• Cops Owned, Fired and Sued by 15yr Old

    While I know this is yesterday's news.....
    If you have not seen it, you NEED to watch it!

    EVERY 15 year old should be as bright as this one!

    If you think #Police are "on your side" you are DEAD WRONG!
    Police in America TODAY are the equivalent of the #Stasi in E. Germany under #Communism

    The scumbags in blue are enemies of EVERY AMERICAN!
    They ONLY exist to protect the #Criminal political #Parasites of this country AND their #Pedophile bosses! Look up the boystown cover-up by the FBI

    These blue bellied scumbags ARE a foreign military on US Soil as prohibited under the US Constitution. They are nothing but violence happy, steroid raging criminals with badges and guns. And to support them is to support criminality!

    Like ALL criminals, they prefer to operate in DARKNESS!
    It's one of the reasons they utilize blinding strobe lights.....

    It blinds the passer by's to the violent misconduct taking place by these thugs in blue
    There is NOTHING lower than a criminal with a badge!

    It's NOT "A couple of bad apples" as they try to sell you....
    The ENTIRE BUSHEL is rotten to the core!

    This is what legalized #OrganizedCrime looks like!

    Cops Owned, Fired and Sued by 15yr Old While I know this is yesterday's news..... If you have not seen it, you NEED to watch it! EVERY 15 year old should be as bright as this one! If you think #Police are "on your side" you are DEAD WRONG! Police in America TODAY are the equivalent of the #Stasi in E. Germany under #Communism The scumbags in blue are enemies of EVERY AMERICAN! They ONLY exist to protect the #Criminal political #Parasites of this country AND their #Pedophile bosses! Look up the boystown cover-up by the FBI These blue bellied scumbags ARE a foreign military on US Soil as prohibited under the US Constitution. They are nothing but violence happy, steroid raging criminals with badges and guns. And to support them is to support criminality! Like ALL criminals, they prefer to operate in DARKNESS! It's one of the reasons they utilize blinding strobe lights..... It blinds the passer by's to the violent misconduct taking place by these thugs in blue There is NOTHING lower than a criminal with a badge! It's NOT "A couple of bad apples" as they try to sell you.... The ENTIRE BUSHEL is rotten to the core! This is what legalized #OrganizedCrime looks like! https://youtu.be/_FY_oKR8r3k
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 456 Views

    FIRST you gotta comprehend that #Police DO NOT "protect and serve" ANYONE, with the exception of their #Luciferian #Pedophile masters,, who they "PROTECT & DEFEND" from YOU!

    You MUST comprehend that these blue-belly scumbags work for a #Corporation and NOT for "the public" as you've been told!

    Their entire "job" is to treat Americans like bad parents treat children... And to make certain that NO ACTUAL #Justice can be obtained for their sick and twisted Luciferian Pedophile bosses!

    The #FBI does the SAME THING!
    If you have never looked into #Boystown where Police PROTECTED THE PEDOPHILES, and arrested the #Victims for testifying against them, then you have never seen the REAL REASON these agencies exist!

    Police and Government Agents of all kinds are nothing more than #Criminal thugs who work for the #OrganizedCrime cartel we've come to call "government"

    But they are NOT your "government"
    They are a criminal CORPORATION who named itself deceptively, so they would SOUND LIKE YOUR GOVERNMENT.... But they are just a corporation like McDonald's


    And by the way..... They also believe that THEY OWN YOU!!!
    They consider YOU a "maritime admiralty law PRODUCT"

    And these blue belly scumbags are nothing more than their flunkies, who protect the Criminals from the PUBLIC and from JUSTICE! That is when they are not busy shaking YOU down for revenue, which goes straight to the Luciferians to fund YOUR DEMISE

    I'm a Christian.... and I don't "Hate" anyone.....
    But I've got to tell you, I would NOT p*ss on the Police if they were on fire!

    They are some of the most #Evil human beings on earth!

    And BTW.... they also check EVERY BOX on things that "YHWH HATES"

    Proverbs 6:
    13He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers;

    14Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord.

    15Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy.

