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Six percent of the total deaths reported were corona-only deaths; and good luck finding a single MSM outlet making a peep on this covert correction. If anyone asks it’s still a fucking Nurgle plague, right?

9,210 people dead as a result of a pandemic that demanded the obliteration of local and state economies is pretty small fucking potatoes compared to the apocalypse we were told this would be even after it looked like it wouldn’t be. 9,210 deaths is dwarfed by the number of overdoses this country sees every year but those people get no attention – probably because big pharma pays the talking heads to be quiet heads about it. No need for a nation-wide response on that, eh?

And regarding the other thousands of people who supposedly died but would have pulled through their AIDS, decapitation, or shrunken telomeres if not for the kung-flu, I’ve got some bad news for my fellow burgers. America, is not the healthiest place on the planet: Our drugs cost as much as car repairs, pills are preferred to not ingesting carbonated chemicals, climbing stairs is considered exercise, we masturbate to combat boredom, and we need self-help books to know what our emotions mean. Not what I’d call the model of public health.

Corona-chan is not the pitiless mass killer she’s been made out to be. She’s misunderstood – to such a degree, in fact, that too many people are convinced that if they go outside and breath the air, their eyes will bleed and they’ll drop dead from some kind of lingering coof miasma. But thankfully, people have gradually been giving less and less of a shit and have been taking the 6 month-long 15 day curve flattening less and less seriously.

As I record this, many tens of thousands of labor day party boys and girls are getting their grooves on around the country; and from the footage I’ve been seeing, not a single, solitary fuck is being given about the once discouraged but now apparently mandatory mask orders and social distancing standards. It’s a beautiful thing.

So when a disease that actually does burry every tenth person it touches comes washing up from some communist hellhole, should we defer to the CDC and WHO, or all the doctors that they tried to disgrace for standing up and telling the medical clergy how full of shit they are?

Watch STNC Episode 30