• Jimmy Dore is among the few who truly understand what soldiers and cops really are.

    Cops are pigs. Soldiers are dogs. And there are no exceptions.

    Saying that there are good cops is a fatal logical error. It's the kind of error that makes you intellectually unrespectable.

    The myth that there are some good cops out there is only accepted by mediocre people with low-quality minds. These brainwashed idiots can't distinguish between jobs and people.

    What does it mean to be a good person? It means that you have free will and the ability to distinguish between the good and the bad while choosing the good.

    But being a cop is a profession, and cops don't have free will. They're order-followers. A cop is an order-follower, just like a soldier. They MUST follow orders no matter what they may be and regardless of what their personal views are.

    And these orders and laws are ALWAYS imposed in a top-down structure by political oppressors who are corrupt in nature and are employed by a secretive criminal cabal of international bankers.

    The military takes 17-year-old kids and crushes their spirit and character turning them into mindless automatons with one purpose and one purpose only: to kill on command. The military produces heartless killers who simply follow orders and don't have a single original thought in the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thick heads.

    ONLY true brainwashed idiots join the military and allow themselves to be humiliated, abused, insulted, and kicked around like garbage by their superiors. After an idiot joins the army, he/she is not a human being anymore. He/she is just a boot, which is always ready to be kicked around into battlefields to murder poor people like himself/herself in impoverished countries for the benefit of America's corporations.

    The military of ANY country is a monstrosity that creates monstrosities. It's time to grow a brain. No matter which country you're in, you should use your brain for a moment and realize that the military is a terrorist organization for death and destruction. The brainless idiots who join the military should be shamed, ridiculed, and disavowed.

    In short, cops and soldiers are pigs and dogs. They're slaves to their masters (the political and the banking class) and their job is to punish and enslave a population.

    It's time to wake up, you brainwashed idiots!

    #JustFollowingOrders #DefundThePolice #NoJusticeNoPeace #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #PoliceBrutality #PoliceState #AmericanPoliceState #FascistPoliceState #QualifiedImmunity #KillerCops #PoliceViolence #LicensedKillers #BlueKluxKlan #ObeyOrDie #ThinBlueLine #TheThinBlueLine #ICantBreathe #GeorgeFloyd #JusticeForFloyd #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #ToPunishAndEnslave #ToProtectAndServe #PunishAndEnslave #ProtectAndServe #AFTP #AlwaysFilmThePolice #Cops #NaziCops #Police #LawEnforcement #MilitarizedPolice #LandOfTheUnfree #HomeOfTheSlaves #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarIsARacket #LMT #Boeing #Raytheon #Halliburton #LockheedMartin #DepartmentOfWar #Terrorism #StateTerrorism #AmericanTerrorism #AmericanDroneStrike #DroneStrike #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #AgentOrange #ChemicalWeapons

    Jimmy Dore is among the few who truly understand what soldiers and cops really are. Cops are pigs. Soldiers are dogs. And there are no exceptions. Saying that there are good cops is a fatal logical error. It's the kind of error that makes you intellectually unrespectable. The myth that there are some good cops out there is only accepted by mediocre people with low-quality minds. These brainwashed idiots can't distinguish between jobs and people. What does it mean to be a good person? It means that you have free will and the ability to distinguish between the good and the bad while choosing the good. But being a cop is a profession, and cops don't have free will. They're order-followers. A cop is an order-follower, just like a soldier. They MUST follow orders no matter what they may be and regardless of what their personal views are. And these orders and laws are ALWAYS imposed in a top-down structure by political oppressors who are corrupt in nature and are employed by a secretive criminal cabal of international bankers. The military takes 17-year-old kids and crushes their spirit and character turning them into mindless automatons with one purpose and one purpose only: to kill on command. The military produces heartless killers who simply follow orders and don't have a single original thought in the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thick heads. ONLY true brainwashed idiots join the military and allow themselves to be humiliated, abused, insulted, and kicked around like garbage by their superiors. After an idiot joins the army, he/she is not a human being anymore. He/she is just a boot, which is always ready to be kicked around into battlefields to murder poor people like himself/herself in impoverished countries for the benefit of America's corporations. The military of ANY country is a monstrosity that creates monstrosities. It's time to grow a brain. No matter which country you're in, you should use your brain for a moment and realize that the military is a terrorist organization for death and destruction. The brainless idiots who join the military should be shamed, ridiculed, and disavowed. In short, cops and soldiers are pigs and dogs. They're slaves to their masters (the political and the banking class) and their job is to punish and enslave a population. It's time to wake up, you brainwashed idiots! #JustFollowingOrders #DefundThePolice #NoJusticeNoPeace #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #PoliceBrutality #PoliceState #AmericanPoliceState #FascistPoliceState #QualifiedImmunity #KillerCops #PoliceViolence #LicensedKillers #BlueKluxKlan #ObeyOrDie #ThinBlueLine #TheThinBlueLine #ICantBreathe #GeorgeFloyd #JusticeForFloyd #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #ToPunishAndEnslave #ToProtectAndServe #PunishAndEnslave #ProtectAndServe #AFTP #AlwaysFilmThePolice #Cops #NaziCops #Police #LawEnforcement #MilitarizedPolice #LandOfTheUnfree #HomeOfTheSlaves #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarIsARacket #LMT #Boeing #Raytheon #Halliburton #LockheedMartin #DepartmentOfWar #Terrorism #StateTerrorism #AmericanTerrorism #AmericanDroneStrike #DroneStrike #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #AgentOrange #ChemicalWeapons Sources: https://is.gd/PWb4eY https://is.gd/pFAeRl https://is.gd/bBfOKy https://is.gd/PIqfxw https://is.gd/hVAghk https://is.gd/YUwiiu https://is.gd/tSyl3S https://is.gd/JR6a0q
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 15K Views
  • Do you want to be insulted, humiliated, shamed, ridiculed, brainwashed, degraded, and murdered by the worst terrorist organization in the history of humanity? Join the American military!

