• "Disrespecting Government Is Illegal!" - Union City Police

    More Criminal scumbags violating their #Oath to
    "Protect and defend the Constitution" as they violate the Inalienable human rights of Americans!

    These scumbags need to be introduced to 18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights
    AND 18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law!

    These are the #Criminal codes specifically created to punish #Government actors who violate the civil rights of their employers, the people!

    A 1983 lawsuit is the CIVIL code, the CRIMINAL code need to be ENFORCED!

    And because "Federal Prosecutors" are Criminals as well.... they never prosecute their criminal buddies!

    It is time for 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 to be taken out of the hands of "government" prosecutors, and put into the hands of "We the People" to prosecute these cases ourselves!

    Because let's face it... if EVERYONE were allowed to "Investigate themselves" and then to "Prosecute themselves" our jails would be EMPTY! Because NOBODY is going to prosecute themselves! DUH!

    These scumbags need to be indicted by GRAND JURIES put together by THE PEOPLE

    No "prosecutor" and no "judge," Just THE PEOPLE as our founding documents called for! THE PEOPLE have every right to convene their own grand jury!

    And it is time that the masses realize this!
    #Police misconduct and brutality are out of control, as is blatant criminality, falsifying police reports and evidence, and the murders of innocent people!

    It's grand jury time folks!
    NO LONGER will we beg for the CORPORATION known as "government" to investigate and prosecute THEMSELVES!

    It is time that "We the People" perform our civic DUTY and prosecute these criminal scumbags! And once a couple of dozen get sent to prison for decades or get EXECUTED for their crimes, the rest of these spoiled punks will fall back into line!

    But I would NOT hold my breathe as long as they are

    It is actually ENCOURAGING CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR by Police, failing to prosecute them for CRIMES and civil rights violations!

    Police have grown INTOLERABLE!
    And it's time they are reeled in by an ARMED PUBLIC and their own grand jury!
    (Since Federal Prosecutors are COMPLICIT in the crimes by failing to prosecute)

    By the way.... those federal prosecutors should be the second order of business for our grand jury! Charging them for EVERY 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 242 CASE they failed to file when they had overwhelming #Evidence of the crimes!

    They are just as guilty (complicit) as the person who committed the crime!

