You MUST COMPREHEND we don't have a "government'
    we have a Corporation PRETENDING TO BE A GOVERNMENT!

    This is NOT a "Theory" this is a FACT!
    Now they play games with "ALL CAPS" versus "NOT ALL CAPS" in the definitions,
    but I'm here to tell you right now, the Federal "#Government" is a Satanic, #Pedoophile filled #Corporation folks!

    WAKE UP!!!
    The criminal scumbags have ZERO LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY!
    And they ALL belong in prison!

    WHERE ARE THE PEACEMAKERS? | HARLEY SCHLANGER (SCHILLER INSTITUTE) You MUST COMPREHEND we don't have a "government' we have a Corporation PRETENDING TO BE A GOVERNMENT! This is NOT a "Theory" this is a FACT! Now they play games with "ALL CAPS" versus "NOT ALL CAPS" in the definitions, but I'm here to tell you right now, the Federal "#Government" is a Satanic, #Pedoophile filled #Corporation folks! WAKE UP!!! The criminal scumbags have ZERO LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY! And they ALL belong in prison! https://old.bitchute.com/video/fpHeXR3Iexfo/
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 251 Просмотры
  • The term "Blue Moon" typically refers to either the second full moon in a calendar month or the third full moon in a season that has four full moons, depending on the definition being used.

    According to the seasonal Blue Moon https://truthsocial.com/@Tonynetone/posts/112979448576468967
    The term "Blue Moon" typically refers to either the second full moon in a calendar month or the third full moon in a season that has four full moons, depending on the definition being used. According to the seasonal Blue Moon https://truthsocial.com/@Tonynetone/posts/112979448576468967
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 289 Просмотры
  • https://www.patriotpetition.org/2024/08/07/die-neuen-internationalen-gesundheitsvorschriften-ihr-der-who-muessen-unbedingt-abgelehnt-werden/
    Die neuen Internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften (IHR) der WHO müssen unbedingt abgelehnt werden!

    Die Freude über das Scheitern des globalen Pandemievertrags auf der diesjährigen Weltgesundheitsversammlung war groß. Im Schatten dieses, für die weltweite Freiheitsbewegung immens wichtigen Sieges, hat die WHO jedoch in einer höchst fragwürdigen Nacht- und Nebelaktion weitreichende Änderungen der Internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften (IHR) beschlossen. Ihr Inkrafttreten hätte gravierende Auswirkungen auf unsere Freiheit und würde die Bürgerrechte massiv einschränken.

    Während die Weltöffentlichkeit auf den drohenden Pandemievertrag gerichtet war, nutze die WHO die Gunst der Stunde, um ihre nicht minder gefährlichen Änderungen an den Internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften (IHR) auf den Weg zu bringen. Bei der Abstimmung zu später Stunde ging es nachweislich nicht mit rechten Dingen zu: So wurde das komplexe Vertragswerk den Delegierten in der Endfassung erst unmittelbar vor der Abstimmung vorgelegt, obwohl dies gemäß den Vorschriften der WHO eigentlich mindestens vier Monate vor der Abstimmung hätte geschehen müssen. Der Abstimmungsvorgang selbst erfolgte dann nicht per Stimmzettel oder Handzeichen, sondern per Akklamation, das heißt, der Vorsitzende fragte kurz in die Runde, ob es Einwände gäbe und erklärte den Vertrag dann für angenommen.

    Die Änderungen an den Internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften (IHR) sehen unter anderem eine erhebliche Ausweitung der Machtbefugnisse von WHO-Generaldirektor Tedros vor. Dieser kann nun eine „pandemische Notlage“ ausrufen, ohne diese anhand von Fakten begründen zu müssen. Zudem müssen sich die Vertragsstaaten zu einer Informationskontrolle verpflichten, „einschließlich der Bekämpfung von Fehl- und Desinformationen“. Kredite und Zuschüsse der Internationalen Finanzorganisationen an ärmere Länder sollen als Druckmittel zur Umsetzung von „Empfehlungen“ der WHO eingesetzt werden. Eine neue Definition von „relevanten Gesundheitsprodukten“, die einzig zugelassen sind, um einen Gesundheitsnotstand zu bekämpfen und zu beenden, enthält nun erstmals Zell- und Gentherapien und andere fragwürdige Gesundheitstechnologien.

