As I understand it, Omichron is following the same pattern of coronavirus mutation as the vast majority of all known coronaviruses in history have followed, which is that it evolves to become more infectious and transmissible, while also becoming far less deadly and with less severe symptoms.

This makes sense from a basic biological standpoint, in that all species of living things tend to evolve in ways that provide them with the ability to survive ond propagate as much as possible. A virus cannot survive or propagate if its potential hosts keep dying, or evolving themselves to avoid contact with the disease because they are afraid of the effects that it could have on them. By being less deadly and more transmissible, they maintain their hosts lives while no discouraging them from coming into contact with other potential hosts.

This is the diseases way of adapting itself to coexist with its new, previously unencountered variety of human hosts where if previously was only adapted to whatever creature that it was common among - probably bats or something.

This suggests that the covid is now becoming much like a variety of other diseases that are well known and considered to be endemic in the human race, but not panicked over because while they are endemic, they are not usually serious or life threatening - such as that common cold - and also they are known to become much less of an issue to someone who has already been exposed to it as their immune systems gain resistance.

This is what it means to have herd immunity - the vast majority of people in the population have been exposed to the virus and gain a natural resistance to it, making its ability to be dangerous far less likely - to the point where it's not even regarded as a meaningful threat.

We can look through history and see just about every variety of coronaviruses, rhinoviruese, etc. has followed this pattern with very few and rare exceptions - such as the Spanish flu outbreak which evolved to trigger cytokine storms in those that it reinfected which led to mass death before it too eventually evolved to be less dangerous and phase itself out.

Initially, a repeat of the rare exception in which a virus evolves to be more dangerous was what scientists were afraid would happen in the case of covid, but omichron is effectively demonstrating that this will not be the case, and that is actually great news.

We look at various common viruses that have been around forever, like chicken pox, where it is generally thought of as being a non-serious virus that everyone is expected to get once at some point of their life, then in having gotten it once, their natural immunity will gain a resistance to the disease making future encounters with it of negligible consequence, and after the first bout with it is over, people don't typically worry about it after that.

Now it is already commonly accepted and well known to everyone on all sides of the covid debates that a natural immunity provides far superior protection against covid than the vaccines do. This is no longer speculation, this is well observed, well documented and widely accepted science with far more evidence available to support it than any evidence to challenge it.

We were told that if something like 60 - 80% of the population gained some kind of resistance to the virus - be it through natural immunity or vaccination - that we could have achieved herd immunity and this whole panicked shit show could finally end and things could go back to normal.

So here we are: The virus has mutated to become more transmissible and less deadly, meaning that most people will get it and have little to no problem getting over it without even knowing that they had it at all in some cases - far less end up being hospitalized over it.

That means that this varient and its subsequent varients will only continue to become more and more transmissible while being less dangerous, and eventually phase itself out through herd immunity.

Covid in all of its varients - from the original, through Delta, to Xi and now omichron have ALL BEEN ENDEMIC; meaning that none of our efforts to contain it or control it have proved effective. Lockdowns failed to contain it. Masks and social distancing failed to contain it and even vaccines failed to contain it. When a virus is here and cannot be stopped from spreading to the global population by any known means, it is not a pandemic, it is ENDEMIC. Through all of our failed attempts and efforts to contain covid, there comes a point where we have to just accept that covid is objectively endemic. Nothing we do to stop it seems to do anything except prolong the inevitable, while simultaneously causing drastically negative and dangerous effects on every other aspect of our daily existence.

Our attempts to stop covid have arguably been more dangerous and caused more death and suffering than covid itself.

This ends once we accept that it is endemic, and then sigh in relief that it is mutating in such a way that will cause it to go the same way that every flu from every flu season has gone: it spreads rapidly during its season, and then it disappears from our radar forever. Cycle, rinse, repeat.

Will it cause some loss of life? Unfortunately, yes, just as all such viruses or diseases will do to some degree.

Will this loss of life be mitigated by forcing vaccines on everyone, locking down society and granting limitless emergency powers to corrupt and power hungry governments? No. Recent history proves that it will not be mitigated, it will be exasterbated, dragged out and also threaten every other aspect of our way of life and civil rights.

That said, MRNA vaccines are experimental. This is not a point of debate, it is fact. We don't have complete data on its safety or efficacy, and we have ZERO data on its long term effects. What data we do have suggests that it does not contain or even slow the spread, it simply mitigates symptoms. AND if we consider the UK government data that Theofilos Mitrentsis posted, it suggests that the immunologists who suggested the idea that the vaccine will actually weaken the immune system to varients were correct in their estimations.

What we are left with is a vaccine that is - if nothing else - a disappointment, but also a cash cow that has made companies like Pfizer overnight bazillioniares.

the continued media portrayal of omichron as an escelation of danger rather than a sign that this whole thing is coming to an end is a very unnecessary but tangible manufactured societal panic that has proven unfavorable to everyone except to authoritarian political interests and large corporations who have enjoyed the larges transfer and consolidation of wealth in financial history as a result.

I'll close it out with some anecdotal evidence from my own first hand experience.

I was at work the other day when my wife decided to take a walk to the nearby store to do some grocery shopping. Not long after she leaves, I get a call from her phone. When I answer, a male voice informs me that he is a paramedic who has had to take my wife to the ER because she blacked out and fainted at the store, and that I needed to come to the hospital to pick her up.

Turns out, she passed out because they forced her to wear a mask in the store, and she got excited or something and didn't have sufficient oxygen through the mask over her mouth and nose.

In the hospital, she asked the lead doctor on staff , "so, where in this hospital do you guys keep all of the covid patients?"

The doctor replied "There are no covid patients here"

So she says "Is that because you guys send the covid patients to a different hospital? Like, you don't accept covid patients at this hospital?"

To which the doctor replied "No, we take covid patients here. There simply aren't any."


This is a first h and example of how my wife ended up in the ER - not because of covid - but because of misinformed, superstitious defenses against covid that became widely accepted and practiced out of panic and lack of actual medical or scientific knowledge. This is a first hand example of people's reaction to covid has been more dangerous than covid itself.

The next time we went to the grocery store and they insisted that we wear our masks, and even refused to serve us without one, we both gave each other a look, then walked out of the store, leaving a full shopping cart of groceries behind us.

How much longer until people figure out that the pandemic is over - or if it isn't over there is at least nothing to be done about it? How much more of this crap must we be subjected to before we decide that it's time to ditch 'new normal' in favor of 'actual normal?'