    #KeyAndPeele #VeteransDay #VeteransDay2020 #IraqWar #IraqWarVeteran #IraqWarVeterans #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarIsARacket #LMT #Boeing #Raytheon #Halliburton #LockheedMartin #DepartmentOfWar #Terrorism #StateTerrorism #AmericanTerrorism #AmericanDroneStrike #DroneStrike #Taliban #Afghanistan #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #AgentOrange #ChemicalWeapons

    Do you want to be insulted, humiliated, shamed, ridiculed, brainwashed, degraded, and murdered by the worst terrorist organization in the history of humanity? Join the American military! #KeyAndPeele #VeteransDay #VeteransDay2020 #IraqWar #IraqWarVeteran #IraqWarVeterans #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarIsARacket #LMT #Boeing #Raytheon #Halliburton #LockheedMartin #DepartmentOfWar #Terrorism #StateTerrorism #AmericanTerrorism #AmericanDroneStrike #DroneStrike #Taliban #Afghanistan #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #AgentOrange #ChemicalWeapons Sources: https://is.gd/3XXfJW https://is.gd/yw3JXe https://is.gd/7WsWeV https://is.gd/pFAeRl https://is.gd/bBfOKy https://is.gd/PIqfxw https://is.gd/hVAghk https://is.gd/YUwiiu https://is.gd/tSyl3S https://is.gd/JR6a0q
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 6K Views
  • "Our enemies are not in the poorest countries on the planet, but right here in the richest one," said Mike Prysner, an Iraq War veteran.

    Mike was arrested later that day outside the White House along with 130 other veterans in December 2010 after giving this speech.

    On this Veterans Day, speak to a war veteran in your community to discover the trust of war.

    #MikePrysner #VeteransDay #VeteransDay2020 #IraqWar #IraqWarVeteran #IraqWarVeterans #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarIsARacket #LMT #Boeing #Raytheon #Halliburton #LockheedMartin #DepartmentOfWar #Terrorism #StateTerrorism #AmericanTerrorism #AmericanDroneStrike #DroneStrike #Taliban #Afghanistan #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #AgentOrange #ChemicalWeapons

    "Our enemies are not in the poorest countries on the planet, but right here in the richest one," said Mike Prysner, an Iraq War veteran. Mike was arrested later that day outside the White House along with 130 other veterans in December 2010 after giving this speech. On this Veterans Day, speak to a war veteran in your community to discover the trust of war. #MikePrysner #VeteransDay #VeteransDay2020 #IraqWar #IraqWarVeteran #IraqWarVeterans #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarIsARacket #LMT #Boeing #Raytheon #Halliburton #LockheedMartin #DepartmentOfWar #Terrorism #StateTerrorism #AmericanTerrorism #AmericanDroneStrike #DroneStrike #Taliban #Afghanistan #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #AgentOrange #ChemicalWeapons Sources: https://is.gd/yw3JXe https://is.gd/7WsWeV https://is.gd/pFAeRl https://is.gd/bBfOKy https://is.gd/PIqfxw https://is.gd/hVAghk https://is.gd/YUwiiu https://is.gd/tSyl3S https://is.gd/JR6a0q
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 6K Views
  • On this Veterans Day, listen to an Iraq War veteran.

    The ugly truth is that politicians and the Military-Industrial Complex don't care about the 17-year-olds they ship away to die for the benefit of Corporate America's interests.

    Today, around 40,000 veterans are homeless and abandoned on American streets. And 20 veterans commit suicide EVERY DAY! Their country betrayed them and left them to starve and die in the cold streets of the country they killed for based on lies.

    The military takes 17-year-old kids and crushes their spirit and character turning them into mindless automatons with one purpose and one purpose only: to kill on command. The military produces heartless killers who simply follow orders and don't have a single original thought in the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thick heads.

