• If #Vaccines were actually "good" for your child's health.....
    WHY would big pharma give bonuses to doctors for pushing them on you?

    Vaccines are T0XIC and cause lifelong illnesses, contain aluminum, mercury, and other toxins... Do you REALLY believe that injecting your child with MERCURY is "healthy" for the child???

    Do you REALLY believe that an industry that profits from SICK PEOPLE has any interests whatsoever in making your child healthy?

    Do you REALLY believe that #Congress would need to shield vaccine manufacturers from ALL LIABILITY related to your child's reaction to these "vaccines" if they were actually beneficial to your child's health???

    I mean WHY would a corporation seek

    And EVERY YEAR health declines in America and the WORLD!

    Rates of Autism have climbed from non-existent,
    to about 1 in 35,000 in 1960, to 1 in 28 in 2024....

    And during the SAME TIME FRAME the "vaccines" suggested by their
    have went froom suggesting 7 vaccines, to suggesting 84 vaccines!

    YOUR CHILDREN are dying and being damaged by these vaccines, which are pushed by the #Luciferian scumbags at the CDC, whop profits from EVERY VACCINE SALE!

    WAKE UP!
    Before you turn your child into a sickly (or DEAD) vegetable!

    Are you REALLY telling your Creator that YOU TRUST MAN more than Him???
    He designed you PERFECTLY, and you don't need a vaccine!

    Vaccines were created to poison, kill, and CONTROL the people of the world!

    Doctors who are honest will tell you, their HEALTHIEST PATIENTS are their UNVACCINATED PATIENTS!
    If #Vaccines were actually "good" for your child's health..... WHY would big pharma give bonuses to doctors for pushing them on you? Vaccines are T0XIC and cause lifelong illnesses, contain aluminum, mercury, and other toxins... Do you REALLY believe that injecting your child with MERCURY is "healthy" for the child??? Do you REALLY believe that an industry that profits from SICK PEOPLE has any interests whatsoever in making your child healthy? Do you REALLY believe that #Congress would need to shield vaccine manufacturers from ALL LIABILITY related to your child's reaction to these "vaccines" if they were actually beneficial to your child's health??? I mean WHY would a corporation seek COMPLETE AND TOTAL IMMUNITY FROM LIABILITY and PROSECUTION if their product was safe??? EVERY YEAR we have MORE VACCINES.... And EVERY YEAR health declines in America and the WORLD! Rates of Autism have climbed from non-existent, to about 1 in 35,000 in 1960, to 1 in 28 in 2024.... And during the SAME TIME FRAME the "vaccines" suggested by their PATENT HOLDER ( THE #CDC MAKES MONEY SELLING VACCINES ) have went froom suggesting 7 vaccines, to suggesting 84 vaccines! YOUR CHILDREN are dying and being damaged by these vaccines, which are pushed by the #Luciferian scumbags at the CDC, whop profits from EVERY VACCINE SALE! WAKE UP! Before you turn your child into a sickly (or DEAD) vegetable! Are you REALLY telling your Creator that YOU TRUST MAN more than Him??? He designed you PERFECTLY, and you don't need a vaccine! Vaccines were created to poison, kill, and CONTROL the people of the world! So just STOP POISONING YOUR CHILDREN! Doctors who are honest will tell you, their HEALTHIEST PATIENTS are their UNVACCINATED PATIENTS!
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 179 Vue

    Bryan's final question in this video is this....
    "Could Police be at your house to actually prevent a school shooting"


    But more likely, they are there to FRAME YOU for a school shooting OR to implement some kind of MK Ultra mind control on you...
    winding you up and setting you loose on the public!'

    Because unfortunately ladies and gents....
    I believe that JUST LIKE ALL "GOVERNMENT" they are likely #Luciferians

    WHY do you think Police have a "Fraternal Order of Police???"
    That is #Freemason BS folks!

    LOOK AROUND at how many Police are Freemasons!
    We ALL know Freemasons worship Satan!

    So WHO thinks it's a good idea to give Luciferians badges and guns?

