I am not, NOT even close to declaring any modern analyst or commentator equivalent or even in the same league and dimension to the historic giants such as Moses... BUT...

...when people like Charile Ward, Simon Parkes, Lin Wood, and surely Mr. Miller ask us for patience as things might not have gone according to PLAN.... as sometimes the plans of men are fraught with issues in conflict with forces of which we do not wish to speak that these strong men cannot or will not confront on terms that will result in great and widespread risks to human health and safety, we would best (at least currently) to openly comply with their wishes.

Why? I am reminded these weeks of the great disrespect given to Moses when he was initially unable to get the Pharaoh to "let my people go" and it took Him TEN demonstrations of His control over the world and its physical dimensions to convince a man every bit as evil as those Trump, Miller, Hyten, etc, are fighting to "let my people go" for it is, veritably, and not disrespectfully, fully as engaged a battle of a modern Exodus which the world is seeking from an institutionalised evil older than most every civilisation, dating back to the Oracle at Delphi.

This is no afternoon walk in the sun, a stroll for a "nice to have," but a monumental struggle for the recognition of life (as opposed to death) that mankind once failed because of the wiliness of the prey and the intellectual and moral weakness of one of the partners centuries ago. I think if we are looking forward to a brighter future without the built in perversion of the human spirit and life represented by the baleful and determined enemy of mankind in front of us, we can easily give the powers in charge of the original republic (I understand) the space and support to make it happen. It is no less than a modern Exodus and of that level of historic significance that we must gird our loins (so to speak) to rid ourselves of the viperous realisation of maleficent intrusions that have made various ages on this world an horrific experience for so many.

Surely it can be better expressed, but we are truly facing nothing less than an Exodus from a nightmare not of our own making but which we have had to endure as an embarrassment to mankind and his higher being.

For that we might have to endure and be patient. I think that not an unreasonable request.... though we can start by just getting rid of these bleedin' masks, for crying out loud. Those are a bad joke.