    ONLY true brainwashed idiots join the military and allow themselves to be humiliated, abused, insulted, and kicked around like garbage by his superior. After an idiot joins the army, he/she is not a human being anymore. He/she is just a boot, which is always ready to be kicked around into battlefields to murder poor people like himself/herself in impoverished countries for the benefit of America's corporations.

    The military of ANY country is a monstrosity that creates monstrosities. It's time to grow a brain. No matter which country you're in, you should use your brain for a moment and realize that the military is a terrorist organization for death and destruction. The brainless idiots who join the military should be shamed, ridiculed, and disavowed.

    So what did these brainless veterans fight for? They fought for a terrorist organization called the United States government for the benefit of its corporations and banking class. That's what they really fought for, you brainless shameless sheeple!

    #VeteransDay #VeteransDay2020 #MikePrysner #IraqWar #IraqWarVeteran #IraqWarVeterans #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarIsARacket #LMT #Boeing #Raytheon #Halliburton #LockheedMartin #DepartmentOfWar #Terrorism #StateTerrorism #AmericanTerrorism #AmericanDroneStrike #DroneStrike #Taliban #Afghanistan #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #AgentOrange #ChemicalWeapons

    On this Veterans Day, listen to an Iraq War veteran. The ugly truth is that politicians and the Military-Industrial Complex don't care about the 17-year-olds they ship away to die for the benefit of Corporate America's interests. Today, around 40,000 veterans are homeless and abandoned on American streets. And 20 veterans commit suicide EVERY DAY! Their country betrayed them and left them to starve and die in the cold streets of the country they killed for based on lies. The military takes 17-year-old kids and crushes their spirit and character turning them into mindless automatons with one purpose and one purpose only: to kill on command. The military produces heartless killers who simply follow orders and don't have a single original thought in the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thick heads. ONLY true brainwashed idiots join the military and allow themselves to be humiliated, abused, insulted, and kicked around like garbage by his superior. After an idiot joins the army, he/she is not a human being anymore. He/she is just a boot, which is always ready to be kicked around into battlefields to murder poor people like himself/herself in impoverished countries for the benefit of America's corporations. The military of ANY country is a monstrosity that creates monstrosities. It's time to grow a brain. No matter which country you're in, you should use your brain for a moment and realize that the military is a terrorist organization for death and destruction. The brainless idiots who join the military should be shamed, ridiculed, and disavowed. So what did these brainless veterans fight for? They fought for a terrorist organization called the United States government for the benefit of its corporations and banking class. That's what they really fought for, you brainless shameless sheeple! #VeteransDay #VeteransDay2020 #MikePrysner #IraqWar #IraqWarVeteran #IraqWarVeterans #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarIsARacket #LMT #Boeing #Raytheon #Halliburton #LockheedMartin #DepartmentOfWar #Terrorism #StateTerrorism #AmericanTerrorism #AmericanDroneStrike #DroneStrike #Taliban #Afghanistan #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #AgentOrange #ChemicalWeapons Sources: https://is.gd/pFAeRl https://is.gd/bBfOKy https://is.gd/PIqfxw https://is.gd/hVAghk https://is.gd/YUwiiu https://is.gd/tSyl3S https://is.gd/JR6a0q
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 6K Views
  • 19 years ago, around three thousand innocent people were murdered on 9/11. The heinous crime that took place that day plagued the Middle East with the misery and desolation of war.

    Countries were invaded, citizens were murdered in mass, people were tortured, properties were stolen, resources were sacked, families were destroyed, and freedoms were forfeited.

    Considering the vast power grab the federal government freely practiced after 9/11 leaves no doubt that the U.S. government itself planned and orchestrated the terrorist attack against its own citizens on 9/11.

    The Problem-Reaction-Solution doctrine involves manufacturing a problem to cause a public reaction or shock so that those in power can furnish their premeditated solution. And EVERY TIME those in power use this terrorist doctrine, the solution ALWAYS gives more power and authority to the government.

    Here are the 7 powers that the American government now enjoys thanks to 9/11:

    1. Orwellian government mass surveillance.
    2. Intrusive harassment of American citizens, utter disregard for the constitutional right for a fair trial, and indefinite imprisonment of citizens.
    3. Ever-expanding war budget and endless warfare.
    4. A militarized police state that freely oppresses American citizens with unreasonably excessive searches, home raids, and systematic theft (aka seizures) of properties and assets.
    5. A Big Brother type of airport security that forces citizens to routinely stand in line like cattle, be searched, X-rayed or frisked, and sometimes openly raped with impunity by an airport employee through a procedure known as "cavity search" which involves forcefully stripping passengers naked and violating their bodies by examining the inside of their vagina and rectum.
    6. Utter disregard to the First Amendment right for the freedom of speech by outsourcing the suppression of this liberty to the private sector in the hands of unaccountable private companies like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
    7. A veil of secrecy over government actions and behavior under the guise of national security.