    16These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

    17A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

    18An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

    19A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

    WHEN REALLY BAD COPS JUST CAN'T LET YOU EAT IN PEACE FIRST you gotta comprehend that #Police DO NOT "protect and serve" ANYONE, with the exception of their #Luciferian #Pedophile masters,, who they "PROTECT & DEFEND" from YOU! You MUST comprehend that these blue-belly scumbags work for a #Corporation and NOT for "the public" as you've been told! Their entire "job" is to treat Americans like bad parents treat children... And to make certain that NO ACTUAL #Justice can be obtained for their sick and twisted Luciferian Pedophile bosses! The #FBI does the SAME THING! If you have never looked into #Boystown where Police PROTECTED THE PEDOPHILES, and arrested the #Victims for testifying against them, then you have never seen the REAL REASON these agencies exist! Police and Government Agents of all kinds are nothing more than #Criminal thugs who work for the #OrganizedCrime cartel we've come to call "government" But they are NOT your "government" They are a criminal CORPORATION who named itself deceptively, so they would SOUND LIKE YOUR GOVERNMENT.... But they are just a corporation like McDonald's WAKE UP TO THE FACT THAT WHAT YOU KNOW AS "GOVERNMENT" IS JUST A FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION WHO HAS ENSLAVED YOU THROUGH MARITIME ADMIRALTY LAW AND THEIR RIGGED JUDICIAL SYSTEM! And by the way..... They also believe that THEY OWN YOU!!! They consider YOU a "maritime admiralty law PRODUCT" And these blue belly scumbags are nothing more than their flunkies, who protect the Criminals from the PUBLIC and from JUSTICE! That is when they are not busy shaking YOU down for revenue, which goes straight to the Luciferians to fund YOUR DEMISE I'm a Christian.... and I don't "Hate" anyone..... But I've got to tell you, I would NOT p*ss on the Police if they were on fire! They are some of the most #Evil human beings on earth! And BTW.... they also check EVERY BOX on things that "YHWH HATES" Proverbs 6: 13He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers; 14Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord. 15Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy. 16These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. https://www.bitchute.com/video/SFNn7ut3QXw/
    When REALLY Bad Cops Just CAN'T Let You Eat in Peace
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    EVERY AMERICAN needs to be holding #Police accountable!
    We ALL need to video the Police AND our local "government"

    What people refer to as "government" is actually a for-profit Corporation!
    And this corporation has a monopoly on force and #Violence!

    This Corporation "investigates itself" and "Judges itself"
    And it's time for that to STOP!

    Police accused of criminal behavior need to be JUDGED by guys like these!
    I've had enough of watching Al Capone being the judge over Mafia court cases! It's unacceptable and intolerable!

    YOU need to video Police!
    YOU need to be holding local government accountable!

    YOU need to stop tolerating the totalitarian BS going on in this country!
    There's more of us than there are of them!

    And no matter WHAT IT TAKES, it's time to for the #Criminals within government to be held accountable! NOT in the usual TWO-TIERED #Justice system manner.

    I mean HELD ACCOUNTABLE just like everyone else is!
    25 years in prison for accidentally shooting someone!

    Police "accidentally" kill people all the time, they are not charged, or jailed, or even fired most times! But if you or I did the EXACT SAME THING we'd become a FELON unable to even own a gun. We'd go to prison for reckless discharge of a firearm and God only knows what else!

    Our "Justice System" is NOT just!
    It's a #Freemason control system. A system of ADMIRALTY LAW!

    It has ZERO to do with "Justice".... It's ALL about banking, contracts, and MONEY!
    Most of what our Courts do is transfer wealth.... From YOUR POCKET, to the pockets of the Freemason criminals who run the scam!

    There is no "Saving our government"
    Because we don't HAVE a "government"

    We have a CORPORATION that has trained YOU like a monkey to "mind"
    You were brainwashed to accept #Slavery in #School indoctrination centers!

    You were TRAINED like a monkey to take orders from #Police, when Police are the biggest criminals of all! Police are ENFORCERS for the criminals of the corporation!

    Police are used to PROTECT THE #Pedophiles in Washington DC and elsewhere after they rape and murder children! Look into the FBI and Boystown!

    EVERYTHING in this country is upside down!
    The people who should be GOOD and TRUSTWORTHY are CORRUPT!