    "Disrespecting Government Is Illegal!" - Union City Police More Criminal scumbags violating their #Oath to "Protect and defend the Constitution" as they violate the Inalienable human rights of Americans! These scumbags need to be introduced to 18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights AND 18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law! These are the #Criminal codes specifically created to punish #Government actors who violate the civil rights of their employers, the people! A 1983 lawsuit is the CIVIL code, the CRIMINAL code need to be ENFORCED! And because "Federal Prosecutors" are Criminals as well.... they never prosecute their criminal buddies! It is time for 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 to be taken out of the hands of "government" prosecutors, and put into the hands of "We the People" to prosecute these cases ourselves! Because let's face it... if EVERYONE were allowed to "Investigate themselves" and then to "Prosecute themselves" our jails would be EMPTY! Because NOBODY is going to prosecute themselves! DUH! These scumbags need to be indicted by GRAND JURIES put together by THE PEOPLE No "prosecutor" and no "judge," Just THE PEOPLE as our founding documents called for! THE PEOPLE have every right to convene their own grand jury! And it is time that the masses realize this! #Police misconduct and brutality are out of control, as is blatant criminality, falsifying police reports and evidence, and the murders of innocent people! It's grand jury time folks! NO LONGER will we beg for the CORPORATION known as "government" to investigate and prosecute THEMSELVES! It is time that "We the People" perform our civic DUTY and prosecute these criminal scumbags! And once a couple of dozen get sent to prison for decades or get EXECUTED for their crimes, the rest of these spoiled punks will fall back into line! But I would NOT hold my breathe as long as they are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE! It is actually ENCOURAGING CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR by Police, failing to prosecute them for CRIMES and civil rights violations! Police have grown INTOLERABLE! And it's time they are reeled in by an ARMED PUBLIC and their own grand jury! (Since Federal Prosecutors are COMPLICIT in the crimes by failing to prosecute) By the way.... those federal prosecutors should be the second order of business for our grand jury! Charging them for EVERY 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 242 CASE they failed to file when they had overwhelming #Evidence of the crimes! They are just as guilty (complicit) as the person who committed the crime! https://youtu.be/Be-PO_oNBdM
    0 Comments 0 Shares 479 Views
  • Victor Davis Hanson.
    On July 14, a shooter nearly killed candidate Trump, nicking his ear after somehow firing a rifle from a rooftop a mere 140 yards away — while undetected by law enforcement inside the very same building below.
    Prior to the shooting, Joe Biden had boasted to donors that “it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”
    Biden had railed nearly nonstop that a Trump victory would spell the end of democracy — a theme the left had fueled by comparing ad nauseam Trump to Adolf Hitler.
    Yet here we are in mid-July 2024 and Trump, the Republican candidate, is alive and leads incumbent Biden — either because of, or despite, the crude efforts to destroy him.
    After nearly a decade of utter madness, can we finally order the FBI, DOJ, and CIA to butt out of our elections?
    Can a bankrupt media cease whipping up hysteria about a supposed Nazi-like takeover?
    Can the left stop relying on washed-up British spies, corrupt ex-spooks, and teams of clownish partisan prosecutors?
    Instead, why not, at last, just let the people choose their own president?
    Victor Davis Hanson. On July 14, a shooter nearly killed candidate Trump, nicking his ear after somehow firing a rifle from a rooftop a mere 140 yards away — while undetected by law enforcement inside the very same building below. Prior to the shooting, Joe Biden had boasted to donors that “it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” Biden had railed nearly nonstop that a Trump victory would spell the end of democracy — a theme the left had fueled by comparing ad nauseam Trump to Adolf Hitler. Yet here we are in mid-July 2024 and Trump, the Republican candidate, is alive and leads incumbent Biden — either because of, or despite, the crude efforts to destroy him. After nearly a decade of utter madness, can we finally order the FBI, DOJ, and CIA to butt out of our elections? Can a bankrupt media cease whipping up hysteria about a supposed Nazi-like takeover? Can the left stop relying on washed-up British spies, corrupt ex-spooks, and teams of clownish partisan prosecutors? Instead, why not, at last, just let the people choose their own president? https://patriotpost.us/opinion/108639-can-we-let-the-voters-decide-not-the-fbi-cia-doj-lawyers-prosecutors-and-judges-2024-07-19
    Can We Let the Voters Decide — Not the FBI, CIA, DOJ, Lawyers, Prosecutors, and Judges?
    Trump is alive and leads incumbent Biden — either because of, or despite, the crude efforts to destroy him.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 368 Views
  • Germany: Prosecutors launch investigation after foreign ministry accused of issuing fraudulent visas for Afghans and Lebanese migrants
    Germany: Prosecutors launch investigation after foreign ministry accused of issuing fraudulent visas for Afghans and Lebanese migrants https://rmx.news/germany/germany-prosecutors-launch-investigation-after-foreign-ministry-accused-of-issuing-fraudulent-visas-for-afghans-and-lebanese-migrants/?
    Germany: Prosecutors launch investigation after foreign ministry accused of issuing fraudulent visas for Afghans and Lebanese migrants
    Over the past five years, thousands of people have allegedly traveled to Germany with false documents at the behest of the German Foreign Ministry, with several German embassies and consulates reportedly implicated in the scandal. Now, prosecutors in Berlin and Cottbus are investigating several employees of the Federal Foreign Office, with the potential for criminal […]
    0 Comments 0 Shares 415 Views
  • Paris Prosecutors Launch Probe into Le Pen’s 2022 Campaign After Communist Surprise Election Win https://www.infowars.com/posts/paris-prosecutors-launch-probe-into-le-pens-2022-campaign-after-communist-surprise-election-win/
    Paris Prosecutors Launch Probe into Le Pen’s 2022 Campaign After Communist Surprise Election Win https://www.infowars.com/posts/paris-prosecutors-launch-probe-into-le-pens-2022-campaign-after-communist-surprise-election-win/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 314 Views
  • Rats that abandon sinking ships are still rats.
    God Bless America, God Save The Republic.
    George Soros halts funding to liberal prosecutors he helped elect https://mol.im/a/13605319 via @MailOnline
    Rats that abandon sinking ships are still rats. God Bless America, God Save The Republic. George Soros halts funding to liberal prosecutors he helped elect https://mol.im/a/13605319 via @MailOnline
    George Soros halts funding to liberal prosecutors he helped elect
    Los Angeles DA George Gascon and Alameda County DA Pamela Price are facing uphill battles to remain in office this year, but look set to have to do so without Soros' fundraising efforts.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 419 Views

    We ALL want #Criminals arrested!
    The issue we ALL FACE is that the #Police who are supposed to arrest the criminals... ARE THE CRIMINALS WHO NEED TO BE ARRESTED!

    Along with their Corporate black robed priest friends and federal prosecutors who refuse to DO THEIR JOB and file charges on Police who violate the rights of Americans under TITLE 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 as required by law!

