Well, well, well. The last horse finally crosses the finish line. The one endorsement that might have very well guaranteed the serial sniffer then nomination from the work “Go” finally falls from the sky.

But the strangeness of the timing is not lost on me.

One thing that people are always bring up is that Obama probably didn’t want to endorse a man so clearly suffering from mental degradation – which, I’m sure, is true. You’d think after having worked together for eight years Obama would feel concerned for Biden at most and the image of his frayed party at least. All it would have really taken was one word from Obama and Warren or Buttchug could have been made the nominee. But there’s another angle to this I haven’t heard anyone talk about.

Obama could have backed Biden when it was just him and Bernie. But he didn’t. He could have made it abundantly clear to everyone that he opposed socialism and deemed it toxic to the democrats and the country. But he didn’t. He could have sank Bernie with a tweet. But he didn’t. That’s kinda weird, don’t you think? This, to me, seems to indicate that Obama would have been perfectly fine with a candidate Sanders, that Sanders would have gotten the endorsement of Obama same as Biden. That the most revered democrat – whose approval rose when he left office – would have sat there and smiled while the democratic party became a socialist party and bled voters like a decapitated cadaver.

Obama really could have saved his party a lot of strife and division by nominating someone early – be it Biden or someone else. And while I can respect a former president abstaining from public discourse, allowing such a high volume of internal dissent between so many cults of personality in your own party was probably not wise given the circumstances. But, then again, I can respect and appreciated that all as well. His silence has been helpful.

In any case, Obama’s credibility is going to take a rather sizable hit, I think, when his veep crashes and burns. The responsible thing to do would have been to ask Biden to step aside a let someone like Buttchug or Gillibrand have the keys. But Obama does as Obama does. Harris will probably be Biden’s number two, that’ll be rich considering the blows they’ve exchanged and Biden’s tendency to get handsy. I can’t wait for these debates, it’s going to be like watching Shark Week. Maybe they’ll call’m off to save his ass and cry "Corona".

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