    TEACHERS should be honest, hard working people with MORALS.....
    But instead we have perverts and rapists who spread Marxism and Communism

    POLICE should be honorable, honest, and uphold their OATH!
    But police are CRIMINALS with no respect for the Constitution or the Country

    Judges should be impartial jurors, with JUSTICE being their only goal
    But Judges work for the CORPORATION and are beholden to the BAR Association! Just like lawyers!

    If they rule in a way the Freemason / Jew scumbags don't like... they lose their membership in the BAR Association, leaving them unable to be a judge or a lawyer!

    EVERYTHING within our system is controlled by Freemasons and Jews
    who HATE US! It's a system of SLAVERY!

    It's starting to irritate me that people still don't see it!
    You will NEVER fix the problem using THE SAME SYSTEM that is the problem!

    We must TEAR DOWN and completely restructure our system!
    The local JUDGE should be your NEIGHBOR that you see at the grocery store!

    Your SHERIFF and all police in your town should LIVE IN YOUR TOWN!
    NOBODY should ever sit on a committee or city council who is not a LOCAL individual, known by the entire town!

    And the BANKS are the Devil, pulling the strings on all the rest of the crooks!
    The BANKS need to be seized, their assets seized, their boards locked up, and their crimes prosecuted!

    We RIGHT NOW have an active #Genocide taking place!
    Yet, we have not ONE POLICE OFFICER who has arrested those responsible!

    And that is because Police are PAID ASSASSINS and "ENFORCERS" for a the criminals who are doing the murdering! Change my Mind!

    You can't. Because that is EXACTLY what Police are!
    The Courts are no better!

    HOW DID LONG ISLAND AUDIT (SEAN) DO ON MAINSTREAM INTERVIEW? EVERY AMERICAN needs to be holding #Police accountable! We ALL need to video the Police AND our local "government" What people refer to as "government" is actually a for-profit Corporation! And this corporation has a monopoly on force and #Violence! This Corporation "investigates itself" and "Judges itself" And it's time for that to STOP! Police accused of criminal behavior need to be JUDGED by guys like these! I've had enough of watching Al Capone being the judge over Mafia court cases! It's unacceptable and intolerable! YOU need to video Police! YOU need to be holding local government accountable! YOU need to stop tolerating the totalitarian BS going on in this country! There's more of us than there are of them! And no matter WHAT IT TAKES, it's time to for the #Criminals within government to be held accountable! NOT in the usual TWO-TIERED #Justice system manner. I mean HELD ACCOUNTABLE just like everyone else is! 25 years in prison for accidentally shooting someone! Police "accidentally" kill people all the time, they are not charged, or jailed, or even fired most times! But if you or I did the EXACT SAME THING we'd become a FELON unable to even own a gun. We'd go to prison for reckless discharge of a firearm and God only knows what else! Our "Justice System" is NOT just! It's a #Freemason control system. A system of ADMIRALTY LAW! CONTRACT LAW! It has ZERO to do with "Justice".... It's ALL about banking, contracts, and MONEY! Most of what our Courts do is transfer wealth.... From YOUR POCKET, to the pockets of the Freemason criminals who run the scam! There is no "Saving our government" Because we don't HAVE a "government" We have a CORPORATION that has trained YOU like a monkey to "mind" You were brainwashed to accept #Slavery in #School indoctrination centers! You were TRAINED like a monkey to take orders from #Police, when Police are the biggest criminals of all! Police are ENFORCERS for the criminals of the corporation! Police are used to PROTECT THE #Pedophiles in Washington DC and elsewhere after they rape and murder children! Look into the FBI and Boystown! EVERYTHING in this country is upside down! The people who should be GOOD and TRUSTWORTHY are CORRUPT! TEACHERS should be honest, hard working people with MORALS..... But instead we have perverts and rapists who spread Marxism and Communism POLICE should be honorable, honest, and uphold their OATH! But police are CRIMINALS with no respect for the Constitution or the Country Judges should be impartial jurors, with JUSTICE being their only goal But Judges work for the CORPORATION and are beholden to the BAR Association! Just like lawyers! If they rule in a way the Freemason / Jew scumbags don't like... they lose their membership in the BAR Association, leaving them unable to be a judge or a lawyer! EVERYTHING within our system is controlled by Freemasons and Jews who HATE US! It's a system of SLAVERY! It's starting to irritate me that people still don't see it! You will NEVER fix the problem using THE SAME SYSTEM that is the problem! We must TEAR DOWN and completely restructure our system! The local JUDGE should be your NEIGHBOR that you see at the grocery store! Your SHERIFF and all police in your town should LIVE IN YOUR TOWN! NOBODY should ever sit on a committee or city council who is not a LOCAL individual, known by the entire town! And the BANKS are the Devil, pulling the strings on all the rest of the crooks! The BANKS need to be seized, their assets seized, their boards locked up, and their crimes prosecuted! We RIGHT NOW have an active #Genocide taking place! Yet, we have not ONE POLICE OFFICER who has arrested those responsible! And that is because Police are PAID ASSASSINS and "ENFORCERS" for a the criminals who are doing the murdering! Change my Mind! You can't. Because that is EXACTLY what Police are! The Courts are no better! https://www.bitchute.com/video/MsUQmKRr6jg/
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 4590 Views
  • ESPN Columnist Bemoans America’s ‘Lost Freedoms’ Due to ‘Forced Patriotism,’ ‘Roe’ Overturn, Guns

