I suspect I have not been shy with my ongoing criticism of the wolf that has sought to destroy the US by portraying itself as a lamb while sending innumerable storefront orgnisations ahead to lead violent and destructive riots on American soil recently on the excuse of politics but which are nothing more than an attack.  The combined work of MI5 and MI6 it is said constitute acts of war in respect of their covert attacks on our executive offices and personnel.  So, before I get carried any further away, ;-), let me note that this post is about history and the revisionist cant of those who would want to look like the US's friend when they are, indeed, their most dire enemy, and, indeed, the enemy of truth and intellectual honesty.  As the author of this article wrote:

"There is a very real attempt to rewrite history as we speak. A history that is at the root of what organises our world today, for it is understood that who controls the past, will have control over our present and our future.

This attempt to rewrite history is of the most paramount significance because it is what is used today to shape who we regard as a “friend” and who we regard as a “foe.” Thus who controls the “narrative” of history, will also control who we see ourselves “aligned” with."

And those of you imbued with the war-hawk Russophobia might as well walk on by as this article is about the beginnings of a diplomatic partnership that FDR tried to begin and Churchill did his best to destroy.  It is brought here as witness to the truth which is being consistently buried as the US's greatest enemy wants to look like a friendly lamb, as untruthful as that characterisation is.... using its agents within the US government to destroy our country and its future in peace, reverting to the Empire/oligarchy's addiction to war, destruction, death, slavery, drugs, and all forms of perdition.