    #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInHistory #NWO #NewWorldOrder #NeverForget #September11 #WTC7 #WTC #WorldTradeCenterBuilding7 #WorldTradeCenter #SecretaryRumsfeld #DeputySecretaryWolfowitz #GeneralWesleyClark #WesleyClark #ProxyWar #WarIsARacket #WarForProfit #BusinessOfWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #September11 #NeverForget #IraqWar #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #Rothschilds #Zionists #Zionist #Zion #Zionism #Israel #GreaterIsrael #ISIS #AlQaeda #ProblemReactionSolution #911Attacks #MassSurveillance #OrwellianNightmare #BigBrother #BigBrotherIsWatching #BigBrotherIsWatchingYou #TSA #AirportSecurity

    19 years ago, around three thousand innocent people were murdered on 9/11. The heinous crime that took place that day plagued the Middle East with the misery and desolation of war. Countries were invaded, citizens were murdered in mass, people were tortured, properties were stolen, resources were sacked, families were destroyed, and freedoms were forfeited. Considering the vast power grab the federal government freely practiced after 9/11 leaves no doubt that the U.S. government itself planned and orchestrated the terrorist attack against its own citizens on 9/11. The Problem-Reaction-Solution doctrine involves manufacturing a problem to cause a public reaction or shock so that those in power can furnish their premeditated solution. And EVERY TIME those in power use this terrorist doctrine, the solution ALWAYS gives more power and authority to the government. Here are the 7 powers that the American government now enjoys thanks to 9/11: 1. Orwellian government mass surveillance. 2. Intrusive harassment of American citizens, utter disregard for the constitutional right for a fair trial, and indefinite imprisonment of citizens. 3. Ever-expanding war budget and endless warfare. 4. A militarized police state that freely oppresses American citizens with unreasonably excessive searches, home raids, and systematic theft (aka seizures) of properties and assets. 5. A Big Brother type of airport security that forces citizens to routinely stand in line like cattle, be searched, X-rayed or frisked, and sometimes openly raped with impunity by an airport employee through a procedure known as "cavity search" which involves forcefully stripping passengers naked and violating their bodies by examining the inside of their vagina and rectum. 6. Utter disregard to the First Amendment right for the freedom of speech by outsourcing the suppression of this liberty to the private sector in the hands of unaccountable private companies like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. 7. A veil of secrecy over government actions and behavior under the guise of national security. #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInHistory #NWO #NewWorldOrder #NeverForget #September11 #WTC7 #WTC #WorldTradeCenterBuilding7 #WorldTradeCenter #SecretaryRumsfeld #DeputySecretaryWolfowitz #GeneralWesleyClark #WesleyClark #ProxyWar #WarIsARacket #WarForProfit #BusinessOfWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #September11 #NeverForget #IraqWar #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #Rothschilds #Zionists #Zionist #Zion #Zionism #Israel #GreaterIsrael #ISIS #AlQaeda #ProblemReactionSolution #911Attacks #MassSurveillance #OrwellianNightmare #BigBrother #BigBrotherIsWatching #BigBrotherIsWatchingYou #TSA #AirportSecurity Sources: https://is.gd/1bU5GD https://is.gd/25CY6D https://is.gd/i9z5zM https://is.gd/FewAQh https://is.gd/nMQXWV https://is.gd/Zlbk2l https://is.gd/uqY8X0 https://is.gd/QZlB1K https://is.gd/3Tvojx https://is.gd/MhUrrx https://is.gd/jWMFcq https://is.gd/v56ZQ1 https://is.gd/8R1uQG https://is.gd/yii62E https://is.gd/HB8gxv https://is.gd/C8VNkI
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 9K Views
  • The inside job on September 11 is the crime of the century. It was planned and orchestrated by the military-industrial complex on the commands of the criminal cabal of Zionist international bankers.

    Every post exposing the truth about this inside job helps. The more we post about it and share the work of others, the more people we wake up from deception and enslavement.

    This September 11, never forget that the three World Trade Center buildings were pulled down by pre-planted explosives to usher a Zionist War Of Terror (War On Terror in doublespeak) against Muslims everywhere.

    The Institute of Northern Engineering released a 4-year $300K study last year proving beyond any reasonable doubt that the collapse of WTC 7 involved the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building which can only be accomplished through pre-planted explosives.

    WTC7, which was never hit by an airplane, dropped like a rock straight down symmetrically into its own footprint after eyewitnesses heard sequential explosions in the building.

    A commercial civilian airliner did NOT hit the Pentagon on 9/11 as government propaganda claims. The Pentagon was forced to release a video 5 years ago after a request was officially submitted via the Freedom of Information Act. The video shows a flying object that resembles NOTHING like a commercial airplane but more like a missile hitting the building.

    On July 24, 2019, New York fire commissioners called for a new investigation into the catastrophic events that unfolded that day due to the overwhelming evidence that pre-planted explosives destroyed the three World Trade Center buildings.