    Now I don't know about you guys and gals....
    But #Sports all around is NOTHING MORE THAN THE "CIRCUS"

    You know... "Bread and Circuses" or "Cake and Circuses"

    The people who control this world are #Evil beyond your comprehension,
    they can pray to #Satan, hack a baby to death and then EAT IT!

    They actually do this type of thing on a regular basis!
    They use #Police and the #FBI to arrest those who speak out
    It's usually the VICTIM who tells on them after being raped as a child....

    Instead of arresting the scumbag perpetrators who are usually in #Congress, the #Media, or the #Banking business or #Hollywood....
    THEY WILL ARREST THE VICTIM ! Look into the TRUTH about Boystown!

    My point being is SCREW THEIR DISTRACTIONS!
    Screw football, basketball, hockey, and the rest... It's ALL a distraction!!!

    While you are home with your head up the arse of "Sports" you have some REALLY EVIL PEOPLE trying to murder you, me, and our children.

    Now I don't know about you... But my eyes are not going to be diverted from that FACT by their BS "Bread and Circuses"

    ESPN is as useless as their circus! And right now TODAY you should vote with your dollars and CANCEL ESPN! You have an excuse right here (if u need 1)

    NOBODY has "forced" anyone to be Patriotic!
    I'll bet you this scumbag is fine with forced jabs though!

    These people are Evil and wish nothing more than to destroy the country, the economy, you, me, our children... and ultimately Freedom itself!

    History contains NONE worse than the current crop of sociopaths & demons!
    Television itself is a tool of control and brainwashing!

    Google the PATENT on mind control and mental manipulation for yourself!

    And live in REALITY for a change!

    Cancel ALL CABLE TELEVISION and streaming services too!
    Send them a clear message and clear your mind of their brainwashing!

    Social media is just as bad really!

    The people who run these tools of manipulation know you better with every "Like" or "Dislike" you post! They can then use this information to make you ANGRY! Or make you sad. Make you have a good day or a bad day....

    They can even incite riots and overthrow governments using just this!
    JUST SAY NO! Trash the cell phone, Alexa, Siri, the internet connected cars and ring doorbells...... And let's return to the REAL WORLD!

    Screw them and their digital prisons!
    And especially screw their "Bread and Circuses!"