    They are one big, happy, criminal family!
    And ANYONE who "supports" their criminal behavior is just as guilty!

    It's NOT "One or two bad apples" folks...
    The entire bushel is rotten and corrupt to the core!

    "DEAR CONSERVATIVES..." We ALL want #Criminals arrested! The issue we ALL FACE is that the #Police who are supposed to arrest the criminals... ARE THE CRIMINALS WHO NEED TO BE ARRESTED! Along with their Corporate black robed priest friends and federal prosecutors who refuse to DO THEIR JOB and file charges on Police who violate the rights of Americans under TITLE 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 as required by law! They are one big, happy, criminal family! And ANYONE who "supports" their criminal behavior is just as guilty! It's NOT "One or two bad apples" folks... The entire bushel is rotten and corrupt to the core! https://old.bitchute.com/video/vRfQ1dF64kk/
    "Dear Conservatives..."
    A message for those conservatives who imagine themselves to be for freedom, justice and security. The movie, "Jones Plantation," can be seen here: https://www.amazon.com/Jones-Plantation-Maurice-Johnson/dp/B0CWDK5Z4K ______________________________…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 711 Views
  • Justice For Carolina Ft. Worth.

    I'm getting a little sick & tired of watching as #Criminals with badges beat up, kidnap, cage and even murder Americans on a daily basis!

    This will end the way these things ALWAYS END! With this Criminal with a badge NOT BEING CHARGED under TITLE 18 U.S.C. § 241 & 18 U.S.C. § 242 as is required by law

    And that is because FEDERAL PROSECUTORS are also criminals, and they become complicit in the crime the moment that they refuse the officer under
    TITLE 18 U.S.C. § 241 & 18 U.S.C. § 242 as they are REQUIRED to do!

    BOTH the federal prosecutors enabling this behavior by failing to prosecute it, AND the corrupt cops need some JUSTICE sent their way!

    The blatant criminality of the CORPORATION of the United States has grown intolerable folks! It's time that we dismantle the corrupt, criminal filled system

    Which is based 100% on #Fraud as it is!

    I'd like to beat this punk to de*th with my bare hands!
    But you KNOW they'd come after ME!

    ONLY POLICE can beat people up with impunity
    Luciferian scumbags all

    Justice For Carolina Ft. Worth. I'm getting a little sick & tired of watching as #Criminals with badges beat up, kidnap, cage and even murder Americans on a daily basis! This will end the way these things ALWAYS END! With this Criminal with a badge NOT BEING CHARGED under TITLE 18 U.S.C. § 241 & 18 U.S.C. § 242 as is required by law And that is because FEDERAL PROSECUTORS are also criminals, and they become complicit in the crime the moment that they refuse the officer under TITLE 18 U.S.C. § 241 & 18 U.S.C. § 242 as they are REQUIRED to do! BOTH the federal prosecutors enabling this behavior by failing to prosecute it, AND the corrupt cops need some JUSTICE sent their way! The blatant criminality of the CORPORATION of the United States has grown intolerable folks! It's time that we dismantle the corrupt, criminal filled system Which is based 100% on #Fraud as it is! I'd like to beat this punk to de*th with my bare hands! But you KNOW they'd come after ME! ONLY POLICE can beat people up with impunity Luciferian scumbags all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehjQn2fEI3o
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1062 Views
  • Cops Pull Over The Wrong Car - Lawsuit

    100% of the problem with ALL "Government"
    (The CORPORATION of the United States) is that there is NEVER any accountability!

    The very minute that the #Criminal FEDERAL PROSECUTORS start actually doing their job, and file charges on #Police under TITLE 18 U.S.C. § 241 & 18 U.S.C. § 242 this ALL ENDS!

    At that point you'll

    You see.... at that point Police will actually be HELD ACCOUNTABLE!
    Right now, they are "Above the Law" and they are above any "Constitutional Rights" you may THINK that you have!

    Police are nothing more than the private army of a CORPORATION!

    It's about time they go bankrupt and their private army goes extinct

    Cops Pull Over The Wrong Car - Lawsuit 100% of the problem with ALL "Government" (The CORPORATION of the United States) is that there is NEVER any accountability! The very minute that the #Criminal FEDERAL PROSECUTORS start actually doing their job, and file charges on #Police under TITLE 18 U.S.C. § 241 & 18 U.S.C. § 242 this ALL ENDS! At that point you'll NEVER AGAIN SEE CRIMINALS WITH A BADGE VIOLATING RIGHTS! You see.... at that point Police will actually be HELD ACCOUNTABLE! Right now, they are "Above the Law" and they are above any "Constitutional Rights" you may THINK that you have! Police are nothing more than the private army of a CORPORATION! A CRIMINAL CORPORATION! It's about time they go bankrupt and their private army goes extinct https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftQgJ-5ItXw
    0 Comments 0 Shares 894 Views
  • Bad Cop Gets ARRESTED After INSANE Stop!