    Zusammengefasst bedeuten die Änderungen an den Internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften (IHR) für den Bürger weitreichende Zensur auf Geheiß der WHO und Big-Pharma, Überwachung und Digitalisierung, einseitige Lockdown-Ausrufungen durch den Generaldirektor der WHO (bis hin zum „Klima-Lockdown“), die Rückkehr von Test- und Impfzertifikaten, Impfzwang, Quarantäne und Isolation, Contact-Tracing, weitreichende Einschränkungen der Reisefreiheit und Ähnliches. Dies alles dient vor allem auch als Vorbereitung auf den geplanten globalen Pandemievertrag und hätte gravierende Folgen für die Freiheit des Einzelnen. Unsere Bürgerrechte würden massiv eingeschränkt.

    Die gute Nachricht: Wir können das Inkrafttreten der neuen Internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften (IHR) noch stoppen, indem wir die Regierung dazu bringen, innerhalb der zehnmonatigen Frist nach Annahme, also bis spätestens Ende März 2025, Widerspruch einzulegen und gleichzeitig die Ablehnung der Änderungen (sogenanntes Opting-out) zu erklären. Fordern wir deshalb jetzt mit anbei stehender Petition die Gesundheitsminister von Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und Luxemburg nachdrücklich auf, dieses Widerspruchsrecht unverzüglich auszuüben und die Ablehnung der Änderungen gegenüber der WHO zu erklären. Bitte unterzeichnen auch Sie diese enorm wichtige Petition zur Verteidigung unserer Freiheit und nationalen Souveränität und helfen Sie mit, maximalen Widerstand gegen die WHO-Pläne aufzubauen, indem Sie die Petition möglichst zahlreich teilen und an Ihre Freunde und Bekannten weiterleiten.

    Herzlichen Dank!