    ESPN Columnist Bemoans America’s ‘Lost Freedoms’ Due to ‘Forced Patriotism,’ ‘Roe’ Overturn, Guns Now I don't know about you guys and gals.... But #Sports all around is NOTHING MORE THAN THE "CIRCUS" You know... "Bread and Circuses" or "Cake and Circuses" The people who control this world are #Evil beyond your comprehension, they can pray to #Satan, hack a baby to death and then EAT IT! They actually do this type of thing on a regular basis! They use #Police and the #FBI to arrest those who speak out It's usually the VICTIM who tells on them after being raped as a child.... Instead of arresting the scumbag perpetrators who are usually in #Congress, the #Media, or the #Banking business or #Hollywood.... THEY WILL ARREST THE VICTIM ! Look into the TRUTH about Boystown! My point being is SCREW THEIR DISTRACTIONS! Screw football, basketball, hockey, and the rest... It's ALL a distraction!!! While you are home with your head up the arse of "Sports" you have some REALLY EVIL PEOPLE trying to murder you, me, and our children. Now I don't know about you... But my eyes are not going to be diverted from that FACT by their BS "Bread and Circuses" ESPN is as useless as their circus! And right now TODAY you should vote with your dollars and CANCEL ESPN! You have an excuse right here (if u need 1) NOBODY has "forced" anyone to be Patriotic! I'll bet you this scumbag is fine with forced jabs though! These people are Evil and wish nothing more than to destroy the country, the economy, you, me, our children... and ultimately Freedom itself! History contains NONE worse than the current crop of sociopaths & demons! Television itself is a tool of control and brainwashing! Google the PATENT on mind control and mental manipulation for yourself! TURN OFF THE TELEVISION PROPAGANDA AND BRAINWASHING!!! And live in REALITY for a change! Cancel ALL CABLE TELEVISION and streaming services too! Send them a clear message and clear your mind of their brainwashing! Social media is just as bad really! The people who run these tools of manipulation know you better with every "Like" or "Dislike" you post! They can then use this information to make you ANGRY! Or make you sad. Make you have a good day or a bad day.... ALL BY MANIPULATING THE POSTS YOU SEE!!! They can even incite riots and overthrow governments using just this! JUST SAY NO! Trash the cell phone, Alexa, Siri, the internet connected cars and ring doorbells...... And let's return to the REAL WORLD! Screw them and their digital prisons! And especially screw their "Bread and Circuses!" https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2022/07/05/espn-columnist-rips-americas-lost-freedoms-because-of-forced-patriotism-roe-overturn-guns/
    ESPN Columnist Bemoans America's 'Lost Freedoms' Due to 'Forced Patriotism,' 'Roe' Overturn, Guns
    On Independence Day, ESPN proudly highlighted an anti-American screed by leftist columnist Howard Bryant who said the U.S. has lost freedoms.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 545 Views
  • https://anonhq.com/police-take-down-massive-pedo-ring-website-boystown-with-over-400000-members-worldwide/
    Police Take Down Massive Pedo Ring Website “Boystown” With Over 400,000 Members Worldwide
    One of the largest child pornography platforms on the darknet has been taken down by authorities in a joint operation.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 191 Views
  • FBI Accidentally Admits to Jan 6 FBI Operation

    For your entire life you've been told that #Government is the
    "Good Guys" who are here to protect you from the #Criminals!

    But today, for the first time, you can actually SEE THE #Truth!
    The GOVERNMENT are the #Criminals!

    They use their reputation as "The good guys" to cloak their CRIMINAL deeds and #Murders! The #FBI has long protected the #Pedophines in Washington DC from being held accountable!

    Look into the "Boystown" incident if you don't believe me!
    Where they arrested the VICTIMS and never did ANYTHING to the pedophile scum!

    The largest Organized Crime Ring on the Earth is those who claim to "Govern." You were born into the #Propaganda and never had a reason to question it!

    I DID! And the reason I've always known this... Is because I've been their victim! I KNOW they don't seek Justice! They ONLY SEEK CONTROL! Prosecutors will GLADLY prosecute innocent people!

    I've had them try to prosecute me! Using a "witness" who had told them I had NOT done what they said! Even after taking that witness to court with me they refused to drop the case! UNTIL that person filed a DOCUMENT with the court!

    These people are the most dishonest and corrupt on the earth!
    ALL LAWYERS / JUDGES / POLICE / POLITICIANS have been granted "special privileges" and are "Above the Law"

    And their training does the rest!
    It's the largest Mafia the earth has ever seen... GOVERNMENT!
    There are NO COUNTRIES! They are all working TOGETHER!

    They only do the country thing so they can get us to shoot one another to please Satan.... THEIR MASTER!

