• Retired Chicago cop who exposed Jussie Smollett hoax warns voters about Kamala Harris
    Retired Chicago cop who exposed Jussie Smollett hoax warns voters about Kamala Harris https://www.foxnews.com/us/retired-chicago-cop-who-exposed-jussie-smollett-hoax-warns-voters-about-kamala-harris
    Retired Chicago cop who exposed Jussie Smollett hoax warns voters about Kamala Harris
    Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic nominee, never deleted a social media post that supported Jussie Smollett's hate crime hoax.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 157 Views
  • The Ultimate Guide To Trump Assassination Predictive Programming:
    A Scripted Hoax?!

    Worth a watch!

    How many of you noticed that #Republicans used the pyramid from the back of a dollar bill as a backdrop to their "Make America Wealthy Again" theme, where the Republican speaker was positioned to replace "Lucifer's all seeing eye" as the capstone of the pyramid? Anyone notice?

    We can sit around and talk about all of the weird sh*t until the cows come home...
    Or we can get busy arresting the #Criminals that currently control the world!

    The people have every right to convene grand juries you know.....
    And every right to enforce their findings!

    But do they lack the testicular fortitude?
    It certainly would appear so

    The Ultimate Guide To Trump Assassination Predictive Programming: A Scripted Hoax?! Worth a watch! How many of you noticed that #Republicans used the pyramid from the back of a dollar bill as a backdrop to their "Make America Wealthy Again" theme, where the Republican speaker was positioned to replace "Lucifer's all seeing eye" as the capstone of the pyramid? Anyone notice? We can sit around and talk about all of the weird sh*t until the cows come home... Or we can get busy arresting the #Criminals that currently control the world! The people have every right to convene grand juries you know..... And every right to enforce their findings! But do they lack the testicular fortitude? It certainly would appear so https://www.bitchute.com/video/98HF2TDdp0pk
    The Ultimate Guide To Trump Assassination Predictive Programming: A Scripted Hoax?!
    I've seen a few videos showing the various pieces of predictive programming before the so-called "botched Trump assassination attempt". I wanted to compile them into a cohesive report. If I missed any leave a comment for everyone and email it to [email protected] Want more videos? Join the leading researchers on https://GroupDiscover.com to find the best videos from across the free speech internet platforms like Odysee, Rumble, Bitchute & More Add me on these great platforms: https://rokfin.com/timtruth https://odysee.com/@TimTruth:b/ https://rumble.com/timtruth https://bitchute.com/timtruth/ https://GroupDiscover.com Support links: https://timtruth.substack.com/subscribe https://subscribestar.com/timtruth
    0 Comments 0 Shares 317 Views
  • Zion Fake As ASSassination attempt the crowd all crisis actors remember the Boston bombings hoax

    Zion Fake As ASSassination attempt the crowd all crisis actors remember the Boston bombings hoax https://www.bitchute.com/video/Zs0ZJGnzIoa8
    Zion Fake As ASSassination attempt the crowd all crisis actors remember the Boston bombings hoax
    We will divide society so that 1/3 are spies and informers that will keep the rest under observation - https://www.bitchute.com/video/fWwofFr9uQsG/ --- you don't believe in government run stalking program watch this stalker admitting is getting paid by the government link to the full video a must watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/s7WdCccshH0P/ --- Media blackout Saudi Arabia Ends 80-year Petrodollar the United States and The UK is finished https://www.bitchute.com/video/WDpIiDzSauCf/ --- Victor Thorn on The Holocaust Hoax https://www.bitchute.com/video/eErtnvHgjURI/ --- Hitler was a Rothschild who was funded by the Zionist bankers https://www.bitchute.com/video/U5gKwovSUcOu/ --- Seeing through your walls Police stalking A targeted individual Eventually killing him A must watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZBQPIM8ivrSe/ --- AI turns wi-fi routers into "cameras" that see people through walls https://www.bitchute.com/video/Fx2tU36ggTKM/?comment=9cJ6plTgIu4j9EKKh39oZtPgoAb48ekUZW0l --- Cold War Stasi Spymaster Who Helped Create The DHS https://www.bitchute.com/video/4FTfvWXzszFf/ --- Must Watch Steven Baysden explain how he's targeting begun and it continued in Russia France Germany Stasi 2.0 https://www.bitchute.com/video/aocCrxDjJDcl/ --- Dr. Helen Tsigounis Australian Blacklist stalked the Freemasons control the medical schools https://www.bitchute.com/video/825hSoqv1O72/?comment=81C8hSnLqwDTeAAvTloJJdrQ4j7WAyHyfZXd --- More evidence Israel controls a large percentage of the population in my state and how they get used https://www.bitchute.com/video/TsiGlFjUhm8M/ --- how much more evidence do you need stalker following the target https://www.bitchute.com/video/3J5mpe6Omx5K/ --- The fake target - Real gang stalking - ShIll gatekeeper YouTube protected Gets exposed part 1 https://www.bitchute.com/video/TudR8teM5d1B/ --- The stalkers have got pictures of the targets face on their phones https://www.bitchute.com/video/crjj06AleCOA/ --- A must watch Using emergency services before leaving the house https://www.bitchute.com/video/e18ZpW6tHK5S/ -- Sandy Hook hoax how quickly the Zionist targeting program can infiltrate your neighborhood https://bitchute.com/video/AxDdYg37zcAp/ --- An Interview With Dave Mcgowan About The Boston Bombing Hoax - Part 1 https://www.bitchute.com/video/3HCg8kPTp3fQ/ --- Visit my channels -- for 1080p videos https://rumble.com/user/Global_communist_takeover1 https://ugetube.com/@GLOBAL%20COMMUNIST%20TAKEOVER https://odysee.com/@gangstalking-australia:8?view=content https://twitter.com/vinesa1982 https://www.minds.com/aqswdefrgt1/ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Nfj8fzASS8yT/ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/37Nmvte1KWTE/ -- Stalker letting the target know that he's the biggest target end hoaxes false flags psy-ops https://www.bitchute.com/video/JMTvS5R33Yj7/ Proof stalkers Car mufflers Are modified to Noise campaign Just by pressing a button When driving past the target's house A large percentage of the population are wor
    0 Comments 0 Shares 290 Views
  • The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