    America's War Of Terror is a genocidal racist war against Muslims that's designed to be a forever war and it's currently taking place in the Muslim nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. The American government is estimated to have killed at least 3.1 MILLION Muslims in these countries alone.

    9/11 was 19 years ago, but still, until today we are forced into lines like sheep and searched like criminals. And now with this new planned crisis that's COVID19, do you really think that the mask of shame and social distancing will stop anytime soon?

    #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInHistory #NWO #NewWorldOrder #NeverForget #September11 #WTC7 #WTC #WorldTradeCenterBuilding7 #WorldTradeCenter #SecretaryRumsfeld #DeputySecretaryWolfowitz #GeneralWesleyClark #WesleyClark #ProxyWar #WarIsARacket #WarForProfit #BusinessOfWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #Afghanistan #Lebanon #Syria #Somalia #Sudan #Iran #September11 #NeverForget #IraqWar #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #Rothschilds #Zionists #Zionist #Zion #Zionism #Israel #GreaterIsrael #ISIS #AlQaeda

    The inside job on September 11 is the crime of the century. It was planned and orchestrated by the military-industrial complex on the commands of the criminal cabal of Zionist international bankers. Every post exposing the truth about this inside job helps. The more we post about it and share the work of others, the more people we wake up from deception and enslavement. This September 11, never forget that the three World Trade Center buildings were pulled down by pre-planted explosives to usher a Zionist War Of Terror (War On Terror in doublespeak) against Muslims everywhere. The Institute of Northern Engineering released a 4-year $300K study last year proving beyond any reasonable doubt that the collapse of WTC 7 involved the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building which can only be accomplished through pre-planted explosives. WTC7, which was never hit by an airplane, dropped like a rock straight down symmetrically into its own footprint after eyewitnesses heard sequential explosions in the building. A commercial civilian airliner did NOT hit the Pentagon on 9/11 as government propaganda claims. The Pentagon was forced to release a video 5 years ago after a request was officially submitted via the Freedom of Information Act. The video shows a flying object that resembles NOTHING like a commercial airplane but more like a missile hitting the building. On July 24, 2019, New York fire commissioners called for a new investigation into the catastrophic events that unfolded that day due to the overwhelming evidence that pre-planted explosives destroyed the three World Trade Center buildings. America's War Of Terror is a genocidal racist war against Muslims that's designed to be a forever war and it's currently taking place in the Muslim nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. The American government is estimated to have killed at least 3.1 MILLION Muslims in these countries alone. 9/11 was 19 years ago, but still, until today we are forced into lines like sheep and searched like criminals. And now with this new planned crisis that's COVID19, do you really think that the mask of shame and social distancing will stop anytime soon? #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInHistory #NWO #NewWorldOrder #NeverForget #September11 #WTC7 #WTC #WorldTradeCenterBuilding7 #WorldTradeCenter #SecretaryRumsfeld #DeputySecretaryWolfowitz #GeneralWesleyClark #WesleyClark #ProxyWar #WarIsARacket #WarForProfit #BusinessOfWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #Afghanistan #Lebanon #Syria #Somalia #Sudan #Iran #September11 #NeverForget #IraqWar #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #Rothschilds #Zionists #Zionist #Zion #Zionism #Israel #GreaterIsrael #ISIS #AlQaeda Sources: https://is.gd/25CY6D https://is.gd/i9z5zM https://is.gd/FewAQh https://is.gd/1bU5GD https://is.gd/nMQXWV https://is.gd/Zlbk2l https://is.gd/uqY8X0 https://is.gd/QZlB1K https://is.gd/3Tvojx https://is.gd/MhUrrx https://is.gd/jWMFcq https://is.gd/v56ZQ1 https://is.gd/8R1uQG https://is.gd/yii62E https://is.gd/HB8gxv https://is.gd/C8VNkI
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 7K Views
  • This September 11, never forget that three World Trade Center buildings were pulled down by pre-planted explosives.

    On this day 19 years ago, pre-planted explosives destroyed the three World Trade Center buildings in New York City ushering a Zionist War Of Terror (War On Terror in doublespeak) against Muslims everywhere.

    General Wesley Clark's 2001 list of the 7 countries that will be destroyed by the United States turned out all true. There's ONLY ONE country from that list that yet isn't invaded: Iran.

    Yes, the wars were planned. The attacks on 9/11 were an inside job to adjust the mindset of the American sheeple and manipulate them to accept forever wars until the New World Order and the One World Government become a reality.

    The architects of these wars are, of course, the banks. It's always been the banks. And these banks are owned primarily by the banking dynasties of the Rothschilds (the Jewish dynasty that founded Zionism and created Israel), the Rockefellers (the banking dynasty that founded Big Oil, Big Pharma, and the world's education system), and the Morgans (the banking dynasty that controls all manufacturing).

    This secretive banking class has the authority to counterfeit an infinite supply of money on demand and loan it to governments with interest. ALL the money in the world is owed to this banking class. Governments are never allowed to issue their own money but MUST always borrow it as a loan with interest from this banking class.