    Hier unterzeichnen:
    https://www.patriotpetition.org/2024/08/07/die-neuen-internationalen-gesundheitsvorschriften-ihr-der-who-muessen-unbedingt-abgelehnt-werden/ == Die neuen Internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften (IHR) der WHO müssen unbedingt abgelehnt werden! Die Freude über das Scheitern des globalen Pandemievertrags auf der diesjährigen Weltgesundheitsversammlung war groß. Im Schatten dieses, für die weltweite Freiheitsbewegung immens wichtigen Sieges, hat die WHO jedoch in einer höchst fragwürdigen Nacht- und Nebelaktion weitreichende Änderungen der Internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften (IHR) beschlossen. Ihr Inkrafttreten hätte gravierende Auswirkungen auf unsere Freiheit und würde die Bürgerrechte massiv einschränken. Während die Weltöffentlichkeit auf den drohenden Pandemievertrag gerichtet war, nutze die WHO die Gunst der Stunde, um ihre nicht minder gefährlichen Änderungen an den Internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften (IHR) auf den Weg zu bringen. Bei der Abstimmung zu später Stunde ging es nachweislich nicht mit rechten Dingen zu: So wurde das komplexe Vertragswerk den Delegierten in der Endfassung erst unmittelbar vor der Abstimmung vorgelegt, obwohl dies gemäß den Vorschriften der WHO eigentlich mindestens vier Monate vor der Abstimmung hätte geschehen müssen. Der Abstimmungsvorgang selbst erfolgte dann nicht per Stimmzettel oder Handzeichen, sondern per Akklamation, das heißt, der Vorsitzende fragte kurz in die Runde, ob es Einwände gäbe und erklärte den Vertrag dann für angenommen. Die Änderungen an den Internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften (IHR) sehen unter anderem eine erhebliche Ausweitung der Machtbefugnisse von WHO-Generaldirektor Tedros vor. Dieser kann nun eine „pandemische Notlage“ ausrufen, ohne diese anhand von Fakten begründen zu müssen. Zudem müssen sich die Vertragsstaaten zu einer Informationskontrolle verpflichten, „einschließlich der Bekämpfung von Fehl- und Desinformationen“. Kredite und Zuschüsse der Internationalen Finanzorganisationen an ärmere Länder sollen als Druckmittel zur Umsetzung von „Empfehlungen“ der WHO eingesetzt werden. Eine neue Definition von „relevanten Gesundheitsprodukten“, die einzig zugelassen sind, um einen Gesundheitsnotstand zu bekämpfen und zu beenden, enthält nun erstmals Zell- und Gentherapien und andere fragwürdige Gesundheitstechnologien. Zusammengefasst bedeuten die Änderungen an den Internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften (IHR) für den Bürger weitreichende Zensur auf Geheiß der WHO und Big-Pharma, Überwachung und Digitalisierung, einseitige Lockdown-Ausrufungen durch den Generaldirektor der WHO (bis hin zum „Klima-Lockdown“), die Rückkehr von Test- und Impfzertifikaten, Impfzwang, Quarantäne und Isolation, Contact-Tracing, weitreichende Einschränkungen der Reisefreiheit und Ähnliches. Dies alles dient vor allem auch als Vorbereitung auf den geplanten globalen Pandemievertrag und hätte gravierende Folgen für die Freiheit des Einzelnen. Unsere Bürgerrechte würden massiv eingeschränkt. Die gute Nachricht: Wir können das Inkrafttreten der neuen Internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften (IHR) noch stoppen, indem wir die Regierung dazu bringen, innerhalb der zehnmonatigen Frist nach Annahme, also bis spätestens Ende März 2025, Widerspruch einzulegen und gleichzeitig die Ablehnung der Änderungen (sogenanntes Opting-out) zu erklären. Fordern wir deshalb jetzt mit anbei stehender Petition die Gesundheitsminister von Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und Luxemburg nachdrücklich auf, dieses Widerspruchsrecht unverzüglich auszuüben und die Ablehnung der Änderungen gegenüber der WHO zu erklären. Bitte unterzeichnen auch Sie diese enorm wichtige Petition zur Verteidigung unserer Freiheit und nationalen Souveränität und helfen Sie mit, maximalen Widerstand gegen die WHO-Pläne aufzubauen, indem Sie die Petition möglichst zahlreich teilen und an Ihre Freunde und Bekannten weiterleiten. Herzlichen Dank! Hier unterzeichnen: https://www.patriotpetition.org/2024/08/07/die-neuen-internationalen-gesundheitsvorschriften-ihr-der-who-muessen-unbedingt-abgelehnt-werden/
    Die neuen Internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften (IHR) der WHO müssen unbedingt abgelehnt werden!
    Das Inkrafttreten der Änderungen hätte gravierende Auswirkungen auf unsere Freiheit und würde die Bürgerrechte massiv einschränken. 3018 Unterzeichner
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 838 Просмотры
  • Paganism Defined: Part 5
    Based from the story of Nimrod, the mystery religion was created. This religion spread among the different ancient empires of Babylon, Egypt, Persia, Greece, & Rome. This is what paganism is. The purest definition of it. Paganism is the collection of all polytheistic beliefs centered around a central belief. The stories may change, but there are always 4 central figures. They are:

    • Father god
    • The Sun god
    • The Moon goddess (a.k.a Mother god)
    • The son of god

    Now we do not pretend to be luciferin experts. Nor do we contest to being scholars of greek/roman mythology and other religions, but in today’s Information Age, there is enough information available for anyone to gain a broader understanding.

    The chart below illustrates the god & goddess worship of the pagans of different cultures, empires, and religions. It’s impossible not to see the connection from all the stories of these gods & goddesses. The easiest distinction you will find when identifying pagan worshippers is if they worship both Father & Mother god. If there is a both masculine & feminine god in their belief system, then they are a pagan.

    Pagan god List
    Pagan god List

    Now with all of these sun god’s and moon goddesses, another similarity is that they are all birthed from the same father. This father is the ultimate god. He is the creator and bearer of light, of knowledge. He is Father god like referenced earlier. The main connection that most people do not make is that all of these names refer to actually one god. That is lucifer. It’s the same story just different names. Same purposes just different names.

    Names of Lucifer

    Satan is the master deceiver. This is how he will unite the world to worship him. They already are. They’ve been doing it in his name through silence and secrecy for thousands of years. He has created many gods & beliefs centered around him that people all around the world accept & worship. It doesn’t matter which god it is they choose because if it is not true belief in Jesus Christ, it will lead everyone to satan. This is part of the great deception.

    A lot of the prophecy matches God’s true prophecy of the messiah through Jesus Christ. Satan the deceiver has used God’s plan to deceive man. This is what an Anti-Christ is.

    The basis and understanding of this information will allow for greater understanding of the traditions the world keep. It will make you think about what god you actually might be serving without actualization.