    A VERY RARE occurrence!
    However he was NOT charged under 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 like is REQUIRED BY LAW because let's face it, "government" is a criminal syndicate

    It's just ONE MORE AMERICAN who is #Murdered by #Police!
    It happens EVERY DAY!

    And it is actually ENCOURAGED through the failure to charge these police officers under FEDERAL STATUTES 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242

    It is not good enough that these cops get fired!
    It's not good enough that these criminals are charged with some chickensh*t charge!

    They are REQUIRED BY LAW to be charged under 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242
    but we have #Criminals in the Federal prosecutor's office, and they are COMPLICIT in these crimes because they are aiding and abetting the crime via failing to prosecute those who commit the crimes!

    When you fail to prosecute these crimes against the American People by a #Corporation that people think is their "government" you are actually ENCOURAGING further criminal acts!

    Police can easily see they will not be prosecuted for their crimes, so WHY NOT commit them? Police are NEVER CRIMINALLY CHARGED despite them committing criminal acts!

    Police are NEVER held personally and financially liable for their crimes either!
    TAXPAYERS end up paying for the crimes of Police!

    It's time for THE PEOPLE to start holding #Court!


    No other American can "Investigate themselves"
    and get back to you with their findings!

    No other American can have TAXPAYERS held liable for their crimes!

    And no other American gets to allow their criminal buddies to decide if they should be prosecuted for something or not!

    Police, Prosecutors, Judges, and ALL GOVERNMENT should have
    ZERO INVOLVEMENT with prosecuting a case of GOVERNMENT CRIME!

    THE PEOPLE must have 100% control over ALL CLAIMS of government misconduct!
    That is just how an "adversarial system of justice" like ours works!

    You MUST have an actual "adversary" trying to prosecute you!
    It simply does not work when YOUR BUDDIES get to decide your fate when you've violated the law!

    And that is exactly what we have in our current system!
    And that is EXACTLY why government is NEVER CHARGED and sent to prison no matter how heinous their crimes!

    Bad Cop Gets ARRESTED After INSANE Stop! A VERY RARE occurrence! However he was NOT charged under 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 like is REQUIRED BY LAW because let's face it, "government" is a criminal syndicate It's just ONE MORE AMERICAN who is #Murdered by #Police! It happens EVERY DAY! And it is actually ENCOURAGED through the failure to charge these police officers under FEDERAL STATUTES 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 It is not good enough that these cops get fired! It's not good enough that these criminals are charged with some chickensh*t charge! They are REQUIRED BY LAW to be charged under 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 but we have #Criminals in the Federal prosecutor's office, and they are COMPLICIT in these crimes because they are aiding and abetting the crime via failing to prosecute those who commit the crimes! When you fail to prosecute these crimes against the American People by a #Corporation that people think is their "government" you are actually ENCOURAGING further criminal acts! Police can easily see they will not be prosecuted for their crimes, so WHY NOT commit them? Police are NEVER CRIMINALLY CHARGED despite them committing criminal acts! Police are NEVER held personally and financially liable for their crimes either! TAXPAYERS end up paying for the crimes of Police! IN WHAT WORLD DOES THIS MAKE SENSE??? It's time for THE PEOPLE to start holding #Court! It's time that we STOP TOLERATING CRIMINALS GETTING TO "PROSECUTE THEMSELVES" AND "INVESTIGATE THEMSELVES" No other American can "Investigate themselves" and get back to you with their findings! No other American can have TAXPAYERS held liable for their crimes! And no other American gets to allow their criminal buddies to decide if they should be prosecuted for something or not! Police, Prosecutors, Judges, and ALL GOVERNMENT should have ZERO INVOLVEMENT with prosecuting a case of GOVERNMENT CRIME! THE PEOPLE must have 100% control over ALL CLAIMS of government misconduct! That is just how an "adversarial system of justice" like ours works! You MUST have an actual "adversary" trying to prosecute you! It simply does not work when YOUR BUDDIES get to decide your fate when you've violated the law! And that is exactly what we have in our current system! And that is EXACTLY why government is NEVER CHARGED and sent to prison no matter how heinous their crimes! https://youtu.be/ZLQAK_1SabM
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1126 Views
  • Entitled District Attorney Destroys Her Decade Long Career On Body Camera

    Welcome to the American "JUST US" System!