    Since Napoleon, the Rothschilds have been funding both sides of every war. Today they own almost every central bank on Earth. Iraq did not have a Zionist central bank until it was invaded by the United States and destroyed in 2003. Libya did not have a Zionist central bank, and that's why it was invaded and destroyed in 2011. Iran does not have a Zionist central bank yet, which is why it will soon be invaded and destroyed either by the United States directly or by one of America's mercenary armies like ISIS and Al Qaeda.

    And you idiot will keep voting for the next puppet politician you see on TV and pledge allegiance to this secretive terrorist organization because the TV told you so. It's time to grow a brain...

    #NWO #NewWorldOrder #NeverForget #September11 #WTC7 #WTC #WorldTradeCenterBuilding7 #WorldTradeCenter #SecretaryRumsfeld #DeputySecretaryWolfowitz #GeneralWesleyClark #WesleyClark #ProxyWar #WarIsARacket #WarForProfit #BusinessOfWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #Afghanistan #Lebanon #Syria #Somalia #Sudan #Iran #September11 #NeverForget #IraqWar #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #Rothschilds #Zionists #Zionist #Zion #Zionism #Israel #GreaterIsrael #ISIS #AlQaeda

    This September 11, never forget that three World Trade Center buildings were pulled down by pre-planted explosives. On this day 19 years ago, pre-planted explosives destroyed the three World Trade Center buildings in New York City ushering a Zionist War Of Terror (War On Terror in doublespeak) against Muslims everywhere. General Wesley Clark's 2001 list of the 7 countries that will be destroyed by the United States turned out all true. There's ONLY ONE country from that list that yet isn't invaded: Iran. Yes, the wars were planned. The attacks on 9/11 were an inside job to adjust the mindset of the American sheeple and manipulate them to accept forever wars until the New World Order and the One World Government become a reality. The architects of these wars are, of course, the banks. It's always been the banks. And these banks are owned primarily by the banking dynasties of the Rothschilds (the Jewish dynasty that founded Zionism and created Israel), the Rockefellers (the banking dynasty that founded Big Oil, Big Pharma, and the world's education system), and the Morgans (the banking dynasty that controls all manufacturing). This secretive banking class has the authority to counterfeit an infinite supply of money on demand and loan it to governments with interest. ALL the money in the world is owed to this banking class. Governments are never allowed to issue their own money but MUST always borrow it as a loan with interest from this banking class. Since Napoleon, the Rothschilds have been funding both sides of every war. Today they own almost every central bank on Earth. Iraq did not have a Zionist central bank until it was invaded by the United States and destroyed in 2003. Libya did not have a Zionist central bank, and that's why it was invaded and destroyed in 2011. Iran does not have a Zionist central bank yet, which is why it will soon be invaded and destroyed either by the United States directly or by one of America's mercenary armies like ISIS and Al Qaeda. And you idiot will keep voting for the next puppet politician you see on TV and pledge allegiance to this secretive terrorist organization because the TV told you so. It's time to grow a brain... #NWO #NewWorldOrder #NeverForget #September11 #WTC7 #WTC #WorldTradeCenterBuilding7 #WorldTradeCenter #SecretaryRumsfeld #DeputySecretaryWolfowitz #GeneralWesleyClark #WesleyClark #ProxyWar #WarIsARacket #WarForProfit #BusinessOfWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #Afghanistan #Lebanon #Syria #Somalia #Sudan #Iran #September11 #NeverForget #IraqWar #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #Rothschilds #Zionists #Zionist #Zion #Zionism #Israel #GreaterIsrael #ISIS #AlQaeda Sources: https://is.gd/nMQXWV https://is.gd/xhlFqq https://is.gd/kUjdGy https://is.gd/xhlFqq https://is.gd/Zlbk2l https://is.gd/uqY8X0 https://is.gd/QZlB1K https://is.gd/3Tvojx https://is.gd/MhUrrx https://is.gd/jWMFcq https://is.gd/v56ZQ1 https://is.gd/8R1uQG https://is.gd/yii62E https://is.gd/HB8gxv https://is.gd/C8VNkI
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 5K Views
  • General Wesley Clark's 2001 list of the 7 countries that will be destroyed by the United States turned out all true. There's ONLY ONE country from that list that yet isn't invaded: Iran. Yes, the wars were planned. The attacks on 9/11 were an inside job to adjust the mindset of the American sheeple and manipulate them to accept a forever war until the New World Order and the One World Government become a reality. The architects of these wars are, of course, the banks. It's always been the banks. And these banks are owned primarily by the banking dynasties of the Rothschilds (the Jewish dynasty that founded Zionism and created Israel), the Rockefellers (the banking dynasty that founded Big Oil and Big Pharma), and the Morgans (the banking dynasty that controls all manufacturing). This banking class has the authority to counterfeit an infinite supply of money on demand and loan it to governments with interest. ALL the money in the world is owed to this banking class. Governments are never allowed to issue their own money but MUST always borrow it as a loan with interest from this banking class. Since Napoleon, the Rothschilds have been funding both sides of every war. Today they own almost every central bank on Earth. Iraq did not have a Zionist central bank until it was invaded by the United States and destroyed in 2003. Libya did not have a Zionist central bank, and that's why it was invaded and destroyed in 2011. Iran does not have a Zionist central bank, which is why it will soon be invaded and destroyed either by the United States directly or by one of America's mercenary armies like ISIS and Al Qaeda.

