    RICK MIRACLE VIDEO LIBRARY #879, 2024 video, This book is coming TRUE! TRANSHUMAN GENOCIDE
    Video found at : Off Grid with Doug & Stacy channel , youtube LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzMqLomKB-Y I keep trying to wake up WE THE PEOPLE! The weapons THEY have are being used on us and will be used in the upcoming war on the populatio…
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    Actual "Science" is the art of asking questions!
    The "Science" IS NEVER SETTLED!

    These people are #Criminals trying to #Genocide you!
    So what? You just going to hand around and do nothing until they succeed?

    Or are you going to go after the criminals that are coming after YOU?

    NEVER FORGET COVID WAS ABOUT "TRUSTING THE SCIENCE" Actual "Science" is the art of asking questions! The "Science" IS NEVER SETTLED! These people are #Criminals trying to #Genocide you! So what? You just going to hand around and do nothing until they succeed? Or are you going to go after the criminals that are coming after YOU? https://old.bitchute.com/video/rieQKVE2Rlc/
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  • The Kalergi Plan = White Genocide - REPLACEMENT IS NO THEORY

    The Kalergi Plan = White Genocide - REPLACEMENT IS NO THEORY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Be-PO_oNBdM
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  • While the "Order Giver" is guilty of thinking up the #Crime.....
    It requires the "Order Follower" for the CRIME to come to pass!

    The order follower is the one actually committing the crime, the #violence, the sin against his fellow man! So naturally the "Order Follower" is more culpable!

    While this does not absolve the order giver of all sin....
    It does clearly show you who is who!

    If not for the "Order Follower" humanity would have
    NEVER had it's first #Genocide!

    Because the "Order Giver" while #Evil,
    is a coward who will not act upon his own ideas!

    "Order Follower" will they come to pass!

    So, while BOTH are complicit,
    the REAL CRIMINAL is the order follower!

    YOU control EVERY ACTION that you ever take!
    Nobody can be blamed for the ACTIONS OF YOUR HANDS!

    If you CHOOSE to be moral and decent,
    you WILL BE moral and decent, no matter the "orders" you receive.

    The "Order Follower" however, has no issue with killing and violence against his fellow man. He does not CARE about the lives he destroys! Or the lives he ends

    But he gets to HIDE BEHIND the "Order Giver," and transfers the responsibility for HIS IMMORAL ACTS onto the order giver, and he will claim...

    "I was just following orders" when in truth, he committed the only crime that took place because he has no empathy, compassion, or decency. As such, he uses his "orders" to justify his own #Evil acts. He uses it to shield himself from responsibility

    But he is responsible for HIMSELF and HIS ACTIONS!

    NOBODY could "order me" to kill, maim, or imprison my fellow man!
    Because as a decent man with a moral compass, I'd REFUSE!
    I have the ability to say "No, do it yourself" or just "No"

    But not the "Order Follower"
    because he secretly enjoys harming others!

    And he really enjoys
    and hiding himself within the skirt of the "order giver"

    If the "Order giver" told you to jump off of a bridge
    would you do it? Of course not!

    But he can tell you to throw others off the bridge, and you'll do that! To imprison others, and you'll do that. To murder others, and you'll do that!

    Which demonstrates that you are a narcissistic POS and a selfish scumbag who will "Do to others what you don't want done to you"
    While the "Order Giver" is guilty of thinking up the #Crime..... It requires the "Order Follower" for the CRIME to come to pass! The order follower is the one actually committing the crime, the #violence, the sin against his fellow man! So naturally the "Order Follower" is more culpable! While this does not absolve the order giver of all sin.... It does clearly show you who is who! If not for the "Order Follower" humanity would have NEVER had it's first #Genocide! Because the "Order Giver" while #Evil, is a coward who will not act upon his own ideas! Only by EXPRESSING THOSE IDEAS to the "Order Follower" will they come to pass! So, while BOTH are complicit, the REAL CRIMINAL is the order follower! YOU control EVERY ACTION that you ever take! Nobody can be blamed for the ACTIONS OF YOUR HANDS! If you CHOOSE to be moral and decent, you WILL BE moral and decent, no matter the "orders" you receive. The "Order Follower" however, has no issue with killing and violence against his fellow man. He does not CARE about the lives he destroys! Or the lives he ends But he gets to HIDE BEHIND the "Order Giver," and transfers the responsibility for HIS IMMORAL ACTS onto the order giver, and he will claim... "I was just following orders" when in truth, he committed the only crime that took place because he has no empathy, compassion, or decency. As such, he uses his "orders" to justify his own #Evil acts. He uses it to shield himself from responsibility But he is responsible for HIMSELF and HIS ACTIONS! NOBODY could "order me" to kill, maim, or imprison my fellow man! Because as a decent man with a moral compass, I'd REFUSE! I have the ability to say "No, do it yourself" or just "No" But not the "Order Follower" because he secretly enjoys harming others! And he really enjoys NOT BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR HIS OWN ACTIONS... and hiding himself within the skirt of the "order giver" If the "Order giver" told you to jump off of a bridge would you do it? Of course not! But he can tell you to throw others off the bridge, and you'll do that! To imprison others, and you'll do that. To murder others, and you'll do that! ONLY WHEN THE CRIME IS AGAINST YOU WILL YOU REFRAIN Which demonstrates that you are a narcissistic POS and a selfish scumbag who will "Do to others what you don't want done to you"
    0 Comments 0 Shares 384 Views
    w/ Dr. David Martin. TY JGANON, SGANON

    Like ALWAYS Jimmy Dore is about 2 years behind the curve on this info! But at least he puts it up eventually!

