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What did we hear for nearly four years non-stop about the last election?

That it was rife with interference? That multiple foreign government entities, namely Russian in origin, had stuck their noses into our business and ultimately brought upon the Trump presidency? Even though their Golden Boy Barack was adamant and said with a straight face that such a thing wasn’t even possible just a few months prior?

After all the hysterics, after all the gaslighting, after all the chain-yanking about election interference, what solution are we being offered by the aristocracy to guarantee the integrity, validity, and authenticity of the 2020 election? Universal voter ID laws? Standardizing paper ballots and trashing voting machines? Bar-coded stickers that say “I voted”? No. The apparent solution to election interference is to force votes to go through more middlemen then they normally would on their way to be counted. What could possibly go wrong? Hell, why don’t we just send a text on our Chinese phones to vote while we’re at it?

If there’s one thing in particular from this story that is so important to stress, it’s the ease at which this presumed fixer claims that local elections could be flipped. I’m as guilty as anyone in that I typically get distracted from township and county elections as I get caught up the theater that is the national election cycle. But forgoing interest and attention in local affairs is the antithesis of the colloquial slow-boil. The government closest to you shouldn’t be overseen by people whose names you don’t even know, let alone ones who might have very well been cheated into their positions under the nose of an ignorant public. Don’t let anything fall by the wayside. If there’s an election and it involves you, your money, and your future, go. People who don’t vote forfeit their right to bitch about the results.

In summation of this person’s testimonial to the Post, it does certainly sound like these kinds of operations are only just able to flip the closest elections – that is, by only a few thousand or even a few hundred votes on the low end. It is by no means a perfect scheme of theirs, but then not too much they’ve tried to do to claw at their lost credibility and power seems to have worked particularly well anyway. So there is no excuse, then; when election day comes, you go out and you do what you need to do. Flip the mail-in ballot you got the bird and go vote in person like you ought to have to in the first damn place. The dip-shit coof-czar Tony Fauci himself said it was fine, so what the hell kind of excuse is there?

Communists propping up a needless system like mail-in voting can only mean one thing; it helps them. So let’s break whatever toys and tools they think they’ll need. I got a feeling in my balls that election night’s going to be a landslide and these shameless pinkos deserve to be buried underneath it all.

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