    FBI Accidentally Admits to Jan 6 FBI Operation For your entire life you've been told that #Government is the "Good Guys" who are here to protect you from the #Criminals! But today, for the first time, you can actually SEE THE #Truth! The GOVERNMENT are the #Criminals! They use their reputation as "The good guys" to cloak their CRIMINAL deeds and #Murders! The #FBI has long protected the #Pedophines in Washington DC from being held accountable! Look into the "Boystown" incident if you don't believe me! Where they arrested the VICTIMS and never did ANYTHING to the pedophile scum! The largest Organized Crime Ring on the Earth is those who claim to "Govern." You were born into the #Propaganda and never had a reason to question it! I DID! And the reason I've always known this... Is because I've been their victim! I KNOW they don't seek Justice! They ONLY SEEK CONTROL! Prosecutors will GLADLY prosecute innocent people! I've had them try to prosecute me! Using a "witness" who had told them I had NOT done what they said! Even after taking that witness to court with me they refused to drop the case! UNTIL that person filed a DOCUMENT with the court! These people are the most dishonest and corrupt on the earth! ALL LAWYERS / JUDGES / POLICE / POLITICIANS have been granted "special privileges" and are "Above the Law" And their training does the rest! It's the largest Mafia the earth has ever seen... GOVERNMENT! There are NO COUNTRIES! They are all working TOGETHER! They only do the country thing so they can get us to shoot one another to please Satan.... THEIR MASTER! https://rumble.com/vv8tcb-fbi-accidentally-admits-to-jan-6-fbi-operation.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Mr+Reagan&ep=2
    FBI Accidentally Admits to Jan 6 FBI Operation
    📲 Get The Fastest No-Log VPN Today: 📲 http://www.virtualshield.com/mrreagan Start Today For FREE for 30 days ^^ Click Above ----------------------------------------------- CHECK OUT my latest MR PEAGA
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 221 Views
  • Trudeau's Dark Pedophilia Network Exposed: Human Trafficking, Sex Crimes, And Pedophilia

    The ENTIRE #Government SYSTEM, INCLUDING THE #Judiciary and #Courts are here TO DEFEND THE #Pedophiles!

    The #FBI exists to PROTECT AND DEFEND THE PEDOPHILES FROM #Congress and the White House!!!

    Don't believe me??? Look into the "BoysTown" incident.... Where 5 minors came forward identifying CONGRESSMEN and people from within the WHITE HOUSE as the pedophiles who abused them!!!

    WHAT DID THE FBI DO??? They threatened & JAILED the VICTIMS who refused to recant their stories!!!

    The VICTIMS got sentences (For supposed perjury) longer than those that PEDOPHILES RECEIVE!!! There is no disputing these FACTS!

    They have MURDERED others who were trying to tell the story!!! It's ALL controlled by Hollywood, the Media, and Government controlled #Propaganda to keep YOU off their trail!

    It's TIME for HUMANITY to take back control of OUR WORLD from these Satanic Pedophile scumbags!!!

    Trudeau's Dark Pedophilia Network Exposed: Human Trafficking, Sex Crimes, And Pedophilia The ENTIRE #Government SYSTEM, INCLUDING THE #Judiciary and #Courts are here TO DEFEND THE #Pedophiles! The #FBI exists to PROTECT AND DEFEND THE PEDOPHILES FROM #Congress and the White House!!! Don't believe me??? Look into the "BoysTown" incident.... Where 5 minors came forward identifying CONGRESSMEN and people from within the WHITE HOUSE as the pedophiles who abused them!!! WHAT DID THE FBI DO??? They threatened & JAILED the VICTIMS who refused to recant their stories!!! The VICTIMS got sentences (For supposed perjury) longer than those that PEDOPHILES RECEIVE!!! There is no disputing these FACTS! They have MURDERED others who were trying to tell the story!!! It's ALL controlled by Hollywood, the Media, and Government controlled #Propaganda to keep YOU off their trail! It's TIME for HUMANITY to take back control of OUR WORLD from these Satanic Pedophile scumbags!!! https://rumble.com/vv4cdm-trudeaus-dark-pedophilia-network-exposed-human-trafficking-sex-crimes-and-p.html
    Trudeau's Dark Pedophilia Network Exposed: Human Trafficking, Sex Crimes, And Pedophilia
    Everyone knows that Margaret Trudeau was a world-class whore, but its not public that her tyranny-loving son may be behind a dark sex trafficking syndicate in Canada. Sandy Glaze exposes the crimes. G
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 251 Views
  • #Police themselves probably do not even realize it, because they have been brainwashed like everyone else!

