for some reason it seems Hitler had a change of heart and allowed Orsic and her people to continue their work whilst Hitler and the Nazis continued separate propulsion and spacecraft design projects (mainly in Antarctica) in cooperation with a not-so-friendly ET race called the Draco-Reptilians.
Some of Orsic’s bases of development and operation not only included her native Austria, but also included facilities in Antarctica. As time goes on, discussion continues to grow and home in on Antarctica. There is much much more to the icy continent than the general public has been led to believe. To read more about Antarctica’s baffling history and Maria Orsic’s involvement, read Dr. Michael Salla’s book Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs.
Orsic’s Relationships with the US Navy, Tesla, and Marconi
During World War II, a young Tompkins worked for the US Navy, assisting Admiral Rico Botta in debriefing approximately 30 US Navy spies surreptitiously embedded in Nazi Germany’s secret weapons development programs. Some of these men reported incredible stories of otherworldly weapons and technologies including spacecraft with inexplicable propulsion systems that nevertheless somehow flew.

The following paragraphs are selected excerpts from Sala’s Antarctica book The US Navy’s Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance in a chapter titled “Nazi Germany’s Antigravity Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances”, which sheds intriguing details on Maria Orsic’s war-interim and post-war activities.

Hello Sarahai

Meet Valeria Lukyanova, the woman who claims she's the reincarnation of Hitler's occult guide Maria Orsic
She elaborates that she has jotted down the memories of her past life in a book she wrote in 2013 titled 'Echo from the Past.' She claims that in her past life she was a "famous medium."

"My name was Maria Orsic," she says. Valeria says that like Maria, she believes that people from a far away galaxy came to earth to create an advanced race of people, which according to Maria were the 'Aryans.' Since childhood she felt like she did not belong in this world, she says. "It was very hard for me to adapt to people. I did not see anything in common between their values and mine," she says labeling the "other people" as "superficial" and calling her behavior to be "too complicated and incomprehensible."

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