If you happen to think that today's violence and attempts to undermine the authority and credibility of the US government is peculiar, meaning that you do not remember the events of the late 60's and early 70's... then it is surely true, no offense, that your studies of history were marginal at best, not emphasising the almost continual efforts made by treasonous US citizens and the British Empire to destroy the USA in its early years.

"...when reviewing the history of the USA from its earliest years throughout its numerous moments of near-collapse witnessed in 1804, 1812, 1861-65 to the present, the very fact that the republic even exists at all is nothing less than a miracle which should not be taken for granted. The miracle of America’s surviving its many near death experiences over the years can be attributed less to fate and more to the immense sacrifices by great (and often assassinated) statesmen over the years… one of whom we will explore in this essay."


And for those who are confused by persistent references to the evil Empire/Oligarchy/Globaloney criminal cabal, witness in this essay the actions of some of its agents from the earlier years of the US's history.... and you will understand why the Empire was, is, and will continue to be until it is destroyed, the US's greatest enemy.