    COPS QUESTION ALLEGED SCHOOL SH**TER BEFORE THE SH**TING Bryan's final question in this video is this.... "Could Police be at your house to actually prevent a school shooting" SURE.... THEY COULD BE I SUPPOSE.... But more likely, they are there to FRAME YOU for a school shooting OR to implement some kind of MK Ultra mind control on you... winding you up and setting you loose on the public!' Because unfortunately ladies and gents.... I believe that JUST LIKE ALL "GOVERNMENT" they are likely #Luciferians WHY do you think Police have a "Fraternal Order of Police???" That is #Freemason BS folks! LOOK AROUND at how many Police are Freemasons! We ALL know Freemasons worship Satan! So WHO thinks it's a good idea to give Luciferians badges and guns? https://old.bitchute.com/video/FZxGLIfFP6g/
    COPS Question ALLEGED School Sh**ter BEFORE the SH**TING
    🔴 Grab a SHIRT: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlix-Merch Sub my NEW CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdzWGXzBK88 Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSYXSwbauRs79G1skOCzIw/join Support the channel: ⭐ Patreon: https://www.patreon.…
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 133 Vue

    People just don't get it!
    The #Banks have stolen ALL OF THE LAND ACROSS THE WORLD using worthless paper that they print by the ton...

    Because gullible people think it has value, but it don't
    They'll pay the #Police with this worthless paper, to toss you from your land!

    And the Banks are controlled, like they always have been, by #Luciferian scum
    The world is about to experience something they have likely never even read about!

    You have no "government"
    you only have a hostile, foreign owned #Corporation, who plans to wipe you out!

    And sadly.....
    people THINK they are going to "Vote" their way out of this, when the truth is...
    The Luciferian Bankers control EVERY SIDE OF THE POLITICAL ISLE....

    Which is nothing more than bread and circuses anyway!
    YOU ARE AT WAR! Only you haven't figured it out yet!

    But as the invaders start taking over YOUR TOWN, maybe you'll figure it out!
    Good luck!

    THIS is what happens when you allow #Criminality to continue throughout your corporate "government," and never hold a single one of them accountable!

    I'll even go so far as to say POLICE will likely help the invaders!

    ONLY A REVOLUTION WILL DO People just don't get it! The #Banks have stolen ALL OF THE LAND ACROSS THE WORLD using worthless paper that they print by the ton... Because gullible people think it has value, but it don't They'll pay the #Police with this worthless paper, to toss you from your land! And the Banks are controlled, like they always have been, by #Luciferian scum The world is about to experience something they have likely never even read about! You have no "government" you only have a hostile, foreign owned #Corporation, who plans to wipe you out! And sadly..... people THINK they are going to "Vote" their way out of this, when the truth is... The Luciferian Bankers control EVERY SIDE OF THE POLITICAL ISLE.... Which is nothing more than bread and circuses anyway! YOU ARE AT WAR! Only you haven't figured it out yet! But as the invaders start taking over YOUR TOWN, maybe you'll figure it out! Good luck! THIS is what happens when you allow #Criminality to continue throughout your corporate "government," and never hold a single one of them accountable! I'll even go so far as to say POLICE will likely help the invaders! https://old.bitchute.com/video/c94YcpneZPwz/
    Only a revolution will do
    1 Commentaires 1 Parts 162 Vue
  • Trump Accepts Endorsement of Luciferian Freemasons - both sides are working together https://old.bitchute.com/video/yMLtPYqfXx4W/ #resigntrudeau #covid #NWO #SayingTheQuietPartOutLoud
    Trump Accepts Endorsement of Luciferian Freemasons - both sides are working together https://old.bitchute.com/video/yMLtPYqfXx4W/ #resigntrudeau #covid #NWO #SayingTheQuietPartOutLoud
    Trump Accepts Endorsement of Luciferian Freemasons - both sides are working together
    We will divide society so that 1/3 are spies and informers that will keep the rest under observation - https://www.bitchute.com/video/fWwofFr9uQsG/ --- you don't believe in government run stalking program watch this stalker admitting is getting pa…
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 119 Vue
  • https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/139248

    BREAKING: Luciferian Lady Gaga and The Sinister Dr Fauci are making a Netflix Documentary on Ba’al Gates.
    (2 min 17 seconds)
    Welcome to ClownWorld.
    https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/139248 BREAKING: Luciferian Lady Gaga and The Sinister Dr Fauci are making a Netflix Documentary on Ba’al Gates. (2 min 17 seconds) Welcome to Clown🤡World.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 108 Vue 0
  • Here is a collection of Flat Earth videos...