    FREE downloadable PDF file

    The #Propaganda will tell you all kinds of LIES about this book trying to steer you away from READING IT!

    Every time I post a link to this book I ALREADY KNOW before hitting <enter> on the post, that someone will make a comment claiming the book is a hoax, a forgery, or some other nonsense claim!

    It appears to be pretty damn accurate in my view!
    So keep your Propaganda to yourself, and off my post!

    If you want to make false claims it's okay with me....

    The bible warned you of these snakes!
    That alone is good enough for me

    The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion FREE downloadable PDF file The #Propaganda will tell you all kinds of LIES about this book trying to steer you away from READING IT! Every time I post a link to this book I ALREADY KNOW before hitting <enter> on the post, that someone will make a comment claiming the book is a hoax, a forgery, or some other nonsense claim! It appears to be pretty damn accurate in my view! So keep your Propaganda to yourself, and off my post! If you want to make false claims it's okay with me.... AS LONG AS YOU MAKE THEM ON YOUR OWN POSTS and not on mine! The bible warned you of these snakes! That alone is good enough for me https://www.pdfdrive.com/the-protocols-of-the-learned-elders-of-zion-e199663794.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 513 Views
  • RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS...Podcast ... If you missed last nights live broadcast where Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discussed ' Trump v. O'Harris...A Ticket In The Making'; 'A House of Cards On A Foundation Of Hoaxes'; and the immediate future of the Democrat party and their 2024 ticket.....listen to it and past shows at https://rspradio1.com ... go to Podcasts.
    RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS...Podcast ... If you missed last nights live broadcast where Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discussed ' Trump v. O'Harris...A Ticket In The Making'; 'A House of Cards On A Foundation Of Hoaxes'; and the immediate future of the Democrat party and their 2024 ticket.....listen to it and past shows at https://rspradio1.com ... go to Podcasts.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 568 Views
  • RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS...LIVE! ... Today, Tuesday, July 9th from 7-8:30pm EST. Craig & Diane discuss 'Trump v. O'Harris...A Ticket In The Making'; 'A House of Cards On A Foundation Of Hoaxes'; and the immediate future of the Democrat party and their 2024 ticket. On https://rspradio1.com Click 'LISTEN LIVE.'
    RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS...LIVE! ... Today, Tuesday, July 9th from 7-8:30pm EST. Craig & Diane discuss 'Trump v. O'Harris...A Ticket In The Making'; 'A House of Cards On A Foundation Of Hoaxes'; and the immediate future of the Democrat party and their 2024 ticket. On https://rspradio1.com Click 'LISTEN LIVE.'
    0 Comments 0 Shares 459 Views
  • What Biden did on the debate stage was worse than exposing himself. He exposed the Corrupt MSM. He embarrassed them by revealing that they are either Credulous Fools or Dishonest Hacks. If there was a shred of decency in any of them, they’d be looking within with remorse, repenting of their sins, and trying to reform. But that’s not how our Corrupt MSM Rolls. Instead, they now want to erase from the world stage the thing that caused them shame: Joe Biden.
    For years now, the American media have called Conservatives liars. We were lying when we denied the Russia hoax & The Very Fine People hoax & COVID was a lab leak, & Ivermectin benefits & Most of all, we were lying about Joe Biden’s Manifest Cognitive Decline.
    What Biden did on the debate stage was worse than exposing himself. He exposed the Corrupt MSM. He embarrassed them by revealing that they are either Credulous Fools or Dishonest Hacks. If there was a shred of decency in any of them, they’d be looking within with remorse, repenting of their sins, and trying to reform. But that’s not how our Corrupt MSM Rolls. Instead, they now want to erase from the world stage the thing that caused them shame: Joe Biden. For years now, the American media have called Conservatives liars. We were lying when we denied the Russia hoax & The Very Fine People hoax & COVID was a lab leak, & Ivermectin benefits & Most of all, we were lying about Joe Biden’s Manifest Cognitive Decline. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/07/the_big_interview_was_generic_biden_but_humiliated_journalists_are_going_for_the_kill.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 885 Views
  • "To claim that the results of a #PCR "test" are meaningful is a misuse of the tool"