    The key points to know are:

    Lucifer is the sun-god
    The birthday of the sun-god is December 25th, the Winter Solstice, the time when the sun is closest to the earth.
    Pagans worship the moon, the moon goddess, Goddess Diana, Ishtar, and her many other names. She is the female, fertility deity. The virgin mother of god.
    She is worshipped on Easter, to celebrate her return each year
    The son of god is always prophesied to return to be a savior of earth
    This is just a summary of the overall connection. It should provoke thought in the reader to make connections with traditions, beliefs, and customs in their own life and review them.

    Paganism Defined: Part 5 03 NOV Based from the story of Nimrod, the mystery religion was created. This religion spread among the different ancient empires of Babylon, Egypt, Persia, Greece, & Rome. This is what paganism is. The purest definition of it. Paganism is the collection of all polytheistic beliefs centered around a central belief. The stories may change, but there are always 4 central figures. They are: • Father god • The Sun god • The Moon goddess (a.k.a Mother god) • The son of god Now we do not pretend to be luciferin experts. Nor do we contest to being scholars of greek/roman mythology and other religions, but in today’s Information Age, there is enough information available for anyone to gain a broader understanding. The chart below illustrates the god & goddess worship of the pagans of different cultures, empires, and religions. It’s impossible not to see the connection from all the stories of these gods & goddesses. The easiest distinction you will find when identifying pagan worshippers is if they worship both Father & Mother god. If there is a both masculine & feminine god in their belief system, then they are a pagan. Pagan god List Pagan god List Now with all of these sun god’s and moon goddesses, another similarity is that they are all birthed from the same father. This father is the ultimate god. He is the creator and bearer of light, of knowledge. He is Father god like referenced earlier. The main connection that most people do not make is that all of these names refer to actually one god. That is lucifer. It’s the same story just different names. Same purposes just different names. Names of Lucifer Satan is the master deceiver. This is how he will unite the world to worship him. They already are. They’ve been doing it in his name through silence and secrecy for thousands of years. He has created many gods & beliefs centered around him that people all around the world accept & worship. It doesn’t matter which god it is they choose because if it is not true belief in Jesus Christ, it will lead everyone to satan. This is part of the great deception. A lot of the prophecy matches God’s true prophecy of the messiah through Jesus Christ. Satan the deceiver has used God’s plan to deceive man. This is what an Anti-Christ is. The basis and understanding of this information will allow for greater understanding of the traditions the world keep. It will make you think about what god you actually might be serving without actualization. The key points to know are: Lucifer is the sun-god The birthday of the sun-god is December 25th, the Winter Solstice, the time when the sun is closest to the earth. Pagans worship the moon, the moon goddess, Goddess Diana, Ishtar, and her many other names. She is the female, fertility deity. The virgin mother of god. She is worshipped on Easter, to celebrate her return each year The son of god is always prophesied to return to be a savior of earth This is just a summary of the overall connection. It should provoke thought in the reader to make connections with traditions, beliefs, and customs in their own life and review them. https://truthunedited.com/study/paganism-defined/
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1606 Просмотры
  • Let's see......

    Well, #Satan and his minions
    have Chille locked down at the moment!

    I mean look folks... They literally SHOW YOU THE TRUTH on their channel! They stated it as clear as day!

    Satan's "signature" is all over this one!
    You have the "All seeing eye" #Symbolism going on here...
    And within the SAME LOGO you have TWO "false gods"

    By the way.... "Lady Justice" who stands over ALL COURTS
    is a small "G" false god!

    And is you go to the "Our Nevada Judges, Inc." YouTube channel..
    IT'S RIGHT THERE FOR YOU TO SEE! It's a #Corporation!

    Just like I told you every day for the past 3 years!
    A "Corporation" only exist because MEN are NOT "Honorable"

    An honorable MAN makes good on any claims made against him!
    A #Criminal creates a "CORPORATION" to hide behind, so that he may not be held accountable!

    He "Shields his-criminal-self against being held accountable by incorporating! A Satanic rouse to not pay your debts and to not be held accountable for your actions!

    That's why these "Black Robed Priests" of the #BAR Association do it, and that is why the CORPORATION of the United States does it too! It's why the CORPORATION of your "Town, City, and STATE" do it too! Because they are CRIMINALS operating within the Satanic "Legal System"

    If they were honorable, and not criminals, they'd operate under YHWH'S LAW - Common Law - The Law of the LAND!

