Maybe I am just crazy here... but I still fail to understand a very sweeping trend these days... You have all of these people freaking out over covid... now it's the 'delta variant,' and even after all that happened and the horrors of lockdowns that we experienced last year, you still have people calling for these kinds of practices out of fear for the virus... right?
So here is the part that I still don't understand: Why the hell is everyone so scared of a virus that we now KNOW to be very unlikely to be deadly?
With the exception of certain demographics, namely the elderly, obese, immune compromised or diabetc, your chances of fully recovering from the virus IF you catch it are higher than 99.7%. The younger you are, the better your odds. The people who are more vulnerable could face complications, but that is not unlike any flu that infects those demographics. right?
If this virus is anything like other iterations of coronavirus (which we are finding that it is,) catching the virus and recovering actually offers better protection from future infections or variants than the vaccine would. Right?
On top of all of that, there are vaccines that those who are worried about it for whatever reason can take, which supposedly lowers your risk of infection, or minimizes the symptoms on the off chance that you do still get it... right?
I personally know quite a few people who got it, even some who were in the high risk demographics, and they managed to make full recoveries, and many of them didn't even experience heavy symptoms, if any symptoms at all for that matter... and now those people largely don't need to worry about catching it again, right?
So when we think about all of these things and remember that we are talking about a novel form of a non-novel kind of virus that is not a whole lot worse than the flu in general, which we have ALWAYS had to watch out for in the world... it leads me to the part about all of this that I still just fail to comprehend, which is,
"WHY are we so goddamned afraid of this?!"
Aren't there WAY worse, more pressing dangers out there to be worried about, and yet, we don't worry about them nearly as much as we appear to be freaking out about this coronavirus??
I ain't saying that it is of no concern or that we shouldn't take some basic common sense precautions here... but people are willing to destroy the entire global society's way of life over this bug that is not even as bad as some bugs we have seen go global in recent history! I fail to understand WHY.
If you are really scared, get the vaccine, wear your masks, lock yourself down and no one will try and stop you... but you want to force people into these practices and even pressure them to undergo medical procedures which they may not be comfortable with BY FORCE in some instances over a virus with mild symptoms, or even NO symptoms at all in some cases, giving no regard to what kind of damning precedent that kind of behavior may set in a society where governments violating civil rights is of increasing concern?!
I get that you may care about public health and safety. Good for you. I care about public health and safety as well... only I consider the maintaining of a free and open society with civil liberties and a free press to be a public health concern every bit as - if not of greater importance than a virus with a 99.7% recovery rate.
Am I missing something here? Are my facts not accurate? Please, if I am missing something here, feel free to correct me!
I would only add that if you do mean to correct me about something, please use only unbias data. I don't want to see a bunch of stories from CNN or WA Post telling me I am wrong, because we all know that the media is full of it on this, and largely responsible for propagandizing this mess and using it to spread fearmongering propaganda.
If you want to correct me on something or fill me on on a detail I am missing, please, use scientific data from experts, colleges, hospitals, and do your best to vet these sources for possible bias or corruption. That is how I have researched this whole time, and that is how I came to my conclusions... those who research unbias sources and largely ignore the usual talking heads in media and politics tend to come to similar conclusions as me, but in the spirit of understanding, I am open to be informed further if there is something important I am missing or not considering here.
Until then, and based on what we know thus far with all the available data and info that is out there... I really don't understand why people are so afraid of this, and I can only assume that the major infractions on civil liberties over this virus is nefarious in nature.
What do you think?