Insurance Fraud Is Epidemic

Read the full article and the 11-01-2020 issue at and at

Knowledge of Insurance is Required to Adequately Investigate Insurance Fraud

Insurance fraud continually takes more money each year than it did the last from the insurance buying public. There is no certain number. Insurance fraud in the United States range from $87 billion to more than $300 billion every year.

A person commits the offense of insurance fraud by knowingly and with the intent to defraud any insurer presents or causes to be presented to any insurer any statement forming a part of, or in support of, a claim that contains any false, incomplete or misleading information concerning any fact or thing material to the claim.

Before insurance fraud can be understood, it is important to understand what insurance is and how it works.

Insurance fraud exists because its perpetrators wish to profit by failing to comply with the definition quoted above.

Also read the following articles and reports
Health Insurance Fraud Convictions
Zalma on Insurance Videos
Other Insurance Fraud Convictions
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