    The definition of "Legal" is "Against YHWH'S LAW"

    So you tell me.....
    WHY is Chille not out yet?
    Let's see...... WHY HAS CHILLE NOT BEEN RELEASED??? Well, #Satan and his minions have Chille locked down at the moment! I mean look folks... They literally SHOW YOU THE TRUTH on their channel! They stated it as clear as day! Satan's "signature" is all over this one! You have the "All seeing eye" #Symbolism going on here... And within the SAME LOGO you have TWO "false gods" By the way.... "Lady Justice" who stands over ALL COURTS is a small "G" false god! And is you go to the "Our Nevada Judges, Inc." YouTube channel.. IT'S RIGHT THERE FOR YOU TO SEE! It's a #Corporation! Just like I told you every day for the past 3 years! A "Corporation" only exist because MEN are NOT "Honorable" An honorable MAN makes good on any claims made against him! A #Criminal creates a "CORPORATION" to hide behind, so that he may not be held accountable! He "Shields his-criminal-self against being held accountable by incorporating! A Satanic rouse to not pay your debts and to not be held accountable for your actions! That's why these "Black Robed Priests" of the #BAR Association do it, and that is why the CORPORATION of the United States does it too! It's why the CORPORATION of your "Town, City, and STATE" do it too! Because they are CRIMINALS operating within the Satanic "Legal System" If they were honorable, and not criminals, they'd operate under YHWH'S LAW - Common Law - The Law of the LAND! The definition of "Legal" is "Against YHWH'S LAW" So you tell me..... WHY is Chille not out yet?
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1173 Просмотры
  • ‘Definition of Corruption’: AG Merrick Garland Calling GOP Lawmakers to Persuade Them Not to Vote for ‘Inherent Contempt’ https://www.infowars.com/posts/definition-of-corruption-ag-merrick-garland-calling-gop-lawmakers-to-persuade-them-not-to-vote-for-inherent-contempt/
    ‘Definition of Corruption’: AG Merrick Garland Calling GOP Lawmakers to Persuade Them Not to Vote for ‘Inherent Contempt’ https://www.infowars.com/posts/definition-of-corruption-ag-merrick-garland-calling-gop-lawmakers-to-persuade-them-not-to-vote-for-inherent-contempt/
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 590 Просмотры
  • https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/this-is-definition-corruption-ag-merrick-garland-is/
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 492 Просмотры
  • Why Americans Are Leaving Third World #Shithole States #ShareThisPost

    Americans are fed-up with democrat-run states and cities. Virtually every one of them can be classified as a third world shithole.

    Ironically, many of those leaving have been suckling on the teat of socialism and cultural Marxism so long, they bring their communistic ideas with them and can't understand why their new hosts don't like them. They're too stupid to realize and understand that the very definition of insanity is doing the same things the same way over and over and over again and expecting different results.

    In 2022, over 817,000 people left California. At the same time, New York experienced a net loss of around 75,000 families. Houses on the northeast and west coasts of the United States were once the most sought-after residences in the nation. Now, people are leaving these areas in droves to live a less expensive and more fulfilling life. Where are people going? Why are they leaving? And could this signal a fundamental shift in the way the United States looks and operates? Let's take a closer look.

    Why Americans Are Leaving Third World #Shithole States #ShareThisPost Americans are fed-up with democrat-run states and cities. Virtually every one of them can be classified as a third world shithole. Ironically, many of those leaving have been suckling on the teat of socialism and cultural Marxism so long, they bring their communistic ideas with them and can't understand why their new hosts don't like them. They're too stupid to realize and understand that the very definition of insanity is doing the same things the same way over and over and over again and expecting different results. In 2022, over 817,000 people left California. At the same time, New York experienced a net loss of around 75,000 families. Houses on the northeast and west coasts of the United States were once the most sought-after residences in the nation. Now, people are leaving these areas in droves to live a less expensive and more fulfilling life. Where are people going? Why are they leaving? And could this signal a fundamental shift in the way the United States looks and operates? Let's take a closer look. https://rumble.com/v51nbh6-why-americans-are-leaving-third-world-shithole-states.html
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1309 Просмотры
  • #SUCKERS #COVIDIOTS #ShareThisPost
    BREAKING: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions

    #SUCKERS #COVIDIOTS #ShareThisPost BREAKING: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions
    BREAKING: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft
    The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has delivered a seismic decision that could reshape public health policy across the nation.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 920 Просмотры
  • While I certainly do NOT give much attention to the lying scumbags at #MSNBC... There is a video halfway down the page that is worth listening to!