    ANYONE who has legitimate questions about WHY people just like you are becoming Flat Earthers, even after being #NASA fans for a lifetime NEEDS to view the #Evidence these people have!

    There is NOTHING that I hate more than people who ask a question about FE, and expect someone to compress YEARS OF RESEARCH into a 140 character response!

    You post videos which have the answers they seek....
    But they refuse to watch them!

    If you are truly curious as to why NASA gets LAUGHED AT on every post they make.... It's because the people they have been extorting out of BILLIONS OF DOLLARS are onto their lies!

    The best way to become a FLAT EARTHER

    There is no curvature, water does not "curve," and a vacuum cannot exist next to an atmosphere without being in a container! PERIOD!

    These are NATURAL LAWS. Proven natural laws!
    The "Globe" was created by #Luciferians in an attempt to discredit the #Bible... and I hate to tell you this, but they were wildly successful! But NOT ANYMORE!

    Once you corner someone with facts they cannot escape....

    Instead of conceding that "You are right," they will say "What difference does it make what shape the earth is? I still have to go to work tomorrow and pay my bills!

    What difference does it make???
    That EVERY "government" on Earth is a Luciferian #Fraud, lying to and manipulating it's people as it steals their money???

    That every "government" on earth is NOT actually a "government" at all, but rather a Luciferian deception, who has created an illegitimate control and #Slavery system for everyone on earth?

    ALL to disprove the word of YHWH.....

    It makes a huge difference folks!

    These people claim to have the "Consent of the governed" to rule over everyone on earth, who they claim have "consented" to give up their inalienable human rights for politically promised protection

    NOBODY has consented to becoming the PROPERTY of a #Corporation! But that is what they claim!

    The "government," #Police, and the #Courts ALL operate on "Maritime Admiralty Law" or the "Law of the SEA" or the law of Commerce (YOU being a maritime admiralty law PRODUCT)

    But we are NOT at sea folks!
    We are on the LAND where COMMON LAW has #Jurisdiction over MEN and WOMEN!

    That is how they get away with violating the CONSTITUTION, they claim that YOU ARE NOT A PARTY TO IT. Because YOU supposedly "consented" to be a maritime admiralty law PRODUCT

    A SLAVE in other words!
    Did YOU consent to this???

    Here is a collection of Flat Earth videos... ANYONE who has legitimate questions about WHY people just like you are becoming Flat Earthers, even after being #NASA fans for a lifetime NEEDS to view the #Evidence these people have! There is NOTHING that I hate more than people who ask a question about FE, and expect someone to compress YEARS OF RESEARCH into a 140 character response! You post videos which have the answers they seek.... But they refuse to watch them! If you are truly curious as to why NASA gets LAUGHED AT on every post they make.... It's because the people they have been extorting out of BILLIONS OF DOLLARS are onto their lies! The best way to become a FLAT EARTHER is to TRY PROVING THE #GLOBE! There is no curvature, water does not "curve," and a vacuum cannot exist next to an atmosphere without being in a container! PERIOD! These are NATURAL LAWS. Proven natural laws! The "Globe" was created by #Luciferians in an attempt to discredit the #Bible... and I hate to tell you this, but they were wildly successful! But NOT ANYMORE! Once you corner someone with facts they cannot escape.... Instead of conceding that "You are right," they will say "What difference does it make what shape the earth is? I still have to go to work tomorrow and pay my bills! What difference does it make??? That EVERY "government" on Earth is a Luciferian #Fraud, lying to and manipulating it's people as it steals their money??? That every "government" on earth is NOT actually a "government" at all, but rather a Luciferian deception, who has created an illegitimate control and #Slavery system for everyone on earth? ALL to disprove the word of YHWH..... It makes a huge difference folks! These people claim to have the "Consent of the governed" to rule over everyone on earth, who they claim have "consented" to give up their inalienable human rights for politically promised protection NOBODY has consented to becoming the PROPERTY of a #Corporation! But that is what they claim! The "government," #Police, and the #Courts ALL operate on "Maritime Admiralty Law" or the "Law of the SEA" or the law of Commerce (YOU being a maritime admiralty law PRODUCT) But we are NOT at sea folks! We are on the LAND where COMMON LAW has #Jurisdiction over MEN and WOMEN! That is how they get away with violating the CONSTITUTION, they claim that YOU ARE NOT A PARTY TO IT. Because YOU supposedly "consented" to be a maritime admiralty law PRODUCT A SLAVE in other words! Did YOU consent to this??? https://fevids.com/
    Home - Flat Earth Videos
    [et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_row column_structure=”3_4,1_4″ _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”3_4″ _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_blog _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/et_pb_blog][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_4″ _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_sidebar area=”sidebar-1″ _builder_version=”4.23.1″ _module_preset=”default” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″][/et_pb_sidebar][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 368 Vue