    The PCR does nothing but AMPLIFY GENETIC MATERIAL
    It is not a "test"

    It is an amplification tool ONLY!
    It is incapable of diagnosing illness in anyone!

    The "Bird Flu" is just one more, in a growing list, of PHONY "viruses" that the PCR is being used to "diagnose" despite the PCR having NO DIAGNOSTIC VALUE WHATSOEVER!

    These #Luciferian scumbags are using the PCR RIGHT NOW to claim that chickens are infected with the "Avian Flu" resulting in the killing of BILLIONS OF BIRDS!

    Their goal???

    ANYTHING that is supposedly "diagnosed" using the PCR is a fabricated #HOAX

    "To claim that the results of a #PCR "test" are meaningful is a misuse of the tool" The PCR has NO DIAGNOSTIC VALUE WHATSOEVER! The PCR does nothing but AMPLIFY GENETIC MATERIAL It is not a "test" It is an amplification tool ONLY! It is incapable of diagnosing illness in anyone! The "Bird Flu" is just one more, in a growing list, of PHONY "viruses" that the PCR is being used to "diagnose" despite the PCR having NO DIAGNOSTIC VALUE WHATSOEVER! These #Luciferian scumbags are using the PCR RIGHT NOW to claim that chickens are infected with the "Avian Flu" resulting in the killing of BILLIONS OF BIRDS! Their goal??? To STARVE YOU TO DEATH! ANYTHING that is supposedly "diagnosed" using the PCR is a fabricated #HOAX https://youtu.be/ZmZft4fXhQQ
    0 Comments 0 Shares 727 Views
  • https://www.thetrumpet.com/stephen-flurry/29789-the-joe-biden-is-vigorous-hoax
    World News, Economics and Analysis Based on Bible Prophecy
    theTrumpet.com delivers in-depth news analysis on top stories, world news, weather, economics and society in the light of Bible prophecy.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 159 Views
  • Donald J. Trump

    TOTAL EXONERATION! It is clear that the Supreme Court’s Brilliantly Written and Historic Decision ENDS all of Crooked Joe Biden’s Witch Hunts against me, including the WHITE HOUSE AND DOJ INSPIRED CIVIL HOAXES in New York. All of these Unfair Charges represent the WORST level of Election Interference ever seen in our Country’s long and storied History. It must be understood, that I was Totally and Completely Innocent from the beginning of this Giant and Highly Illegal Scam, long before the Supreme Court’s Decision was released. The impact of the Immunity Ruling is a loud and clear signal for Justice in the United States. I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!
    Donald J. Trump TOTAL EXONERATION! It is clear that the Supreme Court’s Brilliantly Written and Historic Decision ENDS all of Crooked Joe Biden’s Witch Hunts against me, including the WHITE HOUSE AND DOJ INSPIRED CIVIL HOAXES in New York. All of these Unfair Charges represent the WORST level of Election Interference ever seen in our Country’s long and storied History. It must be understood, that I was Totally and Completely Innocent from the beginning of this Giant and Highly Illegal Scam, long before the Supreme Court’s Decision was released. The impact of the Immunity Ruling is a loud and clear signal for Justice in the United States. I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 767 Views
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