A Video Explaining Insurance Fraud and How to Defeat It

Read the full article at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/elements-fraud-barry-zalma-esq-cfe and see the full video at https://rumble.com/vhqmn7-the-elements-of-fraud.html?mref=6ozih&mrefc=2 and at https://youtu.be/EZns8mheX6o and at https://zalma.com/blog plus more than 3750 posts.

To prove civil fraud it is the obligation of an insurer to present

admissible evidence that establishes the requirements of the

common law that generally identifies nine elements.

The scams—Introduction

Insureds who are intent on pursuing fraudulent claims employ many devices, schemes, and artifices that operate to defraud insurance carriers out of billions of dollars in loss settlements. In an attempt to collect large loss payments, insureds may make untrue statements regarding material facts, conceal the true facts, and submit phony documentation. Values claimed are grossly inflated, deliberate statements are made concerning nonexistent property, and deception and inconsistencies abound in the fraudulent claim. Successful handling, investigation, and defense against such fraudulent and often criminal activity requires a complete understanding of the various elements of property insurance fraud, as well as effective investigative approaches.