    The actual #BohemianGrove issued a copyright strike against R$E for posting this video! They claimed it was "Performance Art"

    Screw those guys, post it and share it!

    Some #Luciferian rituals and such, you know...
    Burning the effigy ( wink, wink ) of a baby and stuff!

    THE BOHEMIAN GROVE IS ERASING THIS FROM THE INTERNET SAVE THIS AND FLOOD THE WEB! The actual #BohemianGrove issued a copyright strike against R$E for posting this video! They claimed it was "Performance Art" Screw those guys, post it and share it! Some #Luciferian rituals and such, you know... Burning the effigy ( wink, wink ) of a baby and stuff! https://old.bitchute.com/video/UOb4pLmgS3eo/
    Richie of course preserved and uploaded the entire cremation of care ritual, should you want to see for yourself what these rich reprobates do in the woods. Source: RichieFromBoston https://old.bitchute.com/video/ion3TcQA6kAf/ Truther's Lair - Yo…
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 197 Vue
  • 666

    It's strange to me how people can claim #Democrats are #Evil, but those same people cannot discern that their counterparts, the #Republicans, are just as Evil!

    These people cannot seem to grasp the FACT that the entire two party system is #Satan's system! And it is not just politics folks! The #Courts are also operating on behalf of Satan, with their illegitimate and unjust "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Fraud based system of #Slavery!

    A "Court" under maritime admiralty law is a #Bank!
    ALL "banks" are front organizations for Satan!
    Their owners are all Luciferians

    Hollywood is entirely Satanic also. As are EVERY 3 LETTER AGENCY within the FRAUDULENT CORPORATION WE KNOW AS "GOVERNMENT"

    People will willingly go and "vote" for the "Lesser of 2 evils"
    Not realizing that they are still ENDORSING BEING A SLAVE TO EVIL

    I just don't understand people!
    These people SHOW YOU their affiliation.... yet people still "vote" to have the Luciferians RULE OVER THEM AND CONTROL THEIR LIVES!

    It is insanity beyond comprehension

    666 It's strange to me how people can claim #Democrats are #Evil, but those same people cannot discern that their counterparts, the #Republicans, are just as Evil! These people cannot seem to grasp the FACT that the entire two party system is #Satan's system! And it is not just politics folks! The #Courts are also operating on behalf of Satan, with their illegitimate and unjust "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Fraud based system of #Slavery! A "Court" under maritime admiralty law is a #Bank! ALL "banks" are front organizations for Satan! Their owners are all Luciferians Hollywood is entirely Satanic also. As are EVERY 3 LETTER AGENCY within the FRAUDULENT CORPORATION WE KNOW AS "GOVERNMENT" People will willingly go and "vote" for the "Lesser of 2 evils" Not realizing that they are still ENDORSING BEING A SLAVE TO EVIL I just don't understand people! These people SHOW YOU their affiliation.... yet people still "vote" to have the Luciferians RULE OVER THEM AND CONTROL THEIR LIVES! It is insanity beyond comprehension https://old.bitchute.com/video/Nx8M11u0SNlQ/
    666 [👌]
    👇 All #CONops #cons # #frauds #PARASITES #EpicFailures 👎 Trump, Elon, Stew Peters, Alex Jones, David Icke, Assange, Snowden, Candace Owens, DOQ, VK, Runner, AmericanFoster, Dan Scamvino, DJT, etc. Lots and lots of 🤡's here!! 👎 https://www.youtube.…
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 388 Vue

    This #Sheriff is bragging about his #Google maps "Live Feed" and how he is able to SPY on Americans who have broken no laws, and violate their #4thAmendment rights by using "license plate readers" to put them into a database, despite them having broken no laws AND without "Probable Cause"

    THIS is a problem folks!
    SECONDLY.... As this #Tyrant Sheriff sits around with his nose unlawfully up the ass of every American passing through his jurisdiction.... what he fails to mention is that GOOGLE and it's affiliates also have access to this data!