    The POLICE are NOT hired to "Protect and Serve" YOU!
    They are hired to "Protect and Serve" their #Corporate Masters! The #Criminals which hold political office in every country of the world!

    This entire BS "Democratic System" is nothing more than a #Fraud, a system put into place to make YOU A #SLAVE!

    The Police, FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, NASA, CONGRESS, and even the PRESIDENT are part of an elaborate FRAUD!

    They lie in your face and tell you they "Represent YOU" but that is NOT the truth! What they do is protect the CRIMINALS who work for the #Vatican. It is part of an ancient system of control!

    It is the very same system used by the "money changers" spoken of in the bible! You know.... The ones that Yahushua (or Jesus) ran out of the temple with a whip!

    You can look into "Boystown" where several children reported being sexually abused by members of Congress, and even people from the White House....... The FBI never made any arrests of the #Pedophiles........ NOT ONE!

    But they DID arrest a couple of the children for EXPOSING their bosses! These people are literally protecting the Devil himself and those who are loyal to him!

    EVERYTHING you've ever been taught about living in a "Constitutional Republic" with a government that is "By the People, and of the People" is a LIE!

    YOU are a slave. Slaves are NOT allowed in government!
    Government violates the supposed "Constitution" every day! They pass laws which violate it EVERY DAY!

    “But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.”

    ― Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority

    SCOTUS who is supposed to protect the rights of "The People" is actually PART OF THE ILLUSION! The entire medical industry and the entire "Legal" profession, and the entire government itself.... It's ALL PART OF A SYSTEM OF CONTROL!

    I NEVER CONSENTED TO DELEGATING MY AUTHORITY TO ANOTHER! The entirety of government is a system of CONTROL

    A system of SLAVERY! A plantation. And the Police are the ones charged with "Keeping the slaves in line"

    They supposedly "Took and Oath to protect & defend the Constitution".... I wonder when they'll START doing that?

    Right now, and for the past 54 years, all I've seen them do is to collect revenue and go after those who threaten government power or EXPOSE GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION!!!

    They have a monopoly on the use of force and violence!

    #Police themselves probably do not even realize it, because they have been brainwashed like everyone else! The POLICE are NOT hired to "Protect and Serve" YOU! They are hired to "Protect and Serve" their #Corporate Masters! The #Criminals which hold political office in every country of the world! This entire BS "Democratic System" is nothing more than a #Fraud, a system put into place to make YOU A #SLAVE! The Police, FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, NASA, CONGRESS, and even the PRESIDENT are part of an elaborate FRAUD! They lie in your face and tell you they "Represent YOU" but that is NOT the truth! What they do is protect the CRIMINALS who work for the #Vatican. It is part of an ancient system of control! It is the very same system used by the "money changers" spoken of in the bible! You know.... The ones that Yahushua (or Jesus) ran out of the temple with a whip! You can look into "Boystown" where several children reported being sexually abused by members of Congress, and even people from the White House....... The FBI never made any arrests of the #Pedophiles........ NOT ONE! But they DID arrest a couple of the children for EXPOSING their bosses! These people are literally protecting the Devil himself and those who are loyal to him! EVERYTHING you've ever been taught about living in a "Constitutional Republic" with a government that is "By the People, and of the People" is a LIE! YOU are a slave. Slaves are NOT allowed in government! Government violates the supposed "Constitution" every day! They pass laws which violate it EVERY DAY! “But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.” ― Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority SCOTUS who is supposed to protect the rights of "The People" is actually PART OF THE ILLUSION! The entire medical industry and the entire "Legal" profession, and the entire government itself.... It's ALL PART OF A SYSTEM OF CONTROL! I NEVER CONSENTED TO DELEGATING MY AUTHORITY TO ANOTHER! The entirety of government is a system of CONTROL A system of SLAVERY! A plantation. And the Police are the ones charged with "Keeping the slaves in line" They supposedly "Took and Oath to protect & defend the Constitution".... I wonder when they'll START doing that? Right now, and for the past 54 years, all I've seen them do is to collect revenue and go after those who threaten government power or EXPOSE GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION!!! They have a monopoly on the use of force and violence! DID YOU AGREE TO GIVE THEM THAT MONOPOLY? https://youtu.be/3QPx1s6aiRM
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 231 Views
  • If you haven't had a chance to read this, please read it, and share it across your social media platforms. I've been informed that this whistleblower has now provided evidence to multiple congress members and that he is now reaching out to major podcast to tell his story.

