As I look back on my life, I recall many prayers I'm thankful the Lord chose to set aside. He gave me instead what I needed. And what He gave brought me even greater long-term happiness and more deep-down joy. But when we're in the midst of a trial or a time of waiting, it can be difficult to have that perspective. What can we do when we find ourselves in such a season?

First, we can ask the Lord for sustaining strength and divine wisdom. I know that sounds elementary, but we often forget that we can't do life on our own. We need divine help from one day to the next. In addition, we need supernatural strength and divine wisdom to wait for God's plan to unfold. Good things come to those who wait.

Second, we can forgive yourself for being shortsighted and for missing the big picture. Forgive yourself for clinging when you should have released. Forgive yourself for failing to be excited about what's ahead when God's plan doesn't include your plans. Repent of your failings, receive God's forgiveness, and then forgive yourself.

I've learned this in my lifetime: the last one we forgive on this earth is ourselves. God forgives you, so why don't you?

In time, you will come to realize, that in God's appointed plan, the best is yet to come.