    Can you see a problem with that??? THINK REAL HARD!
    This Sheriff AND the Luciferians at Google can watch EVERY MOVE YOU MAKE!

    Which will not only make it easy to frame you, it will also make it easy to KILL YOU!

    It's time for THE PEOPLE to retake control over our illegitimate and corrupt "government" which is actually just a CORPORATION operating under
    maritime admiralty law!

    Head shot BEFORE that equipment is reached changes things though don't it?
    These scumbags have been getting trained by #Israel, and you can bet money that they are also "UN Shock Troops" and have blue helmets in their department!

    There is NO "GOOD" COPS
    Good people would not enforce "POLICIES" of a #Corporation on their neighbors!

    ⭐TOUGH SHERIFF THREATENS EVERYBODY IN HIS COUNTY WITH MILITARIZED EQUIPMENT! FIRST OF ALL I WANT TO SAY...... This #Sheriff is bragging about his #Google maps "Live Feed" and how he is able to SPY on Americans who have broken no laws, and violate their #4thAmendment rights by using "license plate readers" to put them into a database, despite them having broken no laws AND without "Probable Cause" THIS is a problem folks! SECONDLY.... As this #Tyrant Sheriff sits around with his nose unlawfully up the ass of every American passing through his jurisdiction.... what he fails to mention is that GOOGLE and it's affiliates also have access to this data! Can you see a problem with that??? THINK REAL HARD! This Sheriff AND the Luciferians at Google can watch EVERY MOVE YOU MAKE! Which will not only make it easy to frame you, it will also make it easy to KILL YOU! It's time for THE PEOPLE to retake control over our illegitimate and corrupt "government" which is actually just a CORPORATION operating under maritime admiralty law! Head shot BEFORE that equipment is reached changes things though don't it? These scumbags have been getting trained by #Israel, and you can bet money that they are also "UN Shock Troops" and have blue helmets in their department! There is NO "GOOD" COPS Good people would not enforce "POLICIES" of a #Corporation on their neighbors! PERIOD! https://old.bitchute.com/video/6U4OQKr1bX8/
    🔴 Grab a SHIRT: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlix-Merch Come to the NEW CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMCuChu7gAg Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSYXSwbauRs79G1skOCzIw/join Support the channel: ⭐ Patreon: https://www.pat…
    1 Commentaires 0 Parts 537 Vue

    I don't believe a "virus" exists!
    The "virus" is the #Vaccines given to to our children!

    And "Monkey Pox"
    Yeah... that also came from the weaponized injections!

    Allowing #Luciferian psychopaths to INJECT ANYTHING into our body is insane!'

    But I am fighting the SAME BATTLE as you and everyone else are!

    I tell people this stuff and they look at you like you just grew an extra head! Even people close to you!

    All I'm sure of is that I'll continue speaking the #Truth as long as my lungs have breathe in them! But it's really hard to watch people put their trust in these psychopaths no matter WHAT you tell them!

    No matter how much PROOF you show them!
    Having the discernment to see these things is as much a blessing as it is a curse!

    THE MEDICAL MAFIA IS EXPOSED BY THE HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE THAT "VIRUSES" AND "CANCER" ARE PARASITES! I don't believe a "virus" exists! The "virus" is the #Vaccines given to to our children! And "Monkey Pox" Yeah... that also came from the weaponized injections! Allowing #Luciferian psychopaths to INJECT ANYTHING into our body is insane!' But I am fighting the SAME BATTLE as you and everyone else are! I tell people this stuff and they look at you like you just grew an extra head! Even people close to you! All I'm sure of is that I'll continue speaking the #Truth as long as my lungs have breathe in them! But it's really hard to watch people put their trust in these psychopaths no matter WHAT you tell them! No matter how much PROOF you show them! Having the discernment to see these things is as much a blessing as it is a curse! https://old.bitchute.com/video/chcBTSNhahcF/
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 673 Vue
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