    #NWO #OWG #SecretaryRumsfeld #DeputySecretaryWolfowitz #GeneralWesleyClark #WesleyClark #ProxyWar #SecretaryOfDefense #EconomicBlockade #WarIsARacket #WarForProfit #BusinessOfWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #Afghanistan #Lebanon #Syria #Somalia #Sudan #Iran #September11 #NeverForget #IraqWar #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #Rothschilds #Zionists #Zionist #Zion #Zionism #Israel #GreaterIsrael #ISIS #AlQaeda

    General Wesley Clark's 2001 list of the 7 countries that will be destroyed by the United States turned out all true. There's ONLY ONE country from that list that yet isn't invaded: Iran. Yes, the wars were planned. The attacks on 9/11 were an inside job to adjust the mindset of the American sheeple and manipulate them to accept a forever war until the New World Order and the One World Government become a reality. The architects of these wars are, of course, the banks. It's always been the banks. And these banks are owned primarily by the banking dynasties of the Rothschilds (the Jewish dynasty that founded Zionism and created Israel), the Rockefellers (the banking dynasty that founded Big Oil and Big Pharma), and the Morgans (the banking dynasty that controls all manufacturing). This banking class has the authority to counterfeit an infinite supply of money on demand and loan it to governments with interest. ALL the money in the world is owed to this banking class. Governments are never allowed to issue their own money but MUST always borrow it as a loan with interest from this banking class. Since Napoleon, the Rothschilds have been funding both sides of every war. Today they own almost every central bank on Earth. Iraq did not have a Zionist central bank until it was invaded by the United States and destroyed in 2003. Libya did not have a Zionist central bank, and that's why it was invaded and destroyed in 2011. Iran does not have a Zionist central bank, which is why it will soon be invaded and destroyed either by the United States directly or by one of America's mercenary armies like ISIS and Al Qaeda. #NWO #OWG #SecretaryRumsfeld #DeputySecretaryWolfowitz #GeneralWesleyClark #WesleyClark #ProxyWar #SecretaryOfDefense #EconomicBlockade #WarIsARacket #WarForProfit #BusinessOfWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #Afghanistan #Lebanon #Syria #Somalia #Sudan #Iran #September11 #NeverForget #IraqWar #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #Rothschilds #Zionists #Zionist #Zion #Zionism #Israel #GreaterIsrael #ISIS #AlQaeda Sources: https://is.gd/nMQXWV https://is.gd/xhlFqq https://is.gd/kUjdGy
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 5K Views
  • Behold an indoctrination center for brainwashed idiots who allow themselves to be humiliated, abused, insulted, and kicked around like garbage by Big Brother. The military takes 17-year-old kids and crushes their spirit and character turning them into mindless heartless animals with one purpose and one purpose only: to kill on command. The military produces professional killers who simply follow orders and don't have a single original thought in the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their heads. After an idiot joins the army, he's not a human being anymore. He's just a boot, which is always ready to be kicked around and be tossed into battlefields to murder poor people like himself in impoverished countries for the benefit of America's corporations. The military of ANY country is a monstrosity that creates monstrosities. "You will do what you're told to do when you're told to do it and WITHOUT question. Do you understand?" said the indoctrinator in this video to the fresh supply of meat that'll be tomorrow's hired guns. "Yes, sir," promptly replied the indoctrinated and soon-to-be licensed murderers in Uncle Sam's Military-Industrial Complex. But maybe these idiots will discover later on in their future jobs of murdering innocent populations in the Middle East that war is a racket. Maybe they'll remain brainwashed killers and come back to punish and enslave citizens at home by joining the police force to be a stick in the hands of politicians. The greatest crimes in the world are committed by people following orders. It's order-followers who drop bombs and massacre villages.