    You know.... that is where YOU would get shot, tased, beaten, mauled by a dog and CAGED if YOU did what this lady does!

    But because she is a part of the "JUST US" System, where JUST GOVERNMENT SCUM is "Above the Law" that every other American must follow or be caged, and possibly even EXECUTED IN THE STREETS by blue belly scumbags who will NEVER be prosecuted for ANY of their #Crimes !

    You see.... In their little "JUST US" group they will gladly put YOU in prison, for doing the EXACT SAME THING that they do daily without consequence!

    #Police and especially #Prosecutors need to be CHARGED for their criminal actions under 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 when they violate the inalienable human rights of Americans... BUT THEY NEVER ARE!

    And that is because the Federal Prosecutors (REQUIRED TO FILE THESE CHARGES) is COMPLICIT in the crime the moment that they refuse to charge Police who are clearly GUILTY under these statutes!

    At that moment BOTH the Police Officer who has violated some American's rights needs to be charged under 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242, and the PROSECUTOR who refused to charge the police officer needs to also be charged under the same statute for "aiding and abetting" the rights violation committed by Police....

    Because the PROSECUTOR is basically
    ENABLING FURTHER CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR BY THE POLICE by not charging them when they are clearly GUILTY under this statute!

    "It's a big club, and YOU ain't in it!"
    And that's the long and short of it folks!

    The entire CORPORATION which we call "government" is nothing more than #OrganizedCrime

    These people will put YOU in prison for things they do EVERY DAY!

    I once heard it said that
    “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”

    — Joseph Stalin

    Well I'm here to tell you that it does NOT matter who breaks the law,
    it ONLY MATTERS who PROSECUTES (or fails to prosecute) them!

    Police and government in general are "Above the Law"
    And that is because they are NOT "Law Enforcement"

    THEY can do anything they want without consequence!

    Whereas YOU better do as you are told!
    Or you'll be beaten, tased, shot, and caged!

    This is a fine example right here!
    If YOU did what this lady does ON VIDEO you'd get shot and / or die in prison!

    But SHE is "Above the Law" that peons like YOU must follow!
    That should piss you off!

    That SHOULD motivate you to work EVERY DAY to remedy this injustice!
    And it SHOULD motivate you to seek actual #Accountability for these criminals who have NEVER been held accountable before!

    Entitled District Attorney Destroys Her Decade Long Career On Body Camera Welcome to the American "JUST US" System! You know.... that is where YOU would get shot, tased, beaten, mauled by a dog and CAGED if YOU did what this lady does! But because she is a part of the "JUST US" System, where JUST GOVERNMENT SCUM is "Above the Law" that every other American must follow or be caged, and possibly even EXECUTED IN THE STREETS by blue belly scumbags who will NEVER be prosecuted for ANY of their #Crimes ! You see.... In their little "JUST US" group they will gladly put YOU in prison, for doing the EXACT SAME THING that they do daily without consequence! #Police and especially #Prosecutors need to be CHARGED for their criminal actions under 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 when they violate the inalienable human rights of Americans... BUT THEY NEVER ARE! And that is because the Federal Prosecutors (REQUIRED TO FILE THESE CHARGES) is COMPLICIT in the crime the moment that they refuse to charge Police who are clearly GUILTY under these statutes! At that moment BOTH the Police Officer who has violated some American's rights needs to be charged under 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242, and the PROSECUTOR who refused to charge the police officer needs to also be charged under the same statute for "aiding and abetting" the rights violation committed by Police.... Because the PROSECUTOR is basically ENABLING FURTHER CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR BY THE POLICE by not charging them when they are clearly GUILTY under this statute! "It's a big club, and YOU ain't in it!" And that's the long and short of it folks! The entire CORPORATION which we call "government" is nothing more than #OrganizedCrime These people will put YOU in prison for things they do EVERY DAY! I once heard it said that “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.” — Joseph Stalin Well I'm here to tell you that it does NOT matter who breaks the law, it ONLY MATTERS who PROSECUTES (or fails to prosecute) them! Police and government in general are "Above the Law" And that is because they are NOT "Law Enforcement" They are YOUR #SLAVE MASTERS! THEY can do anything they want without consequence! Whereas YOU better do as you are told! Or you'll be beaten, tased, shot, and caged! This is a fine example right here! If YOU did what this lady does ON VIDEO you'd get shot and / or die in prison! But SHE is "Above the Law" that peons like YOU must follow! That should piss you off! That SHOULD motivate you to work EVERY DAY to remedy this injustice! And it SHOULD motivate you to seek actual #Accountability for these criminals who have NEVER been held accountable before! https://youtu.be/K4P5vah655A
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1202 Views
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