My Treatises

All Galaxies are SupraCosmic Gods, In the Center of Our Galaxy is The Light Home of Our Supra Cosmic Creator. There He Dwells As The Primeval Principle, The Source of All Matter In Our Galaxy. From His Central Location He Conducts Matter into HyperSonic Gods Called Stars. 

With His Divine Spirit He Carries Them On The Super Winds To A Set Location in One Of The Spirals of His Body. From There The HyperSonic Gods Create TerrestrialGods Called Planets and Moons. 

From His HyperSonic Location Our God, Our Sun, Creates All living Life On What Ever Planet That is Directed by Our Creator. From That Point In Space Time Our Sun God Will For Ever Stand Guard Over Our TerrestrialGoddess Making Sure That All Life Is Supported With The Things That Is Needed For Humanity to Have Eternal Life.

Our SupraCosmic God Created A Son Called The Word, It is That Word that Dwells in Us Called Our Soul. THE soul in Us is, then, an Incorporeal Essence, and even when It is in a body, It does not wholly lose Its manner of being. 

Its essence is that of Perpetual Movement, the Spontaneous Movement of Thought; yet is It not moved in any thing else, nor towards any thing else, nor for any thing else. For It is a Primordial Force, and that which is Primal needs not that which is secondary.

That which receives the Form of Life Participates in being by means of the Soul. In order to produce existence, it is necessary to exist; existence I define to be a reasonable becoming and Participation in Intelligent Life. Life constitutes the Creature, Intelligence renders it Reasonable, the body makes it Mortal. 

Nature assimilates the harmony of bodies to the disposition of the Stars, and the Combination of Their Elements to the Harmony of the Stars; so that there may be Reciprocal Sympathy. 

For the purpose of Stellar Harmony is to Engender Sympathies in Agreement with Destiny.

Every soul is immortal, and always in movement. For we have seen that movements proceed either from energies or from bodies. 

We have seen, also, that the soul, being incorporeal, proceeds not from any matter, but from an Essence Incorporeal itself, Meaning It is Directally from Our Creator and Part of Him.

It is Our Soul That is Lit by Cosmic or Astral Thinking. Our Soul Longs For The Words From The Father. Those Words Ignite The Fire of Our Soul by His Spirit and makes oue Soul Wants to Leave The Body behind Because it Longs To Be With The Father.

This Spirit of whom I have so often spoken is necessary to all; for He maintains all, He gives life to all, He nourishes all. He outflows from the Holy Source, and without ceasing comes to the aid of all living Creatures.

From the Emerald Tablets of Thoth

"Hear and understand. The flame is the source of all things, containing all things in potentiality. The Order that sent forth light is the Word and from the Word comes Life and the existence of all." And again spoke the voice saying: "The Life in you is the Word. Find though the Life within you, and have powers to use of the Word.

He or She That wants to feed the Soul with the Words of Our Father, will leaves the body, that wants to dominate. That Soul will leave the Sphere of the Earth and Climb to the Astral Plain of our Cosmos in the Eye of His Mind.

But a warning to all, Know you, the soul must be cleansed of its darkness, before you may enter the portals of Light. If you don't cleanse your soul from the darkness Our Creator will not let Himself be known by you. 

When you have freed your soul from its bondage, know that for you the darkness is gone. Ever through space you may seek wisdom, bound not by fetters forged in flesh.

The things we seek are not of the body but are only the perfected state of the Soul. 

Therefore Seek while there is still time the one who Dwells in unapproachable light the Father of All, for it was said : O man, listen to the voice of wisdom; listen to the voice of light. 
Mysteries there are in the Cosmos that unveiled fill the world with their light. Let he who would be free from the bonds of darkness first divine the material from the immaterial, the fire from the earth; for know you that as earth descends to earth, so also fire ascends unto fire and becomes one with fire. He who knows the fire that is within himself shall ascend unto the Eternal Fire and Dwell in it Eternally.

The man who is wise and protected by Divine Intelligence, knows how to preserve himself from such immediately he beholds them, and before he has been entrapped thereby. The foundation of knowledge is Supreme Goodness.

As for the Spirit, it moves and governs all individual beings in the world according to the nature which God has assigned to them. Matter, or the Cosmos is the receptacle, the motion, the replication of everything which God directs, dispensing to each of them that which is necessary to it, and filling them with Spirit according to their qualities.

These are the Primordial Principles, the first Sources, of all things. Everything is in them, or by them, or comes forth from them. 

Emissary on Earth Are We  Children of the Sun and its Messengers. This is the AGE where this Celestial Intelligence is being displayed. If you with the eye of intellect shall see this Word you shall in your whole mind be filled quite full of all things good.

I leave you with these words:  "Behold the Glory of the first Cause." I beheld that Light, high above all darkness, reflected in my own being. I attained, as it were, to the God of all Gods, the Spirit-Sun, the Sovereign of the Sun Spheres. Again came the Voice: "There is one, even the First, who has no beginning, who has no end; who has made all things, who govern all, who is good, who is just, who illumines, who sustains."

Also: Then from the throne, there poured a great radiance, surrounding and lifting my soul by its power. Swiftly I moved through the Spaces of Heaven, shown was I the Mystery of Mysteries, shown the Secret Heart of the Cosmos.

Seek you and know you, my Key of Wisdom. Thus, O man, you shall surely be FREE