    "If Dr. Andrew Huff is telling the truth, Fauci, Collins, and Daszak are not covering up the lab origin only for themselves, but also for the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, and the U.S. Government."

    Well....... I actually ALREADY KNEW THIS!!! But I could not prove it! The US #Government and it's Agencies are ALL #Corrupt and #Evil! I'm talking about evil as in worship #Satan evil!

    The #FBI and #CIA and the rest of those federal agencies are in position to PROTECT THE CORRUPT GOVERNMENT! NOT to uphold the law!

    Look what happened at boystown.... Where the 5 minors came forward and told of sexual abuse inside the White House and all over DC with members of Congress etc...

    NOBODY was ever arrested....... EXCEPT THE CHILDREN who had been victimized! These people need to go to PRISON!
    They'd be more than happy to send YOU!

    The #Police are going to have to decide where they stand!
    If they wish to stand with the Pedophiles that's fine... We just need a solid answer!

    If you haven't had a chance to read this, please read it, and share it across your social media platforms. I've been informed that this whistleblower has now provided evidence to multiple congress members and that he is now reaching out to major podcast to tell his story. "If Dr. Andrew Huff is telling the truth, Fauci, Collins, and Daszak are not covering up the lab origin only for themselves, but also for the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, and the U.S. Government." Well....... I actually ALREADY KNEW THIS!!! But I could not prove it! The US #Government and it's Agencies are ALL #Corrupt and #Evil! I'm talking about evil as in worship #Satan evil! The #FBI and #CIA and the rest of those federal agencies are in position to PROTECT THE CORRUPT GOVERNMENT! NOT to uphold the law! Look what happened at boystown.... Where the 5 minors came forward and told of sexual abuse inside the White House and all over DC with members of Congress etc... NOBODY was ever arrested....... EXCEPT THE CHILDREN who had been victimized! These people need to go to PRISON! They'd be more than happy to send YOU! The #Police are going to have to decide where they stand! If they wish to stand with the Pedophiles that's fine... We just need a solid answer! https://kanekoa.substack.com/p/was-peter-daszak-working-for-the
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 244 Views

    We have #Evil persons within the #Government, actually throughout the government, who seek to genetically modify humanity without their consent!

    Let me tell you something about "Muslim Extremists".....

    If we want to genetically modify people, let's START WITH GOVERNMENT!

    Your entire government is run by #Satanic scumbags!
    Research the #FBI and Satanic Rituals and then research how the FBI protects #Pedophiles! (Look into BoysTown)

    #Evil and Masonic Rituals are all these people care about!
    EVERYTHING to do with #Terrorism was orchestrated by government to gain more control over YOU!

    the government was responsible for 9-11 just like EVERY WAR throughout history! Pearl Harbor??? Yeah, let's go park our ENTIRE FLEET in one place! yeah okay

    It's all about controlling YOU and encroaching upon YOUR FREEDOM

    THE VACCINE FOR RELIGION We have #Evil persons within the #Government, actually throughout the government, who seek to genetically modify humanity without their consent! Let me tell you something about "Muslim Extremists"..... IT'S YOUR GOVERNMENT! GOVERNMENT BLEW UP THE TRADE TOWERS JUST LIKE GOVERNMENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE "VIRUS"! If we want to genetically modify people, let's START WITH GOVERNMENT! Your entire government is run by #Satanic scumbags! Research the #FBI and Satanic Rituals and then research how the FBI protects #Pedophiles! (Look into BoysTown) #Evil and Masonic Rituals are all these people care about! EVERYTHING to do with #Terrorism was orchestrated by government to gain more control over YOU! the government was responsible for 9-11 just like EVERY WAR throughout history! Pearl Harbor??? Yeah, let's go park our ENTIRE FLEET in one place! yeah okay It's all about controlling YOU and encroaching upon YOUR FREEDOM https://www.bitchute.com/video/ACUsNrml2o8a/
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 242 Views
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