    At least the beginning of the video, which talks about the Judge's remarks!
    This Judge has ACTUALLY SPOKEN THE #TRUTH and said it out loud....
    QUALIFIED IMMUNITY IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL and is legislating from the bench

    Every Court in this country is a pathetic joke!

    ANY GROUP OF PEOPLE that would allow the #Crimes and Abuses that have occurred due to "Qualified Immunity," which is used every time some criminal cop kills an innocent man and his dog or whatever... THEY CAN'T BE TRUSTED!

    The Courts have WATCHED as police brutality has skyrocketed, police criminality has skyrocketed, police abuse has skyrocketed, as #Prosecutors become COMPLICIT in the crimes by FAILING TO PROSECUTE THESE CASES UNDER
    18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 AS IS REQUIRED BY LAW!!!

    So technically.... The PROSECUTOR who fails to charge Police or "government" under these statutes is also GUILTY under the same statutes!

    And they need to be TRIED AND CONVICTED under those statutes!

    ANY "statute" or "code" is USELESS when it requires a #Criminal PROSECUTOR to
    "File it." Since the Police, Government, and these Prosecutors are one big happy, criminal family....

    Naturally these prosecutors WON'T PROSECUTE THEIR CRIMINAL FRIENDS!

    Since when did we NEED a corporation (who supposedly "works for us" to file charges against themselves??? I mean they "Investigate themselves" all the time....

    Do you see the problem here?
    We must set up COMMON LAW COURTS across America where ANY AMERICAN can sit in front of other Americans (Acting as jurors and JUDGES) and present their case!

    Then.... after hearing the case, those Americans (unaffiliated with government) rule on the case.... their decisions being BINDING, their sentences carried out immediately

    You see... this way, you could actually get a "fair day in court"
    Unlike now, where you are treated as "Property" under maritime admiralty law

    I'll bet you money that Police Criminality,
    Abuse, and #Violence would abruptly END overnight!

    It's time to END the abuses!

    While I certainly do NOT give much attention to the lying scumbags at #MSNBC... There is a video halfway down the page that is worth listening to! At least the beginning of the video, which talks about the Judge's remarks! This Judge has ACTUALLY SPOKEN THE #TRUTH and said it out loud.... QUALIFIED IMMUNITY IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL and is legislating from the bench Every Court in this country is a pathetic joke! ANY GROUP OF PEOPLE that would allow the #Crimes and Abuses that have occurred due to "Qualified Immunity," which is used every time some criminal cop kills an innocent man and his dog or whatever... THEY CAN'T BE TRUSTED! The Courts have WATCHED as police brutality has skyrocketed, police criminality has skyrocketed, police abuse has skyrocketed, as #Prosecutors become COMPLICIT in the crimes by FAILING TO PROSECUTE THESE CASES UNDER 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 AS IS REQUIRED BY LAW!!! So technically.... The PROSECUTOR who fails to charge Police or "government" under these statutes is also GUILTY under the same statutes! And they need to be TRIED AND CONVICTED under those statutes! ANY "statute" or "code" is USELESS when it requires a #Criminal PROSECUTOR to "File it." Since the Police, Government, and these Prosecutors are one big happy, criminal family.... Naturally these prosecutors WON'T PROSECUTE THEIR CRIMINAL FRIENDS! This is why ANY AMERICAN SHOULD BE ABLE TO FILE UNDER THESE STATUTES! Since when did we NEED a corporation (who supposedly "works for us" to file charges against themselves??? I mean they "Investigate themselves" all the time.... Do you see the problem here? We must set up COMMON LAW COURTS across America where ANY AMERICAN can sit in front of other Americans (Acting as jurors and JUDGES) and present their case! Then.... after hearing the case, those Americans (unaffiliated with government) rule on the case.... their decisions being BINDING, their sentences carried out immediately You see... this way, you could actually get a "fair day in court" Unlike now, where you are treated as "Property" under maritime admiralty law I'll bet you money that Police Criminality, Abuse, and #Violence would abruptly END overnight! It's time to END the abuses! https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/who-is-carlton-reeves-federal-judge-criticises-us-supreme-court-over-its-definition-of-qualified-immunity/ar-BB1mWFzU?ocid=BingNewsSerp
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1458 Просмотры
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