    Having said that... people STILL don't seem to realize they ARE at war already!

    The People of the world have been ATTACKED by demonic scumbags using medical "procedures and treatments" which are nothing more than KILL SHOTS

    The People of the world ARE under attack currently too!
    Not only by their local #Pharmacy who is trying to inject them with poison...

    6 #Corporations control ALL NEWS and produce & distribute ALL FOOD in the United States.... and that food contains POISONS designed to slow kill, make obese, and even sterilize the people who eat it!

    So you are under attack via the grocery store too!

    Once your food has sickened you, your doctor will be happy to prescribe you some more POISONS created by the EXACT SAME 6 CORPORATIONS!

    These people should ALREADY be explaining their #Crimes to their Creator!

    And it is PATHETIC that the People of the world have not "Arranged the meeting"

    EVERY "Politician, Judge, Police Officer, and Prosecutor are COMPLICIT IN #Genocide and it's about time they are held accountable! NOT in their rigged, illegitimate, #Fraud based "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Courts either!

    But in COMMON LAW COURTS consisting of the PEOPLE!

    100% non-government PEOPLE of the United States prosecuting the cases, presiding over the cases, and carrying out the sentences after the verdicts are read!

    These people believe they can #Murder BILLIONS and just get away with it! It is about time that we show them otherwise!

    Their faces should be on "WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE" Posters!
    Rewards should be issued for the delivery of their carcass (alive or dead)

    Because let's face it.... NOBODY in the history of mankind has been this #Evil

    We don't even NEED a trial! Everyone on earth already KNOWS what they did!

    And they also KNOW that it was pre-meditated murder, orchestrated by these people

    EVERY #Media scumbag that pushed for you to take the toxic injection too!

    EVERY Politician, Cop, Pharmacist, Doctor, and employee of the #DOD and #Darpa

    They should ALL be on trial right now!
    Sentences carried out immediately upon completion of the trial

    And personally.... I think that EACH OF THEM should be injected with the very same poison they wanted to inject YOU with!

    JIMMY DORE W/ SHOCKING & EYE-OPENING Interview w/ Dr. David Martin. TY JGANON, SGANON Like ALWAYS Jimmy Dore is about 2 years behind the curve on this info! But at least he puts it up eventually! Having said that... people STILL don't seem to realize they ARE at war already! The People of the world have been ATTACKED by demonic scumbags using medical "procedures and treatments" which are nothing more than KILL SHOTS The People of the world ARE under attack currently too! Not only by their local #Pharmacy who is trying to inject them with poison... 6 #Corporations control ALL NEWS and produce & distribute ALL FOOD in the United States.... and that food contains POISONS designed to slow kill, make obese, and even sterilize the people who eat it! So you are under attack via the grocery store too! Once your food has sickened you, your doctor will be happy to prescribe you some more POISONS created by the EXACT SAME 6 CORPORATIONS! These people should ALREADY be explaining their #Crimes to their Creator! And it is PATHETIC that the People of the world have not "Arranged the meeting" EVERY "Politician, Judge, Police Officer, and Prosecutor are COMPLICIT IN #Genocide and it's about time they are held accountable! NOT in their rigged, illegitimate, #Fraud based "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Courts either! But in COMMON LAW COURTS consisting of the PEOPLE! NO "GOVERNMENT" WHATSOEVER (Except being PROSECUTED) 100% non-government PEOPLE of the United States prosecuting the cases, presiding over the cases, and carrying out the sentences after the verdicts are read! These people believe they can #Murder BILLIONS and just get away with it! It is about time that we show them otherwise! Their faces should be on "WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE" Posters! Rewards should be issued for the delivery of their carcass (alive or dead) Because let's face it.... NOBODY in the history of mankind has been this #Evil We don't even NEED a trial! Everyone on earth already KNOWS what they did! And they also KNOW that it was pre-meditated murder, orchestrated by these people EVERY #Media scumbag that pushed for you to take the toxic injection too! EVERY Politician, Cop, Pharmacist, Doctor, and employee of the #DOD and #Darpa They should ALL be on trial right now! Sentences carried out immediately upon completion of the trial And personally.... I think that EACH OF THEM should be injected with the very same poison they wanted to inject YOU with! https://www.bitchute.com/video/CQgHwwKlKYB2
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    while this is truly PATHETIC...
    One MUST remember this is ALL "Bread and Circuses"

    These Bread and Circuses are used to keep YOU fighting with your neighbors, and blissfully ignorant of the FACT that what we call the "US Government" is in fact just a for-profit #Corporation who only wields ANY power at all because Americans don't realize that they have been duped into operating under MARITIME ADMIRALTY LAW!