    #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarIsARacket #UnitedStates #WarForProfit #WarIsMassMurder #MilitaryIntervention #AmericanArmy #Military #MilitaryTraining #BootCamp #ContractKillers #HiredGun #Soldiers #Veterans #UniformedKillers #AmericanWarNation #BusinessOfWar #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror

    Behold an indoctrination center for brainwashed idiots who allow themselves to be humiliated, abused, insulted, and kicked around like garbage by Big Brother. The military takes 17-year-old kids and crushes their spirit and character turning them into mindless heartless animals with one purpose and one purpose only: to kill on command. The military produces professional killers who simply follow orders and don't have a single original thought in the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their heads. After an idiot joins the army, he's not a human being anymore. He's just a boot, which is always ready to be kicked around and be tossed into battlefields to murder poor people like himself in impoverished countries for the benefit of America's corporations. The military of ANY country is a monstrosity that creates monstrosities. "You will do what you're told to do when you're told to do it and WITHOUT question. Do you understand?" said the indoctrinator in this video to the fresh supply of meat that'll be tomorrow's hired guns. "Yes, sir," promptly replied the indoctrinated and soon-to-be licensed murderers in Uncle Sam's Military-Industrial Complex. But maybe these idiots will discover later on in their future jobs of murdering innocent populations in the Middle East that war is a racket. Maybe they'll remain brainwashed killers and come back to punish and enslave citizens at home by joining the police force to be a stick in the hands of politicians. The greatest crimes in the world are committed by people following orders. It's order-followers who drop bombs and massacre villages. #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarIsARacket #UnitedStates #WarForProfit #WarIsMassMurder #MilitaryIntervention #AmericanArmy #Military #MilitaryTraining #BootCamp #ContractKillers #HiredGun #Soldiers #Veterans #UniformedKillers #AmericanWarNation #BusinessOfWar #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror Sources: https://is.gd/JR6a0q https://is.gd/EK9wWt https://is.gd/FJwk2y
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 5K Views
  • The sad truth is that politicians and the Military-Industrial Complex don't care about the 17-year-olds they ship away to die for the benefit of Corporate America's interests. Today, around 40,000 veterans are homeless and abandoned on American streets. And 20 veterans commit suicide EVERY SINGLE DAY! Their country betrayed them and left them to starve and die in the cold streets of the country they killed for based on lies. The military takes 17-year-old kids and crushes their spirit and character turning them into mindless automatons with one purpose and one purpose only: to kill on command. The military produces professional killers who simply follow orders and don't have a single original thought in the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thickheads. ONLY true brainwashed idiots join the military and allow themselves to be humiliated, abused, insulted, and kicked around like garbage by Big Brother. After an idiot joins the army, he/she is not a human being anymore. He/she is just a boot, which is always ready to be kicked around into battlefields to murder poor people like himself/herself in impoverished countries for the benefit of America's corporations. The military of ANY country is a monstrosity that creates monstrosities. It's time to wake up. It's time to abolish all military everywhere.

    #IraqWar #IraqWarVeteran #IraqWarVeterans #TheWhiteHouse #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarIsARacket #UnitedStates #WarNation #WarForProfit #WarIsMassMurder #MilitaryIntervention #BrainwashedSoldiers #WarOnTerror #WarOfTerror #InfinityWar #ForeverWar #ForeverWars #EndlessWar #EndlessWars #Iraq #CorporateAmerica #BigBrother #MarkEsper #Lobbyist #LMT #Boeing #Raytheon #Halliburton #LockheedMartin #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense

    The sad truth is that politicians and the Military-Industrial Complex don't care about the 17-year-olds they ship away to die for the benefit of Corporate America's interests. Today, around 40,000 veterans are homeless and abandoned on American streets. And 20 veterans commit suicide EVERY SINGLE DAY! Their country betrayed them and left them to starve and die in the cold streets of the country they killed for based on lies. The military takes 17-year-old kids and crushes their spirit and character turning them into mindless automatons with one purpose and one purpose only: to kill on command. The military produces professional killers who simply follow orders and don't have a single original thought in the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thickheads. ONLY true brainwashed idiots join the military and allow themselves to be humiliated, abused, insulted, and kicked around like garbage by Big Brother. After an idiot joins the army, he/she is not a human being anymore. He/she is just a boot, which is always ready to be kicked around into battlefields to murder poor people like himself/herself in impoverished countries for the benefit of America's corporations. The military of ANY country is a monstrosity that creates monstrosities. It's time to wake up. It's time to abolish all military everywhere. #IraqWar #IraqWarVeteran #IraqWarVeterans #TheWhiteHouse #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarIsARacket #UnitedStates #WarNation #WarForProfit #WarIsMassMurder #MilitaryIntervention #BrainwashedSoldiers #WarOnTerror #WarOfTerror #InfinityWar #ForeverWar #ForeverWars #EndlessWar #EndlessWars #Iraq #CorporateAmerica #BigBrother #MarkEsper #Lobbyist #LMT #Boeing #Raytheon #Halliburton #LockheedMartin #WarSecretary #DefenseSecretary #DepartmentOfWar #DepartmentOfDefense Sources: https://is.gd/3XXfJW https://is.gd/pFAeRl https://is.gd/tSyl3S https://is.gd/JR6a0q https://is.gd/v6KIdS https://is.gd/zhoUnX https://is.gd/50QLxY https://is.gd/HrD6RY https://is.gd/JnwoBm
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 8K Views
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