    MEN & WOMEN belong in the #Jurisdiction of COMMON LAW!
    But because Americans have been brainwashed and dumbed down, they don't get it

    EVERY AMERICAN who declares him/herself a "citizen" is in reality claiming to be a #Slave with no inalienable human rights, who is the PROPERTY of a corporation!

    Our supposed "#Courts" are maritime admiralty law courts!
    #Police are in reality "POLICY ENFORCERS" of this corrupt corporation!
    Enforcing CORPORATE POLICIES (Statutes & Codes) and not "Laws"

    It's time to bankrupt this corporation, and send it's employees to PRISON!
    And it is time to close down their #Criminal, psychopathic system of control which is 100% anti-human and anti-justice!

    And the #Jew run #Media?
    They are complicit and need to join their criminal buddies in PRISON for their role in the recent (still occurring) #Genocide made possible by the media and it's medical misinformation and censorship of the TRUTH campaigns!

    People must WAKE UP
    This is nothing but "Bread and Circuses" used to divert their attention as they are being methodically wiped out by these CORPORATE CRIMINALS!

    WATCH: PROGRESSIVE PANIC: THE VIEW’S CO-HOSTS STRUGGLE TO DEFEND BIDEN, ATTACK TRUMP while this is truly PATHETIC... One MUST remember this is ALL "Bread and Circuses" These Bread and Circuses are used to keep YOU fighting with your neighbors, and blissfully ignorant of the FACT that what we call the "US Government" is in fact just a for-profit #Corporation who only wields ANY power at all because Americans don't realize that they have been duped into operating under MARITIME ADMIRALTY LAW! MEN & WOMEN belong in the #Jurisdiction of COMMON LAW! But because Americans have been brainwashed and dumbed down, they don't get it EVERY AMERICAN who declares him/herself a "citizen" is in reality claiming to be a #Slave with no inalienable human rights, who is the PROPERTY of a corporation! Our supposed "#Courts" are maritime admiralty law courts! #Police are in reality "POLICY ENFORCERS" of this corrupt corporation! Enforcing CORPORATE POLICIES (Statutes & Codes) and not "Laws" It's time to bankrupt this corporation, and send it's employees to PRISON! And it is time to close down their #Criminal, psychopathic system of control which is 100% anti-human and anti-justice! And the #Jew run #Media? They are complicit and need to join their criminal buddies in PRISON for their role in the recent (still occurring) #Genocide made possible by the media and it's medical misinformation and censorship of the TRUTH campaigns! People must WAKE UP This is nothing but "Bread and Circuses" used to divert their attention as they are being methodically wiped out by these CORPORATE CRIMINALS! https://thepatriotchronicles.com/news-for-you/watch-progressive-panic-the-views-co-hosts-struggle-to-defend-biden-attack-trump/
    WATCH: Progressive Panic: The View's Co-Hosts Struggle to Defend Biden, Attack Trump
    The biased hosts of The View have finally crawled out of their weeklong hiatus and wasted no time spreading their liberal opinions. It’s no surprise they are using their precious airtime to make up for lost time by screaming at the top of their lungs about the mental and physical state of President Biden. These Trump-loathing commentators are in a state of panic and it’s clear they have no idea how to react to the recent debate, ending up regurgitating […]
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1101 Views

    CHILDHOOD VAX SCHEDULE IS CONTINUATION OF GENOCIDE https://rumble.com/v53i62f-childhood-vax-schedule-is-continuation-of-genocide.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 356 Views
  • This is what MD Ben Marble has to say about our dearest coronavirus "vaccine" jabs:
    also see vaxgenocide.com for more "stories" like that.
    This is what MD Ben Marble has to say about our dearest coronavirus "vaccine" jabs: https://rumble.com/v53snkh-medical-doctor-speaks-up-about-the-covid-vaccine-injuring-and-killing-his-f.html also see vaxgenocide.com for more "stories" like that.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 706 Views

    THE COVID GENOCIDE UNRAVELS - DR VERNON COLEMAN https://www.bitchute.com/video/1b7r0oi1scBG/
    The Covid Genocide Unravels - Dr Vernon Coleman
    What was covid-19 really for - the depopulation plan laid bare. Due to abuse and libellous comments from the 77th Brigade, etc., we can't allow comments. Please subscribe to my channel here on Bitchute for notifications of new videos and visit my …
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  • https://rumble.com/v53i62f-childhood-vax-schedule-is-continuation-of-genocide.html
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